231 resultados para Geleia de Wharton
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA
The blackberry fruit is highly perishable and therefore its use is preferentially industrial. However, there is few information in the literature about the effect of products processing made of blackberry. In this study, it was evaluated blackberry fruits and jellies from three different stages of harvest. The aim was the bromatological, quantification of total and soluble pectin and macro and micronutrients from fruits and jellies. The results showed that the blackberry presents a high potential for industrialization since most of the compounds evaluated there were no big changes resulted from the processing.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Hymenoptera exhibit an incredible diversity of phenotypes, the result of similar to 240 million years of evolution and the primary subject of more than 250 years of research. Here we describe the history, development, and utility of the Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology (HAO) and its associated applications. These resources are designed to facilitate accessible and extensible research on hymenopteran phenotypes. Outreach with the hymenopterist community is of utmost importance to the HAO project, and this paper is a direct response to questions that arose from project workshops. In a concerted attempt to surmount barriers of understanding, especially regarding the format, utility, and development of the HAO, we discuss the roles of homology, "preferred terms", and "structural equivalency". We also outline the use of Universal Resource Identifiers (URIs) and posit that they are a key element necessary for increasing the objectivity and repeatability of science that references hymenopteran anatomy. Pragmatically, we detail a mechanism (the "URI table") by which authors can use URIs to link their published text to the HAO, and we describe an associated tool (the "Analyzer") to derive these tables. These tools, and others, are available through the HAO Portal website (http://portal.hymao.org). We conclude by discussing the future of the HAO with respect to digital publication, cross-taxon ontology alignment, the advent of semantic phenotypes, and community-based curation.
The umbilical cord is a structure that provides vascular flow between the fetus and the placenta. It contains two arteries and one vein, which are surrounded and supported by gelatinous tissue known as Wharton’s jelly. There are many umbilical cord abnormalities that are related to the prognosis of fetus survival and birth weight. The authors report a case of umbilical cord constriction due to the localized absence of Wharton’s jelly, which was undiagnosed antenatally and had a fatal outcome. A review of the association between the absence of Wharton’s jelly and an unfavorable pregnancy outcome was undertaken.
L’attività di ricerca ha riguardato lo studio di popolazioni di cellule staminali mesenchimali umane (MSC) ottenute da molteplici tessuti adulti. Sono state investigate sorgenti di MSC alternative al midollo osseo, libere da conflitti etici, dotate di vantaggi per l’applicabilità clinica che vanno dalla elevata resa nel recupero cellulare alla tessuto-specificità. Le cellule ottenute dalle diverse sorgenti sono state caratterizzate immunofenotipicamente, commissionate mediante protocolli di induzione specifici per i diversi tipi cellulari ed analizzate con opportuni saggi istologici, immunoistochimici, di espressione genica e proteica. Esperimenti di cocoltura hanno permesso la descrizione di capacità immunomodulatorie e trofiche. - La placenta a termine risulta essere una ricca sorgente di cellule staminali mesenchimali (MSC). Dalla membrana amniotica, dal corion e dalla gelatina di Wharton del cordone ombelicale sono state ottenute MSC con potenzialità differenziative verso commissionamenti mesenchimali, con capacità immunomodulatorie e trofiche. Tali tessuti sono ampiamente disponibili, garantiscono una elevata resa nel recupero cellulare e sono liberi da conflitti etici. - Due popolazioni di cellule con caratteristiche di MSC sono state individuate nella mucosa e nella sottomucosa intestinale. Queste cellule possiedono caratteristiche di tessuto-specificità, sono dotate di attività trofiche ed immunomodulatorie che potrebbero essere vantaggiose per approcci di terapia cellulare in patologie quali le Malattie Infiammatorie Croniche Intestinali (IBD). - Popolazioni di cellule staminali con caratteristiche simili alle MSC sono state ottenute da isole pancreatiche. Tali popolazioni possiedono vantaggi di tessuto-specificità per approcci di terapia cellulare per il Diabete. - Sono stati investigati ed individuati marcatori molecolari (molecole HLA-G) correlati con il livello di attività immunomodulatoria delle MSC. La valutazione di tali marcatori potrebbere permettere di determinare l’attività immunosoppressiva a priori del trapianto, con l’obiettivo di scegliere le popolazioni di MSC più adatte per l’applicazione e di definirne il dosaggio. - E’ stato messa a punto una metodica e una strumentazione per il frazionamento di cellule staminali in Campo Flusso in assenza di marcatura (NEEGA-DF). Questa metodica permette di discriminare sottopopolazioni cellulari in base a caratteristiche biofisiche.
The umbilical cord is not an inert structure, suspended between the fetus and placenta, but it plays an active role and it is involved in several processes afflicting the feto-placental unit. Its study has to be regarding not only its morphology and morphometry, and the impendance of blood flow by Doppler waveform analysis, but it includes also an analysis of the coiling type and the amount of the Wharton Jelly. The umbilical cord has been considered like an important and huge source of informations, useful to assess the well-being of the fetus and the outcome of pregnancy. The standardization of ultrasound techniques is the first step to speak the same language and make the study of this structure a fundamental part of well-being fetus assessment. This article is carefully focused on morphologic, morphometric and functional ultrasound examination of umbilical cord and suggests that any anomaly detected should provide an indication for an intense fetal follow-up, useful for early helpful therapy, preventing serious complication for the pregnancy.
In 1846, T. Wharton-Jones described a coarsely granular stage in the development of granulocytic cells in animal and human blood. Shortly thereafter, Max Schultze redefined the coarsely granular cells as a type distinct from finely granular cells, rather than just a developmental stage. It was, however, not until 1879, when Paul Ehrlich introduced a method to distinguish granular cells by the staining properties of their granules, that a classification became possible. An intensive staining for eosin, among other aniline dyes, was eponymous for the coarsely granular cell type, which thereupon became referred to as eosinophil granulocyte. Eosinophilia had already been described in many diseases by the late 19th century. The role of these cells, however, today remains a matter of continuing speculation and investigation. Many functions have been attributed to the eosinophil over the years, often linked to increasing knowledge about the granular and cytoplasmatic contents. A better understanding of the regulatory mechanisms of eosinopoiesis has led to the development of knock-out mice strains as well as therapeutic strategies for reducing the eosinophil load in patients. The effect of these therapeutics and the characterization of the knock-out phenotypes have led to a great increase in the knowledge of the role of the eosinophil in disease. Today we think of the eosinophil as a multifunctional cell involved in host defense, tissue damage and remodeling, as well as immunomodulation.
Im Jahre 1879 stellte Paul Ehrlich erstmals eine starke Affinität einer bis dahin namenlosen, als grobkörnig granuliert (Wharton 1846) beschriebenen Blutzelle für den Farbstoff Eosin fest. Dieses Färbeverhalten war in der Folge namensgebend für den Eosinophilen (Ehrlich 1879).
Page 2 – The University and its Libraries celebrate 125 years of growth and service to the citizens of Connecticut. • UConn joins the Center for Research Libraries, the nation’s oldest and most significant library consortium. Page 3 - A profile of Stanley Israelite recounts his civic contributions and his role as a creator of the Dodd Research Center. Page 4 - The Thomas J. Dodd Research Center celebrates its 10th anniversary with a series of special events. • The Pharmacy Library occupies new quarters in UConn’s new Pharmacy/Biology Building. Page 5 - The 2005 Connecticut Children’s Book Fair features a great lineup of authors and illustrators. Page 6 - Staff News • The Wharton Data Research Service is now available for financial research. Page 7 - Donors to the University Libraries, January 1 – June 30, 2005
The biotic effects of volcanism have long been the unknown factors in creating biotic stress, and the contribution of the Deccan volcanism to the K-T mass extinction remains largely unknown. Detailed studies of the volcanic-rich sediments of Indian Ocean Ninetyeast Ridge Sites 216 and 217 and Wharton Basin Site 212 reveal that the biotic effects of late Maastrichtian volcanism on planktic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils are locally as severe as those of the K-T mass extinction. The biotic expressions of these high stress environments are characterized by the Lilliput effect, which includes reduced diversity by eliminating most K-strategy species, and reduction in specimen size (dwarfing), frequently to less than half their normal adult size of both r-strategy and surviving K-strategy species. In planktic foraminifera, the most extreme biotic stress results are nearly monospecific assemblages dominated by the disaster opportunist Guembelitria, similar to the aftermath of the K-T mass extinction. The first stage of improving environmental conditions results in dominance of dwarfed low oxygen tolerant Heterohelix species and the presence of a few small r-strategy species (Hedbergella, Globigerinelloides). Calcareous nannofossil assemblages show similar biotic stress signals with the dominance of Micula decussata, the disaster opportunist, and size reduction in the mean length of subordinate r-strategy species particularly in Arkhangelskiella cymbiformis and Watznaueria barnesiae. These impoverished and dwarfed late Maastrichtian assemblages appear to be the direct consequences of mantle plume volcanism and associated environmental changes, including high nutrient influx leading to eutrophic and mesotrophic waters, low oxygen in the water column and decreased watermass stratification.
The monograph is devoted to the main results of research on the Trans Indian Ocean Geotraverse from the Maskarene Basin to the north-western margin of Australia. These results were obtained by Russian specialists and together with Indian specialists during 15 years of cooperation in investigation of geological structure and mineral resources of the Indian Ocean. The monograph includes materials on information support of marine geological and geophysical studies, composition and structure of information resources on the Indian Ocean, bathymetry and geomorphology, structure and geological nature of the magnetic field, gravity field, plate tectonics, crustal structure and sedimentary cover, seismic stratigraphy, perspectives for detecting oil and gas, solid minerals, sediment composition, composition and properties of clay minerals, stratigraphy and sediment age, chemical composition of sediments, composition of and prospects for solid minerals.
The present work is based on mineralogical studies of sand and silt layers from a number of Deep Sea Drilling Project sites in the Indian Ocean belonging to different physiographic provinces of different ages. The minerals can be grouped into two major associations: a hornblende-opaque association with varying amounts of pyroxene, garnet, epidote, zircon, etc. and a biotite-chlorite-muscovite assemblage. The dominance of unstable minerals indicates a first generation, though evidence of reworking is reflected in the zircon and tourmaline grains at some sites. A large variety of minerals at some sites indicates a complex source. The mineral composition is nearly homogeneous at different sites for the entire length of the core, indicating that they have been derived from the same source during the deposition of that interval. However, the provenance changed by tectonic activity, the effect of which has been reflected in the mineralogy of some sites. An attempt was made to describe the mineralogic characteristics and their tectonic interpretations in the Pliocene and Miocene periods in the Ganges and Indus fan sites and also in the Wharton and Mozambique basin sites. Similar attempts could not be made for other ages in other physiographic provinces as the numbers of samples were too few. Within the limited scope, some idea about the mineralogical character of different basins and different physiographic provinces can be obtained from the present study. Mineralogical evidence also suggests very long transport of sediments in the deep sea. Regional variation of mineralogy has resulted due to source, sea-floor configuration, selective removal, reworking by different agencies and the processes operating in the ocean. There is no relation between a particular age and a set mineral assemblage for the Cenozoic sediments of the Indian Ocean.