953 resultados para Graphical user interface
A traditional photonic-force microscope (PFM) results in huge sets of data, which requires tedious numerical analysis. In this paper, we propose instead an analog signal processor to attain real-time capabilities while retaining the richness of the traditional PFM data. Our system is devoted to intracellular measurements and is fully interactive through the use of a haptic joystick. Using our specialized analog hardware along with a dedicated algorithm, we can extract the full 3D stiffness matrix of the optical trap in real time, including the off-diagonal cross-terms. Our system is also capable of simultaneously recording data for subsequent offline analysis. This allows us to check that a good correlation exists between the classical analysis of stiffness and our real-time measurements. We monitor the PFM beads using an optical microscope. The force-feedback mechanism of the haptic joystick helps us in interactively guiding the bead inside living cells and collecting information from its (possibly anisotropic) environment. The instantaneous stiffness measurements are also displayed in real time on a graphical user interface. The whole system has been built and is operational; here we present early results that confirm the consistency of the real-time measurements with offline computations.
This final year project presents the design principles and prototype implementation of BIMS (Biomedical Information Management System), a flexible software system which provides an infrastructure to manage all information required by biomedical research projects.The BIMS project was initiated with the motivation to solve several limitations in medical data acquisition of some research projects, in which Universitat Pompeu Fabra takes part. These limitations,based on the lack of control mechanisms to constraint information submitted by clinicians, impact on the data quality, decreasing it.BIMS can easily be adapted to manage information of a wide variety of clinical studies, not being limited to a given clinical specialty. The software can manage both, textual information, like clinical data (measurements, demographics, diagnostics, etc ...), as well as several kinds of medical images (magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, etc ...). Moreover, BIMS provides a web - based graphical user interface and is designed to be deployed in a distributed andmultiuser environment. It is built on top of open source software products and frameworks.Specifically, BIMS has been used to represent all clinical data being currently used within the CardioLab platform (an ongoing project managed by Universitat Pompeu Fabra), demonstratingthat it is a solid software system, which could fulfill requirements of a real production environment.
Statistical computing when input/output is driven by a Graphical User Interface is considered. A proposal is made for automatic control ofcomputational flow to ensure that only strictly required computationsare actually carried on. The computational flow is modeled by a directed graph for implementation in any object-oriented programming language with symbolic manipulation capabilities. A complete implementation example is presented to compute and display frequency based piecewise linear density estimators such as histograms or frequency polygons.
The aim of this project is to accomplish an application software based on Matlab to calculate the radioelectrical coverage by surface wave of broadcast radiostations in the band of Medium Wave (WM) all around the world. Also, given the location of a transmitting and a receiving station, the software should be able to calculate the electric field that the receiver should receive at that specific site. In case of several transmitters, the program should search for the existence of Inter-Symbol Interference, and calculate the field strenght accordingly. The application should ask for the configuration parameters of the transmitter radiostation within a Graphical User Interface (GUI), and bring back the resulting coverage above a map of the area under study. For the development of this project, it has been used several conductivity databases of different countries, and a high-resolution elevation database (GLOBE). Also, to calculate the field strenght due to groundwave propagation, it has been used ITU GRWAVE program, which must be integrated into a Matlab interface to be used by the application developed.
Tot seguit presentem un entorn per analitzar senyals de tot tipus amb LDB (Local Discriminant Bases) i MLDB (Modified Local Discriminant Bases). Aquest entorn utilitza funcions desenvolupades en el marc d’una tesi en fase de desenvolupament. Per entendre part d’aquestes funcions es requereix un nivell de coneixement avançat de processament de senyals. S’han extret dels treballs realitzats per Naoki Saito [3], que s’han agafat com a punt de partida per la realització de l’algorisme de la tesi doctoral no finalitzada de Jose Antonio Soria. Aquesta interfície desenvolupada accepta la incorporació de nous paquets i funcions. Hem deixat un menú preparat per integrar Sinus IV packet transform i Cosine IV packet transform, tot i que també podem incorporar-n’hi altres. L’aplicació consta de dues interfícies, un Assistent i una interfície principal. També hem creat una finestra per importar i exportar les variables desitjades a diferents entorns. Per fer aquesta aplicació s’han programat tots els elements de les finestres, en lloc d’utilitzar el GUIDE (Graphical User Interface Development Enviroment) de MATLAB, per tal que sigui compatible entre les diferents versions d’aquest programa. En total hem fet 73 funcions en la interfície principal (d’aquestes, 10 pertanyen a la finestra d’importar i exportar) i 23 en la de l’Assistent. En aquest treball només explicarem 6 funcions i les 3 de creació d’aquestes interfícies per no fer-lo excessivament extens. Les funcions que explicarem són les més importants, ja sigui perquè s’utilitzen sovint, perquè, segons la complexitat McCabe, són les més complicades o perquè són necessàries pel processament del senyal. Passem cada entrada de dades per part de l’usuari per funcions que ens detectaran errors en aquesta entrada, com eliminació de zeros o de caràcters que no siguin números, com comprovar que són enters o que estan dins dels límits màxims i mínims que li pertoquen.
BACKGROUND: DNA sequence polymorphisms analysis can provide valuable information on the evolutionary forces shaping nucleotide variation, and provides an insight into the functional significance of genomic regions. The recent ongoing genome projects will radically improve our capabilities to detect specific genomic regions shaped by natural selection. Current available methods and software, however, are unsatisfactory for such genome-wide analysis. RESULTS: We have developed methods for the analysis of DNA sequence polymorphisms at the genome-wide scale. These methods, which have been tested on a coalescent-simulated and actual data files from mouse and human, have been implemented in the VariScan software package version 2.0. Additionally, we have also incorporated a graphical-user interface. The main features of this software are: i) exhaustive population-genetic analyses including those based on the coalescent theory; ii) analysis adapted to the shallow data generated by the high-throughput genome projects; iii) use of genome annotations to conduct a comprehensive analyses separately for different functional regions; iv) identification of relevant genomic regions by the sliding-window and wavelet-multiresolution approaches; v) visualization of the results integrated with current genome annotations in commonly available genome browsers. CONCLUSION: VariScan is a powerful and flexible suite of software for the analysis of DNA polymorphisms. The current version implements new algorithms, methods, and capabilities, providing an important tool for an exhaustive exploratory analysis of genome-wide DNA polymorphism data.
Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLPs) are a cheap and efficient protocol for generating large sets of genetic markers. This technique has become increasingly used during the last decade in various fields of biology, including population genomics, phylogeography, and genome mapping. Here, we present RawGeno, an R library dedicated to the automated scoring of AFLPs (i.e., the coding of electropherogram signals into ready-to-use datasets). Our program includes a complete suite of tools for binning, editing, visualizing, and exporting results obtained from AFLP experiments. RawGeno can either be used with command lines and program analysis routines or through a user-friendly graphical user interface. We describe the whole RawGeno pipeline along with recommendations for (a) setting the analysis of electropherograms in combination with PeakScanner, a program freely distributed by Applied Biosystems; (b) performing quality checks; (c) defining bins and proceeding to scoring; (d) filtering nonoptimal bins; and (e) exporting results in different formats.
Interdependence is the main feature of dyadic relationships and, in recent years, various statistical procedures have been proposed for quantifying and testing this social attribute in different dyadic designs. The purpose of this paper is to develop several functions for this kind of statistical tests in an R package, known as nonindependence, for use by applied social researchers. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) is also developed to facilitate the use of the functions included in this package. Examples drawn from psychological research and simulated data are used to illustrate how the software works.
BACKGROUND: DNA sequence polymorphisms analysis can provide valuable information on the evolutionary forces shaping nucleotide variation, and provides an insight into the functional significance of genomic regions. The recent ongoing genome projects will radically improve our capabilities to detect specific genomic regions shaped by natural selection. Current available methods and software, however, are unsatisfactory for such genome-wide analysis. RESULTS: We have developed methods for the analysis of DNA sequence polymorphisms at the genome-wide scale. These methods, which have been tested on a coalescent-simulated and actual data files from mouse and human, have been implemented in the VariScan software package version 2.0. Additionally, we have also incorporated a graphical-user interface. The main features of this software are: i) exhaustive population-genetic analyses including those based on the coalescent theory; ii) analysis adapted to the shallow data generated by the high-throughput genome projects; iii) use of genome annotations to conduct a comprehensive analyses separately for different functional regions; iv) identification of relevant genomic regions by the sliding-window and wavelet-multiresolution approaches; v) visualization of the results integrated with current genome annotations in commonly available genome browsers. CONCLUSION: VariScan is a powerful and flexible suite of software for the analysis of DNA polymorphisms. The current version implements new algorithms, methods, and capabilities, providing an important tool for an exhaustive exploratory analysis of genome-wide DNA polymorphism data.
We have constructed a forward modelling code in Matlab, capable of handling several commonly used electrical and electromagnetic methods in a 1D environment. We review the implemented electromagnetic field equations for grounded wires, frequency and transient soundings and present new solutions in the case of a non-magnetic first layer. The CR1Dmod code evaluates the Hankel transforms occurring in the field equations using either the Fast Hankel Transform based on digital filter theory, or a numerical integration scheme applied between the zeros of the Bessel function. A graphical user interface allows easy construction of 1D models and control of the parameters. Modelling results are in agreement with other authors, but the time of computation is less efficient than other available codes. Nevertheless, the CR1Dmod routine handles complex resistivities and offers solutions based on the full EM-equations as well as the quasi-static approximation. Thus, modelling of effects based on changes in the magnetic permeability and the permittivity is also possible.
Linux -käyttöjärjestelmä on laajasti käytössä palvelin- ja työpöytätietokoneissa. Linux on lisäämässä suosiotaan kuitenkin myös sulautetuissa laitteissa, kuten PDA:issa, kännyköissä sekä erilaisissateollisuusjärjestelmissä. Näytön koko, suorituskyky ja käytettävyys asettavat omia erityisiä tarpeitaan laitteiden graafiselle käyttöliittymälle. Linux -käyttöjärjestelmälle on olemassa useita käyttöliittymäkirjastoja, joista GTK+ on yksi yleisimmin käytetyistä. Tämä diplomityö esittelee sulautetun Linux -käyttöjärjestelmän ja GTK+ käyttöliittymäkirjaston, selvittäen miten hyvin ne soveltuvat mobiileihin päätelaitteisiin. Yksi suurimmista esteistä työpöytäkäyttöön suunnattujen teknologioiden, kuten GTK+, muokkaamisessa mobiileihin päätelaitteisiin on suorituskyky. Osana tätä työtä kehitettiin GtkPerf -niminen työkalu, jolla GTK+:n suorituskykyä eri alustoilla pystytään helposti mittaamaan ja havaitsemaan mahdollisia pullonkauloja. Tämän työn johtopäätöksenä on, että pienillä muokkailuilla ja optimoinneilla GTK+ soveltuu myös mobiileihin päätelaitteisiin. Ensimmäinen kaupallisesti saatavilla oleva GTK+ -pohjainen päätelaite, Nokia 770 Internet Tablet, on tästä osoituksena.
Tämä diplomityö on tehty osana HumanICT-projektia, jonka tavoitteena on kehittää uusi, virtuaalitekniikoita hyödyntävä, työkoneiden käyttäjäliityntöjen suunnittelumenetelmä. Työn tarkoituksena oli kehittää VTT:n Tuotteet ja tuotanto tutkimusyksikköön kuluvan Ihminen-kone-turvallisuus ryhmän nykyistä virtuaalitodellisuuslaboratoriota siten, että sitä voidaan käyttää työkoneiden suunnittelussa sekä monipuolisissa ergonomiatarkasteluissa. Itse ympäristön kehittäminen pitää sisällään uuden ohjainjärjestelmän suunnittelun sekä sen implementoinnin nykyisin käytössä olevaan virtuaaliympäristöön. Perinteisesti ohjaamosimulaattorit ovat olleet sovelluskohteisiin räätälöityjä, joten ne ovat kalliita ja niiden konfiguroinnin muuttaminen on vaikeaa, joskus jopa mahdotonta. Tämän työntarkoituksena oli kehittää PC-tietokoneeseen ja yleiseen käyttöjärjestelmään perustuva ohjainjärjestelmä, joka on nopeasti kytkettävissä erilaisiin virtuaaliympäristön sovelluksiin, kuten ohjaamomalleihin. Työssä tarkasteltiin myös tapoja mallintaa fysikaalisia ilmiöitä reaaliaikasovelluksissa, eli on-line simuloinnissa. Tämän tarkastelun perusteella etsittiin ja valittiin jatkokäsittelyyn ohjelmistoja, joiden reaaliaikaisen dynamiikan simulointialgoritmitolivat kaikkein kehittyneimpiä ja monipuolisia.
This Master's thesis addresses the design and implementation of the optical character recognition (OCR) system for a mobile device working on the Symbian operating system. The developed OCR system, named OCRCapriccio, emphasizes the modularity, effective extensibility and reuse. The system consists of two parts which are the graphical user interface and the OCR engine that was implemented as a plug-in. In fact, the plug-in includes two implementations of the OCR engine for enabling two types of recognition: the bitmap comparison based recognition and statistical recognition. The implementation results have shown that the approach based on bitmap comparison is more suitable for the Symbian environment because of its nature. Although the current implementation of bitmap comparison is lacking in accuracy, further development should be done in its direction. The biggest challenges of this work were related to developing an OCR scheme that would be suitable for Symbian OS Smartphones that have limited computational power and restricted resources.
The aim of this project is to accomplish an application software based on Matlab to calculate the radioelectrical coverage by surface wave of broadcast radiostations in the band of Medium Wave (WM) all around the world. Also, given the location of a transmitting and a receiving station, the software should be able to calculate the electric field that the receiver should receive at that specific site. In case of several transmitters, the program should search for the existence of Inter-Symbol Interference, and calculate the field strenght accordingly. The application should ask for the configuration parameters of the transmitter radiostation within a Graphical User Interface (GUI), and bring back the resulting coverage above a map of the area under study. For the development of this project, it has been used several conductivity databases of different countries, and a high-resolution elevation database (GLOBE). Also, to calculate the field strenght due to groundwave propagation, it has been used ITU GRWAVE program, which must be integrated into a Matlab interface to be used by the application developed.
Tot seguit presentem un entorn per analitzar senyals de tot tipus amb LDB (Local Discriminant Bases) i MLDB (Modified Local Discriminant Bases). Aquest entorn utilitza funcions desenvolupades en el marc d’una tesi en fase de desenvolupament. Per entendre part d’aquestes funcions es requereix un nivell de coneixement avançat de processament de senyals. S’han extret dels treballs realitzats per Naoki Saito [3], que s’han agafat com a punt de partida per la realització de l’algorisme de la tesi doctoral no finalitzada de Jose Antonio Soria. Aquesta interfície desenvolupada accepta la incorporació de nous paquets i funcions. Hem deixat un menú preparat per integrar Sinus IV packet transform i Cosine IV packet transform, tot i que també podem incorporar-n’hi altres. L’aplicació consta de dues interfícies, un Assistent i una interfície principal. També hem creat una finestra per importar i exportar les variables desitjades a diferents entorns. Per fer aquesta aplicació s’han programat tots els elements de les finestres, en lloc d’utilitzar el GUIDE (Graphical User Interface Development Enviroment) de MATLAB, per tal que sigui compatible entre les diferents versions d’aquest programa. En total hem fet 73 funcions en la interfície principal (d’aquestes, 10 pertanyen a la finestra d’importar i exportar) i 23 en la de l’Assistent. En aquest treball només explicarem 6 funcions i les 3 de creació d’aquestes interfícies per no fer-lo excessivament extens. Les funcions que explicarem són les més importants, ja sigui perquè s’utilitzen sovint, perquè, segons la complexitat McCabe, són les més complicades o perquè són necessàries pel processament del senyal. Passem cada entrada de dades per part de l’usuari per funcions que ens detectaran errors en aquesta entrada, com eliminació de zeros o de caràcters que no siguin números, com comprovar que són enters o que estan dins dels límits màxims i mínims que li pertoquen.