1000 resultados para Forster, E. M. (Edward Morgan), 1879-1970
To understand the biology and evolution of ruminants, the cattle genome was sequenced to about sevenfold coverage. The cattle genome contains a minimum of 22,000 genes, with a core set of 14,345 orthologs shared among seven mammalian species of which 1217 are absent or undetected in noneutherian (marsupial or monotreme) genomes. Cattle-specific evolutionary breakpoint regions in chromosomes have a higher density of segmental duplications, enrichment of repetitive elements, and species-specific variations in genes associated with lactation and immune responsiveness. Genes involved in metabolism are generally highly conserved, although five metabolic genes are deleted or extensively diverged from their human orthologs. The cattle genome sequence thus provides a resource for understanding mammalian evolution and accelerating livestock genetic improvement for milk and meat production.
A new genus, Weketrema, is erected in the family Lecithasteridae for the species hitherto known as Lecithophyllum hawniiense. Weket, ema hawaiiense (Yamaguti, 1970) comb, n. is redescribed from Scolopsis bilineatus (Bloch) (Perciformes: Nemipteridae) from Lizard Island and Heron Island, Queensland, Plectorhinchus gibbosus (Lacepede) (Perciformes: Haemulidae) from Heron Island and Cheilodactylus nigripes Richardson (Perciformes: Cheilodactylidae) and Latridopsis forsteri (Castelnau) (Perciformes: Latridae) from Stanley, northern Tasmania. The new genus is distinguished from related members of the family Lecithasteridae by its complete lack of a sinus-sac. Although placed in the subfamily Lecithasterinae pro tem, its true subfamily position is not entirely clear. Comment is made on its unusual distribution, both in terms of zoogeography and hosts.
The management of neurotrauma in Australia has been one of the significant public health triumphs during the last 30 years of the 20th century. State and national government agencies act in a coordinated fashion to collect data and to promote research on how to manage neurotrauma patients. Between 1970 and 1995, fatalities from road accidents decreased by 47%. Hospital admissions have decreased by 40% despite a 40% increase in the population and a 120% increase in registered vehicles. Fatalities per 10,000 registered vehicles were 8.05% in 1970 and they fell to 1.84% per vehicles in 1995, while fatalities per 10;000 population were 3 in 1970 falling to 1.11 in 1995. Hospitalization from road crashes decreased 23% between March 1988 and March 1997. Public education has steadily improved, backed by the state public health sources. A uniform code of road safety laws has been adopted, backed by legislation and legal penalties and increasing police enforcement. Clinical care of patients has improved as a result of faster communications, tele-medicine, trauma systems, the CT scanner; intensive care units, and improved monitoring. Patient rehabilitation and counseling are now carried out at units accredited by the Australian Council on Health Care Standards.
Quantitative laser ablation (LA)-ICP-MS analyses of fluid inclusions, trace element chemistry of sulfides, stable isotope (S), and Pb isotopes have been used to discriminate the formation of two contrasting mineralization styles and to evaluate the origin of the Cu and Au at Mt Morgan. The Mt Morgan Au-Cu deposit is hosted by Devonian felsic volcanic rocks that have been intruded by multiple phases of the Mt Morgan Tonalite, a low-K, low-Al2O3 tonalite-trondhjemite-dacite (TTD) complex. An early, barren massive sulfide mineralization with stringer veins is conforming to VHMS sub-seafloor replacement processes, whereas the high-grade Au-Cu. ore is associated with a later quartz-chalcopyrite-pyrite stock work mineralization that is related to intrusive phases of the Tonalite complex. LA-ICP-MS fluid inclusion analyses reveal high As (avg. 8850 ppm) and Sb (avg. 140 ppm) for the Au-Cu mineralization and 5 to 10 times higher Cu concentration than in the fluids associated with the massive pyrite mineralization. Overall, the hydrothermal system of Mt Morgan is characterized by low average fluid salinities in both mineralization styles (45-80% seawater salinity) and temperatures of 210 to 270 degreesC estimated from fluid inclusions. Laser Raman Spectroscopic analysis indicates a consistent and uniform array Of CO2-bearing fluids. Comparison with active submarine hydrothermal vents shows an enrichment of the Mt Morgan fluids in base metals. Therefore, a seawater-dominated fluid is assumed for the barren massive sulfide mineralization, whereas magmatic volatile contributions are implied for the intrusive related mineralization. Condensation of magmatic vapor into a seawater-dominated environment explains the CO2 occurrence, the low salinities, and the enriched base and precious metal fluid composition that is associated with the Au-Cu. mineralization. The sulfur isotope signature of pyrite and chalcopyrite is composed of fractionated Devonian seawater and oxidized magmatic fluids or remobilized sulfur from existing sulfides. Pb isotopes indicate that Au and Cu. originated from the Mt Morgan intrusions and a particular volcanic strata that shows elevated Cu background. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Two new species of lepocreadiid trematodes are described from teleost fishes from off the coast of northern Tasmania. Opechona kahawai sp. nov. from Arripis sp. (Arripidae) differs from congeners by a combination of a longer prepharynx, longer excretory vesicle and the genital pore antero-sinistral to the ventral sucker. Cephalolepidapedon warehou sp. nov. from Seriolella punctata (Centrolophidae) differs from its only congener in the vitellarium reaching into the posterior forebody, a heavy concentration of eye-spot pigment in the forebody, a relatively narrower and more elongate body, a longer prepharynx and a more distinct oesophagus.
O artigo procura analisar e identificar o conjunto de forças que contribuíram, decisivamente, no alargamento do mar territorial brasileiro para 200 milhas marítimas, em março de 1970. Procura, ainda, demonstrar a estratégia empreendida pela política externa brasileira, em defesa de seu mar territorial de 200 milhas, durante o período que compreende a extensão marítima, em 1970, até a conclusão dos trabalhos da III Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre o Direito do Mar, em 1982, avaliando a Conferência e seus resultados principais no âmbito dos interesses brasileiros.
Este artigo traz algumas reflexões acerca da presença empresarial brasileira no mercado africano, enfocando particularmente a visão de diferentes autores que se voltaram para o estudo das relações comerciais entre o Brasil e a África. O texto objetiva responder a duas questões principais. Primeiramente, sob que motivações o comrcio Brasil-África obteve um notável crescimento entre os anos 1970 e 1990? Segundo, quais as perspectivas que se apresentam para o empresário brasileiro que deseje iniciar negócios na África? Através da pesquisa bibliográfica e entrevistas com executivos que atuaram na África no período mencionado, além de especialistas em comrcio exterior, constatou-se que nos anos mencionados o governo brasileiro concedeu generosos incentivos aos empreendimentos direcionados para o mercado africano. Com o fim dessa política privilegiada, muitas empresas fracassaram, no entanto algumas permanecem em atividade, a exemplo da Câmara de Comrcio Afro-Brasileira e da Construtora Norberto Odebrecht cujas trajetórias proporcionaram a entrada de outras empresas brasileiras no mercado africano, além de propiciarem importantes lições a empreendedores que desejam iniciar negócios no mercado africano. Concluímos que, a despeito da redução do apoio estatal e das mudanças no ambiente econômico interno e externo brasileiro, as oportunidades comerciais no continente africano existem e não podem ser ignoradas pelos homens de negócios, que tendem a julgar a África como um todo em função dos aspectos negativos ressaltados pela imprensa, da mesma forma que muitos empresários africanos desconhecem a qualidade dos nossos produtos e serviços.