1000 resultados para Gramineae.


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Results of pedogeomorphological, geochronological and paleobotanical investigations are presented covering the last ca. 4,000 years. The study sites are located in the heavily degraded Kyichu River catchment around Lhasa at 3,600-4,600 m a.s.l. Repeatedly, colluvial sediments have been recorded overlying paleosols. These deposits can be divided into i) coarse-grained sediments with a high proportion of stones and boulders originating from alluvial fans and debris flows, ii) matrix supported sediments with some stones and boulders originating from mudflows or combined colluvial processes such as hillwash plus rock fall, and iii) fine-grained sediments originating from hill wash. The IRSL multi-level dating of profile QUG 1 points to a short-time colluvial sedimentation between 1.0 ± 0.1 and 0.8 ± 0.1 ka. In contrast, dated paleosols of profile GAR 1 (7,908 ± 99 and 3,668 ± 57 BP) encompass a first colluvial episode. Here, the upper colluvial sedimentation took place during several periods between 2.6 ± 0.3 and 0.4 ± 0.1 ka. For the first time in Tibet, a systematic extraction, determination and dating of charcoals from buried paleosols was conducted. The charcoals confirm the Late Holocene presence of juniper forests or woodlands in a now treeless, barren environment. A pollen diagram from Lhasa shows a distinct decline of pollen of the Jumperus-type around 4,140 ± 50 BP, which is interpreted as indicating a clearing of forests on the adjacent slopes. It is assumed that the environmental changes from forests to desertic rangelands since ca. 4,000 BP have been at least reinforced by humans.


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Als im Frühsommer 1949 die ersten Pferdeschädel und Hundeknochen als Streufunde aus dem Barsbeker Moor bekannt wurden, war es wünschenswert, mit Hilfe der Pollenanalyse eine zeitliche Zuordnung zu versuchen. Auf diese Weise konnte unter Umständen wieder ein prähistorischer Horizont pollenanalytisch fixiert werden, da u.a. auch datierbare Keramikreste aus der römischen Kaiserzeit gefunden wurden. Die Analyse des aus der Stirnhöhle zweier Pferdeschädel entnommenen Materials ergab die beiden obersten in der Tabelle verzeichneten Pollenspektren. Bei der Untersuchung fiel auf, daß das Einschlußmaterial der Funde stark feinsandig und etwas tonig war. Auch der Finder gab an, daß die Knochen dem Sand, bis zu dem der Torfabbau niedergetrieben wurde, unmittelbar auflagen. Eine Bohrung, die am Westende des Torfstiches niedergebracht wurde, zeigte ebenfalls diese Zwischenschicht als deutliche Sandeinschwemmung. Diese wird noch einmal von grobdetritischen Flachwasser-Ablagerungen unterlagert.


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Preliminary analyses of 56 samples from the upper 49 meters of Hole 480 (Cores 1-11) show marked changes in pollen frequencies and concentrations. The largely varved cores (1, 2, 3, 10, and 11) are characterized by low concentrations and pollen types such as Gramineae, Low-spine Compositae and Cheno/Ams. The largely homogeneous section (Cores 3 through 10) contains higher pollen concentrations and is dominated by TCT (probably Juniperus) and Artemisia. Picea pollen is also present in this section. The record as a whole is thought to represent most of the last glacial cycle.


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A preliminary palynological survey of 118 samples from the Mississippi Fan (Sites 615, 616, and 620) and from 2 intraslope basins (Sites 619 and 618) shows pollen in all samples. Reworked pollen is generally abundant, forming over 50% of the sum of pollen and reworked pollen. Concentration of nonreworked pollen is usually low (on the order of tens to hundreds of pollen grains per cubic centimeter wet sediment). Conifers, primarily Pinus, Picea, and Tsuga, dominate Pleistocene marine pollen spectra; significant percentages of Quercus are present in Holocene sediments and in sediments deposited during oxygen-isotope Stage 5.


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Southern China, especially Yunnan, has undergone high tectonic activity caused by the uplift of Himalayan Mountains during the Neogene, which led to a fast changing palaeogeography. Previous study shows that Southern China has been influenced by the Asian Monsoon since at least the Early Miocene. However, it is yet not well understood how intense the Miocene monsoon system was. In the present study, 63 fossil floras of 16 localities from Southern China are compiled and evaluated for obtaining available information concerning floristic composition, stratigraphic age, sedimentology, etc. Based on such reliable information, selected mega- and micro-floras have been analysed with the coexistence approach to obtain quantitative palaeoclimate data. Visualization of climate results in maps shows a distinct spatial differentiation in Southern China during the Miocene. Higher seasonalities of temperature and precipitation occur in the north and south parts of Southern China, respectively. During the Miocene, most regions of Southern China and Europe were both warm and humid. Central Eurasia was likely to be an arid center, which gradually spread westward and eastward. Our data provide information about Miocene climate patterns in Southern China and about the evolution of these patterns throughout the Miocene, and is also crucial to unravel and understand the climatic signals of global cooling and tectonic uplift.


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Lake Blankensee is filled with 14 m of late- and postglacial deposits, Lake Siethener See with 22,5 m. The lacustrine sedimentation begins in Lake Siethener See in the middle of the Alleröd with annual lamination which partly continues in the Younger Dryas. A 2 cm thick layer of the Laacher See tephra was found in both lakes, the Saksunarvatn tephra only in Lake Siethener See where the cool Rammelbeek-phase (Preboreal) could be shown. The youngest part of the sediment profiles is suspended drifting mud. Masses of Pediastrum (algae) indicate an increasing shoaling of Lake Blankensee after the Subboreal.


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A long-running interdisciplinary research project on the development of landscape, prehistoric habitation and the history of vegetation within a "siedlungskammer" (limited habitation areal from neolithic to modern times has been carried out in the NW German lowlands, The siedlungskammer Flögeln is situated between the rivers Weser and EIbe and comprises about 23.5 km^2. It is an isolated pleistocene area surrounded by bogs, the soils consisting mainly of poor sands. In this siedlungskammer large-seale archaeological excavations and mappings have been performed, parallel to pedological, historical and above all pollen analytical investigations. The aim of the project is to record the individual phases in time, to delimit the respective settlement areas and to reconstruct the conditions of life and economy for each time period. A dense network of 10 pollen diagrams has been constructed. Several of them derive from the marginal area and from the centre of the large raised bog north of the siedlungskammer. These diagrams reflect the history of vegetation and habitation of a large region; due to the large pollen source area the habitation phases in the diagrams are poorly defined. Even in the utmost marginal diagram of this woodless bog, a great village with adjoining fields, situated only 100 m away from it, is registered with only low values of anthropogenic indicators. In contrast to this, the numerous pollen diagrams from kettle-hole bogs inside the siedlungskammer yield an exact picture of the habitation of the siedlungskammer and their individual parts. Early traces of habitation can be identified in the pollen diagram soon after the elm decline (around 5190 BP). Some time later in the middle neolithic period there follows a marked habitation phase, which starts between 4500 and 4400 BP and reflects the immigration of the trichterbecher culture. It corresponds to the landnam phase of Iversen in Denmark and begins with a sharp decline of the pollen curves of lime and oak, followed by the increase of anthropogenic indicators pointing to arable and pastural farming. High values of wild grasses and Calluna witness extensive forest grazing. This middle to late neolithic habitation is also registered archaeologically by settlements and numerous graves. After low human activity during Bronze Age and Older Iron Age times the archaeological and pollen analytical records of Roman and Migration periods is again very strong. This is followed by a gap in habitation during the 6th and 7th centuries and afterwards in the western part of the siedlungskammer from about 700 AD until the 14th century by the activity of the medieval village of Dalem, that was also excavated and whose fields were recorded by phosphate mapping to a size of 117 hectares. This medieval settlement phase is marked by much cereal cultivation (mainly rye). The dense network of pollen diagrams offers an opportunity to register the dispersion of the anthropogenic indicators from the areas of settlement to different distances and thus to obtain quantitative clues for the assessment of these anthropogenic indicators in pollen diagrams. In fig. 4 the reflection of the neolithic culture in the kettle-hole bogs and the large raised bog is shown in 3 phases: a) pre landnam, b) TRB-landnam, c) post landnam. Among arboreal pollen the reaction of Quercus is sharp close to the settlement but is not found at more distant profiles, whilst in contrast to this Tilia shows a significant decline even far away from the settlements. The record of most anthropogenic indicators outside the habitation area is very low, in particular cereal pollen is poorly dispersed; much more certain as an indicator for habitation (also for arable farming!) is Plantago lanceolata. A strong increase of wild grasses (partly Calluna aswell) some distance from the habitation areas indicates far reaching forest grazing. Fig. 5 illustrates the reflection of the anthropogenie indicators from the medieval village Dalem. In this instance the field area could be mapped exactly using phosphate investigations, and it has been possible to indicate the precise distances of the profile sites from the medieval fields. Here also, there is a clear correlation between decreasing anthropogenic indicators and increasing distance. In a kettle-hole bog (FLH) a distance of 3000 m away this marked settlement phase is not registered. The contrast between the pollen diagrams SWK and FLH (fig. 2 + 3, enclosure), illustrates the strong differences between diagrams from kettlehole bogs close to and distant from the settlements, for the neolithic as well as for the medieval period. On the basis of the examples presented here, implications concerning the interpretation of pollen diagrams with respect to habitation phases are discussed.


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We present a detailed palaeoclimate analysis of the Middle Miocene (uppermost Badenian-lowermost Sarmatian) Schrotzburg locality in S Germany, based on the fossil macro- and micro-flora, using four different methods for the estimation of palaeoclimate parameters: the coexistence approach (CA), leaf margin analysis (LMA), the Climate-Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (CLAMP), as well as a recently developed multivariate leaf physiognomic approach based on an European calibration dataset (ELPA). Considering results of all methods used, the following palaeoclimate estimates seem to be most likely: mean annual temperature ~15-16°C (MAT), coldest month mean temperature ~7°C (CMMT), warmest month mean temperature between 25 and 26°C, and mean annual precipiation ~1,300 mm, although CMMT values may have been colder as indicated by the disappearance of the crocodile Diplocynodon and the temperature thresholds derived from modern alligators. For most palaeoclimatic parameters, estimates derived by CLAMP significantly differ from those derived by most other methods. With respect to the consistency of the results obtained by CA, LMA and ELPA, it is suggested that for the Schrotzburg locality CLAMP is probably less reliable than most other methods. A possible explanation may be attributed to the correlation between leaf physiognomy and climate as represented by the CLAMP calibration data set which is largely based on extant floras from N America and E Asia and which may be not suitable for application to the European Neogene. All physiognomic methods used here were affected by taphonomic biasses. Especially the number of taxa had a great influence on the reliability of the palaeoclimate estimates. Both multivariate leaf physiognomic approaches are less influenced by such biasses than the univariate LMA. In combination with previously published results from the European and Asian Neogene, our data suggest that during the Neogene in Eurasia CLAMP may produce temperature estimates, which are systematically too cold as compared to other evidence. This pattern, however, has to be further investigated using additional palaeofloras.


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Sannai-Maruyama is one of the most famous and best-researched mid-Holocene (mid-Jomon) archaeological sites in Japan, because of a large community of people for a long period. Archaeological studies have shown that the Jomon people inhabited the Sannai-Maruyama site from 5.9-4.2 +/- 0.1 cal. kyr B.P. However, a continuous record of the terrestrial and marine environments around the site has not been available. Core KT05-7 PC-02, was recovered from Mutsu Bay, only 20 km from the site, for the reconstruction of high-resolution time series of environmental records, including sea surface temperature (SST). C37 alkenone SSTs showed clear fluctuations, with four periods of high (8.4-7.9, 7.0-5.9, 5.1-4.1, and 2.3-1.4 cal. kyr B.P.) and four of low (-8.4, 7.9-7.0, 5.9-5.1, and 4.1-2.3 cal. kyr B.P.) SST. Thus, each SST cycle lasted 1.0-2.0 kyr, and the amplitude of fluctuation was about 1.5-2.0 °C. Total organic carbon (TOC) and C37 alkenone contents, and the TOC/total nitrogen ratio indicate that marine biogenic production was low before 7.0 cal. kyr B.P., but was clearly increased between 5.9 and 4.0 cal. kyr B.P., because of stronger vertical mixing. During the period when the community at the site prospered (between 5.9 and 4.2 +/- 0.1 cal. kyr B.P.), the terrestrial climate was relatively warm. The high relative abundance of pollen of both Castanea and Quercus subgen. Cyclobalanopsis supports the interpretation that the local climate was optimal for human habitation. Between 5.9 and 5.1 cal. kyr B.P., in spite of warm terrestrial climates, the C37 alkenone SST was low; this apparent discrepancy may be attributed to the water column structure in the Tsugaru Strait, which differed from the modern condition. The evidence suggests that at about 5.9 cal. kyr B.P, high productivity of marine resources such as fish and shellfish and a warm terrestrial climate led to the establishment of a human community at the Sannai-Maruyama site. Then, at about 4.1 +/- 0.1 cal. kyr B.P., abrupt marine and terrestrial cooling, indicated by a decrease of about 2 °C in the C37 alkenone SST and an increase in pollen of taxa of cooler climates, led to a reduced terrestrial food supply, causing the people to abandon the site. The timing of the abandonment is consistent with the timing (around 4.0-4.3 cal. kyr B.P.) of the decline of civilizations in north Mesopotamia and along the Yangtze River. These findings suggest that a temperature rise of ~2 °C in this century as a result of global warming could have a great impact on the human community and especially on agriculture, despite the advances of contemporary society.


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Holocene and latest Pleistocene oceanographic conditions and the coastal climate of northern California have varied greatly, based upon high-resolution studies (ca. every 100 years) of diatoms, alkenones, pollen, CaCO3%, and total organic carbon at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1019 (41.682°N, 124.930°W, 980 m water depth). Marine climate proxies (alkenone sea surface temperatures [SSTs] and CaCO3%) behaved remarkably like the Greenland Ice Sheet Project (GISP)-2 oxygen isotope record during the Bølling-Allerod, Younger Dryas (YD), and early part of the Holocene. During the YD, alkenone SSTs decreased by >3°C below mean Bølling-Allerod and Holocene SSTs. The early Holocene (ca. 11.6 to 8.2 ka) was a time of generally warm conditions and moderate CaCO3 content (generally >4%). The middle part of the Holocene (ca. 8.2 to 3.2 ka) was marked by alkenone SSTs that were consistently 1-2°C cooler than either the earlier or later parts of the Holocene, by greatly reduced numbers of the gyre-diatom Pseudoeunotia doliolus (<10%), and by a permanent drop in CaCO3% to <3%. Starting at ca. 5.2 ka, coastal redwood and alder began a steady rise, arguing for increasing effective moisture and the development of the north coast temperate rain forest. At ca. 3.2 ka, a permanent ca. 1°C increase in alkenone SST and a threefold increase in P. doliolus signaled a warming of fall and winter SSTs. Intensified (higher amplitude and more frequent) cycles of pine pollen alternating with increased alder and redwood pollen are evidence that rapid changes in effective moisture and seasonal temperature (enhanced El Niño-Southern Oscillation [ENSO] cycles) have characterized the Site 1019 record since about 3.5 ka.


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The decomposition rate of organic, Compounds, following the death of a plant, is dependent on several external factors. Assimilatory pigments generally undergo a rapid degradation. In certain condition, however, their decomposition may be considerably retarded; e.g. compounds similar to chlorophyll and some carotenoids, as a and ß-carotene, lutein and others, may persist several thousand years in marine and lake Sediments (Vallentyne 1960). Derivatives of chlorophyll were also found in the surface layer of wood soil (Gorham 1959). In this connection the question arises, in what a way a still different environment, namely peat, influences the decomposition rate of pigments. The starting point in these investigations was the fact observed by one of the co-authors, that many subfossil fir needles from various depths of the peat bog in Cergowa Gora were bright yellow green pigmented. Macroscopic otoservations have already suggested that, at least, a part of the pigments did not undergo decomposition. A study was undertaken with the aim to determine the quantitative and qualitative changes in assimilatory pigments, occurring in fir needles in dependence on the pexiod of time they were lying in the peat bog.


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The stratigraphy and pollen analysis of the deposits show that this is a lake basin which during the Late-glacial period was partially filled by lake clays and muds. One of the main interests of the pollen diagrams lies in the division of zone i into three suh-zones showing a minor climatic oscillation which seems to be comparable with the Boiling oscillation of northern Europe. During Post-glacial time the greater part of the deposits has been muds but on one side a fen developed which in early zone VI was sufficiently dry to support birch and pine wood. Later in zone VI the water table must have risen slightly because the fen peats were gradually covered by a rather oxidized mud suggesting that the fen became replaced by a shallow swamp with a widely fluctuating water table. In the Atlantic period the basin was reflooded and the more central deposits were covered by a layer of mud. Later in the central region, swamp and eventually Sphagnum bog communities developed. The whole area is now covered by a sihy soil and forms a flat meadowland.


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The biostratigraphic classification of the Pleistocene in north-western and central Europe is still insufficiently known, in spite of numerous geological and vegetation-history investigations. The question is not even clear, for example, how often a warm-period vegetation with thermophilous trees such as Quercus, Ulmus, Tilia, Carpinus etc could develop here. In past years, on the basis of several geological and vegetation-history findings, suspicion has often been expressed that some of the classical stages of the Pleistocene could include more warm periods than heretofore assumed, and as a result of recent investigations the period between the Waal and Holstein interglacials seems to include at least two warm periods, of which the Cromer is one. This paper contributes to this problem. The interglacial sediments coming from the Elm-Mountains near Brunswick and from the Osterholz near Elze - both within the limits of the German Mittelgebirge - were investigated by pollen analysis. In both cases a Pinus-Betula zone and a QM zone were found. The vegetation development of the Pinus-Betula zone is characterized in both sequences by the early appearance of Picea. Because of strong local influence at the Osterholz a detailed correlation is difficult. However, vegetation development at the time of the QM zone at both sites was similar; it is especially characterized by the facts that Ulmus clearly migrated to the site earlier than Quercus and was very abundant throughout this time. Furthermore, both diagrams show very low amounts of Corylus. The interglacial of the Osterholz shows in addition to the above; a Carpinus-QM-Picea-zone in which Eucommia reaches a relative high value and in the upper of which Azolla filiculoides was also found. The similarity of vegetation development justifies acceptance of the same age for the occurrences. A comparison of the vegetation development at the Elm and the Osterholz with those of the Eem, Holstein, Waal, and Tegelen warm periods as well as with all the Cromer sites so far investigated shows that only a correlation with the Cromer Complex is possible. This correlation is supported by the geologic relations in the Osterholz (the deposit is overlain by Elster till). Therefore the till-like material with Scandinavian rock fragments underlying the deposit at Elm is of particular interest. The 'Rhume' interglacial beds at Bilshausen, only 60 km south of Osterholz, is also assigned to the Cromer complex, but the two deposits cannot be of the same age because the vegetation development differs. Therefore the Cromer complex must include at least two warm periods. Further conclusions about the relative stratigraphic position of these two occurrences and correlations of other Cromer sites are at this time not possible, however.


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The Longling Coal Mine (W. Yunnan) is situated in an area of substantial geotectonic activity. Its Late Pliocene palynoflora is of considerable interest, since the area represents a centre of biodiversity. Eighty-two palynomorphs belonging to 61 families were recovered from the lignite. The palynoflora is dominated by angiosperms (68.3%), with ferns (24.4%), gymnosperms (4.9%) and algae (2.4%). Comparisons indicate that most of the palynoflora was derived from the Montane Humid Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest, with lesser contributions from the Tsuga dumosa Forest and Evergreen Coniferous Broad-leaved Mixed Forest, as well as the Montane Mossy Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest. This indicates that the Late Pliocene climate was cooler than that of the present. In the course of the accumulation of the lignite, the climate underwent five major phases of warming and cooling.