343 resultados para FATS


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Summary Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the Western world in older people. Diet and lifestyle change can reduce CVD risk in older people, and this evidence base is reviewed. For example, diets low in trans fats can reduce CVD risk, while for saturated fats the CVD-lowering effect depends on what is substituted for the saturated fat. Diets rich in fish reduce CVD risk, although n-3 supplements have not been shown to have a consistent effect on CVD end-points. Antioxidant and B-group vitamin supplementation are unlikely to reduce CVD risk, but diets rich in these micronutrients (e.g. rich in fruits and vegetables and the Mediterranean diet) are associated with lower CVD risk, while, for the Mediterranean diet, this has been supported by randomized controlled trials. Maintaining a healthy weight and being physically active reduce CVD risk factors and CVD incidence and mortality. © 2013 Cambridge University Press.


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To investigate the effect of fast food consumption on mean population body mass index (BMI) and explore the possible influence of market deregulation on fast food consumption and BMI.

The within-country association between fast food consumption and BMI in 25 high-income member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development between 1999 and 2008 was explored through multivariate panel regression models, after adjustment for per capita gross domestic product, urbanization, trade openness, lifestyle indicators and other covariates. The possible mediating effect of annual per capita intake of soft drinks, animal fats and total calories on the association between fast food consumption and BMI was also analysed. Two-stage least squares regression models were conducted, using economic freedom as an instrumental variable, to study the causal effect of fast food consumption on BMI.

After adjustment for covariates, each 1-unit increase in annual fast food transactions per capita was associated with an increase of 0.033 kg/m2 in age-standardized BMI (95% confidence interval, CI: 0.013–0.052). Only the intake of soft drinks – not animal fat or total calories – mediated the observed association (β: 0.030; 95% CI: 0.010–0.050). Economic freedom was an independent predictor of fast food consumption (β: 0.27; 95% CI: 0.16–0.37). When economic freedom was used as an instrumental variable, the association between fast food and BMI weakened but remained significant (β: 0.023; 95% CI: 0.001–0.045).

Fast food consumption is an independent predictor of mean BMI in high-income countries. Market deregulation policies may contribute to the obesity epidemic by facilitating the spread of fast food.


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Due to its low digestibility in the small intestine, a major fraction of the polyol isomalt reaches the colon. However, little is known about effects on the intestinal microflora. During two 4-week periods in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over design, nineteen healthy volunteers consumed a controlled basal diet enriched with either 30 g isomalt or 30 g sucrose daily. Stools were collected at the end of each test phase and various microbiological and luminal markers were analysed. Fermentation characteristics of isomalt were also investigated in vitro. Microbiological analyses of faecal samples indicated a shift of the gut flora towards an increase of bifidobacteria following consumption of the isomalt diet compared with the sucrose diet (P


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This paper presents data from the English Channel area of Britain and Northern France on the spatial distribution of Lower to early Middle Palaeolithic pre-MIS5 interglacial sites which are used to test the contention that the pattern of the richest sites is a real archaeological distribution and not of taphonomic origin. These sites show a marked concentration in the middle-lower reaches of river valleys with most being upstream of, but close to, estimated interglacial tidal limits. A plant and animal database derived from Middle-Late Pleistocene sites in the region is used to estimate the potentially edible foods and their distribution in the typically undulating landscape of the region. This is then converted into the potential availability of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) and selected micronutrients. The floodplain is shown to be the optimum location in the nutritional landscape (nutriscape). In addition to both absolute and seasonal macronutrient advantages the floodplains could have provided foods rich in key micronutrients, which are linked to better health, the maintenance of fertility and minimization of infant mortality. Such places may have been seen as ‘good (or healthy) places’ explaining the high number of artefacts accumulated by repeated visitation over long periods of time and possible occupation. The distribution of these sites reflects the richest aquatic and wetland successional habitats along valley floors. Such locations would have provided foods rich in a wide range of nutrients, importantly including those in short supply at these latitudes. When combined with other benefits, the high nutrient diversity made these locations the optimal niche in northwest European mixed temperate woodland environments. It is argued here that the use of these nutritionally advantageous locations as nodal or central points facilitated a healthy variant of the Palaeolithic diet which permitted habitation at the edge of these hominins’ range.


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Tese de doutoramento, Química (Química Tecnológica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Genética), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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A água é um recurso natural único, escasso e essencial a todos os seres vivos, o que a torna um bem de extrema importância. Nos dias de hoje, o desperdício deste bem, aliado ao aumento da sua procura, tornou-se um problema devido à decrescente disponibilidade de água doce no nosso planeta. Todas as águas que rejeitamos depois da sua utilização para diversos fins, designadas de águas residuais, necessitam de tratamento antes de serem devolvidas ao meio ambiente. O seu tratamento é realizado numa Estação de Tratamento de Águas Residuais (ETAR) e o processo de tratamento depende das suas características. A ETAR das Termas de S. Vicente, em Penafiel, trabalha no seu limite de capacidade, apresenta uma sobrecarga hidráulica gerada por uma afluência de águas pluviais e o processamento das lamas geradas não permite uma secagem tão completa como seria desejável. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo do funcionamento desta ETAR com a finalidade de propor soluções que o possam otimizar. As soluções propostas para otimizar o funcionamento da ETAR em estudo são: i) a substituição de grades de limpeza manual por grades de limpeza automática de forma a reduzir a necessidade da intervenção do operador ao nível da remoção e condicionamento dos gradados; ii) a construção de um desarenador arejado que além de remover areias de diâmetro superior a 0,2 mm promove também a remoção de gorduras, protegendo desta forma os equipamentos a jusante da abrasão/desgaste prematuros e reduzindo a formação de depósitos nas tubagens; iii) a construção de um tanque de equalização de forma a garantir uma distribuição mais uniforme dos caudais e da carga poluente; iv) a substituição do enchimento do leito percolador por um meio de suporte plástico que permite atingir melhores eficiências de remoção neste tratamento biológico; v) a alteração do agente de desinfeção para radiação ultravioleta, evitando a adição de produtos químicos na água residual e possível formação de subprodutos prejudiciais ao ambiente, como ocorreria no caso da cloragem; e vi) a substituição da desidratação de lamas em leitos de secagem por filtros de banda, que é um processo mais rápido, que ocupa menos espaço e permite atingir elevadas eficiências de remoção de humidade. Para cada uma das sugestões são apresentadas as correspondentes especificações técnicas e dimensionamento. As sugestões de melhoria apresentadas neste trabalho constituem uma alternativa mais económica do que a ampliação da ETAR, que genericamente corresponde à duplicação da linha de tratamento atual. Devido à menor complexidade em termos de construção, estas sugestões podem vir a ser implementadas num futuro próximo, prolongando assim um pouco mais a vida útil da ETAR atual.


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O presente trabalho teve como objectivo a minimização do impacto ambiental do processo de curtume da pele de bovino. A indústria de curtumes transforma a pele, material putrescível, em couro, material nobre, termicamente estável e imputrescível. A transformação da pele em couro origina uma carga poluente apreciável quer quanto a efluentes líquidos quer quanto a resíduos sólidos. O fluxo produtivo da indústria de curtumes pode dividir-se em quatro sectores: ribeira, curtume, tinturaria e acabamento, sendo que os três primeiros geram efluentes líquidos com elevada carga poluente. Neste trabalho, foram avaliadas as fases do processo que geram efluentes líquidos: molho, caleiro, curtume e tinturaria. Na avaliação do processo do molho testou-se uma protease e uma lipase contra um molhante e um desengordurante tradicional, agentes químicos normalmente utilizados no molho mas menos biodegradáveis que as enzimas testadas. Salienta-se o bom resultado obtido quanto à eficiência do molho Na avaliação do processo de caleiro testaram-se várias alternativas no sentido da redução da quantidade de sulfureto de sódio utilizada e da minimização da carga poluente. Entre as alternativas, depilação por oxidação, depilação enzimática com e sem destruição do pêlo, elegeu-se a depilação enzimática sem destruição do pêlo que conduziu a resultados com menor impacto ambiental, nomeadamente a redução da % da quantidade de sulfureto de sódio, sendo a redução da carga poluente de 4,19 % de sulfureto, 32.80% de sólidos suspensos totais (SST),27.09% de sólidos totais (ST) e de 76.90% da carência química de oxigénio (CQO) no efluente de caleiro. No processo do curtume da pele é utilizado crómio como agente de curtume em cerca de 80% das peles tratadas, sendo este metal problemático em termos ambientais. No sentido de reduzir a quantidade de crómio utilizada no processo foi realizado um planeamento factorial onde as variáveis a estudar foram a concentração de crómio e a temperatura, tendo este como objectivo observar qual a quantidade mínima de crómio necessária para termos um produto final nas condições desejadas e gerando um menor impacto ambiental. Concluiu-se desenvolvendo um processo que mostra ser possível reduzir a quantidade de sal de crómio de 7% para 5%, além de ter um impacto ambiental claramente menos agressivo nos efluentes de curtume gerado. Este processo quando comparado com o processo tradicional permite a redução de 27% na CQO, 79% nos SST, 11% nos ST e 38% no teor de crómio Na avaliação do processo de tinturaria foi estudado um processo compacto contra o processo tradicional, tendo-se concluído pelo menor impacto ambiental do processo estudado, nomeadamente ao nível da redução do consumo de água e da carga poluente gerada. A comparação dos dois processos, no que respeita à carga poluente gerada, permitiu concluir por uma redução de 39% da CQO, 50% dos SST, e 12% dos ST quando aplicado o processo compacto Por fim foi feita uma avaliação do impacto ambiental do efluente global gerado pelos processos considerados com menor impacto ambiental contra o processo tradicional, normalmente aplicado na indústria. A aplicação do conjunto dos processos desenvolvidos, quando comparada com a aplicação do conjunto dos processos tradicionais, mostra uma redução de 1% no sulfureto, 40% na CQO, 60 % nos SST, 42 % no crómio e 11% nos ST, mostrando claramente que é possível reduzir a carga poluente da indústria de curtumes atuando no processo. Este trabalho mostrou a importância de atuar no processo para minimizar os custos de tratamento e mesmo de investimento dos efluentes da indústria de curtumes. Importa salientar que os processos desenvolvidos necessitam de validação a uma escala semi-industrial.


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OBJECTIVE: The study tests the hypothesis that a low daily fat intake may induce a negative fat balance and impair catch-up growth in stunted children between 3 and 9y of age. DESIGN: Randomized case-control study. SETTING: Three rural villages of the West Kiang District, The Gambia. SUBJECTS: Three groups of 30 stunted but not wasted children (height for age z-score < or = -2.0, weight for height z-score > or = -2.0) 3-9 y of age were selected by anthropometric survey. Groups were matched for age, sex, village, degree of stunting and season. INTERVENTION: Two groups were randomly assigned to be supplemented five days a week for one year with either a high fat (n = 29) or a high carbohydrate biscuit (n = 30) each containing approximately 1600 kJ. The third group was a non supplemented control group (n = 29). Growth, nutritional status, dietary intake, resting energy expenditure and morbidity were compared. RESULTS: Neither the high fat nor the high carbohydrate supplement had an effect on weight or height gain. The high fat supplement did slightly increase adipose tissue mass. There was no effect of supplementation on resting energy expenditure or morbidity. In addition, the annual growth rate was not associated with a morbidity score. CONCLUSIONS: Results show that neither a high fat nor a high carbohydrate supplement given during 12 months to stunted Gambian children induced catch-up growth. The authors suggest that an adverse effect of the environment on catch-up growth persists despite the nutritional interventions.


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Energy balance is the difference between metabolizable energy intake and total energy expenditure. Energy intake is difficult to measure accurately; changes in body weight, for example, are not a good measure of the adequacy of energy intake, because fluctuations in body weight are common even if the overall trend is toward weight loss. It is now customary to assess energy requirements indirectly from total energy expenditure. Total energy expenditure consists of basal metabolism, postprandial thermogenesis, and physical activity. Energy expenditure is related to both body weight and body composition. A reduction in total energy expenditure accompanies weight loss, because basal metabolic rate decreases with the loss of lean tissue mass. Similarly, with weight gain, there is an increase in basal metabolic rate, because lean tissue mass grows to support the increase in fat tissue mass. Excess energy intake over energy expenditure causes weight gain and an accompanying increase in total energy expenditure. Following a period of adaptation, total energy expenditure will match energy intake and body weight will stabilize at a higher level. This same relationship holds for weight loss. Respiratory quotient (measured in steady state) is an indication of the proportion of energy expenditure derived from fat and carbohydrate oxidation. Over long periods of time, fat balance is equivalent to energy balance, as an excess of fat intake over fat oxidation causes fat storage.


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Les principaux substrats oxydés à l’exercice, soit les glucides, les lipides et les pro- téines ne contribuent pas tous au même niveau à la fourniture d’énergie lors de l’effort prolongé. De plus, le glucose peut provenir de différentes sources endogènes (muscle, foie) et exogènes. Plusieurs facteurs peuvent influencer leur contribution respective incluant : la masse musculaire impliquée et l’entraînement préalable, le sexe, l’état nutritionnel et les conditions environnementales. L’utilisation d’isotopes stables, tels que le carbone 13 (13C), combinée à la calorimétrie indirecte respiratoire corrigée pour l’excrétion d’urée dans l’urine et la sueur, permet de différencier les substrats endogènes et exogènes et d’évaluer la contribution de leur oxydation à la fourniture d’énergie. Ces méthodes d’investigation permettant d’apprécier la sélection des substrats lors de l’exercice prolongé avec ingestion de glucose ont permis d’effectuer les comparaisons qui ont fait l’objet des trois études de cette thèse. Dans la première étude, la sélection des substrats au cours d’un effort prolongé effectué avec les membres inférieurs ou les membres supérieurs a été comparée avec et sans ingestion de glucose. Une différence modeste fut observée entre la sélection des substrats selon le mode d’exercice avec l’ingestion d’eau, celle-ci favorisant légèrement l’oxydation des glucides lors de l’effort avec les membres supérieurs. La quantité de glucose exogène oxydée était plus faible lors de l’exercice avec les membres supérieurs qu’avec les membres supérieurs, mais sa contribution plus importante, conséquence d’une dépense énergétique plus faible. Dans la deuxième étude, on a comparé la sélection des substrats chez des sujets mas- culins et féminins et les effets d’une alimentation enrichie en glucides ou de l’ingestion de glucose, au cours d’un exercice prolongé d’une durée de deux heures. On reconnaît généralement que, pour une même puissance relative, les femmes utilisent moins de glucides et davantage de lipides que les hommes. Les effets séparés d’une alimentation riche en glucides ou de l’ingestion de glucose pendant l’exercice sur la sélection des substrats furent pourtant similaires chez les deux sexes. L’effet combiné des deux procédures de supplémentation est toutefois plus important chez la femme que chez l’homme, soutenant l’hypothèse qu’un léger déficit en glucides soit présent chez les femmes. Dans la troisième étude, l’oxydation des substrats et particulièrement celle d’amidon exogène au cours d’une marche prolongée à une faible puissance de travail a été décrite. Les individus qui pratiquent des activités physiques prolongées à des intensités faibles (< 40 %VO2max) sont encouragés à ingérer des glucides et de l’eau pendant l’effort, mais la contribution de leur oxydation à la fourniture d’énergie est relativement peu connue. Nous avons montré que, contrairement aux observations précédemment effectuées à jeun sans ingestion de glucides pendant l’effort, les glucides (incluant de source exogène) peuvent fournir une très grande partie de l’énergie lorsqu’ils sont ingérés à des intervalles réguliers au cours de l’exercice prolongé. Dans l’ensemble, les résultats des études expérimentales présentées dans cette thèse montrent que les glucides ingérés peuvent fournir une grande proportion de l’énergie pendant l’exercice prolongé. Toutefois, le mode d’exercice, le sexe et la puissance de travail mènent à des variations qui sont en grande partie liées à une dépense énergétique variable selon les conditions et les groupes d’individus ayant des caractéristiques différentes.


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Marine yeast have been regarded as safe and showing a beneficial impact on biotechnological process. It provides better nutritional and dietary values indicating their potential application as feed supplements in aquaculture. Brown et al. (1996) evaluated all the marine yeasts characterised with high protein content, carbohydrate, good amino acid composition and high levels of saturated fats. However, there is paucity of information on marine yeasts as feed supplements and no feed formulation has been found either in literature or in market supplemented with them. This statement supported by Zhenming et al. (2006) reported still a lack of feed composed of single cell protein (SCP) from marine yeasts with high content of protein and other nutrients. Recent research has shown that marine yeasts also have highly potential uses in food, feed, medical and biofuel industries as well as marine biotechnology (Chi et al., 2009; 2010). Sajeevan et al. (2006; 2009a) and Sarlin and Philip (2011) demonstrates that the marine yeasts Candida sake served as a high quality, inexpensive nutrient source and it had proven immunostimulatory properties for cultured shrimps. This strain has been made part of the culture collection of National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and Technology as Candida MCCF 101. Over the years marine yeasts have been gaining increased attention in animal feed industry due to their nutritional value and immune boosting property.Therefore, the present study was undertaken, and focused on the nutritional quality, optimization of large scale production and evaluation of its protective effect on Koi carp from Aeromonas infection


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Seleccionado en la convocatoria: Ayudas a la innovación e investigación educativa en centros docentes de niveles no universitarios, Gobierno de Aragón 2010-11


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate gym and non-gym users' use and understanding of nutrition labels. Design/methodology/approach – A consumer survey in the form of a questionnaire conducted in the Greater London area in February/March 2005. Subject recruitment process took place in both a gym and university setting. Frequency tables and ?2-test are used to assess relationships between variables (p=0.05). Findings – The resulting sample consisted of 187 subjects, with predominance of females and gym users. Of the subjects, 88 per cent reported to at least occasionally read nutrition labels, with higher reading rates amongst women, irrespective of gym user status. Total and saturated fats are the most often information viewed on labels, however the overall knowledge of the calorie content of fat is low, with 53 per cent of subjects responding saturated fat contains more calories per gram when compared with other types of fats. This paper does not find significant differences in the use and understanding of nutrition labels between gym and non-gym users, but highlights the publics' continued lack of understanding of nutrition labels. Originality/value – This paper is unique as it investigates whether there is any difference between gym/non-gym users' use and interpretation of use of nutrition labels. It finds gender impacted more on nutritional labels knowledge than gym user's status. This points to a gender issue and questions the quality of information available to the general public. This paper is valuable as it highlights and identifies an area that requires further research and assessment, and is therefore useful to key stakeholders responsible for public health nutrition.


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Objective: Our objective in this paper is to assess diets in the European Union (EU) in relation to the recommendations of the recent World Health Organization/Food and Agriculture Organization expert consultation and to show how diets have changed between 1961 and 2001. Data and methods: Computations make use of FAOSTAT data on food availability at country level linked to a food composition database to convert foods to nutrients. We further explore the growing similarity of diets in the EU by making use of a consumption similarity index. The index provides a single number measure of dietary overlap between countries. Results: The data confirm the excessive consumption by almost all countries of saturated fats, cholesterol and sugars, and the convergence of nutrient intakes across the EU. Whereas in 1961 diets in several European countries were more similar to US diets than to those of other European countries, this is no longer the case; moreover, while EU diets have become more homogeneous, the EU as a whole and the USA have become less similar over time. Conclusions: Although the dominant cause of greater similarity in EU diets over the period studied is increased intakes in Mediterranean countries of saturated fats, cholesterol and sugar, also important are reductions in saturated fat and sugar in some Northern European countries. This suggests that healthy eating messages are finally having an impact on diets; a distinctly European diet may also be emerging.