954 resultados para FRESH-WATER ANIMALS
Yeast populations in the Shark River Slough of the Florida Everglades, USA, were examined during a 3-year period (2002–2005) at six locations ranging from fresh water marshes to marine mangroves. Seventy-four described species (33 ascomycetes and 41 basidiomycetes) and an approximately equal number of undescribed species were isolated during the course of the investigation. Serious human pathogens, such as Candida tropicalis, were not observed, which indicates that their presence in coastal waters is due to sources of pollution. Some of the observed species were widespread throughout the fresh water and marine habitats, whereas others appeared to be habitat restricted. Species occurrence ranged from prevalent to rare. Five representative unknown species were selected for formal description. The five species comprise two ascomycetes: Candida sharkiensis sp. nov. (CBS 11368T) and Candida rhizophoriensis sp. nov. (CBS 11402T) (Saccharomycetales, Metschnikowiaceae), and three basidiomycetes: Rhodotorula cladiensis sp. nov. (CBS 10878T) in the Sakaguchia clade (Cystobasidiomycetes), Rhodotorula evergladiensis sp. nov. (CBS 10880T) in the Rhodosporidium toruloides clade (Microbotryomycetes, Sporidiobolales) and Cryptococcus mangaliensis sp. nov. (CBS 10870T) in the Bulleromyces clade (Agaricomycotina, Tremellales).
In the primary studying, known leeches have included into free living and parasitic which the parasitic group, besides of direct impacts like: growth detraction, anemia, making wound in the connecting part with the skin, with making plat for secondary bacterial and molding infections in the toll place, is able to cause to transfer blood flagellate and virus to the fish too. Therefore, by accusing information related to fauna leeches of each area a risk factor from the viewpoint of the possibility of being or accusing transferred diseases by these leeches, one can predict and forehand about them. Freshwater leeches of Iran to present accurate recognition (morphological, molecular) have not been, and there are some limited reports from different parts of the country about them. One of the areas that its leeches have not been identified yet is Kurdistan, By having five latrines and big permanent rivers and 32000 springs and a lot of deep and semi-deep wells and this province is a convenient bed for growing aquatics in the country. Therefore, identifying risk factors for development of aquaculture on water resources is one important factor to access achieving development goals. For recognizing leeches of this province, some samples from 10 stands were token. Samples from under stones, sticking to the fish, turtles, plants and solid substances in the water were separated and after recording their physical characteristics, calming with 10% ethylic alcohol with 10% formalin become fixed and after painting with Carmen acetic acid by standard keys for 7 species of Helobdella stagnalis, Placobdella costata, Hemiclepsis marginata, Erpobdella octoculata, Hirudo medicinalis, Dina lineate lineata have been identified and described. Which Helobdella stagnalis has the highest distribution in the province and the minimum one is Hirudo medicinalis. However, that the data obtained in leeches in Kurdistan is a relatively complete collection in this research, recognizing fauna of these areas needs more studying. The Placobdella costata and Hemiclepsis marginata sticking to the fish were separated among identified species which showed that these are parasites for the fish. The sticking area of those leeches to the skin was accompanied with scales cast, damage to mucous membranes beneath the parasite and bleeding Was associated with Histopathology studying effect includes observing break and disconnection in the leech connecting place to the epithelial layer of epidermis in the skin, destroyed nucleus in skin Epithelial cells with observing necrosis in ulcerative place become of the leech and the sub acute inflammated penetration until acute necrosis with opening in Dermis layer is observable. Kidney of this fish have changes such as: proliferation, like proliferative kidney disease with increasing proliferative glomerular cells and increasing in membranous cells in Capillary corpuscle, observing necrotic cells in haematopoietic tissue of kidney along with increasing in infiltration of leukocyte's cells generally mono nucluars such as lymphocytes and less poly morpho nucluars such as neutrophiles that are symptoms of disorders causing anemia become of nourishing and sucking blood by the leech and creating a chronic kidney infection that originally root is in another place like the skin. Also Hemorrhagic anemia causes losing RBC's is because of using the host blood by the leech. (In this situation, one can see immature RBC red cells in Peripheral blood. To identify potential carriers of the leech to the viruses, after finding them in recorded stands and putting them in 75% ethanol for viruses cause IPN, VHS, IHN, they were tested by PCR that the conclusion of these experiments approved IPN virus in Hemiclepsis marginata and Hirudo medicinalis. This kind of leeches can act like a mechanical carrier and causing spreading the agent of this disease. It is worth mentioning that studying the pathogenicity of this virus for aquaculture sources, mentioned before needs more research. During the study of infected fish with leeches that was done after preparing bloody slides and staining them, no case blood parasites was observed. During a research about infecting fish experimentally to known leeches it become clear that 5 days after being in aquarium including leeches, samples of sticking Hirudo medicinalis leech to the golden carp with scales cast were observed. Including leeches to the fish started with molting the scales in the sticking area in the fish and fish become too uneasy and by rubbing themselves to the malls and things inside the aquarium, tried to separate them. Finally, after around 30 hours, leeches penetrate the skin, feeding from blood and tissue liquids and cause mortality the fish and then they become separated from them. If the corpse of these fish stayed in the aquarium, the Helobdella stagnalis and Erpobdella octoculata would start feeding them.
In this study, thermal, exergetic analysis and performance evaluation of seawater and fresh wet cooling tower and the effect of parameters on its performance is investigated. With using of energy and mass balance equations, experimental results, a mathematical model and EES code developed. Due to lack of fresh water, seawater cooling is interesting choice for future of cooling, so the effect of seawater in the range of 1gr/kg to 60gr/kg for salinity on the performance characteristics like air efficiency, water efficiency, output water temperature of cooling tower, flow of the exergy, and the exergy efficiency with comparison with fresh water examined. Decreasing of air efficiency about 3%, increasing of water efficiency about 1.5% are some of these effects. Moreover with formation of fouling the performance of cooling tower decreased about 15% which this phenomena and its effects like increase in output water temperature and tower excess volume has been showed and also accommodate with others work. Also optimization for minimizing cost, maximizing air efficiency, and minimizing exergy destruction has been done, results showed that optimization on minimizing the exergy destruction has been satisfy both minimization of the cost and the maximization of the air efficiency, although it will not necessarily permanent for all inputs and optimizations. Validation of this work is done by comparing computational results and experimental data which showed that the model have a good accuracy.
We investigate extra- and intracellular osmoregulatory capability in two species of hololimnetic Caridea and Anomura: Macrobrachium brasiliense, a palaemonid shrimp, and Aegla franca, an aeglid anomuran, both restricted to continental waters. We also appraise the sharing of physiological characteristics by the hololimnetic Decapoda, and their origins and role in the conquest of fresh water. Both species survive salinity exposure well. While overall hyperosmoregulatory capability is weak in A. franca and moderate in M. brasiliense, both species strongly hyporegulate hemolymph [Cl-] but not osmolality. Muscle total free amino acids (FAA) increase slowly but markedly in response to the rapid rise in hemolymph osmolality consequent to hyperosmotic challenge: 3.5-fold in A. franca and 1.9-fold in M. brasiliense. Glycine, taurine, arginine, alanine and proline constitute a parts per thousand 85% of muscle FAA pools in fresh water; taurine, arginine, alanine each contribute a parts per thousand 22% in A. franca, while glycine predominates (70%) in M. brasiliense. These FAA also show the greatest increases on salinity challenge. Muscle FAA titers correlate strongly (R = 0.82) with hemolymph osmolalities across the main decapod sub/infraorders, revealing that marine species with high hemolymph osmolalities achieve isosmoticity of the intra- and extracellular fluids partly through elevated intracellular FAA concentrations; freshwater species show low hemolymph osmolalities and exhibit reduced intracellular FAA titers, consistent with isosmoticity at a far lower external osmolality. Given the decapod phylogeny adopted here and their multiple, independent invasions of fresh water, particularly by the Caridea and Anomura, our findings suggest that homoplastic strategies underlie osmotic and ionic homeostasis in the extant freshwater Decapoda.
Fresh water wetlands on Hilton Head Island have experienced significant degradation over the past few decades. Fifty per cent of the original fresh water wetlands on the island have been either completely destroyed or significantly altered. This fact, plus the declining water levels experienced periodically, have caused much concern over the importance of the wetlands. A major question concerned the role of the wetlands in the recharge of the local ground water aquifer. The present study was undertaken in order to evaluate the potential of the wetlands for water table recharge.
In order to access the effect of the lakes in the atmospheric electrical field, measurements have been carried out near a large man-made lake in southern Portugal, the Alqueva reservoir, during the ALqueva hydro-meteorological EXperiment 2014. The purpose of these conjoint experiments was to study the impact of the Alqueva reservoir on the atmosphere, in particular on the local atmospheric electric environment by comparing measurements taken in the proximity of the lake. Two stations 10 km apart were used, as they were located up- and down-wind of the lake (Amieira and Parque Solar, respectively), in reference to the dominant northwestern wind direction. The up-wind station shows lower atmospheric electric potential gradient (PG) values than the ones observed in the down-wind station between 12 and 20 UTC. The difference in the atmospheric electric PG between the up-wind and the down-wind station is ~30 V/m during the day. This differential occurs mainly during the development of a lake breeze, between 10 and 18 UTC, as a consequence of the surface temperature gradient between the surrounding land and the lake water. In the analysis presented, a correlation is found between the atmospheric electric PG differences and both wind speed and temperature gradients over the lake, thus supporting the influence of the lake breeze over the observed PG variation in the two stations. Two hypotheses are provided to explain this observation: (1) The air that flows from the lake into the land station is likely to increase the local electric conductivity through the removal of ground dust and the transport of cleaner air from higher altitudes with significant light ion concentrations. With such an increase in conductivity, it is expected to see a reduction of the atmospheric electric PG; (2) the resulting air flow over the land station carries negative ions formed by wave splashing in the lake's water surface, as a result of the so-called balloelectric effect. These negative ions will form a space-charge density (SCD) that can reduce the atmospheric electric PG. A formulation is derived here in order to estimate the local SCD.
Copper sulfate is widely used in aquaculture. Exposure to this compound can be harmful to fish, resulting in oxidative metabolism alterations and gill tissue damage. Pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus, (wt = 43.4 +/- A 3.35 g) were distributed in experimental tanks (n = 10; 180 l) and exposed for 48 h to control (without copper addition), 0.4Cu (0.4 mg l(-1)), 0CupH (without copper addition, pH = 5.0) and 0.4CupH (0.4 mg l(-1), pH = 5.0). In liver and red muscle, the superoxide dismutase (SOD) was responsive to the increases in the aquatic copper. The plasmatic intermediary metabolites and hematological variables in the fish of group 0.4Cu were similar to those of the control group. Conversely, the exposure to 0.4CupH caused an increase in the plasmatic lactate, number of red blood cells (RBC) and hemoglobin (Hb). Plasmatic copper concentration [Cu(p)] increased in group 0.4Cu and 0.4CupH, which is higher in group 0.4CupH, suggests an effect of water pH on the absorbed copper. Exposure to 0.4Cu and 0.4CupH resulted in a reduction in the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity and an increase in metallothionein (MT) in the gills. Exposure to 0CupH caused a decrease in glucose and pyruvate concentrations and an increase in RBC, Hb, and the branchial Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity. These responses suggest that the fish triggered mechanisms to revert the blood acidosis, save energy and increase the oxygen uptake. MT was an effective biomarker, responding to copper in different pHs and dissolved oxygen. Combined-factors caused more significant disturbance in the biomarkers than single-factors.
This study investigated the potentially detrimental effects of copper and elevated aquatic CO2 (hypercarbia), alone or in combination, on pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus. Fish were exposed for 48 h to control (no copper addition in normocarbia), to 400 mu g Cu2+L-1, to hypercarbic (1% CO2; PCO2=6.9 mm Hg) water and to 400 mu g Cu2+L-1+ hypercarbia. In liver the single factors caused an increase in lipid hydroperoxide concentration that was not observed when the factors were combined. Copper exposure elicited increased hepatic superoxide dismutase activity, irrespective of aquatic CO2 level. On the other hand, the effects of copper on hepatic glutathione peroxidase activity were dependent on water CO2 levels. The two stressors combined did not affect hepatic catalase activity. Hypercarbic water caused a decline in plasma glucose concentration, but this was not observed when hypercarbia was combined with copper exposure. Copper caused a decrease in branchial Na+/K+-ATPase activity that was independent of water CO2 level. Copper caused an increase in branchial metallothionein concentration that was independent of water CO2 level. Thus, branchial metallothionein and Na+/K+-ATPase were effective biomarkers of copper exposure that were not affected by water CO2 level. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We investigate the variation in quantitative and molecular traits in the freshwater snail Galba truncatula, from permanent and temporary water habitats. Using a common garden experiment, we measured 20 quantitative traits and molecular variation using seven microsatellites in 17 populations belonging to these two habitats. We estimated trait means in each habitat. We also estimated the distributions of overall genetic quantitative variation (QST), and of molecular variation (FST), within and between habitats. Overall, we observed a lack of association between molecular and quantitative variance. Among habitats, we found QST>FST, an indication of selection for different optima. Individuals from temporary water habitat matured older, at a larger size and were less fecund than individuals from permanent water habitat. We discuss these findings in the light of several theories for life-history traits evolution.
Toxic cyanobacteria are common in Portuguese freshwaters and the most common toxins are microcystins. The occurrence of microcystin-LR (MCYST-LR) has been reported since 1990 and a significant number of water reservoirs that are used for drinking water attain high levels of this toxin. Aquatic animals that live in eutrophic freshwater ecosystems may be killed by microcystins but in many cases the toxicity is sublethal and so the animals can survive long enough to accumulate the toxins and transfer them along the food chain. Among these, edible mollusks, fish and crayfish are especially important because they are harvested and sold for human consumption. Mussels that live in estuarine waters and rivers where toxic blooms occur may accumulate toxins without many significant acute toxic effects. In this study data are presented in order to understand the dynamics of the accumulation and depuration of MCYST-LR in mussels. The toxin is readily accumulated and persists in the shellfish for several days after contact. In the crayfish the toxin is accumulated mainly in the gut but is also cleared very slowly. In carps, although the levels of the toxins found in naturally caught specimens were not very high, some toxin was found in the muscle and not only in the viscera. This raises the problem of the toxin accumulation by fish and possible transfer through the food chain. The data gathered from these experiments and from naturally caught specimens are analyzed in terms of risk for human consumption. The occurrence of microcystins in tap water and the incidence of toxic cyanobacteria in fresh water beaches in Portugal are reported. The Portuguese National Monitoring Program of cyanobacteria is mentioned and its implications are discussed.
Kinosternon scorpioides é uma pequena tartaruga semi-aquática, típica de água doce, de distribuição geográfica bastante diversificada, encontrada no estado do Maranhão, onde é denominada de jurará ou muçuã. Sua carne é uma excelente fonte de proteína e a despeito da legislação vigente, é comercializado nas praias e feiras da cidade de São Luís e consumido nos restaurantes sob a forma de farofa servida em casquinha. Os órgãos genitais do macho foram estudados visando fornecer dados morfológicos da própria espécie, que poderão ser utilizados na biologia reprodutiva voltada para ações de preservação em cativeiro. Compõe-se a amostra de 10 machos adultos, obtidos mediante apreensões do IBAMA-MA (Proc. nº 020.12.002400/99-31, licença nº 002/01), os quais foram eutanaziados conforme normas do Comitê de Ética do Curso de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Estadual do Maranhão. A cavidade celomática foi aberta e os órgãos fixados em solução aquosa de formaldeído 10%, e posteriormente dissecados. Os testículos possuem formato ovóide e coloração amarelo-ouro. Os epidídimos convolutos estavam aderidos dorsalmente à superfície medial dos testículos, terminando em um pequeno ducto deferente. Os ductos deferentes não forma-ram nenhuma ampola distinta, abrindo-se na cloaca. O pênis sulcado, localizado no assoalho da cloaca, estendeu-se até a cauda, composto de raíz, corpo e glande. A morfologia dos órgãos reprodutivos destes animais assemelha-se aos de outras tartarugas, sugerindo uma morfologia conservada entre as tartarugas.
Chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to assess the stress conditions in water hyacinth along the Paraiba do Sul River (PSR), an important River in southeastern Brazil. The data were obtained at the end of the dry season of 2005 and at the end of the wet season of 2006. Changes in F-o and F-m parameters were observed as differentiated responses, depending on the season. Non-photochemical dissipation (qN and NPQ) from plants was greater in the most industrialized region of the PSR in both seasons. However, F-v/F-m for all samples ranged between 0.77 and 0.81, showing that high maximum quantum yield was maintained. Although the F-v/F-m suggests that the plants were exhibiting normal photochemical activities, ultrastructural changes in chloroplasts showed thylakoids disorganization. Plants from the most industrialized region showed non-stacking grana thylakoids disposition. In spite of these alterations, the membrane integrity was maintained, suggesting an adaptation to adjustment to adverse environmental conditions. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
An unusual saltwater population of the "freshwater" crocodilian, Crocodylus johnstoni, was studied in the estuary of the Limmen Bight River in Australia's Northern Territory and compared with populations in permanently freshwater habitats. Crocodiles in the river were found across a large salinity gradient, from fresh water to a salinity of 24 mg.ml-1, more than twice the body fluid concentration. Plasma osmolarity, concentrations of plasma Na+, Cl-, and K+, and exchangeable Na+ pools were all remarkably constant across the salinity spectrum and were not substantially higher or more variable than those in crocodiles from permanently freshwater habitats. Body fluid volumes did not vary; condition factor and hydration status of crocodiles were not correlated with salinity and were not different from those of crocodiles from permanently fresh water. C. johnstoni clearly has considerable powers of osmoregulation in waters of low to medium salinity. Whether this osmoregulatory competence, extends to continuously hyperosmotic environments is not known, but distributional data suggest that C. johnstoni in hyperosmotic conditions may require periodic access to hypoosmotic water. The study demonstrates a physiological capacity for colonisation of at least some estuarine waters by this normally stenohaline freshwater crocodilian.
The cloacal complex of Crocodylus porosus is composed of three chambers (proctodaeum, urodaeum, and coprodaeum) separated by tight, muscular sphincters. The proctodaeum is proximal to the cloacal vent and houses the genitalia. The urodaeum is the largest chamber, is capable of storing large quantities of urine, and is lined with an epithelium with the capacity for transepithelial water and ion exchange. The coprodaeum, the most orad cloacal chamber, is a small, only marginally expandable chamber that has an epithelium composed almost entirely of mucus-secreting cells. The coprodaeum and lower intestine are reported to be the site(s) for urine modification in birds and bladderless lizards. A radiographic trace of urine storage in C. porosus kept for 2 months under hyperosmotic conditions showed no signs of retrograde movement of urine into the coprodaeum or rectum. Instead, urine was stored in the urodaeum of C. porosus. Examination of the mucosal surface of the urodaeum by SEM showed a plastic response to environmental salinity, with a possible increase in surface area in animals kept in hyperosmotic water compared with animals from fresh water. We propose the urodaeum as the primary site for postrenal modification of urine in C, porosus. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.