878 resultados para Expanded critical incident approach


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This paper seeks to focus on two questions. First, what value is created by entrepreneurship education? Second, how could any such value be created? The aim therefore is to go beyond any assumed notion that entrepreneurship education is beneficial to students in higher education, to question its underlying value. Design/methodology/approach – A critical realist approach is used to discuss the ontological nature of entrepreneurship education. Specifically, the process through which enterprise knowledge is developed and used by students in higher education. This research is based on a single-site case study at UTAS with the data collected by the author and complemented by other recent work that sought to empirically consider the notion of student value from entrepreneurship education within the same (UTAS) context. Findings – The paper argues that students in higher education understand quite well the limitations of the knowledge they develop about entrepreneurship. That they (the educators) need to better understand the students' journeys so that they can better develop learning environments within which the students' personal development can be advanced. Practical implications – The degree to which educators understand their limitations and the limitations of their students as potential entrepreneurs is critical to maximizing the likely value of entrepreneurship education in higher education. Originality/value – The paper provides a unique way of understanding the process of learning to be entrepreneurial in higher education. As such it offers an alternative way to understand how educators can redefine their importance in the provision of entrepreneurship education. It also highlights the likely limitations of student advancement in the domain of entrepreneurship education in higher education.


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This paper challenges the predominant view that legitimation is merely a specific phase in merger or acquisition processes. We argue that a better understanding of postmerger organizational dynamics calls for conceptualization of discursive legitimation as an inherent part of unfolding merger processes. In particular, we focus on the recursive relationship between legitimation and organizational action. We have two objectives: to outline a theoretical model that helps one to understand the dynamics of discursive legitimation and organizational action in postmerger organizations, and to examine a revealing case to distinguish the inherent risks and problems in discursive legitimation. Our case analysis focuses on the merger between the French pharmaceutical companies BioMérieux and Pierre Fabre. We adopt a critical multimethod approach and distinguish specific discursive dynamics and pathological tendencies in this case. The analysis highlights the unintended consequences of discursive legitimation, the central role of sensegiving and sensehiding in discursive legitimation, the inherently political nature of legitimation and the risks associated with politicization, the special problems associated with fashionable discourses and the role of the media, the use of specific discursive strategies for legitimation and delegitimation, and the crucial role of actual integration results. This analysis adds to the existing research on mergers and acquisitions by treating discursive legitimation as part of the merger dynamics. In particular, our case analysis provides a new explanation for merger failure. We also believe that the recursive model connecting discursive legitimation and delegitimation strategies to concrete organizational action makes a more general contribution to our understanding of organizational legitimation.


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This paper challenges the predominant view that legitimation is merely a specific phase in merger or acquisition processes. We argue that a better understanding of postmerger organizational dynamics calls for conceptualization of discursive legitimation as an inherent part of unfolding merger processes. In particular, we focus on the recursive relationship between legitimation and organizational action. We have two objectives: to outline a theoretical model that helps one to understand the dynamics of discursive legitimation and organizational action in postmerger organizations, and to examine a revealing case to distinguish the inherent risks and problems in discursive legitimation. Our case analysis focuses on the merger between the French pharmaceutical companies BioMérieux and Pierre Fabre. We adopt a critical multimethod approach and distinguish specific discursive dynamics and pathological tendencies in this case. The analysis highlights the unintended consequences of discursive legitimation, the central role of sensegiving and sensehiding in discursive legitimation, the inherently political nature of legitimation and the risks associated with politicization, the special problems associated with fashionable discourses and the role of the media, the use of specific discursive strategies for legitimation and delegitimation, and the crucial role of actual integration results. This analysis adds to the existing research on mergers and acquisitions by treating discursive legitimation as part of the merger dynamics. In particular, our case analysis provides a new explanation for merger failure. We also believe that the recursive model connecting discursive legitimation and delegitimation strategies to concrete organizational action makes a more general contribution to our understanding of organizational legitimation.


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Esta dissertação apresenta e discute resultados de pesquisa desenvolvida como pré-requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de mestre em Bioética, Ética Aplicada e Saúde Coletiva junto ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Bioética, Ética Aplicada e Saúde Coletiva da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, em regime de associação com a Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, a Fundação Oswaldo Cruz e a Universidade Federal Fluminense. A pesquisa de metodologia qualitativa analisou material empírico composto por amostra de registros da Ouvidoria da Previdência Social contendo reclamações sobre o atendimento médico-pericial. A Previdência integra o campo da seguridade social e tem a vida e suas intercorrências na população de segurados como seu objeto de cuidados e controles. O benefício auxílio-doença é o mais frequentemente concedido entre todos os benefícios da Previdência sendo devido somente a seus segurados em dupla condição de vulnerabilidade, doentes e incapazes para o trabalho. A verificação da condição de incapacidade para o trabalho é realizada pelos médicos peritos da Previdência Social como pré-requisito para acesso ao benefício e funciona como mecanismo de controle de custos. Os resultados do estudo evidenciam que a tarefa de controle de acesso, realizada na interface com o segurado, exige um deslocamento da atividade médica da função assistencial para a pericial em decorrência da natureza da tarefa médico-pericial, onde o lugar do controle é o da exceção beneficente. Tal atribuição condiciona um risco da atividade médico-pericial que entendemos ser de ordem moral. As reclamações sobre o atendimento médico na perícia previdenciária foram compreendidas como índices de disfunções nesta interface, assim como os registros de violência em torno desta atividade. Resultantes da prática de limites de acesso ao benefício, na forma em que estes limites estão colocados. A análise desta interface coloca em relevo o paradoxo da proteção securitária que funciona retirando da proteção partes de sua população e caracteriza a relação médico-paciente na perícia médica da Previdência Social como moralmente conflituosa. A pesquisa na linha de uma bioética crítica, que enfatiza as políticas públicas que afetam a vida, entendeu Previdência Social como biopolítica e a atividade médico-pericial como expressão de biopoder, nos termos da filosofia política de Michel Foucault. Cabe à sociedade refletir seriamente sobre essas práticas de controle e definir o alcance e a forma da proteção securitária tendo em vista que esta proteção tensiona necessidades individuais e coletivas. Cabe a todos e a cada um ter em mente a dimensão ética da política previdenciária.


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Two kinds of rating bias ——halo effect and ego-centric effect were analyzed in multitrait-multirater matrix by this research. To get the multitrait-multirater matrix, ten college students watched the video-tapes of football matches and rated the performance of the players on several traits. After the interviewing of 41 football fans, the performance traits of four different positions in a football team were obtained using critical incident technique. The results indicate: comparing the heterotrait-monorater triangless, some rater's rating showed halo effect obviously; comparing the monotrait-heterorater diagonals, ego-centric effect can be shown in some extent on different traits. There were less interrater reliability on the rating of some ambiguous traits. The conclusion can be used on rater training. We can give the raters feedback about their rating bias by analyzing the multitrait-multirater matrix. The results are also helpful for rater training.


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The administration of psychotropic and psychoactive medication for persons with learning disability and accompanying mental illness and/or challenging behaviour has undergone much critical review over the past two decades. Assessment and diagnosis of mental illness in this population continues to be psychopharmacological treatment include polypharmacy, irrational prescription procedures and frequent over-prescription. It is clear that all forms of treatment including non-pharmacological interventions need to be driven by accurate and appropriate diagnoses. Where a psychiatric diagnosis has been identified, it greatly aides the selection of appropriate medication, although a specific medication for each diagnosis, as was once hoped, is simply no longer a reality in practice. Part one of the present thesis seeks to address many of the current issues in mental health problems and pharmacological treatment to date. The author undertook a drug prevalence study within both residential and community facilities for persons with learning disability within the Mid-West region of Ireland in order to ascertain the current level of prescribing of psychotropic and psychoactive medications for this population. While many attempts have been made to account for the variation in prescribing, little systematic and empirical research has been undertaken to investigate the factors thought to influence such prescribing. While studies investigating the prescribing behaviours of General Practitioners (GP's) have illustrated the complex nature of the decision making process in the context of general practice, no similar efforts have yet been directed at examining the prescribing behaviours of Consultant Psychiatrists. Using The Critical Incident Technique, the author interviewed Consultant Psychiatrists in the Republic of Ireland to gather information relating not only to their patterns of prescribing for learning disabled populations, but also to examine reasons influencing their prescribing in addition to several related factors. Part two of this thesis presents the findings from this study and a number of issues are raised, not only in relation to attempting to account for the findings from part one of the thesis, but also with respect to implications for improved management and clinical practice.


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Die Auswahl geeigneter Bewerber/Innen nimmt aufgrund der demographischen Entwicklung und der damit verbundenen Verknappung der Ressource Personal einen immer höheren Stellenwert ein. Der Einsatz von Anforderungsprofilen soll dabei helfen das Risiko einer fehlerhaften Auswahlentscheidung zu verringern und somit den geeignetsten Bewerber auszuwählen. Ein Trend hin zu den Soft-Skills, wie beispielsweise Teamfähigkeit und Kommunikationsbereitschaft, ist klar zu erkennen. Gegenstand der nachfolgenden Diplomarbeit ist daher die Entwicklung eines Anforderungsprofils, welches sich auf diese Soft-Skills konzentriert. Die Erstel-lung des Anforderungsprofils erfolgt dabei auf Grundlage der von John C. Flanagan entwickelten „Critical Incident Technique“, die im deutschen Sprachgebrauch auch als Methode der kritischen Ereignisse bezeichnet wird. Infolgedessen werden zunächst die theoretischen Grundlagen eines Anforderungsprofils sowie die der „Critical Incident Technique“ detailliert erläutert. Im Anschluss daran erfolgt eine ausführliche Beschreibung der methodischen Vorgehensweise, die den kompletten Ablauf der praktischen Durchführung widerspiegelt. In diesem Zusammenhang werden getroffene Entscheidungen, die zu einer Anpassung der Vorgehensweise führten, näher erläutert und begründet. Die aus den Mitarbeiterbefragungen gewonnenen „Critical Incidents“ werden nachfolgend kategorisiert und zu Anforderungsbereichen zusammengefasst, die abschließend zum Anforderungsprofil verdichtet werden. Ferner wird die Möglichkeit einer praktischen Anwendung der Ergebnisse anhand von drei vom Autor begleiteten Projekten dargestellt.


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Purpose: This paper explores the impact of academic scholarship on the development and practice of experienced managers. Design / Methodology: Semi-structured interviews with experienced managers, modelled on the critical incident technique. ‘Intertextuality’ and framework analysis technique are used to examine whether the use of academic scholarship is a sub-conscious phenomenon. Findings: Experienced managers make little direct use of academic scholarship, using it only occasionally to provide retrospective confirmation of decisions or a technique they can apply. However, academic scholarship informs their practice in an indirect way, their understanding of the ‘gist’ of scholarship comprising one of many sources which they synthesise and evaluate as part of their development process. Practical implications: Managers and management development practitioners should focus upon developing skills of synthesising the ‘gist’ of academic scholarship with other sources of data, rather than upon the detailed remembering, understanding and application of specific scholarship, and upon finding / providing the time and space for that ‘gisting’ and synthesis to take place. Originality / Value: The paper addresses contemporary concerns about the appropriateness of the material delivered on management education programmes for management development. It is original in doing this from the perspective of experienced managers, and in using intertextual analysis to reveal not only the direct but also the indirect uses of they make of such scholarship. The finding of the importance of understanding the ‘gist’ rather than the detail of academic theory represents a key conceptual innovation.


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Relatório Final de Estágio, Mestrado em Ciências da Educação (Área de Especialização Educação Intercultural), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014


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This exploratory descriptive study described what 20 care providers in 5 long-term care facilities perceived to aid or hinder their learning in a work-sponsored learning experience. A Critical Incident Technique (Woolsey, 1986) was the catalyst for the interviews with the culturally and professionally diverse participants. Through data analysis, as described by Moustakas (1994), I found that (a) humour, (b) the learning environment, (c) specific characteristics of the presenter such as moderate pacing, speaking slowly and with simple words, (d) decision-making authority, (e) relevance to practice, and (f) practical applications best met the study participants' learning needs. Conversely, other factors could hinder learning based on the participants' perceptions. These were: (a) other presenter characteristics such as a program that was delivered quickly or spoken at a level above the participants' comprehension, (b) no perceived relevance to practice, (c), other environmental situations, and (d) the timing of the learning session. One of my intentions was to identify the emic view among cultural groups and professional/vocational affiliations. A surprising finding of this study was that neither impacted noticeably on the perceived learning needs of the participants. Further research with a revised research design to facilitate inclusion of more diverse participants will aid in determining if the lack of a difference was unique to this sample or more generalizable on a case-to-case transfer basis to the study population.


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~ This study focuses on the process of self-directed learning that individuals go through as they adapt to new work situations. This is a study of how one critical incident, specifically the transition from a traditional office structure to a home office structure, affected employees and what their learning process was as they adapted to the new environment. This study has 3 educational foundations: adult learning, self-directed learning, and the social context from which the learning will occur. Six women and 2 men were interviewed approximately 1 year following the transition. Analysis of the data revealed 5 themes of: impacts of the self-directed environment on participants' personal lives, their roles, skill set, productivity, and the physical environment; support offered by the organization, family, and office administration; personal development, specific learning needs, and personal skills; boundaries as they relate to family and work; and skill set and orientation requirements of new home office employees. The findings revealed the learning processes of the 8 participants. The learning processes of these participants were discussed within a theoretical framework of the learners, their immediate surroundings, and the larger social environment. The results indicated that the transition from a directed work environment to a self directed work environment is a complex, interrelated process. An element found throughout the theoretical framework is that of control. A second critical element is the need for participants to have a clearly defined work role and an opportunity to engage in discussion with peers and the community. Further findings reinforced the importance of climate and found that the physical environment is a key factor in a successful selfdirected work environment. The findings of this study revealed that no one factor makes an individual function successfully in a self-directed work environment, but that it is a complex interplay among the leamer, their immediate surroundings, and the social environment that will have the greatest impact on success. Recommendations are made which can be used to guide organizational leaders in facilitating employees' transition from a directed to a self-directed work environment. Additionally, recommendations are made for further research in the area of self-directed work environments.


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Les discussions sur l’éthique de la santé mentale se concentrent généralement sur des sujets comme la confidentialité ou les conflits d’intérêt. Certaines formes de thérapie donnent cependant lieu à des situations plus particulières. C’est le cas de la thérapie psychodynamique et des considérations éthiques soulevées par les processus de transfert et de contre-transfert. En raison du peu de recherche sur ce sujet, l’approche de l’analyse documentaire critique, une méthode qualitative, fut sélectionnée. Ce projet vise à établir l’apport de la médecine narrative et plus spécifiquement du concept de représentation pour analyser les aspects éthiques du transfert et du contre-transfert. À cette fin, ces processus sont étudiés en détail et les diverses stratégies proposées aux thérapeutes pour maintenir une relation éthique avec leurs patients sont recensées. Popularisés principalement par Rita Charon, la médecine narrative et ses principaux composants, dont la représentation, sont ensuite présentés. De plus, la mimèsis étant à la base de la représentation, les travaux de Paul Ricœur sur le sujet sont discutés. Le dernier chapitre de ce mémoire, qui constitue la partie analytique du projet, prend la forme d’un exercice inductif évaluant l’apport de la médecine narrative pour analyser les aspects éthiques du transfert et du contre-transfert.


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Le stéréotype, représentation caricaturale sur un groupe social, est dénoncé tout le temps mais présent partout. Les diverses productions culturelles auxquelles nous sommes quotidiennement confrontés, des émissions télévisées aux articles politiques, du discours quotidien aux films hollywoodiens, participent à reproduire ces représentations caricaturales. La persistance de certaines représentations, non perçues comme stéréotypées, participent à des processus de stéréotypification : par leur récurrence et leur évidence, elles sont posées comme allant de soi, comme le reflet objectif d’une réalité tangible. Sous cette catégorisation qui est parfois questionnée dans la sphère publique, ce n’est pas la validité d’existence de ce classement qui est remise en cause mais la volonté d’appréhender le caractère véritable des qualités essentialistes de ce que l’on regroupe sous une étiquette. Or, le stéréotype, malgré sa capacité à revendiquer une universalité, est le fruit d’un travail culturel, historiquement et politiquement construit. De fait, le stéréotype est un vecteur hégémonique qui peut traduire des tendances idéologiques dominantes sous-jacentes à son expression : il incarne la façon dont sont légitimées et naturalisées ces représentations à un moment donné et dans une conjoncture particulière. Je tenterai de définir théoriquement dans ce mémoire le stéréotype au sein du discours social et plus particulièrement au sein des mediacultures. J’investiguerai sa circulation, son caractère politique, son incidence normative et, par corrolaire, sa fonction hégémonique. Puis, à l’aide d’une analyse intertextuelle critique, je tenterai empiriquement de discerner les stéréotypes et les idéologies qui les sous-tendent au sein de trois comédies romantiques hollywoodiennes. A partir de l’observation de ces productions culturelles de divertissement, ce travail m’amènera à dégager deux idéologies prégnantes - l’idéologie capitaliste et l’idéologie patriarcale -; sous-tendues par un ensemble d’autres idéologies qui, d’une façon ou d’une autre, rejoignent les principales : idéologie de la masculinité, de l’hétérosexualité, d’un idéal socio-économique, etc.


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Introduction: Les professionnels de la réadaptation de l’accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) ont la responsabilité d’offrir des services de qualité ancrés dans les données probantes. Cette responsabilité relève du rôle d’érudit selon le cadre de compétences CanMEDS. Quelle place occupe par ce rôle en clinique? Objectifs : 1) Documenter les perceptions, expériences et vécus en lien avec le rôle d’érudit chez les professionnels de la réadaptation de l’AVC. 2) Identifier les facteurs perçus comme facilitant ou entravant ce rôle clinique. Méthodologie : Étude qualitative exploratoire d’orientation phénoménologique par entrevue individuelle de professionnels travaillant en réadaptation de l’AVC depuis au moins deux ans. Codification des verbatim avec le logiciel QDA-Miner. Résultats : Les participants (âge moyen 40,7 ans ± 11,2) sont majoritairement des femmes (9/11) et leur expérience de travail en AVC varie de 3 à 23 ans. Les principaux thèmes identifiés sont: 1) Les savoirs tacites sont perçus comme synonyme du rôle d’érudit; 2) L’expérience de travail et l’intuition clinique amènent confiance et confort dans les pratiques; 3) L’insatisfaction quant au manque de partage des connaissances; 4) L’importance de la diversification dans les tâches cliniques et 5) La pratique réflexive est peu développée. Les quatre facteurs influençant le rôle d’érudit sont: la motivation; l’incident critique, les stagiaires et le manque de temps. Conclusion : Le rôle d’érudit apparaît peu valorisé par les participants. Il existe un écart entre le rôle d’érudit tel que décrit dans les cadres de compétences et la façon dont il est actualisé en pratique clinique.