951 resultados para FREE-ENERGY DIFFERENCES


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Out-of-equilibrium statistical mechanics is attracting considerable interest due to the recent advances in the control and manipulations of systems at the quantum level. Recently, an interferometric scheme for the detection of the characteristic function of the work distribution following a time-dependent process has been proposed [L. Mazzola et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 (2013) 230602]. There, it was demonstrated that the work statistics of a quantum system undergoing a process can be reconstructed by effectively mapping the characteristic function of work on the state of an ancillary qubit. Here, we expand that work in two important directions. We first apply the protocol to an interesting specific physical example consisting of a superconducting qubit dispersively coupled to the field of a microwave resonator, thus enlarging the class of situations for which our scheme would be key in the task highlighted above. We then account for the interaction of the system with an additional one (which might embody an environment), and generalize the protocol accordingly.


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Using the operational framework of completely positive, trace preserving operations and thermodynamic fluctuation relations, we derive a lower bound for the heat exchange in a Landauer erasure process on a quantum system. Our bound comes from a nonphenomenological derivation of the Landauer principle which holds for generic nonequilibrium dynamics. Furthermore, the bound depends on the nonunitality of dynamics, giving it a physical significance that differs from other derivations. We apply our framework to the model of a spin-1/2 system coupled to an interacting spin chain at finite temperature.


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We study the numerical efficiency of solving the self-consistent field theory (SCFT) for periodic block-copolymer morphologies by combining the spectral method with Anderson mixing. Using AB diblock-copolymer melts as an example, we demonstrate that this approach can be orders of magnitude faster than competing methods, permitting precise calculations with relatively little computational cost. Moreover, our results raise significant doubts that the gyroid (G) phase extends to infinite $\chi N$. With the increased precision, we are also able to resolve subtle free-energy differences, allowing us to investigate the layer stacking in the perforated-lamellar (PL) phase and the lattice arrangement of the close-packed spherical (S$_{cp}$) phase. Furthermore, our study sheds light on the existence of the newly discovered Fddd (O$^{70}$) morphology, showing that conformational asymmetry has a significant effect on its stability.


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We present a stochastic approach to nonequilibrium thermodynamics based on the expression of the entropy production rate advanced by Schnakenberg for systems described by a master equation. From the microscopic Schnakenberg expression we get the macroscopic bilinear form for the entropy production rate in terms of fluxes and forces. This is performed by placing the system in contact with two reservoirs with distinct sets of thermodynamic fields and by assuming an appropriate form for the transition rate. The approach is applied to an interacting lattice gas model in contact with two heat and particle reservoirs. On a square lattice, a continuous symmetry breaking phase transition takes place such that at the nonequilibrium ordered phase a heat flow sets in even when the temperatures of the reservoirs are the same. The entropy production rate is found to have a singularity at the critical point of the linear-logarithm type.


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In this thesis we are presenting a broadly based computer simulation study of two-dimensional colloidal crystals under different external conditions. In order to fully understand the phenomena which occur when the system is being compressed or when the walls are being sheared, it proved necessary to study also the basic motion of the particles and the diffusion processes which occur in the case without these external forces. In the first part of this thesis we investigate the structural transition in the number of rows which occurs when the crystal is being compressed by placing the structured walls closer together. Previous attempts to locate this transition were impeded by huge hysteresis effects. We were able to determine the transition point with higher precision by applying both the Schmid-Schilling thermodynamic integration method and the phase switch Monte Carlo method in order to determine the free energies. These simulations showed not only that the phase switch method can successfully be applied to systems with a few thousand particles and a soft crystalline structure with a superimposed pattern of defects, but also that this method is way more efficient than a thermodynamic integration when free energy differences are to be calculated. Additionally, the phase switch method enabled us to distinguish between several energetically very similar structures and to determine which one of them was actually stable. Another aspect considered in the first result chapter of this thesis is the ensemble inequivalence which can be observed when the structural transition is studied in the NpT and in the NVT ensemble. The second part of this work deals with the basic motion occurring in colloidal crystals confined by structured walls. Several cases are compared where the walls are placed in different positions, thereby introducing an incommensurability into the crystalline structure. Also the movement of the solitons, which are created in the course of the structural transition, is investigated. Furthermore, we will present results showing that not only the well-known mechanism of vacancies and interstitial particles leads to diffusion in our model system, but that also cooperative ring rotation phenomena occur. In this part and the following we applied Langevin dynamics simulations. In the last chapter of this work we will present results on the effect of shear on the colloidal crystal. The shear was implemented by moving the walls with constant velocity. We have observed shear banding and, depending on the shear velocity, that the inner part of the crystal breaks into several domains with different orientations. At very high shear velocities holes are created in the structure, which originate close to the walls, but also diffuse into the inner part of the crystal.


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The CBS-QB3 method was used to calculate the gas-phase free energy difference between 20 phenols and their respective anions, and the CPCM continuum solvation method was applied to calculate the free energy differences of solvation for the phenols and their anions. The CPCM solvation calculations were performed on both gas-phase and solvent-phase optimized structures. Absolute pKa calculations with solvated phase optimized structures for the CPCM calculations yielded standard deviations and root-mean-square errors of less than 0.4 pKa unit. This study is the most accurate absolute determination of the pKa values of phenols, and is among the most accurate of any such calculations for any group of compounds. The ability to make accurate predictions of pKa values using a coherent, well-defined approach, without external approximations or fitting to experimental data, is of general importance to the chemical community. The solvated phase optimized structures of the anions are absolutely critical to obtain this level of accuracy, and yield a more realistic charge separation between the negatively charged oxygen and the ring system of the phenoxide anions.


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The complete basis set methods CBS-4, CBS-QB3, and CBS-APNO, and the Gaussian methods G2 and G3 were used to calculate the gas phase energy differences between six different carboxylic acids and their respective anions. Two different continuum methods, SM5.42R and CPCM, were used to calculate the free energy differences of solvation for the acids and their anions. Relative pKa values were calculated for each acid using one of the acids as a reference point. The CBS-QB3 and CBS-APNO gas phase calculations, combined with the CPCM/HF/6-31+G(d)//HF/6-31G(d) or CPCM/HF/6-31+G(d)//HF/6-31+G(d) continuum solvation calculations on the lowest energy gas phase conformer, and with the conformationally averaged values, give results accurate to ½ pKa unit. © 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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We report a general method for screening, in solution, the impact of deviations from canonical Watson-Crick composition on the thermodynamic stability of nucleic acid duplexes. We demonstrate how fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) can be used to detect directly free energy differences between an initially formed “reference” duplex (usually a Watson-Crick duplex) and a related “test” duplex containing a lesion/alteration of interest (e.g., a mismatch, a modified, a deleted, or a bulged base, etc.). In one application, one titrates into a solution containing a fluorescently labeled, FRET-active, reference duplex, an unlabeled, single-stranded nucleic acid (test strand), which may or may not compete successfully to form a new duplex. When a new duplex forms by strand displacement, it will not exhibit FRET. The resultant titration curve (normalized fluorescence intensity vs. logarithm of test strand concentration) yields a value for the difference in stability (free energy) between the newly formed, test strand-containing duplex and the initial reference duplex. The use of competitive equilibria in this assay allows the measurement of equilibrium association constants that far exceed the magnitudes accessible by conventional titrimetric techniques. Additionally, because of the sensitivity of fluorescence, the method requires several orders of magnitude less material than most other solution methods. We discuss the advantages of this method for detecting and characterizing any modification that alters duplex stability, including, but not limited to, mutagenic lesions. We underscore the wide range of accessible free energy values that can be defined by this method, the applicability of the method in probing for a myriad of nucleic acid variations, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms, and the potential of the method for high throughput screening.


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The free energy difference between complexes of the restriction nuclease EcoRI with nonspecific DNA and with the enzyme's recognition sequence is linearly dependent on the water chemical potential of the solution, set using several very different solutes, ranging from glycine and glycerol to triethylene glycol and sucrose. This osmotic dependence indicates that the nonspecific complex sequesters some 110 waters more than the specific complex with the recognition sequence. The insensitivity of the difference in number of waters released to the solute identity further indicates that this water is sequestered in a space that is sterically inaccessible to solutes, most likely at the protein-DNA interface of the nonspecific complex. Calculations based on the structure of the specific complex suggest that the apposing DNA and protein surfaces in the nonspecific complex retain approximately a full hydration layer of water.


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Graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4), as a promising metal-free catalyst for photo-catalytic and electrochemical water splitting, has recently attracted tremendous research interest. However, the underlying catalytic mechanism for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) is not fully understood. By using density functional theory calculations, here we have established that the binding free energy of hydrogen atom (ΔGH∗0) on g-C3N4 is very sensitive to mechanical strain, leading to substantial tuning of the HER performance of g-C3N4 at different coverages. The experimentally-observed high HER activity in N-doped graphene supported g-C3N4 (Zheng et al., 2014) is actually attributed to electron-transfer induced strain. A more practical strategy to induce mechanical strain in g-C3N4 is also proposed by doping a bridge carbon atom in g-C3N4 with an isoelectronic silicon atom. The calculated ΔGH∗0 on the Si-doped g-C3N4 is ideal for HER. Our results indicate that g-C3N4 would be an excellent metal-free mechano-catalyst for HER and this finding is expected to guide future experiments to efficiently split water into hydrogen based on the g-C3N4 materials.


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The Gibbs energy of formation of V2O3-saturated spinel CoV2O4 has been measured in the temperature range 900–1700 K using a solid state galvanic cell, which can be represented as Pt, Co + CoV2O4 + V2O3/(CaO) ZrO2/Co + CoO, Pt. The standard free energy of formation of cobalt vanadite from component oxides can be represented as CoO (rs) + V2O3 (cor) → CoV2O4 (sp), ΔG° = −30,125 − 5.06T (± 150) J mole−1. Cation mixing on crystallographically nonequivalent sites of the spinel is responsible for the decrease in free energy with increasing temperature. A correlation between “second law” entropies of formation of cubic 2–3 spinels from component oxides with rock salt and corundum structures and cation distribution is presented. Based on the information obtained in this study and trends in the stability of aluminate and chromite spinels, it can be deduced that copper vanadite is unstable.


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We study the vortex matter phase diagram of a layered superconductor in the presence of columnar pinning defects, tilted with respect to the normal to the layers. We use numerical minimization of the free energy written as a functional of the time-averaged vortex density of the Ramakrishnan-Yussouff form, supplemented by the appropriate pinning potential. We study the case where the pin density is smaller than the areal vortex density. At lower pin concentrations, we find, for temperatures of the order of the melting temperature of the unpinned lattice, a Bose glass type phase which at lower temperatures converts, via a first-order transition, to a Bragg glass, while, at higher temperatures, it crosses over to an interstitial liquid. At somewhat higher concentrations, no transition to a Bragg glass is found even at the lowest temperatures studied. While qualitatively the behavior we find is similar to that obtained using the same procedures for columnar pins normal to the layers, there are important and observable quantitative differences, which we discuss.


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Cells of every living organism on our planet − bacterium, plant or animal − are organized in such a way that despite differences in structure and function they utilize the same metabolic energy represented by electrochemical proton gradient across a membrane. This gradient of protons is generated by the series of membrane bound multisubunit proteins, Complex I, II, III and IV, organized in so-called respiratory or electron transport chain. In the eukaryotic cell it locates in the inner mitochondrial membrane while in the bacterial cell it locates in the cytoplasmic membrane. The function of the respiratory chain is to accept electrons from NADH and ubiquinol and transfer them to oxygen resulting in the formation of water. The free energy released upon these redox reactions is converted by respiratory enzymes into an electrochemical proton gradient, which is used for synthesis of ATP as well as for many other energy dependent processes. This thesis is focused on studies of the first member of the respiratory chain − NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase or Complex I. This enzyme has a boot-shape structure with hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains, the former of which has all redox groups of the protein, the flavin and eight to nine iron-sulfur clusters. Complex I serves as a proton pump coupling transfer of two electrons from NADH to ubiquinone to the translocation of four protons across the membrane. So far the mechanism of energy transduction by Complex I is unknown. In the present study we applied a set of different methods to study the electron and proton transfer reactions in Complex I from Escherichia coli. The main achievement was the experiment that showed that the electron transfer through the hydrophilic domain of Complex I is unlikely to be coupled to proton transfer directly or to conformational changes in the protein. In this work for the first time properties of all redox centers of Complex I were characterized in the intact purified bacterial enzyme. We also probed the role of several conserved amino acid residues in the electron transfer of Complex I. Finally, we found that highly conserved amino acid residues in several membrane subunits form a common pattern with a very prominent feature – the presence of a few lysines within the membrane. Based on the experimental data, we suggested a tentative principle which may govern the redox-coupled proton pumping in Complex I.


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The phase relations in the system Cu-Gd-O have been determined at 1273 K by X-ray diffrac- tion, optical microscopy, and electron microprobe analysis of samples equilibrated in quartz ampules and in pure oxygen. Only one ternary compound, CuGd2O4, was found to be stable. The Gibbs free energy of formation of this compound has been measured using the solid-state cell Pt, Cu2O + CuGd2O4 + Gd2O3 // (Y2O3) ZrO2 // CuO + Cu2O, Pt in the temperature range of 900 to 1350 K. For the formation of CuGd2O4 from its binary component oxides, CuO (s) + Gd2O3 (s) → CuGd2O4 (s) ΔG° = 8230 - 11.2T (±50) J mol-1 Since the formation is endothermic, CuGd2O4 becomes thermodynamically unstable with respect to CuO and Gd2O3 below 735 K. When the oxygen partial pressure over CuGd2O4 is lowered, it decomposes according to the reaction 4CuGd2O4 (s) → 4Gd2O3 (s) + 2Cu2O (s) + O2 (g) for which the equilibrium oxygen potential is given by Δμo 2 = −227,970 + 143.2T (±500) J mol−1 An oxygen potential diagram for the system Cu-Gd-O at 1273 K is presented.


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The Gibbs free energy of formation of the orthorhombic form of CaZrO3(o) from monoclinic ZrO2(m) and periclase CaO(p) has been determined as a function of temperature in the range 950-1225 K, using an electrochemical cell incorporating single-crystal CaF2 as the solid electrolyte. The results are corrected for the small solid solubility of CaO in ZrO2. For the reaction, ZrO2(m) + CaO(p) --> CaZrO3(o), DELTAG(phi) = -31590 -13.9T(+/- 180) J mol-1. The ''second-law'' enthalpy of formation of CaZrO3 obtained from the results of this study at a mean temperature of 1090 K is in excellent agreement with the high-temperature solution calorimetric measurements of Muromachi and Navrotsky at 1068 K (J. Solid State Chem., 72 (1988) 244), and the average value of the bomb and acid solution calorimetric studies of Lvova and Feodosev (Zh. Fiz. Khim., 38 (1964) 28), Korneev et al. (Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Neorg. Mater., 7 (1971) 886) and Brown and Bennington (Thermochim. Acta, 106 (1986) 183). The standard entropy of CaZrO3(o) at 298.15 K from the free energy data is 96.4 (+/- 3.5) J K-1 mol-1. The results of this study are discussed in comparison with high-temperture e.m.f. measurements reported in the literature on cubic zirconia solid solutions.