963 resultados para Feed-water purification.


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A solar thermal membrane distillation pilot plant was operated for over 70 days in field conditions. The pilot plant incorporated a single spiral wound permeate gap membrane distillation style of module. All energy used to operate the unit was supplied by solar hot water collectors and photovoltaic panels. The process was able to produce a distillate stream of product water with a conductivity less than 10 µS/cm. Feed water concentration varied from 2,400 µS/cm to 106,000 µS/cm. The process is expected to find application in the production of drinking water for remote island and arid regions without the consumption of electrical energy.


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The application of layered double hydroxides (LDHs) and thermally activated LDHs for the removal of various fluorine (F-, BF-4), chlorine (Cl-,ClO-4), bromine (Br-, BrO-3) and iodine (I-, IO-3) species from aqueous solutions has been reviewed in this article. LDHs and thermally activated LDHs were able to significantly reduce the concentration of selected anions in laboratory scale experiments. The M2+:M3+ cation ratio of the LDH adsorbent was an important factor which influenced anion uptake. Though LDHs were able to remove some target anion species through anion exchange and surface adsorption thermal activation and reformation generally produced better results. The presence of competing anions including carbonate, phosphate and sulphate had a significant impact on uptake of the target anion as LDHs typically exhibit lower affinity towards monovalent anions compared to anions with multiple charges. The removal of fluoride and perchlorate from aqueous solution by a continuous flow system utilising fixed bed columns packed with LDH adsorbents has also been investigated. The adsorption capacity of the columns at breakpoint was heavily dependent on the flow rate and lower than result reported for the corresponding batch methods. There is still considerable scope for future research on numerous topics summarised in this article.


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Reverse osmosis (RO) is used by coal seam gas (CSG) operators to treat produced water as it is a well-established and proven technology worldwide. Despite the suitability of RO, there are problems associated with RO technology such as membrane fouling which although not preventing use of RO does decrease effectiveness and increase operating costs. Hence, effective pre-treatment of water samples is essential. Electrocoagulation (EC) potentially can provide improved water purification compared to conventional coagulation prior to an RO unit. This paper provides the first reported study of EC for CSG water pre-treatment and compares the performance to a range of aluminium and iron based coagulants. It was found that EC was superior in terms of removal of silica, calcium, magnesium, barium and strontium in the produced water.


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In view of the growing global demand for energy and concern expressed for environmental degradation, a clean and "free" energy source, such as solar energy, has been receiving greater attention in recent years for various applications using different techniques. The Direct Expansion Solar Assisted Heat Pump (DX-SAHP) principle is one of the most promising techniques as it makes use of both solar and ambient energy. As the system has capability to function at low temperatures, it has the potential to operate at night in the tropics. The system utilizes multi-effect distillation (MED) principle for the conversion of seawater to fresh water. An experimental setup of the DX-SAHP desalination system has been built at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS). This system uses two types of flat-plate solar collectors. One is called evaporator-collector, where no glazing is used, and the efficiency varies between 80 and 90%. The other type of collector is single-glazed, where the maximum efficiency is about 60%, and it is used for feed water heating. For the heat pump cycle, refrigerant R134a is used. The present study provides a comprehensive analyses and performance evaluation of this system under different operating and meteorological conditions of Singapore. The Coefficient of Performance (COP) of the heat pump system reached a maximum value of 10. For a single effect of desalination, the system shows a Performance Ratio (PR) of around 1.3.


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This investigation for the removal of agricultural pollutants, imazaquin and atrazine was conducted using montmorillonite (MMT) exchanged with organic cations through ion exchange. The study found that the adsorption of the herbicides was affected by the degree of organic cation saturations, the size of organic cations and the different natures of the herbicides. The modified clays intercalated with the larger surfactant molecules at the higher concentrations tended to enhance the adsorption of imazaquin and atrazine. In particular, the organoclays were highly efficient for the removal of imazaquin while the adsorption of atrazine was minimal due to the different hydrophobicities. Both imazaquin and atrazine were influenced by the changes of pH. The amphoteric imazaquin exists as an anion at the pH 5–7 and the anionic imazaquin was protonated to a neutral and further a cationic form when the pH is lower. The weak base, atrazine was also protonated at lower pH values. The anionic imazaquin had a strong affinity to the organoclays on the external surface as well as in the interlayer space of the MMT through electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions. In this study, the electrostatic interaction can be the primary mechanism involved during the adsorption process. This study also investigated a comparative adsorption for the imazaquin and atrazine and the lower adsorption of atrazine was enhanced and this phenomenon was due to the synergetic effect. This work highlights a potential mechanism for the removal of specific persistence herbicides from the environment.


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B. cereus is a gram-positive bacterium that possesses two different forms of life:the large, rod-shaped cells (ca. 0.002 mm by 0.004 mm) that are able to propagate and the small (0.001 mm), oval shaped spores. The spores can survive in almost any environment for up to centuries without nourishment or water. They are insensitive towards most agents that normally kill bacteria: heating up to several hours at 90 ºC, radiation, disinfectants and extreme alkaline (≥ pH 13) and acid (≤ pH 1) environment. The spores are highly hydrophobic and therefore make them tend to stick to all kinds of surfaces, steel, plastics and live cells. In favorable conditions the spores of B. cereus may germinate into vegetative cells capable of producing food poisoning toxins. The toxins can be heat-labile protein formed after ingestion of the contaminated food, inside the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhoeal toxins), or heat stable peptides formed in the food (emesis causing toxin, cereulide). Cereulide cannot be inactivated in foods by cooking or any other procedure applicable on food. Cereulide in consumed food causes serious illness in human, even fatalities. In this thesis, B. cereus strains originating from different kinds of foods and environments and 8 different countries were inspected for their capability of forming cereulide. Of the 1041 isolates from soil, animal feed, water, air, used bedding, grass, dung and equipment only 1.2 % were capable of producing cereulide, whereas of the 144 isolates originating from foods 24 % were cereulide producers. Cereulide was detected by two methods: by its toxicity towards mammalian cells (sperm assay) and by its peculiar chemical structure using liquid-chromatograph-mass spectrometry equipment. B. cereus is known as one of the most frequent bacteria occurring in food. Most foods contain more than one kind of B. cereus. When randomly selected 100 isolates of B. cereus from commercial infant foods (dry formulas) were tested, 11% of these produced cereulide. Considering a frequent content of 103 to 104 cfu (colony forming units) of B. cereus per gram of infant food formula (dry), it appears likely that most servings (200 ml, 30 g of the powder reconstituted with water) may contain cereulide producers. When a reconstituted infant formula was inoculated with >105 cfu of cereulide producing B. cereus per ml and left at room temperature, cereulide accumulated to food poisoning levels (> 0.1 mg of cereulide per serving) within 24 hours. Paradoxically, the amount of cereulide (per g of food) increased 10 to 50 fold when the food was diluted 4 - 15 fold with water. The amount of the produced cereulide strongly depended on the composition of the formula: most toxin was formed in formulas with cereals mixed with milk, and least toxin in formulas based on milk only. In spite of the aggressive cleaning practices executed by the modern dairy industry, certain genotypes of B. cereus appear to colonise the silos tanks. In this thesis four strategies to explain their survival of their spores in dairy silos were identified. First, high survival (log 15 min kill ≤ 1.5) in the hot alkaline (pH >13) wash liquid, used at the dairies for cleaning-in-place. Second, efficient adherence of the spores to stainless steel from cold water. Third, a cereulide producing group with spores characterized by slow germination in rich medium and well preserved viability when exposed to heating at 90 ºC. Fourth, spores capable of germinating at 8 ºC and possessing the psychrotolerance gene, cspA. There were indications that spores highly resistant to hot 1% sodium hydroxide may be effectively inactivated by hot 0.9% nitric acid. Eight out of the 14 dairy silo tank isolates possessing hot alkali resistant spores were capable of germinating and forming biofilm in whole milk, not previously reported for B. cereus. In this thesis it was shown that cereulide producing B. cereus was capable of inhibiting the growth of cereulide non-producing B. cereus occurring in the same food. This phenomenon, called antagonism, has long been known to exist between B. cereus and other microbial species, e.g. various species of Bacillus, gram-negative bacteria and plant pathogenic fungi. In this thesis intra-species antagonism of B. cereus was shown for the first time. This brother-killing did not depend on the cereulide molecule, also some of the cereulide non-producers were potent antagonists. Interestingly, the antagonistic clades were most frequently found in isolates from food implicated with human illness. The antagonistic property was therefore proposed in this thesis as a novel virulence factor that increases the human morbidity of the species B. cereus, in particular of the cereulide producers.


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In this article, we describe our ongoing efforts in addressing the environment and energy challenges facing the world today. Tapping solar thermal energy seems to be the right choice for a country like India. We look at three solar-thermal technologies in the laboratory — water purification/distillation, Stirling engine, and air-conditioning/refrigeration.


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A controllable synthesis of phase pure wurtzite (WZ) ZnS nanostructures has been reported in this work at a low temperature of similar to 220 degrees C using ethylenediamine as the soft template and by varying the molar concentration of zinc to sulphur precursors as well as by using different precursors. A significant reduction in the formation temperature required for the synthesis of phase pure WZ ZnS has been observed. A strong correlation has been observed between the morphology of the synthesized ZnS nanostructures and the precursors used during synthesis. It has been found from Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) image analyses that the morphology of the ZnS nanocrystals changes from a block-like to a belt-like structure having an average length of similar to 450 nm when the molar ratio of zinc to sulphur source is increased from 1 : 1 to 1 : 3. An oriented attachment (OA) growth mechanism has been used to explain the observed shape evolution of the synthesized nanostructures. The synthesized nanostructures have been characterized by the X-ray diffraction technique as well as by UV-Vis absorption and photoluminescence (PL) emission spectroscopy. The as-synthesized nanobelts exhibit defect related visible PL emission. On isochronal annealing of the nanobelts in air in the temperature range of 100-600 degrees C, it has been found that white light emission with a Commission Internationale de I'Eclairage 1931 (CIE) chromaticity coordinate of (0.30, 0.34), close to that of white light (0.33, 0.33), can be obtained from the ZnO nanostructures obtained at an annealing temperature of 600 degrees C. UV light driven degradation of methylene blue (MB) dye aqueous solution has also been demonstrated using as-synthesized nanobelts and similar to 98% dye degradation has been observed within only 40 min of light irradiation. The synthesized nanobelts with visible light emission and having dye degradation activity can be used effectively in future optoelectronic devices and in water purification for cleaning of dyes.


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In this study, various strategies like amine terminated GO (GO-NH2), in situ formed polyethylene grafted GO (PE-g-GO) and their combinations with maleated PE (maleic anhydride grafted PE) were adopted to reactively compatibilize blends of low density polyethylene (LDPE) and polyethylene oxide (PEO). These blends were further explored to design porous, antibacterial membranes for separation technology and the flux and the resistance across the membranes were studied systematically. It was observed that GO-NH2 led to uniform dispersion of PEO in a PE matrix and further resulted in a significant improvement in the mechanical properties of the blends when combined with maleated PE. The efficiency of various compatibilizers was further studied by monitoring the evolution of morphology as a function of the annealing time. It was observed that besides rendering uniform dispersion of PEO in PE and improving the mechanical properties, GO-NH2 further suppresses the coalescence in the blends. As the melt viscosities of the phases differ significantly, there is a gradient in the morphology as also manifested from scanning acoustic microscopy. Hence, the membranes were designed by systematically reducing the thickness of the as-pressed samples to expose the core as the active area for flux calculations. Selected membranes were also tested for their antibacterial properties by inoculating E. coli culture with the membranes and imaging at different time scales. This study opens new avenues to develop PE based cost effective anti-microbial membranes for water purification.


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In this study, various strategies like amine terminated GO (GO-NH2), in situ formed polyethylene grafted GO (PE-g-GO) and their combinations with maleated PE (maleic anhydride grafted PE) were adopted to reactively compatibilize blends of low density polyethylene (LDPE) and polyethylene oxide (PEO). These blends were further explored to design porous, antibacterial membranes for separation technology and the flux and the resistance across the membranes were studied systematically. It was observed that GO-NH2 led to uniform dispersion of PEO in a PE matrix and further resulted in a significant improvement in the mechanical properties of the blends when combined with maleated PE. The efficiency of various compatibilizers was further studied by monitoring the evolution of morphology as a function of the annealing time. It was observed that besides rendering uniform dispersion of PEO in PE and improving the mechanical properties, GO-NH2 further suppresses the coalescence in the blends. As the melt viscosities of the phases differ significantly, there is a gradient in the morphology as also manifested from scanning acoustic microscopy. Hence, the membranes were designed by systematically reducing the thickness of the as-pressed samples to expose the core as the active area for flux calculations. Selected membranes were also tested for their antibacterial properties by inoculating E. coli culture with the membranes and imaging at different time scales. This study opens new avenues to develop PE based cost effective anti-microbial membranes for water purification.


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In this work, porous membranes were designed by selectively etching the PEO phase, by water, from a melt-mixed PE/PEO blend. The pure water flux and the resistance across the membrane were systematically evaluated by employing an indigenously developed cross flow membrane setup. Both the phase morphology and the cross sectional morphology of the membranes was assessed by scanning electron microscopy and an attempt was made to correlate the observed morphology with the membrane performance. In order to design antibacterial membranes for water purification, partially reduced graphene oxide (rGO), silver nanoparticles (Ag) and silver nanoparticles decorated with rGO (rGO-Ag) were synthesized and incorporated directly into the blends during melt mixing. The loss of viability of bacterial cells was determined by the colony counting method using E. coli as a model bacterium. SEM images display that the direct contact with the rGO-Ag nanoparticles disrupts the cell membrane. In addition, the rGO-Ag nanoparticles exhibited a synergistic effect with respect to bacterial cell viability in comparison to both rGO and Ag nanoparticles. The possible mechanism associated with the antibacterial activity in the membranes was discussed. This study opens new avenues in designing antibacterial membranes for water purification.


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This study demonstrates the synthesis of TiO2 nanobelts using solution combustion derived TiO2 with enhanced photocatalytic activity for dye degradation and bacterial inactivation. Hydrothermal treatment of combustion synthesized TiO2 resulted in unique partially etched TiO2 nanobelts and Ag3PO4 was decorated using the co-precipitation method. The catalyst particles were characterized using X-ray diffraction analysis, BET surface area analysis, diffuse reflectance and electron microscopy. The photocatalytic properties of the composites of Ag3PO4 with pristine combustion synthesized TiO2 and commercial TiO2 under sunlight were compared. Therefore the studies conducted proved that the novel Ag3PO4/unique combustion synthesis derived TiO2 nanobelt composites exhibited extended light absorption, better charge transfer mechanism and higher generation of hydroxyl and hole radicals. These properties resulted in enhanced photodegradation of dyes and bacteria when compared to the commercial TiO2 nanocomposite. These findings have important implications in designing new photocatalysts for water purification.


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Polyolefinic membranes have attracted a great deal of interest owing to their ease of processing and chemical inertness. In this study, porous polyolefin membranes were derived by selectively etching PEO from PE/PEO (polyethylene/poly(ethylene oxide)) blends. The hydrophobic polyolefin (low density polyethylene) was treated with UV-ozone followed by dip coating in chitosan acetate solution to obtain a hydrophilic-antibacterial surface. The chitosan immobilized PE membranes were further characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscope (FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscope (XPS). It was found that surface grafting of chitosan onto PE membranes enhanced the surface roughness and the concentration of nitrogen (or amine) scaled with increasing concentration of chitosan (0.25 to 2% wt/vol), as inferred from Kjeldahl nitrogen analysis. The pure water flux was almost similar for chitosan immobilized PE membranes as compared to membranes without chitosan. The bacterial population, substantially reduced for membranes with higher concentration of chitosan. For instance, 90 and 94% reduction in Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) colony forming unit respectively was observed with 2% wt/vol of chitosan. This study opens new avenues in designing polyolefinic based antibacterial membranes for water purification.


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The daytime composition and relative abundance of zooplankton species were studied in three treatments of two replicate earthen ponds each with nutrient sources and water replenishment regimes. Treatment -A (200m super(2) surface area supplied 900kgha super(-1) pig manure only). Treatment -B (200m super(2) surface area supplied 70kgha super(-1) month super(-1) pig manure, 50kgha super(-1) month super(-1) N.P.K. [15:15:15] and 30kgha super(-1) month super(-1) Urea) and Treatment-C (1500m2 surface area supplied 1150kgha super(-1) month super(-1) commercial grade 40% crude protein compounded feed). Water replenishment for Treatment A was daily tidal deluge from the New Calabar River while that for treatment B and C was from column-well and occasional rains. No zooplankton species were recovered from the pig-manure only treatment (A) while only Diffugia constricta and Difflugia urceolata were the two protozoans that occurred together in treatments B (combined fertilization) and C (compounded feed only) in contrast, Difflugia acuminate and three rotifers, Collurella uncinata, Diurella stylata and Keratella quadrata occurred only treatment B. similarly, Arcella arenaria, Arcella costata, Centropyxis aculeate, Difflugia pyriformis, Branchionus calyciflorus, Lepadella patella, Polyarthra trigla and Onchocanmptus mohammedi were recovered from treatment C. Arcella costata was the most abundant zooplankton in the entire experiment, while Arcella arenaria was very abundant in treatment C, Collurella uncinata was very abundant in treatment B. The inference is that combined fertilization of earthen freshwater ponds tend to be more suitable for the culture of rotifers such as Brachionus calyciflorus, popular in fish larva nursery, while those supplied compounded feed could be used to produce protozoans where desirable


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Apresenta-se uma avaliação técnico-econômica para o préaquecimento solar da água de reposição em caldeiras de sistemas de vapor abertos. São empregados, para compor um estudo de caso, os dados de uma indústria de laticínios de médio porte situada próximo da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Quarenta e oito simulações computacionais do sistema de aquecimento solar (SAS) foram realizadas em TRNSYS, correspondendo aos 5% melhores resultados econômicos de uma série de 2.700 simulações mais simples (método φ-f-chart), programados em MATLAB. Foram empregados dados horários de ano típico meteorológico (TMY) para a cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O ganho econômico foi baseado no consumo evitado dos três combustíveis mais comuns na indústria de laticínios, enquanto o custo de investimento foi composto a partir de valores comerciais e da literatura. Os resultados da avaliação econômica mostraram-se desfavoráveis para a substituição de óleo combustível, favoráveis no caso de caldeiras a gás natural, condicionado a existência de subsídios, e bem competitivos para a substituição de GLP. A eficiência térmica do sistema mostrou ser o parâmetro técnico chave para o desempenho econômico, consequentemente, uma vez que a eficiência se mostrou inversamente proporcional tanto ao volume do reservatório quanto à área de coletores, não há uma configuração ótima para o sistema. Não obstante, os resultados permitiram a proposição de políticas públicas para incentivar o uso da energia solar na indústria leiteira e, consequentemente, contribuir para a preservação ambiental.