999 resultados para Escuta ativa
The issue of multi-classes in schools from the field and methodology for these classes is controversial and contentious, both in terms of teaching, monitoring and organizational, is the perspective of values, training and systematization of public policy. Why the strategy Methodological Active School facing those classes appeared as a significant and exciting topic of research. Thus, it was aimed to apprehend the social representations of active school by teachers (s) to understand the extent to which these representations influence the acceptance and use of the program strategies. Perceiving and analyzing also the various factors related to the management, monitoring and training needs of (the) teachers as alternatives to make this meaningful action. The study focused 112 teachers (s), which for over a year, worked in the program in six municipalities in the micro-region of Rio Grande do Norte / RN - Areia Branca, Baraúna, Grossos, Mossoró, Serra do Mel and Tibau. From this perspective relied on Social Representation Theory and the Theory of the Central Core, attending to the subjectivity of the object searched, inserted in the psychosocial field of knowledge, we opted for multi-methodological approach, using quantitative and qualitative techniques. However, the highlight was a projective technique Free Association of Words from the term Active School is .... The words were systematized by EVOC program, and also applied semi-structured interviews, focusing specific issues that led to trace the socio-demographic profile of (the) participants and wider issues about the object of study. The evocations, justifications and interviews provided the basis for the analysis of the content that followed the steps: formation of the corpus, the composition of the analysis and categorization. The results show the representations an attitude of acceptance and positive appraisal of the participants to the Active School Program. At the core, these representations are objectified around the words "action", "learning", "autonomy" and "interaction". Based on the premise that the representations have a duty to guide the practices and behavior, one can see that the positive attitude of the group favors a systematic methodology and acceptance of the program, but we must look at the changes in management, training, monitoring of (the) teachers (s) and support to schools.
This is an exploratory descriptive study with quantitative approach, aiming to verify the nurses' knowledge concerning the epidemiological surveillance activities at the Onofre Lopes hospital (HUOL), in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The study was performed with 63 nurses from the hospital and the data were collected through a questionnaire. All data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results were discussed and organized into four sections: nurses' knowledge on hospital epidemiological surveillance; procedures of the professional nurse through compulsory notification diseases; difficulties found by nurses to register the compulsory notification diseases and suggestions of strategies to joint epidemiological surveillance service with the care practices of nurses. The results showed that 55.55% of nurses know the main action of epidemiological surveillance, compulsory notification of diseases, and that 42.86% reported to the Hospital Epidemiology Center , while 57.14% did not allocate the information for this service. Most nurses found it difficult to perform notification for not knowing its flow; for the surveillance service does not operate 24 hours and for vagueness on diagnostic of disorders. Suggestions of strategies to improve the quality of epidemiological information are focused on training of nurses in hospital epidemiological surveillance; working in partnership with the surveillance center; diffusion of information on surveillance and conducting a daily active search. It comes to conclusion that most nurses don't notify the Surveillance Center about Compulsory Notification Diseases and it wasn't observed the incorporation of integrality values between the hospital surveillance and all nurses, since this principle guides the actions of health services based on dialogue, listening, ethical commitment, sharing of knowledge among professionals of various services and respect towards other professionals. Therefore, the integrality gap in the actions of the nurses studied, as well as in the surveillance service does not mobilize the potential of such services to changes in the sense of achievement of practices aimed at a special attention model that combines preventive and corrective actions, proposed and desired by SUS. Through the difficulties presented, it becomes important to recommend educational processes with strategy to transform the conducts, besides proposing actions under the principle of integrality provide responses agile and effective, as the purpose of VE hospital emergency care by the current epidemic
This research, which appears in the form of a dissertation, entitled: Integrative Therapy Community: construction of a listening space to health care workers in primary care, addresses the Integrative Community Therapy (ICT) as a tool to create meeting spaces between health professionals where they can be receptive among one another. With the completion of this study aimed to analyze the ICT as a therapeutic approach and space of listening and speaking for health professionals cited here in order to identify their anxieties, doubts, worries and uncertainties arising from the context of labor relations and the impact of therapeutic experiences under the view of the participants. It was developed as an action-science research, involving several steps. The field of research was the ICT meetings of workers from the units under the Family Health Strategy of Northern Health Districts I and II of the city of Natal, using a qualitative approach. The interpretation of data collected was based on content analysis proposed by Bardin. Finally, this study showed the ICT as a space for dialogue and sharing, with repercussions on labor relations and expansions beyond the ICT meetings, reaching out to family and social relationships, contributing to creating bonds and solidarity networks. Under the view of the participants it was recognized as an experience that optimized the socialization, promoting the alleviation of suffering and increasing the well-being. Based on the study findings, it is inferred that ICT can be considered a viable tool for the receptiveness and humanized care of health care workers.
This work presents the development of a prototype of an intelligent active orthosis for lower limbs whit an electronic embedded system. The proposed orthosis is an orthopedical device with the main objective of providing walking capacity to people with partial or total loss of lower limbs movements. In order to design the kinematics, dynamics and the mechanical characteristics of the prototype, the biomechanics of the human body was analized. The orthosis was projected to reproduce some of the movements of the human gait as walking in straight forward, sit down, get up, arise and go down steps. The joints of the orthosis are controlled by DC motors equipped with mechanical reductions, whose purpose is to reduce rotational speed and increase the torque, thus generating smooth movements. The electronic embedded system is composed of two motor controller boards with two channels that communicate with a embedded PC, position sensors and limit switches. The gait movements of the orthosis will be controlled by high level commands from a human-machine interface. The embedded electronic system interprets the high level commands, generates the angular references for the joints of the orthosis, controls and drives the actuators in order to execute the desired movements of the user
In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, a series of technical innovations have been commercially and widespread on some urban groups everyday, in Brazil. Some of these technological innovations have played an important role in large-scale distribution of artistic works, which until then had an extremely limited potential for diffusion. Development of devices that can record and play music has been mechanically inserted into this logic, while the gramophones, phonographs, cylinders and discs became popular. By this time a new moment for production and consumption of music had started. Especially since the begging of electrical system for registration and production of sounds, this process bought important meaning to the way some peoples in Rio would leasing and sense music, besides it had contributed substantially to changes in the spatial references of these individuals
Currently, in custody disputes, the child has the right to be heard and to have its opinion considered, according to its age and maturity. The psychologist/psychoanalyst who works in the Family Court is required to produce a Report with the purpose of helping the Court´s decision. The present research aims to discuss and to find guiding principles for the hearing of the declaration of the child´s will in a custody dispute by its parents, from a psychoanalytical perspective. The case of a nine year old girl that affirmed in Court the desire of living with the mother and seeing the father only once a year is the starting point of this theoretical research over the psychoanalytic fundaments of the hearing of the case, how it appeared in that experience and how it was reflected in the report. Throughout this work, the peculiarities of psychoanalysis as a way of understanding the subject and the conditions that must be observed so that a sctrictu sensu analytic hearing is possible are studied. Then we present a reflection of the case, in the light of the theories studied, verifying that we could observe in the experience: i) the assumption of a subject of the unconscious, divided and desire full that constitutes itself from the oedipic structuration, that leads to the difference between speech and speak; ii) the concept of the child as having a sexuality of its own; iii) a hearing based on the ethic principles of psychoanalysis and the analysts'' formation. In the final considerations, we state that the institutional demand of a meaning for the case is a great difficulty for the analyst since he works from a place of 'not-knowing"
Psychology uses listening as a work resource. When it comes to psychotherapy, listening establishes communication and makes psychologist-client dialogue easier. This qualitative research aims to discuss the clinic listening in phenomenological attitude in existential-phenomenological psychotherapy with deaf people. This perspective is based on the thinking of German philosopher Martin Heidegger, who considers humane a being-with and being-in-the-world, always unveiling meanings. Regarding the deaf people, Libras is currently the natural language of Brazilian deaf people. In this new language configuration, communication occurs in a visual-spatial modality. Thus, listening and speech gain new dimensions, demanding different ways of understanding in the field of psychotherapy. To the development of this research, we present excerpts from therapeutic sessions narratives with a deaf client, interpreted in the light of Heidegger s hermeneutics. We consider that it is possible for the psychotherapist to listen to deaf people in phenomenological attitude. Such position, which does not naturalize and limit the humane, helps so that the clients do not feel responsible for their existence and can hermeneutically converse in their language. In this context, the psychologist must be qualified to conduct the treatment in Libras. We hope that this research can, somehow, fill the existing gap of the scientific production about such theme in the field of Psychology and, mainly, instigate discussion in the context of Psychology courses on the importance and need to qualify psychologists for the management of clinical practice with deaf people
O transtorno do processamento auditivo é uma entidade clínica que pode estar associado a diversos distúrbios da comunicação humana, entre estes o distúrbio de aprendizagem. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar e comparar o desempenho de escolares com e sem distúrbio de aprendizagem nos testes de Fala com Ruído e Escuta Dicótica de Dígitos e Verbal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Participaram 40 escolares, de ambos os gêneros, com faixa etária de 8 a 12 anos, divididos em dois grupos: GI: composto por 20 escolares com diagnóstico de distúrbio de Aprendizagem e GII: composto por 20 escolares com bom desempenho escolar, pareados segundo gênero, faixa etária e escolaridade com GI. Foram realizadas avaliações audiológicas básicas e Testes de Dicótico de Dígitos, Dissílabos Alternados (SSW) e Fala com Ruído. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Estudo transversal com corte histórica. RESULTADOS: Os escolares de GI apresentaram desempenho inferior ao dos escolares de GII, nos testes Dicótico de Dígitos e Dissílabos Alternados e desempenho sem diferença estatisticamente significante no Teste de fala com Ruído. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados sugerem que o grupo de escolares com distúrbio de aprendizagem apresenta desempenho inferior em relação ao grupo sem dificuldades, refletindo dificuldades no processamento das informações auditivas.
OBJETIVO: Verificar a proporção de pacientes com baciloscopia negativa no pré-operatório e que apresentaram TB ativa na peça cirúrgica. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de pacientes com diagnóstico histopatológico de TB ativa ou sequelar e operados entre os anos de 2003 e 2006 em um hospital universitário. Foram pesquisados antecedentes e aspectos clínicos relativos à doença, pesquisa de bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes (BAAR), tipo de cirurgia realizada e exame histopatológico da peça cirúrgica. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 43 pacientes, com média de idade de 44 ± 19 anos, sendo 27 do sexo masculino. Apresentavam história prévia de TB com tratamento adequado 28 pacientes, e 15 não referiam antecedentes para TB. O principal motivo da procura pelo serviço foi infecção de repetição, seguida por achados em exames de imagem. Dos 43 pacientes, foi pesquisado BAAR no pré-operatório em 35: 32 apresentaram resultados negativos e 3, resultados positivos. Dos 35 pacientes pesquisados, 26 apresentavam diagnóstico histopatológico de TB ativa e 9 de TB sequelar na peça cirúrgica; os outros 8 também foram diagnosticados com TB sequelar. A proporção de TB ativa em doentes com baciloscopia negativa foi de 72% (23/32), e o de baciloscopia negativa em TB ativa foi de 88% (23/26), sendo a pesquisa de BAAR positiva somente em 11,5% (3/26). CONCLUSÕES: A baciloscopia direta tem rendimento muito baixo, e muitos pacientes mesmo já tratados podem permanecer com TB em atividade com baciloscopia negativa. A TB ativa pode ser confundida com infecções secundárias ou com câncer.
A finalidade deste artigo é avaliar o efeito da expansão rápida da maxila (ERM) no padrão respiratório. Por intermédio de um caso clínico, será relatado como indivíduos com atresia da maxila e problemas respiratórios podem se beneficiar com a expansão rápida da maxila. Outro aspecto que deve-se salientar é como profissionais da área da saúde, principalmente ortodontistas e otorrinolaringologistas, têm à sua disposição exames complementares para o diagnóstico do paciente com Respiração Bucal
INTRODUÇÃO: Grande similaridade entre o comportamento de pacientes com fissura labiopalatina e aqueles com transtorno de processamento auditivo são relatadas por pais e professores. OBJETIVO: Verificar a escuta de crianças com fissura labiopalatina em seis condições de escuta. MÉTODO: Professores de 224 escolares (7 a 11 anos) com fissura completaram um questionário, visando julgar a escuta do escolar no ruído, condição ideal, com múltiplos estímulos, no silêncio, quando solicitado recordar a informação ouvida e durante longo período de escuta, comparando-o ao de outro sem fissura de mesma idade e condição de escuta. Estudo Prospectivo. RESULTADOS: A média do julgamento (-0,08, desvio padrão de 0,27) dos alunos com fissura, realizado pelo professor, foi aproximadamente ao de mesma dificuldade (zero), quando comparado com o escolar sem fissura. Não foi encontrada significância estatística para qualquer uma das condições, nem para o valor total do questionário considerando os gêneros e as séries escolares. CONCLUSÃO: As características de escuta dos escolares com fissura labiopalatina foram similares ao de outro sem esta malformação craniofacial de mesma idade e condição de escuta semelhante. No ruído, quando a memória e a atenção auditiva são requeridas foram as condições mais difíceis.
O artigo pretende mostrar como a questão dos fundamentos da prática docente é prioritária numa discussão sobre as falhas, incoerências e insatisfações do professor em sua tarefa diária, constituindo-se em ponto de partida para uma análise do ensino atual. São apontadas confusões e ambigüidades da prática docente, bem como a permanência de características da pedagogia tradicional, com suas suposições e implicações para o desenvolvimento e a aprendizagem do aluno. Ao final, são apresentados princípios psicológicos e epistemológicos da teoria piagetiana passíveis de fundamentar uma pedagogia ativa, e sugestões para sua efetivação na prática, visando atender à finalidade educacional de desenvolvimento das potencialidades do educando em novas bases.
FUNDAMENTOS: A Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia Regional do Estado de São Paulo (SBD-RESP), apoiada pela Fundação Paulista Contra a Hanseníase, e em ação conjunta com os Serviços de Dermatologia do estado de São Paulo, credenciados pela Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia, lançou a campanha SBD-RESP na Busca Ativa de Casos de Hanseníase. OBJETIVOS: Auxiliar o Programa Nacional de Controle da Hanseníase no controle da doença. MÉTODO: Todos os Serviços de Dermatologia do estado de São Paulo, credenciados pela Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia, foram convidados e os 17 que participaram receberam uma planilha de dados e modelos de materiais informativos sobre a doença. A campanha foi realizada entre os meses de maio e julho de 2010. Ao término do período, cada serviço encaminhou a planilha de dados para análise estatística. RESULTADOS: Foram examinadas 1718 pessoas e diagnosticados, no total, 90 casos de hanseníase, a maioria do gênero masculino e da cor branca, com percentuais semelhantes de multibacilares e de paucibacilares. Doze por cento apresentavam história familiar de hanseníase. O maior número de casos detectados foi na capital, seguido, no interior, pela região de Presidente Prudente. O índice de detecção em menores de 15 anos foi 4%. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados da campanha mostram a importância desta iniciativa da SBD-RESP. Sugere-se que ações semelhantes sejam repetidas e que se estendam a outras regionais da Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia
Partindo da experiência na enfermaria de um hospital-escola1, do confronto com o status-quo do trabalho dos psicólogos em hospitais e da avaliação da literatura sobre a clínica psicanalítica em hospital, esta pesquisa se propôs a buscar avanços frente a uma questão específica: a escuta psicanalítica no trabalho em enfermarias de hospital geral e as implicações dessa prática com o desejo do psicanalista. Foram entrevistados quinze psicólogos declaradamente de orientação psicanalítica, vinculados a unidades de internação e com experiência mínima de dois anos de trabalho em hospital geral. As entrevistas foram abertas e semi-estruturadas, com o intuito de contemplar de maneira uniforme a coleta de informações de cunho mais objetivo, assim como de facilitar a pertinência ao tema de estudo. A interpretação dos dados foi realizada à luz do referencial clínico psicanalítico (freud-lacaniano), sendo que tal interpretação nos permitiu identificar uma importante interação entre os impasses, presentes na instituição hospitalar, da prática clínica psicanalítica com questões pessoais e de formação do profissional, interação que se vincula à postura de trabalho adotada no hospital. Reafirmamos, através desta pesquisa, a possibilidade de fazer uso de uma escuta analítica no trabalho com pacientes internados, a qual está sempre voltada para as manifestações do inconsciente ao longo da fala, e na qual a direção do tratamento é a emergência do sujeito do inconsciente.
This paper presents a methodology and software for hazard rate analysis of induction type watt-hour meters, considering the main variables related with the degradation process of these meters, for the Elektro Electricity and Services SA. The modeling developed to calculate the watt-hour meters hazard rate was implemented in a tool through a user friendly platform, in Delphi language, enabling not only hazard rate analysis, but also a classification by risk range, localization of installation for the analyzed meters, and, allowing, through an expert system, the sampling of induction type watt-hour meters, based on the model risk developed with artificial intelligence, with the mainly goal of follow and manage the process of degradation, maintenance and replacement of these meters. © 2010 IEEE.