972 resultados para Gobierno Provincial


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El presente trabajo indaga en los "usos del pasado" en los discursos y prácticas escolares, a partir de la lectura de la Revista de Educación, organismo gráfico de la Dirección General de Escuelas. El período analizado es el que transcurre entre los años 1936 y 1940 durante el gobierno bonaerense de Manuel Fresco. En el análisis que ponemos a consideración se pretende, especialmente, encontrar los puntos de tensión y complejidad subyacentes, dentro de una lectura de la historia que casi siempre se pensó -tanto por sus suscriptores, como por quienes se oponían a ella- como simple y monolítica. En tanto dicha mirada contemporánea de homogeneidad fue heredada posteriormente, en gran medida, por la interpretación historiográfica, creemos interesante realizar -a partir de los materiales provistos por la fuente- un juego de contraposiciones que desarme la lógica normalizadora predominante en los discursos recabados y se acerque a las encrucijadas que se les presentaban a los individuos, en momentos en que la experiencia política en la que participaban se encontraba todavía abierta a las inclemencias de la época


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La problemática de los Residuos Sólidos Urbanos (RSU), en la actualidad, encuentra respuesta en la Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos (GIRSU), la cual determina cómo debe tratarse la basura desde que se genera, se transporta y cuál debe ser su destino final. Esta política reconoce la recuperación de residuos como fundamental para una correcta gestión de la basura, y en este sentido, los Recuperadores Urbanos son quienes realizan esta tarea y reinsertan los residuos en el sistema productivo. En el presente trabajo se analiza cómo se construyen las relaciones entre las Cooperativas de Recuperadores Urbanos (CRU) y el Estado provincial, en la implementación de la política de Gestión diferenciada de RSU de grandes generadores (GG) de la provincia de Buenos Aires entre el año 2013 y 2014. Para esto nos basamos en la perspectiva de análisis de las políticas públicas, centrándonos en la fase de la implementación de la misma, pero necesariamente recorriendo la construcción del tema en la agenda de gobierno y los posicionamientos de los distintos actores sociales. En la provincia de Buenos Aires, particularmente en el Area Metropolitana y el Gran La Plata, los residuos se entierran en los rellenos sanitarios de la Coordinación Ecológica Area Metropolitana Sociedad del Estado (CEAMSE). La saturación de estos rellenos sanitarios en el año 2012, generó que el Organismo Provincial para el Desarrollo Sostenible (OPDS) implemente una política de Gestión diferenciada de RSU para los GG, con el objetivo de reducir los residuos que se entierran en la CEAMSE. Esta política implementada por el Organismo, tiene la particularidad de incluir a las Cooperativas bajo la figura de "Destino Sustentables", dando la posibilidad de que cobren el servicio de tratamiento de los residuos. Pero esta inclusión de las CRU trajo aparejada una gran cantidad de problemáticas debido al desconocimiento del OPDS de la heterogeneidad y diversidad de realidades en las que se encuentran las Cooperativas en la actualidad. En este contexto, se generó un espacio de participación entre las CRU y el OPDS denominado "Mesa de Trabajo", en donde centramos nuestro análisis


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De la configuración de los modernos sistemas democráticos, caracterizados como gobiernos representativos, es la representación política el elemento esencial y central en torno al cual gravitan la totalidad de las instituciones que en el mismo se articulan para hacer posible su funcionamiento en aras a la consecución del interés general o interés público, que de este modo se presenta como el fin esencial de toda esa construcción dentro de nuestros modernos sistemas políticos democráticos. Pero junto a ese interés general, que define la noción de representación política aparece otro elemento, que igualmente la caracteriza, que es la capacidad de control sobre el representante, que va a marcar la diferencia con la representación privada, para hacer posible la representación política, que de este modo lleva inherente la función de control, y es precisamente dentro de esa función de control donde puede encuadrarse la moción de censura, que se desarrolla dentro de un marco institucionalizado, y en concreto como objeto de esta investigación, dentro del marco de los gobiernos locales. Así, ha de tenerse en cuenta para la configuración, desarrollo y análisis de este importante elemento de control en los sistemas representativos que encarnan los gobiernos locales, las peculiaridades y especificidades que los mismos presentan en su conformación y funcionamiento, en los que ha de tenerse en cuenta, como elementos esenciales, la autonomía local, las competencias locales, las características especiales de la planta local así como la diversidad de entes que integran el ámbito local, de entre los que aparecen como esenciales y constitucionalizados el municipio y la provincial, pero que no agotan la diversidad y multiplicidad de entes que conforman el nivel de gobierno local...


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Mode of access: Internet.


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En p. 3: Ley de gobierno y administracion de las provincias, sancionada por S. M. en 25 de setiembre de 1863, con las reformas mandadas observar por Real decreto de 21 de octubre de 1866.


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Este libro está compuesto de tres apartados. El primero intenta explicar el fenómeno de toma del poder por parte de las juntas criollas neogranadinas, fundado en tres sentimientos muy generalizados en ese entonces: el pesimismo, fruto de la invasión napoleónica, el miedo especialmente a una guerra de castas y el inconformismo con la Administración virreinal. De esta manera se empezará una reflexión sobre el vacío de poder generado en toda la monarquía con ocasión de los hechos de Sayona, los cuales, sumados a una compleja red de causas de las que se dará cuenta, dan lugar a un proceso de gestación de juntas de gobierno tanto en la metrópoli como en América, llevando el primero al constitucionalismo gaditano y el segundo al hiperconstitucionalismo (provincial, nacional e, incluso, hispanoamericano). El segundo capítulo, titulado "Eran momentos de júbilo", expresa ese ánimo presente en los criollos que suscribieron o apoyaron la Constitución antioqueña de 1812. En este capítulo se hará un análisis de la Constitución que marcó el inicio del constitucionalismo antioqueño, para lo cual se trabajará en la mención de las principales instituciones que contempla, las diferencias y similitudes con la Constitución de Cádiz, con el fin de dilucidar si existe o no una estrecha relación entre ambas y, por último, el análisis del concepto de "nación-pueblo católico" presente en la Constitución antioqueña, que pone en evidencia la mixtura de instituciones e interpretaciones de nuevo y viejo régimen. El tercer apartado, hará una breve descripción de los hechos ocurridos entre 1812 y 1815 que marcan, de un lado, el primer proceso constitucionalista neogranadino, y del otro el surgimiento, por las sospechas generadas en torno a la posibilidad de continuar con el programa independentista -a la vez que federal de la Constitución de 1815, que pocos meses tuvo de vigencia formal puesto que se produjo la reconquista española.


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China is motorizing rapidly, with associated urban road development and extensive construction of motorways. Speeding accounts for about 10% of fatalities, which represents a large decrease from a peak of 17.2% in 2004. Speeding has been addressed at a national level through the introduction of laws and procedural requirements in 2004, in provinces either across all road types or on motorways, and at city level. Typically, documentation of speed enforcement programmes has taken place when new technology (i.e. speed cameras) is introduced, and it is likely that many programmes have not been documented or widely reported. In particular, the national legislation of 2004 and its implementation was associated with a large reduction in fatalities attributed to speeding. In Guangdong Province, after using speed detection equipment, motorway fatalities due to speeding in 2005 decreased by 32.5% comparing with 2004. In Beijing, the number of traffic monitoring units which were used to photograph illegal traffic activities such as traffic light violations, speeding and using bus lanes illegally increased to 1958 by April 1, 2009, and in the future such automated enforcement will become the main means of enforcement, expected to account for 60% of all traffic enforcement in Beijing. This paper provides a brief overview of the speeding enforcement programmes in China which have been documented and their successes.


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The purpose of this study was to determine factors (internal and external) that influenced Canadian provincial (state) politicians when making funding decisions about public libraries. Using the case study methodology, Canadian provincial/state level funding for public libraries in the 2009-10 fiscal year was examined. After reviewing funding levels across the country, three jurisdictions were chosen for the case: British Columbia's budget revealed dramatically decreased funding, Alberta's budget showed dramatically increased funding, and Ontario's budget was unchanged from the previous year. The primary source of data for the case was a series of semi-structured interviews with elected officials and senior bureaucrats from the three jurisdictions. An examination of primary and secondary documents was also undertaken to help set the political and economic context as well as to provide triangulation for the case interviews. The data were analysed to determine whether Cialdini's theory of influence (2001) and specifically any of the six tactics of influence (i.e, commitment and consistency, authority, liking, social proof, scarcity and reciprocity) were instrumental in these budget processes. Findings show the principles of "authority", "consistency and commitment" and "liking" were relevant, and that "liking" were especially important to these decisions. When these decision makers were considering funding for public libraries, they most often used three distinct lenses: the consistency lens (what are my values? what would my party do?), the authority lens (is someone with hierarchical power telling me to do this? are the requests legitimate?), and most importantly, the liking lens (how much do I like and know about the requester?). These findings are consistent with Cialdini's theory, which suggests the quality of some relationships is one of six factors that can most influence a decision maker. The small number of prior research studies exploring the reasons for increases or decreases in public library funding allocation decisions have given little insight into the factors that motivate those politicians involved in the process and the variables that contribute to these decisions. No prior studies have examined the construct of influence in decision making about funding for Canadian public libraries at any level of government. Additionally, no prior studies have examined the construct of influence in decision making within the context of Canadian provincial politics. While many public libraries are facing difficult decisions in the face of uncertain funding futures, the ability of the sector to obtain favourable responses to requests for increases may require a less simplistic approach than previously thought. The ability to create meaningful connections with individuals in many communities and across all levels of government should be emphasised as a key factor in influencing funding decisions.


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Objective This study was to investigate issues that arose from pre-admission to post-discharge, for people in Toowoomba, Queensland over the age of 65 admitted to an acute facility. This paper concentrates on a significant concern that emerged from the large amount of data collected during this project, that is,the role of the nurse in the continuum of health care involving elderly people. Method The study involved a multi-site, multi-agency and multi-method (qualitative and quantitative) approach. Data was collected from regional service providers, the Department of Health and Aged Care (DHAC), the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Home and Community Care (HACC), the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT), elderly people who had been discharged from regional hospitals and their carers, residents of regional aged care facilities, area health professionals and elderly regional hospital inpatients. Results The data indicated that nurses in this provincial area currently play a limited role in preadmission planning, being mostly concerned with elective surgery, especially joint replacements. While nurses deliver the majority of care during hospitalisation, they do not appear to be cognizant of the needs of the elderly regarding post-acute discharge. Conclusion The recent introduction of the model of nurse case management in the acute sector appears to be a positive development that will streamline and optimise the health care of the elderly across the continuum in the Toowoomba area. The paper recommends some strategies, such as discharge liaison nurses based in Emergency Departments and the expansion of the nurse case management role, which would optimise care for the elderly person at the interface of care.


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Background. Cause-of-death statistics are an essential component of health information. Despite improvements, underregistration and misclassification of causes make it difficult to interpret the official death statistics. Objective. To estimate consistent cause-specific death rates for the year 2000 and to identify the leading causes of death and premature mortality in the provinces. Methods. Total number of deaths and population size were estimated using the Actuarial Society of South Africa ASSA2000 AIDS and demographic model. Cause-of-death profiles based on Statistics South Africa's 15% sample, adjusted for misclassification of deaths due to ill-defined causes and AIDS deaths due to indicator conditions, were applied to the total deaths by age and sex. Age-standardised rates and years of life lost were calculated using age weighting and discounting. Results. Life expectancy in KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga is about 10 years lower than that in the Western Cape, the province with the lowest mortality rate. HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of premature mortality for all provinces. Mortality due to pre-transitional causes, such as diarrhoea, is more pronounced in the poorer and more rural provinces. In contrast, non-communicable disease mortality is similar across all provinces, although the cause profiles differ. Injury mortality rates are particularly high in provinces with large metropolitan areas and in Mpumalanga. Conclusion. The quadruple burden experienced in all provinces requires a broad range of interventions, including improved access to health care; ensuring that basic needs such as those related to water and sanitation are met; disease and injury prevention; and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. High death rates as a result of HIV/AIDS highlight the urgent need to accelerate the implementation of the treatment and prevention plan. In addition, there is an urgent need to improve the cause-of-death data system to provide reliable cause-of-death statistics at health district level.


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The influence of the architecture of the Byzantine capital spread to the Mediterranean provinces with travelling masters and architects. In this study the architecture of the Constantinopolitan School has been detected on the basis of the typology of churches, completed by certain morphological aspects when necessary. The impact of the Constantinopolitan workshops appears to have been more important than previously realized. This research revealed that the Constantinopolitan composite domed inscribed-cross type or cross-in-square spread everywhere to the Balkans and it was assumed soon by the local schools of architecture. In addition, two novel variants were invented on the basis of this model: the semi-composite type and the so-called Athonite type. In the latter variant lateral conches, choroi, were added for liturgical reasons. Instead, the origin of the domed ambulatory church was partly provincial. One result of this study is that the origin of the Middle Byzantine domed octagonal types was traced to Constantinople. This is attested on the basis of the archaeological evidence. Also some other architectural elements that have not been preserved in the destroyed capital have survived at the provincial level: the domed hexagonal type, the multi-domed superstructure, the pseudo-octagon and the narthex known as the lite. The Constantinopolitan architecture during the period in question was based on the Early Christian and Late Antique forms, practices and innovations and this also emerges at the provincial level.


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The dissertation examines Roman provincial administration and the phenomenon of territorial reorganisations of provinces during the Imperial period with special emphasis on the provinces of Arabia and Palaestina during the Later Roman period, i.e., from Diocletian (r. 284 305) to the accession of Phocas (602), in the light of imperial decision-making. Provinces were the basic unit of Roman rule, for centuries the only level of administration that existed between the emperor and the cities of the Empire. The significance of the territorial reorganisations that the provinces were subjected to during the Imperial period is thus of special interest. The approach to the phenomenon is threefold: firstly, attention is paid to the nature and constraints of the Roman system of provincial administration. Secondly, the phenomenon of territorial reorganisations is analysed on the macro-scale, and thirdly, a case study concerning the reorganisations of the provinces of Arabia and Palaestina is conducted. The study of the mechanisms of decision-making provides a foundation through which the collected data of all known major territorial reorganisations is interpreted. The data concerning reorganisations is also subjected to qualitative comparative analysis that provides a new perspective to the data in the form of statistical analysis that is sensitive to the complexities of individual cases. This analysis of imperial decision-making is based on a timeframe stretching from Augustus (r. 30 BC AD 14) to the accession of Phocas (602). The study identifies five distinct phases in the use of territorial reorganisations of the provinces. From Diocletian s reign there is a clear normative change that made territorial reorganisations a regular tool of administration for the decision-making elite for addressing a wide variety of qualitatively different concerns. From the beginning of the fifth century the use of territorial reorganisations rapidly diminishes. The two primary reasons for the decline in the use of reorganisations were the solidification of ecclesiastical power and interests connected to the extent of provinces, and the decline of the dioceses. The case study of Palaestina and Arabia identifies seven different territorial reorganisations from Diocletian to Phocas. Their existence not only testifies to wider imperial policies, but also shows sensitivity to local conditions and corresponds with the general picture of provincial reorganisations. The territorial reorganisations of the provinces reflect the proactive control of the Roman decision-making elite. The importance of reorganisations should be recognised more clearly as part of the normal imperial administration of the provinces and especially reflecting the functioning of dioceses.


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Resumen: El artículo indaga en la fiscalidad sobre el comercio interior de Buenos Aires y su relación con la consolidación de la propiedad privada en la campaña. A partir de un estudio de caso, se examinan las particularidades de las imposiciones fiscales sobre las actividades comerciales en el ámbito rural identificando cambios y continuidades en las formas de recaudación y gravamen. Este análisis se combina con el de los problemas que las prácticas ilegales vinculadas al abasto de ganado presentó tanto en su circulación en la campaña como en su introducción a los mercados citadinos. Ambas cuestiones son contrastadas con lo sucedido a partir de 1822, cuando durante el gobierno de Martín Rodríguez tanto el comercio como la circulación de ganado en el Hinterland intentarían ser regulados con mayor énfasis a fin de asegurar el respeto de la propiedad privada en el mundo rural.