999 resultados para Habilidad intelectual
The objective of this study is to gather information regarding the adaptation of the range of socio educational projects and services aimed at the transition to an adult life of young persons with intellectual disabilities in Spain. The research of the study has been done in three stages. During each stage, a specific tool has been used. One to one in-depth interviews have been undertaken with 45 professionals and 20 individuals with intellectual disabilities. The Delphi method has been applied to two panels consisting of 20 experts each. Firstly, results focus on the approach to different issues related to the devices. Secondly, the training opportunities that these individuals receive to ease the transition period is addressed. And finally, the study refers to the participation of the individuals themselves and their families in the process. The developed analysis allows us to propose strategies to improve the transition to adult life
Based on Science, Technology & Innovation (ST&I) indicators, Brazil is a competitive and interesting country from the point of view of technological foreign investment. However, it is still incipient with regard to national investments, production of technological knowledge, inbound mobility of scientists and technology transfer to the productive sector. Among many other factors, global patent production is considered as an important indicator of innovation. Likewise, the balance between revenue and expenses obtained through royalties and licensing fees of technologies is also critical in mapping the diffusion and absorption of knowledge. The understanding of intellectual property and its strategic management brings a significant advantage to the economic and technological development of nations, especially in the field of chemistry, which greatly contributes to biotechnology, new materials and microelectronics - three fundamental areas for innovation in developed countries. Therefore, this article aims to map out competencies in chemistry in Brazil and evaluate science, technology and innovation indicators in the country, comparing this dynamic to the one of other BRIC members (Russia, India and China). Chemistry is the fourth biggest field of interest in Brazil based on the number of researchers registered at the governmental platform for researchers, Plataforma Lattes/CNPq, and is preceded by education, medicine and agronomy. The majority of research groups are registered in the area of materials, followed by macromolecules and polymers, pharmaceutical products and basic materials chemistry. These groups represent approximately 77% of research groups analyzed, therefore, indicating a tendency in the country. The analyses of patents in different sub-areas of chemistry reveal that non-residents file most deposits in the country, a probable reflection of the low internal intellectual property culture. Pharmaceutics and Fine Chemistry are prominent areas in the country, in line with the global trend. Among BRIC countries, China has the highest number of patents and of requests for protection in international offices. On the other hand, Brazil has the lowest number of chemical patents published at USPTO, EPO and JPO. An analysis of the transfer of technology data indicates an increase in this activity in various sub-areas of chemistry in the country. Despite the great efforts made by the country to consolidate its national innovation system, more needs to be done to put Brazil in a competitive position. In a globalized world dominated by large players, Brazil needs a lot of progress on ownership and generation of chemistry technologies to strengthen its national sovereignty. It is essential to strengthen chemical research at all levels, from elementary school to university, as an inexhaustible source of knowledge and technology that, when properly protected, may generate real public achievement and social return.
A partir da correlação, postulada pelo pensamento de Michel Foucault, entre o exercício do poder e a manifestação da verdade, o presente artigo pretende retraçar as exigências políticas de sua filosofia, relacionando-as com a figura de um tipo intelectual que tem por função não mais a defesa da universalidade, mas sim sua transgressão política e teórica - quer dizer: "política" porque "teórica".
As diretrizes curriculares nacionais de 2001 demandam uma consistente formação em humanidades por parte do egresso da graduação em Medicina. A fim de cumprir essa exigência, caberia ao docente uma nova tarefa frente ao alunato, além da produção de conhecimento científico, capacitação profissional e formação ética. Diante dessa premissa, portanto, restaria ao professor de Medicina tomar posse de surpreendente atributo, o de ser um "intelectual". Este artigo apresenta uma análise crítica da viabilidade dessa "missão iluminista" relativa ao ensino médico brasileiro no século XXI, a partir de pressupostos históricos de formação docente tanto no Brasil quanto no exterior.
This paper deals with the main evolutions that explain the emergence of new institutional arrangements that characterize the post-fordism. (i) Hence, I will show that the property rights modifications bring forth new forms of competition;(ii) Also, I will make explicit the concrete expressions of this new competition, as well as how it translates itself in a sub-optimum allocation in the framework of the market game; (iii) I will study the modifications of externalities nature produced by technical progress; (iv) Finally, I will analyze the macroeconomic implications in regard to growth mechanisms and to capital nature.
O presente trabalho tem a intenção de apresentar o alcance e os limites do conhecimento intelectual humano de acordo com Tomás de Aquino, tendo como base sobretudo as questões 84 e 85 da primeira parte de sua Suma de Teologia.
O objetivo principal do presente artigo é indicar as principais características da obra tardia de G. Lukács, em especial, Para uma Ontologia do Ser Social. Pretende-se ainda tecer alguns comentários sobre sua trajetória intelectual.
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La Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá inscribió el acta No. 20 de la asamblea general de la FUNDACIÓN PEPA CASTRO, mediante la cual se nombró junta directiva, revisor fiscal y representante legal. Los fundadores de la entidad mencionada, solicitaron por medio de escrito revocatoria directa de los actos mencionados.