Palynological investigations of profile Cergowa in Poland

Autoria(s): Wieckowski, S; Szczepanek, Kazimierz

LATITUDE: 49.533333 * LONGITUDE: 21.700000




The decomposition rate of organic, Compounds, following the death of a plant, is dependent on several external factors. Assimilatory pigments generally undergo a rapid degradation. In certain condition, however, their decomposition may be considerably retarded; e.g. compounds similar to chlorophyll and some carotenoids, as a and ß-carotene, lutein and others, may persist several thousand years in marine and lake Sediments (Vallentyne 1960). Derivatives of chlorophyll were also found in the surface layer of wood soil (Gorham 1959). In this connection the question arises, in what a way a still different environment, namely peat, influences the decomposition rate of pigments. The starting point in these investigations was the fact observed by one of the co-authors, that many subfossil fir needles from various depths of the peat bog in Cergowa Gora were bright yellow green pigmented. Macroscopic otoservations have already suggested that, at least, a part of the pigments did not undergo decomposition. A study was undertaken with the aim to determine the quantitative and qualitative changes in assimilatory pigments, occurring in fir needles in dependence on the pexiod of time they were lying in the peat bog.


application/zip, 2 datasets








Szczepanek, Kazimierz (2001): Anthropogenic vegetation changes in the region of the Dukla Pass, the Lower Beskid Mountains. Polska Akademia Umiejetnosci. Prace Komisji Prehistorii Karpat, 2, 171-182

Szczepanek, Kazimierz (2000): The anthropogenic vegetation changes in the region of the Dukla Pass, the Low Beskid Mountains. In: Machnik, J. (Editor) Archaeology and Natural Background of the Lower Beskid Mountains, Carpathians Part I. Prace Komisji Prehistorii Karpat, Vol II, Polska Akademia Umiejetnosci, Kraków, II, 171-182


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Supplement to: Wieckowski, S; Szczepanek, Kazimierz (1963): Assimilatory pigments from subfossil fir needles (Abies alba Mill.). Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 32(1), 101-111, hdl:10013/epic.37634.d001

Palavras-Chave #Abi.a; Abies; Abies alba; Ace; Acer; Acer campestre-type; Aes.c; Aesculus; Aesculus hippocastanum; Ali; Alisma; Alisma-type; Aln.ud; Alnus; Alnus undifferentiated; Amb; Ambrosia; Art; Artemisia; Asr-T; Astrantia-type; Bet; Betula; Borae; Boraginaceae; Camae; Campanulaceae; Car.b; Carpinus betulus; Caryophyllaceae; Cen.c; Centaurea cyanus; Cerg; CERGOWA; Cergowa Gora, Poland; cf.Vib; cf. Viburnum; Cheae; Chenopodiaceae; Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae; Cirsium/Carduus; Cirsium-type; Cir-T; Cm.Sf.A; Cm.Sf.C; Compositae subfam. Asteroideae; Compositae subfam. Cichorioideae; Cor.a; Corylus; Corylus avellana; Cphae; Cru; Cruciferae; Cypae; Cyperaceae; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth top; Dipsacus; Dps; Dro.r; Drosera rotundifolia; Drosera rotundifolia-type; Drp-T; Dryopteris-type; Ech.v; Echium/Onosma; Echium vulgare; Epi.ud; Epilobium undifferentiated; Equ; Equisetum; Eriae; Ericaceae; Ericaceae-type; Fag.s; Fagopyrum; Fagus; Fagus sylvatica; Fgy; Filipendula; Flp; Frangula; Frangula alnus; Fraxinus; Frg.a; Frx; Ger; Geranium; Graae; Gramineae; Hed.h; Hedera; Hedera helix; Hum/Can; Humulus/Cannabis; Imp; Impatiens; Indeterminable: unknown; Iri; Iris; Iris pseudacorus-type; Jug; Juglans; Jun; Juniperus; Juniperus-type; Lab; Labiatae; Lar; Larix; Larix/Pseudotsuga; Lilae; Liliaceae; Liliaceae-type; Lithology; Lithology/composition/facies; Lyc; Lycopodium; Lycopodium (counted); Lyt; Lythrum; Men-T; Mentha-type; of the lithological unit; Oleaceae; Oleae; Paris; Pic.a; Picea; Picea abies; Pin; Pinus; Pla.l; Pla.m/m; Plantago lanceolata; Plantago lanceolata-type; Plantago major/media; Plantago major/P. media; Pol.b; Pol.p-T; Polygonum bistorta; Polygonum bistorta-type; Polygonum persicaria-type; Polypodium; Polypodium vulgare; Pop; Populus; Pot; Potamogeton; Potamogeton-type; Ppd.v; Ptd.a; Pteridium aquilinum; Que; Quercus; Ranae; Ranunculaceae; Rosaceae; Rosae; Rubae; Rubiaceae; Rum; Rumex; Rumex/Oxyria; Sal.ud; Salix; Salix undifferentiated; Sam; Sambucus; San.o; Sanguisorba officinalis; Sec.c; Secale cereale; Sol.d; Solanum dulcamara; Spa; Sparganium; Sparganium-type; Sph; Sphagnum; Til; Tilia; Triticum-type; Trt-T; Typ.l; Typha latifolia; Typha latifolia-type; Ulm; Ulmus; Umb; Umbelliferae; Urt; Urtica; Urtica dioica-type; Val; Valeriana; Varia; Vicia/Lathyrus; Vicia-type; Vic-T; Vis; Viscum; Viscum album
