972 resultados para Experiência estética


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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This paper deals with the problem of experience and its possible languages between school knowledge and practices. Its objective is to find the different possibilities of thinking the experience in the educational praxis, based on the contemporary philosophical categories of event and childhood as well as on the genres of poetic language and testimony. In order to do so, it is reconstructed a genealogy of the transformation of educational praxis into pedagogical art in its relationships with childhood whether as a government goal or as a subject, revealing the domination states that constitute them and pointing out their potential of resistance to the actual one. It is also stated that this event breaks into in the aesthetic dimension of experience and concurs in order to interrupt the order of discourse, making subjects of educational praxis think about it and causing care of oneself to become an ethic attitude put together with an aesthetics of experience. Thus, this research aims at restoring the dignity of experience among school knowledge and practices.


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This study aims to analyze the experience of Solidarity Economy in the City of Várzea Paulista - SP and from the incubation of the enterprise of aesthetics Casa da Beleza. Therefore, we need to present a historical overview of the Solidarity Economy in Brazil to understand how and why it has been developing in the country, as it has become State policies on the national scene, as well as on municipal. The research also discusses what the role of government in the development of the Solidarity Economy, promotion of social policies and local development, with the big question: What is the role of government in promoting Várzea Paulista social policies Solidarity Economy? Finally, this research seeks to understand how the Solidarity Economy causes changes in social conditions from the point of view of women who are venture incubated by Casa da Beleza


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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To the practitioners of resistance exercise, a better performance is associated with nutritional habits and the help of nutritional supplements. Whatever, this use has been made improperly and without foundation, advised by persons not trained, leading to misuse. To analyze the profile of practitioners in the knowledge of and access to supplements, as well as knowledge about the sport and the need to use additional food resources. A questionnaire will be used to youths aged 15 to 21 consumers of nutritional supplements on the sports, the substance used, why the substance used, who appointed her, which substances have been used, satisfaction with that product, and socioeconomic characteristics of the individual. The data will be correlated by Pearson's correlation coefficient. It is expected that the abuse of supplements is associated with ease by socioeconomic status and experience in the sport for the little progress with the adoption of a routine training exercise in the circumstances only. The major difference compared to the goal of practice, was the motivation for the improvement of physical fitness (Guaruja 21% and Bauru 9.6%), with the intention of increasing muscle mass response occurring closer (Guaruja 22% and Bauru 19.2%) among respondents, and reported more emphasis on the Interior Health (17.3%). The use of supplements is somewhat similar to trends involving body aesthetics and fitness for participation in sports, in the Coast (hypertrophy: 33% body fat reduction, improved endurance and improved performance in sports: 20%), and beauty, fitness and health, the Interior (hypertrophy: 41% increase in strength: 22%, and quality of life: 15%). Interest in the use of supplements is mostly aimed at the improvement of overload training (Guaruja 67% and Bauru 56%) but the sources of information on the use of supplements have become more secure among the respondents of the Interior (gym teacher: 20%, Conferences and Symposia: 12%, and the...


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A função do desenho na metodologia projectual do designer tem merecido o interesse de vários autores. Nessas abordagens, está presente a afirmação de que o desenho é essencial no processo de investigação do design para o registo de diversas variantes e de várias soluções ao longo da metodologia projectual (Cross, 2007). As profundas alterações da natureza do Design provocadas pelo contexto histórico actual (Norman, 2011) justificam a pertinência de uma reflexão alargada em torno do papel do desenho nos cursos de design, adaptado a esta nova realidade. Este é um desafio colocado hoje às instituições de ensino e seus intervenientes, na organização de estruturas curriculares e métodos pedagógicos. Conceitos como colaboração ou design multidisciplinar, entre outros, têm sido debatidos como estratégias para o ensino do design (Heller and Talarico, 2011, pp. 82-85). Neste contexto, e enquanto docentes nas áreas do Desenho e do Design, importa-nos abordar as seguintes questões: - de que forma é possível enquadrar métodos do desenho ao ensino do design actual? - de que forma poderá o Desenho ser pensado enquanto prática interdisciplinar? - que contributos podem essas práticas trazer para o processo de ensino/aprendizagem? Com base nestas preocupações, desenvolveu-se um projecto interdisciplinar entre as unidades curriculares de Desenho e de Estética e Teoria do Design no Curso de Design Gráfico, na Instituição onde leccionamos. Neste artigo, apresentaremos os objectivos e o processo desenvolvido, assim como a análise e conclusões desta experiência pedagógica.


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This research is a study that deals with the language of the players bodies of Ciranda (a typical dance in circle in Brazil) – more specifically the one of Lia from Itamaracá. Our interest is to observe how this body dances, communicates, writes on time and space, establishing relations that complement and help to remain in construction. Thus, in a circular way and in an energy that is transmitted with the contact of the touch of the hands, in the power of song, in a circle that can be seen from many places, but by different angles, holding on that the particularities of its subjects players/dancers/observers, and that we propose ourselves to think: who are those players bodies and how do they build the circles of Ciranda? Therefore, during the pathway of the research, we were conducted by the phenomenological method and, from this, used the concepts of lived and sensible world. Our interest in this manifestation is, also, the body that dances and insert itself in the artistic expression, meaning and opening itself to the knowledge by the experience. Therefore, we assume a conception of the body that refers itself in the merleaupontyana fenomenologic approach, in this way, in its criativity in relation to the body as a fragmented being, as it is pointed by the Cartesiana theory. In this perspective, we understand the body in its relations with the culturals, sociais, economics and artistics issues that integrates it, in others words, in the relations that helped us to better understand the body as it is. This way, this research has as main objective to present the refletions about the players body, mainly, of Lia from Itamaracá and with this body to dance, to communicate, to write itself on time and space, estabilishing relations that complement and help to stay in construction. Such a statement leads us in this work, to inquire, for example: what mobilizes those subjects on this dance? We understand that elements as the place that is always in modification, the costumes, the musicality and the change in the movimentation of the players body in each new circle, those elements are factors that activate a permanente reconfiguration that are happening in the Ciranda dance nowadays. Finally, we assert that this investigation comes in reason to the big dimension that the Ciranda has achivied in Brazil, especially in the Northeast, as the existence of few references and registers of the reseach manifestation in the academic areas. It is possible to verify, in this research, that, in reason to this spreading, the nuances of the players bodies is even more diversified and that the missing of experiences on Itamaracá island - PE, its origin has putting away the original and community, becames, more and more, a dance of others stages and squares.


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This study has the purpose of investigating the term reader-creator , on the textual aspects of the dramatical works A Morte nos Olhos , A Memória Ferida and Na Outra Margem (2010) by Antonia Pereira Bezerra. In this sense, we propose an analysis of these works based on author‟s life experience as creative matter for a autofictional narrative, highlighting the relations between the autobiographical elements (LEJEUNE, 2008; DOSSE, 2009) and fictional elements in the construction of dramatic narratives. The theoretical analysis pervades the studies fields of Reception Aesthetics (ISER, 1996), memory (RICOUER, 2007) and narrative (RICOEUR, 2010), evidencing the relation between the author and the pursuit of her memories and life experiences, the matter to elaboration of writing. Then we intend thinking a reader-creator of herself, that at the same time she seeks in her memories the biographic aspects to her narrative, she converts this reality with the insertion of fictional elements from the imagination (SARTRE, 2008)


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação, 2016.


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Esta página tem tido poucos artigos sobre obras de não-ficção, mas hoje reequilibro um pouco, ao escrever sobre o livro que António Branco (professor da Universidade do Algarve e seu atual reitor) publicou recentemente, intitulado Visita Guiada ao Ofício do Ator: um Método (Grácio Editor). Esta obra tem duas partes distintas: uma primeira, em que contextualiza a sua experiência teatral, a criação de um mestrado nessa área e consequente criação de um grupo de teatro, a assunção de pertença a uma determinada linhagem, da qual é um dos seus elos, estruturada sob a figura tutelar de Fernando Amado, através da atriz Manuela de Freitas. Aí se apresentam e discutem conceitos fundamentais, como os de genealogia, linhagem, autenticidade, ética, estética, técnica, mas também descrições de exercícios e outros aspetos práticos do ofício de ator, próprios de uma visita guiada (algo diferente de um manual). A segunda parte é composta por todos os documentos possíveis de obter sobre a atriz Manuela de Freitas, desde entrevistas que deu na televisão ou em encontros vários e que aqui são transcritas pela primeira vez, a textos por ela escritos e dispersos. Ficamos a saber muito sobre a sua vida como atriz e quais os valores sobre os quais fundou a sua postura no teatro.