113 resultados para Exits


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"To which are added a description of the costumes, cast of the characters, entrances and exits, relative positions of the performers on the stage, and the whole of the stage business."


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"To which is [sic] added a description of the costumes, cast of the characters, entrances and exits, relative positions of the performers on the stage, and the whole of the stage business."


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"To which are added a description of the costumes, cast of the characters, entrances and exits, relative positions of the performers on the stage, and the whole of the stage business."


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Advertisements on p. (1-3) at end.


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At head of title: Duncombe's edition.


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"Embellished with an engraving from a drawing taken in the theatre during representation."


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The Jameson Cell is a high intensity flotation device, which utilises induced air from the atmosphere. It was developed jointly by Mount Isa Mines and Professor Graeme Jameson of the University of Newcastle in the 1980s. It is proven to generate fine bubbles, in the order of 300 to 500 µm, in a high intensity, high shear and compact zone contained in the downcomer. This aerated mixture exits the downcomer into the pulp zone, which is the quiescent mineral and gangue separation zone. A number of Australian base metal flotation circuits feature a reverse flotation stage at the head of the circuit. Testwork and plant operating data has shown that the use of a Jameson Cell in the prefloat cleaner application has further improved prefloat gangue recovery and selectivity. Operation of a Jameson Cell in a carbonaceous/pyrite prefloat cleaner duty at the Mt Isa copper concentrator increased copper recovery and reduced pyrite in the copper concentrate. Testwork at Zinifex Century Zinc Mine showed a decrease in zinc losses by the utilisation of Jameson Cell prefloat cleaner. Appraisal of a Jameson Cell in a scalping role within the Mt Isa Copper Concentrator indicated significant benefits could be achieved.


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Horizontal Subsurface Flow Treatment Wetlands (HSSF TWs) are used by Severn Trent Water as a low-cost tertiary wastewater treatment for rural locations. Experience has shown that clogging is a major operational problem that reduces HSSF TW lifetime. Clogging is caused by an accumulation of secondary wastewater solids from upstream processes and decomposing leaf litter. Clogging occurs as a sludge layer where wastewater is loaded on the surface of the bed at the inlet. Severn Trent systems receive relatively high hydraulic loading rates, which causes overland flow and reduces the ability to mineralise surface sludge accumulations. A novel apparatus and method, the Aston Permeameter, was created to measure hydraulic conductivity in situ. Accuracy is ±30 %, which was considered adequate given that conductivity in clogged systems varies by several orders of magnitude. The Aston Permeameter was used to perform 20 separate tests on 13 different HSSF TWs in the UK and the US. The minimum conductivity measured was 0.03 m/d at Fenny Compton (compared with 5,000 m/d clean conductivity), which was caused by an accumulation of construction fines in one part of the bed. Most systems displayed a 2 to 3 order of magnitude variation in conductivity in each dimension. Statistically significant transverse variations in conductivity were found in 70% of the systems. Clogging at the inlet and outlet was generally highest where flow enters the influent distribution and exits the effluent collection system, respectively. Surface conductivity was lower in systems with dense vegetation because plant canopies reduce surface evapotranspiration and decelerate sludge mineralisation. An equation was derived to describe how the water table profile is influenced by overland flow, spatial variations in conductivity and clogging. The equation is calibrated using a single parameter, the Clog Factor (CF), which represents the equivalent loss of porosity that would reproduce measured conductivity according to the Kozeny-Carman Equation. The CF varies from 0 for ideal conditions to 1 for completely clogged conditions. Minimum CF was 0.54 for a system that had recently been refurbished, which represents the deviation from ideal conditions due to characteristics of non-ideal media such as particle size distribution and morphology. Maximum CF was 0.90 for a 15 year old system that exhibited sludge accumulation and overland flow across the majority of the bed. A Finite Element Model of a 15 m long HSSF TW was used to indicate how hydraulics and hydrodynamics vary as CF increases. It was found that as CF increases from 0.55 to 0.65 the subsurface wetted area increases, which causes mean hydraulic residence time to increase from 0.16 days to 0.18 days. As CF increases from 0.65 to 0.90, the extent of overland flow increases from 1.8 m to 13.1 m, which reduces hydraulic efficiency from 37 % to 12 % and reduces mean residence time to 0.08 days.


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A tanárok pályaelhagyási döntését vizsgálva, a tanulmány a következő két kérdésre keresi a választ. Milyen szerepet játszanak e döntésekben a keresetek, alternatív kereseti lehetőségek? Hogyan hatott a tanárok pályaelhagyására a 2002. évi közalkalmazotti béremelés? Az elemzéshez az OEP-ONYF-FH összekapcsolt nagymintás adatbázis felhasználásával kétféle modellt becsült a szerző: 1. két lehetőséget megkülönböztetve (elhagyja a tanári pályát/nem hagyja el) Cox-féle arányos hazárdfüggvényeket, 2. a pályaelhagyás okai között a más állásba kerülést és az egyéb pályaelhagyási okokat megkülönböztetve versengő kockázati modelleket. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy a kereseti lehetőségek hatnak a pályaelhagyási döntésekre. A magasabb jövedelem és magasabb relatív kereset csökkenti annak valószínűségét, hogy egy tanár elhagyja a pályát, és más pályán helyezkedjen el, vagy nem foglalkoztatotti státusba kerüljön. A közalkalmazotti béremelés átmenetileg csökkentette a pályaelhagyás valószínűségét a fiatal tanárok körében, de a hatás egy-két év alatt eltűnt. Az 51 évesnél idősebb tanárokat pedig inkább a pályán tartotta a béremelés, csökkentette annak valószínűségét is, hogy más pályán helyezkedjenek el, vagy hogy nem foglalkoztatotti státusba kerüljenek. ______ The paper investigates teachers decisions to leave the profession. It first examines the role in such decisions of pay compared with earnings in alternative occupations, and then discusses how the public-sector pay increase of 2002 af-fected exit decisions by teachers. Duration models were estimated using large merged administrative data sets. First binary-choice Cox proportional hazard models (leaving teaching profession or not), then competing risk models that distinguish exits to another occupation and exits to a non-working state. Results show that earnings matter. Higher wages reduce the probability of exiting teacher profession to go to another occupation or to non-employment. The public-sector pay increase decreased the probability of inexperienced teachers leaving the teacher profession temporarily, but the effect disappeared after one or two years. For experienced teachers over 51 years old, the wage increase was found to reduce attrition.


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Protecting public health is the most legitimate use of zoning, and yet there is minimal progress in applying it to the obesity problem. Zoning could potentially be used to address both unhealthy and healthy food retailers, but lack of evidence regarding the impact of zoning and public opinion on zoning changes are barriers to implementing zoning restrictions on fast food on a larger scale. My dissertation addresses these gaps in our understanding of health zoning as a policy option for altering built, food environments.

Chapter 1 examines the relationship between food swamps and obesity and whether spatial mapping might be useful in identifying priority geographic areas for zoning interventions. I employ an instrumental variables (IV) strategy to correct for the endogeneity problems associated with food environments, namely that individuals may self-select into certain neighborhoods and may consider food availability in their decision process. I utilize highway exits as a source of exogenous variation .Using secondary data from the USDA Food Environment Atlas, ordinary least squares (OLS) and IV regression models were employed to analyze cross-sectional associations between local food environments and the prevalence of obesity. I find even after controlling for food desert effects, food swamps have a positive, statistically significant effect on adult obesity rates.

Chapter 2 applies theories of message framing and prospect theory to the emerging discussion around health zoning policies targeting food environments and to explore public opinion toward a list of potential zoning restrictions on fast-food restaurants (beyond moratoriums on new establishments). In order to explore causality, I employ an online survey experiment manipulating exposure to vignettes with different message frames about health zoning restrictions with two national samples of adult Americans age 18 and over (N1=2,768 and N2=3,236). The second sample oversamples Black Americans (N=1,000) and individuals with high school as their highest level of education. Respondents were randomly assigned to one of six conditions where they were primed with different message frames about the benefits of zoning restrictions on fast food retailers. Participants were then asked to indicate their support for six zoning policies on a Likert scale. Subjects also answered questions about their food store access, eating behaviors, health status and perceptions of food stores by type.

I find that a message frame about Nutrition and increasing Equity in the food system was particularly effective at increasing support for health zoning policies targeting fast food outlets across policy categories (Conditional, Youth-related, Performance and Incentive) and across racial groups. This finding is consistent with an influential environmental justice scholar’s description of “injustice frames” as effective in mobilizing supporters around environmental issues (Taylor 2000). I extend this rationale to food environment obesity prevention efforts and identify Nutrition combined with Equity frames as an arguably universal campaign strategy for bolstering public support of zoning restrictions on fast food retailers.

Bridging my findings from both Chapters 1 and 2, using food swamps as a spatial metaphor may work to identify priority areas for policy intervention, but only if there is an equitable distribution of resources and mobilization efforts to improve consumer food environments. If the structural forces which ration access to land-use planning persist (arguably including the media as gatekeepers to information and producers of message frames) disparities in obesity are likely to widen.


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Bacterial tubulin homolog FtsZ assembles straight protofilaments (pfs) that form the scaffold of the cytokinetic Z ring. These pfs can adopt a curved conformation forming a miniring or spiral tube 24 nm in diameter. Tubulin pfs also have a curved conformation, forming 42 nm tubulin rings. We have previously provided evidence that FtsZ generates a constriction force by switching from straight pfs to the curved conformation, generating a bending force on the membrane. In the simplest model the membrane tether, which exits from the C terminus of the globular FtsZ, would have to be on the outside of the curved pf. However, it is well established that tubulin rings have the C terminus on the inside of the ring. Could FtsZ and tubulin rings have the opposite curvature? In the present study we explored the direction of curvature of FtsZ rings by fusing large protein tags to the N or C terminus of the FtsZ globular domain. FtsZ with a protein tag on the N terminus did not assemble tubes. This was expected if the N terminus is on the inside, because the protein tags are too big to fit in the interior of the tube. FtsZ with C-terminal tags assembled normal tubes, consistent with the C terminus on the outside. The FN extension was not visible in negative stain, but thin section EM gave definitive evidence that the C-terminal tag was on the outside of the tubes. This has interesting implications for the evolution of tubulin. It seems likely that tubulin began with the curvature of FtsZ, which would have resulted in pfs curving toward the interior of a disassembling MT. Evolution not only eliminated this undesirable curvature, but managed to reverse direction to produce the outward curving rings, which is useful for pulling chromosomes.


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The organizations are characterized as dynamic spaces, they are being revisited and redefined, because they constitute structural human spaces and new vain outlines won expression. As it begins, of the non consensus in its conception, it is explicit the complexity degree that is identified in the plurality and diversity, brought by the people that compose them, characterizing it as accomplishment space, of happiness and also of conflict, of relationships of power and organizational limits and from birth and burial of faiths, values, norms, symbols, knowledge and rituals, therefore, deeply human. In that way, to know the administration of the organization is preponderant condition for the format of the human relationships to be delineated in its living. Like this the work makes an option in knowing the social administration, this work tries to know and analyze the values and beginnings of the social administration; revealling characteristics and specificities of the organizational performance of UNIPOP that contribute to the formation of the conception of Social Administration, it tends as source of the information the managers of the institution; to identify the formative values of UNIPOP that contribute to the youths' partner-political action in the community, tends for reference the current students of the organization and last to evaluate values structurates and supporting that interconnection between the organizational Administration, formation youth's program, participation and autonomy and attendance, starting from the existences gained by the exits, of that program. This way, the research will be qualitative, looking for understanding starting from their documents, the existence of those values


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Knowledge on human behaviour in emergency is crucial to increase the safety of buildings and transportation systems. Decision making during evacuations implies different choices, of which one of the most important concerns the escape route. The choice of a route may involve local decisions between alternative exits from an enclosed environment. This work investigates the influence of environmental (presence of smoke, emergency lighting and distance of exit) and social factors (interaction with evacuees close to the exits and with those near the decision-maker) on local exit choice. This goal is pursued using an online stated preference survey carried out making use of non-immersive virtual reality. A sample of 1,503 participants is obtained and a Mixed Logit Model is calibrated using these data. The model shows that presence of smoke, emergency lighting, distance of exit, number of evacuees near the exits and the decision-maker, and flow of evacuees through the exits significantly affect local exit choice. Moreover, the model points out that decision making is affected by a high degree of behavioural uncertainty. Our findings support the improvement of evacuation models and the accuracy of their results, which can assist in designing and managing building and transportation systems. The main contribution of this work is to enrich the understanding of how local exit choices are made and how behavioural uncertainty affects these choices.


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My thesis situates itself within the field of the Philosophy of Worldviews. Specifically, it aims to address the normative question of what the task should be of such a philosophy when faced with the problem of conflicting beliefs between religious worldviews. To answer this question, I turn to the procedure of aporetical analysis, in short, aporetics. Firstly, aporetics offers a distinct method of consistency restoration within inconsistent sets on the basis of thesis rejection and thesis modification. Secondly, aporetics leads to an understanding of the availability of aporetic exits on the basis of epistemic criteria. On the one hand, this leads us to opt for an orientational monism/pluralism, which steers the middle course between the epistemic stances of exclusivism and pluralism. On the other hand, it allows us to identify epistemic criteria for worldview acquisition on the basis of three distinct superclasses. These superclasses can be derived from Jürgen Habermas' validity claims, and applied to the self-understanding of contemporary theories of religion.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Agronómica, 20 de Julho de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.