156 resultados para Excite


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The aim of this study was to verify through microtensile test the influence of time and concentration of surface conditioning with hydrofluoric acid and its interference in the adhesion of dual resin cement to porcelain.We used 32 bodies of glass-ceramic lithium disilicate system IPS e.max Press LT with dimensions of 6mm thick, 8 mm in length and 8 mm in length, which will be molded to obtain composite resin blocks corresponding to blocks ceramics. Ceramic and resin blocks were divided into 16 groups (n = 4) and numbered according to the concentration of hydrofluoric acid (2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10%) and conditioning time (20 seconds, 40 seconds, 1 minute and 2 minutes). The blocks were cleaned in ultrasonic apparatus with distilled water and dried with compressed air, subjected to acid etching and air-jet washed with water, dried with compressed air and received application of silane agent Monobond-S, followed by adhesive Excite ( Ivoclar Vivaden). Each ceramic block was bonded to the corresponding block of resin through the resin cement Multilink Automix. The specimens were cut to obtain nine micro samples for each set of ceramic-resin with 1 mm X 1 mm X 12 mm in length, which were submitted to microtensile test. The results were analyzed with descriptive statistics and analysis of variance with significance level of 5%, revealing that there were statistically significant (p = 0.000001 <0.05). From the Tukey test can be concluded that etching with hydrofluoric acid and 2.5% for 120 seconds gave the best bond strength, however, no statistical difference between the conditioning with the same acid in the concentration of 5.0% for 20 to 40 seconds


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In this work, we have some considerations about the interactive process between teacher and students, and we analyze the subjective aspects of how the teacher reacts from its interpretation of the student's motivation throughout his lecture. We utilized Vigotski's theories, about the importance of dealing with the social cognitive process, which may contribute to an efficient school learning and when the teacher is engaged and motivated is able to motivate and excite all students who are in their classroom. We therefore investigated how it relates to the constructs of Werstch, the arguments of the teacher and students' excitement


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Aim: This study evaluated the effect of light-activation on the antibacterial activity of dentin bonding systems. Methods: Inocula of Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus casei cultures were spread on the surface of BHI agar and the materials were applied and subjected or not to light-activation. Zones of bacterial growth inhibition around the discs were measured. Results: Excite, Single Bond and the bond of Clearfil SE Bond (SE) and Clearfil Protect Bond (CP) did not show any antibacterial activity. The strongest inhibitory activity was observed for the primers of CP and Prompt (PR) against S. mutans and the primers of SE and PB against L. casei. Conclusion: Light-activation significantly reduced or suppressed the antibacterial activity of the initially active uncured dentin bonding systems


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This study sought to assess the use of chlorhexidine with several excipients as a dentin surface treatment and its effect on marginal adaptation of class V restorations with current-generation dentin bonding agents. A total of 120 human third molars were selected and allocated into 12 groups, with standardized buccal class V restorations randomly divided into preconditioned dentin rinsed with: water; water + chlorhexidine; ethanol; or ethanol + chlorhexidine. After rinsing of dentin (previously conditioned with 35% phosphoric acid) with the test solutions, the Adper single bond 2, prime and bond 2.1, and Excite bonding systems were applied randomly. Restorations were performed with FiltekTM Z350 XT composite resin. The resulting specimens were subjected to thermal and mechanical load cycling. Quantitative analysis of marginal adaptation was performed on epoxy replicas by means of scanning electron microscopy. Results were assessed by means of the Kruskal-Wallis test (percentages of continuous margins) and Wilcoxon test (differences between percentages of continuous margins before and after thermal cycling and mechanical loading), at a significance level of p < 0.05. Outcomes in the chlorhexidine-treated groups were not superior to those obtained with other treatments.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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TiO2/SnO2 thin films heterostructures were grown by the sol-gel dip-coating technique. It was found that the crystalline structure of TiO2 depends on the annealing temperature and the substrate type. TiO2 films deposited on glass substrate, submitted to thermal annealing until 550 degrees C, present anatase structure, whereas films deposited on quartz substrate transform to rutile structure when thermally annealed at 1100 degrees C. When structured as rutile, this oxide semiconductor has very close lattice parameters to those of SnO2, making easier the heterostructure assembling. The electrical properties of TiO2/SnO2 heterostructure were evaluated as function of temperature and excitation with different light sources. The temperature dependence of conductivity is dominated by a deep level with energy coincident with the second ionization level of oxygen vacancies in SnO2, suggesting the dominant role of the most external layer material (SnO2) to the electrical transport properties. The fourth harmonic of a Nd:YAG laser line (4.65 eV) seems to excite the most external layer whereas a InGaN LED (2.75 eV) seems to excite electrons from the ground state of a quantized interfacial channel as well as intrabandgap states of the TiO2 layer.


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Aim: This study evaluated the effect of light-activation on the antibacterial activity of dentin bonding systems. Methods: Inocula of Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus casei cultures were spread on the surface of BHI agar and the materials were applied and subjected or not to light-activation. Zones of bacterial growth inhibition around the discs were measured. Results: Excite, Single Bond and the bond of Clearfil SE Bond (SE) and Clearfil Protect Bond (CP) did not show any antibacterial activity. The strongest inhibitory activity was observed for the primers of CP and Prompt (PR) against S. mutans and the primers of SE and PB against L. casei. Conclusion: Light-activation significantly reduced or suppressed the antibacterial activity of the initially active uncured dentin bonding systems.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objective: To determine the E. faecalis biofilm formation on the surface of five adhesive systems (AS) and its relationship with roughness. Study Design: The formation of E. faecalis biofilms was tested on the surface of four dual-cure AS: AdheSE DC, Clearfil DC Bond, Futurabond DC and Excite DSC and one light-cure antimicrobial AS, Clearfil Protect Bond, after 24 hours of incubation, using the MBEC high-throughput device. Results: E. faecalis biofilms grew on all the adhesives. The least growth of biofilm was on Excite DSC, Clearfil Protect Bond, and the control. Futurabond DC resulted in the greatest roughness and biofilm amount. There was a close relationship between the quantity of biofilm and roughness, except for Clearfil Protect Bond, which showed little biofilm but high roughness. Conclusion: None of the tested AS prevented E. faecalis biofilm formation, although the least quantity was found on the surface of Clearfil Protect Bond.


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Gold plasmonic lenses consisting of a planar concentric rings-groove with different periods were milled with a focused gallium ion beam on a gold thin film deposited onto an Er3+-doped tellurite glass. The plasmonic lenses were vertically illuminated with an argon ion laser highly focused by means of a 50x objective lens. The focusing mechanism of the plasmonic lenses is explained using a coherent interference model of surface plasmon-polariton (SPP) generation on the circular grating due to the incident field. As a result, phase modulation can be accomplished by the groove gap, similar to a nanoslit array with different widths. This focusing allows a high confinement of SPPs that can excite the Er3+ ions of the glass. The Er3+ luminescence spectra were measured in the far-field (500-750 nm wavelength range), where we could verify the excitation yield via the plasmonic lens on the Er3+ ions. We analyze the influence of the geometrical parameters on the luminescence spectra. The variation of these parameters results in considerable changes of the luminescence spectra.


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The use of numerical simulation in the design and evaluation of products performance is ever increasing. To a greater extent, such estimates are needed in a early design stage, when physical prototypes are not available. When dealing with vibro-acoustic models, known to be computationally expensive, a question remains, which is related to the accuracy of such models in view of the well-know variability inherent to the mass manufacturing production techniques. In addition, both academia and industry have recently realized the importance of actually listening to a products sound, either by measurements or by virtual sound synthesis, in order to assess its performance. In this work, the scatter of significant parameter variations on a simplified vehicle vibro-acoustic model is calculated on loudness metrics using Monte Carlo analysis. The mapping from the system parameters to sound quality metric is performed by a fully-coupled vibro-acoustic finite element model. Different loudness metrics are used, including overall sound pressure level expressed in dB and Specific Loudness in Sones. Sound quality equivalent sources are used to excite this model and the sound pressure level at the driver's head position is acquired to be evaluated according to sound quality metrics. No significant variation has been perceived when evaluating the system using regular sound pressure level expressed in in dB and dB(A). This happens because of the third-octave filters that averages the results under some frequency bands. On the other hand, Zwicker Loudness presents important variations, arguably, due to the masking effects.


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Mit einem Abscherverfahren wurde in vitro die Scherhaftung (SBS) von 4 kommerziell erhältlichen Adhäsiven der 4., 5. und 6. Generation (Optibond FL, Excite, Gluma Comfort Bond, Prompt L-Pop) und 7 experimentellen Einflaschen- (Capo E1, Capo E2, Capo Water, ENA) oder selbstkonditionierenden Adhäsiven (AC, AC+Desensitizer, Resulcin Aqua Prime N) an Schmelz/Dentin untersucht.Alle Adhäsive wurden entsprechend Herstellerangaben auf flache Schmelz-/Dentinflächen appliziert. Auf alle Adhäsivflächen wurden 3,5x2mm große Tetric Ceram Prüfkörper aufgebracht. Die Proben wurden vor Thermocycling 24h in Kochsalzlösung gelagert. Anschließend wurden die SBS-Werte gemessen.Das Mehrflaschensystem Optibond (33.2/34.4) zeigte signifikant (p<0.05) höhere Werte an Schmelz und Dentin als alle experimentellen Einflaschen- und alle selbstkonditionierenden Adhäsive. Die kommerziell erhältlichen 5. Generation Bondings tendieren zu höheren Werten als die selbstkonditionierenden Adhäsive, liegen aber unter denen der 4. Generation. AC (28.1/27.0)


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Während in den letzten Jahren zahlreiche Biosensoren zum spezifischen Nachweis von DNA entwickelt wurden, ist die Anwendung oberflächen-sensitiver Methoden auf enzymatische Reaktionen ein vergleichsweise neues Forschungsgebiet. Trotz der hohen Empfindlichkeit und der Möglichkeit zur Echtzeit-Beobachtung molekularer Prozesse, ist die Anwendung dieser Methoden nicht etabliert, da die Enzymaktivität durch die Nähe zur Oberfläche beeinträchtigt sein kann. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die enzymatische Verlängerung immobilisierter DNA durch eine DNA Polymerase mit Hilfe von Oberflächenplasmonen-Fluoreszenzspektroskopie (SPFS) und einer Quarzkristall-Mikrowaage (QCM) untersucht. Die Synthese von DNA wurde im Fall der QCM als Massenzuwachs detektiert, der sich im Abfall der Resonanzfrequenz des Schwingquarzes und einem Anstieg seiner Dissipationsenergie ausdrückte. Die viskoelastischen Eigenschaften der DNA-Schichten wurden bestimmt, indem die erhaltenen Daten mit einem auf Voigt basierenden Modell ausgewertet wurden. SPFS nutzt das evaneszente elektromagnetische Feld, das mit Oberflächenplasmonen einhergeht, zur oberflächen-sensitiven Anregung von Chromophoren. Auf diese Weise wurde der Einbau von Farbstoff-markierten Nukleotiden in die entstehende DNA-Sequenz als Indikator für das Voranschreiten der Reaktion ausgenutzt. Beide Meßtechniken konnten erfolgreich zum Nachweis der DNA-Synthese herangezogen werden, wobei die katalytische Aktivität des Enzyms vergleichbar zu der in Lösung gemessenen war.


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The aim of this work is to measure the stress inside a hard micro object under extreme compression. To measure the internal stress, we compressed ruby spheres (a-Al2O3: Cr3+, 150 µm diameter) between two sapphire plates. Ruby fluorescence spectrum shifts to longer wavelengths under compression and can be related to the internal stress by a conversion coefficient. A confocal laser scanning microscope was used to excite and collect fluorescence at desired local spots inside the ruby sphere with spatial resolution of about 1 µm3. Under static external loads, the stress distribution within the center plane of the ruby sphere was measured directly for the first time. The result agreed to Hertz’s law. The stress across the contact area showed a hemispherical profile. The measured contact radius was in accord with the calculation by Hertz’s equation. Stress-load curves showed spike-like decrease after entering non-elastic phase, indicating the formation and coalescence of microcracks, which led to relaxing of stress. In the vicinity of the contact area luminescence spectra with multiple peaks were observed. This indicated the presence of domains of different stress, which were mechanically decoupled. Repeated loading cycles were applied to study the fatigue of ruby at the contact region. Progressive fatigue was observed when the load exceeded 1 N. As long as the load did not exceed 2 N stress-load curves were still continuous and could be described by Hertz’s law with a reduced Young’s modulus. Once the load exceeded 2 N, periodical spike-like decreases of the stress could be observed, implying a “memory effect” under repeated loading cycles. Vibration loading with higher frequencies was applied by a piezo. Redistributions of intensity on the fluorescence spectra were observed and it was attributed to the repopulation of the micro domains of different elasticity. Two stages of under vibration loading were suggested. In the first stage continuous damage carried on until certain limit, by which the second stage, e.g. breakage, followed in a discontinuous manner.