949 resultados para Grading juveniles


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The growth, mortality and digestive enzymes (trypsin, amylase and lipase) in miiuy croaker Miichthys miiuy larvae and juveniles (2-53 dph) were investigated at four photoperiods: 24L:OD), 18L:6D, 12L:12D and OL:24D. Larvae could not feed at OL:24D and did not survive up to 7 dph. In the 24L:OD, 18L:6D, 12L:12D groups, photoperiod had not significant effects on the growth of the rniiuy croaker younger than 20 dph. However, their total length and specific growth rate (SGR) were significantly larger at 18L:6D and 24L:OD than 12L:12D after 20 dph. Photoperiod also affected the mortality of the first feeding larvae (5 dph). being apparently higher in 5 dph larvae at OL:24D (60%) than at other photopenods (20-27%), but no significant differences in mortality were found among other photoperiods. High mortality of the miiuy croaker in 12L:12D, 18L:6D and 24 L:OD groups mainly occurred from 5 (20-27%) to 11 dph (11-16%) and tended to decrease gradually from 15 dph onwards. Digestive enzymes activities in the rniiuy croaker larvae and juveniles had a similar change trend with age at all photoperiods. They underwent drastic changes with age. The specific activity of lipase was significantly higher at 18L:6D and 24L:0D than 12L:12D, but there were no significant differences in specific activities of either trypsin or amylase among photoperiods. With regard to the total length, SGR, survival and digestive enzyme activities, our findings suggested that the optimal light regime for the culture of miiuy croaker during the early life stage was 18L:6D. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Chemical and biological processes, such as dissolution in gypsiferous sands and biodegradation in waste refuse, result in mass or particle loss, which in turn lead to changes in solid and void phase volumes and grading. Data on phase volume and grading changes have been obtained from oedometric dissolution tests on sand–salt mixtures. Phase volume changes are defined by a (dissolution-induced) void volume change parameter (Λ). Grading changes are interpreted using grading entropy coordinates, which allow a grading curve to be depicted as a single data point and changes in grading as a vector quantity rather than a family of distribution curves. By combining Λ contours with pre- to post-dissolution grading entropy coordinate paths, an innovative interpretation of the volumetric consequences of particle loss is obtained. Paths associated with small soluble particles, the loss of which triggers relatively little settlement but large increase in void ratio, track parallel to the Λ contours. Paths associated with the loss of larger particles, which can destabilise the sand skeleton, tend to track across the Λ contours.


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Presentations from the seminar on timber grading. "This grading seminar will give you a crash course in timber strength grading, what it is, how it works, and how it is changing. It aims to demystify timber grading, tackle some widely held misconceptions, and tell you the things you need to be aware of to improve profitability, and remain correct and safe in what you do. The timber resource in the UK is changing, technology is advancing, and standards are being modified. This seminar will bring you the latest position, informed by CEN and BSI standards committee work and research conducted by the SIRT network."


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This paper is a concise explanation of the normative background to strength grading in Europe, addressing important aspects that are commonly misunderstood by structural engineers and timber researchers. It also highlights changes that are being made to the standards to: incorporate requirements of the construction products regulations; add improvements to the system to accommodate the latest knowledge and technology; and widen the application of the standards. Where designs need to be optimised, there is an opportunity to use the system more intelligently, in combination with the latest technology, to better fit design values to the true properties of the timber resource. This can bring a design enhancement equivalent to effort improving other aspects of the structure, such as connectors and reinforcement. Parallel to this, researchers working on other aspects of structural improvement need to understand what grades really mean in respect of the properties of the timber, in order to correctly analyse the results of testing. It is also useful to know how techniques used in grading can assist with material properties characterisation for research. The amount of destructive testing involved in establishing machine grading settings and visual grading assignments presents a barrier to greater use of local timber, and diversification of commercial species, so it is important that any researcher assessing the properties of such species should consider, from the outset, doing the research in a way that can contribute to a grading dataset at a later date. This paper provides an overview of what is required for this.


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Sanders, K. and Thomas, L. 2007. Checklists for grading object-oriented CS1 programs: concepts and misconceptions. In Proceedings of the 12th Annual SIGCSE Conference on innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (Dundee, Scotland, June 25 - 27, 2007). ITiCSE '07. ACM, New York, NY, 166-170


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Un adecuado manejo alimenticio es determinante en el éxito en la acuicultura, dado que el consumo de alimentos influye directamente en el crecimiento y en la conversión alimenticia de los organismos. En una producción semi-intensiva e intensiva, los costos de alimentación representan hasta el 80 por ciento del total y por esta razón un manejo alimenticio alternativo al habitualmente empleado (alimentación diaria) puede ser una estrategia viable para reducir dichos costos. Explorar el crecimiento compensatorio en los organismos después de una reducción en la cantidad de alimento suministrado es una herramienta que puede ser utilizada para dicho fin. Los juveniles tempranos de la langosta de agua dulce Cherax quadricarinatus presentaron la capacidad de compensar tanto un moderado como prolongado periodo de restricción alimenticia (alimentación intermitente)y los mecanismos involucrados fueron la hiperfagia y la mayor conversión alimenticia. La recuperación del crecimiento fue total o parcial, dependiendo de la extensión del periodo de alimentación diaria post-restricción (periodo de recuperación). La aplicación de un período de recuperación fue imprescindible para inducir la capacidad compensatoria en esta especie. De los factores que modulan el crecimiento compensatorio, se observó que las dietas altamente proteicas no afectan dicha capacidad, así como las tres temperaturas ensayadas (inferior a la óptima, óptima y superior a la óptima, para el crecimiento de la especie). La talla tampoco afectó dicha capacidad, pero, influye en la severidad de la respuesta del periodo restricción y consecuentemente en el tiempo de recuperación. La restricción no causó severas alteraciones en la estructura, composición bioquímica y actividad de las enzimas digestivas de la glándula digestiva, lo que refleja que estos juveniles no presentarían deficiencias nutricionales. La alta supervivencia observada en los juveniles que compensan es otro indicador de que tanto la restricción alimenticia como la propia compensación no causan posteriores daños en el organismos.


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Un adecuado manejo alimenticio es determinante en el éxito en la acuicultura, dado que el consumo de alimentos influye directamente en el crecimiento y en la conversión alimenticia de los organismos. En una producción semi-intensiva e intensiva, los costos de alimentación representan hasta el 80 por ciento del total y por esta razón un manejo alimenticio alternativo al habitualmente empleado (alimentación diaria) puede ser una estrategia viable para reducir dichos costos. Explorar el crecimiento compensatorio en los organismos después de una reducción en la cantidad de alimento suministrado es una herramienta que puede ser utilizada para dicho fin. Los juveniles tempranos de la langosta de agua dulce Cherax quadricarinatus presentaron la capacidad de compensar tanto un moderado como prolongado periodo de restricción alimenticia (alimentación intermitente)y los mecanismos involucrados fueron la hiperfagia y la mayor conversión alimenticia. La recuperación del crecimiento fue total o parcial, dependiendo de la extensión del periodo de alimentación diaria post-restricción (periodo de recuperación). La aplicación de un período de recuperación fue imprescindible para inducir la capacidad compensatoria en esta especie. De los factores que modulan el crecimiento compensatorio, se observó que las dietas altamente proteicas no afectan dicha capacidad, así como las tres temperaturas ensayadas (inferior a la óptima, óptima y superior a la óptima, para el crecimiento de la especie). La talla tampoco afectó dicha capacidad, pero, influye en la severidad de la respuesta del periodo restricción y consecuentemente en el tiempo de recuperación. La restricción no causó severas alteraciones en la estructura, composición bioquímica y actividad de las enzimas digestivas de la glándula digestiva, lo que refleja que estos juveniles no presentarían deficiencias nutricionales. La alta supervivencia observada en los juveniles que compensan es otro indicador de que tanto la restricción alimenticia como la propia compensación no causan posteriores daños en el organismos.


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The grading of crushed aggregate is carried out usually by sieving. We describe a new image-based approach to the automatic grading of such materials. The operational problem addressed is where the camera is located directly over a conveyor belt. Our approach characterizes the information content of each image, taking into account relative variation in the pixel data, and resolution scale. In feature space, we find very good class separation using a multidimensional linear classifier. The innovation in this work includes (i) introducing an effective image-based approach into this application area, and (ii) our supervised classification using wavelet entropy-based features.