921 resultados para Error analysis (Mathematics)
By deriving the equations for an error analysis of modeling inaccuracies for the combined estimation and control problem, it is shown that the optimum estimation error is orthogonal to the actual suboptimum estimate.
Approximate solutions of the B-G-K model equation are obtained for the structure of a plane shock, using various moment methods and a least squares technique. Comparison with available exact solution shows that while none of the methods is uniformly satisfactory, some of them can provide accurate values for the density slope shock thickness delta n . A detailed error analysis provides explanations for this result. An asymptotic analysis of delta n for largeMach numbers shows that it scales with theMaxwell mean free path on the hot side of the shock, and that their ratio is relatively insensitive to the viscosity law for the gas.
Infrared spectra of atmospherically important dimethylquinolines (DMQs), namely 2,4-DMQ, 2,6-DMQ, 2,7-DMQ, and 2,8-DMQ in the gas phase at 80 degrees C were recorded using a long variable path-length cell. DFT calculations were carried out to assign the bands in the experimentally observed spectra at the B3LYP/6-31G* level of theory. The spectral assignments particularly for the C-H stretching modes could not be made unambiguously using calculated anharmonic or scaled harmonic frequencies. To resolve this problem, a scaled force field method of assignment was used. Assignment of fundamental modes was confirmed by potential energy distributions (PEDs) of the normal modes derived by the scaled force fields using a modified version of the UMAT program in the QCPE package. We demonstrate that for large molecules such as the DMQs, the scaling of the force field is more effective in arriving at the correct assignment of the fundamentals for a quantitative vibrational analysis. An error analysis of the mean deviation of the calculated harmonic, anharmonic, and force field fitted frequencies from the observed frequency provides strong evidence for the correctness of the assignment.
The design and analysis of a coplanar capacitive fed microstrip antenna suspended above the ground plane is presented. It is demonstrated that the proposed approach can be used for designing antennas with impedance bandwidth of about 50% and a good gain to operate in various microwave bands. The model of the antenna incorporates the capacitive feed strip which is fed by a coaxial probe using equivalent circuit approach, and matches simulation and experimental results. The capacitive feed strip used here is basically a rectangular microstrip capacitor formed from a truncated microstrip transmission line and all its open ends are represented by terminal or edge capacitances. The error analysis was carried out for validity of the model for different design parameters. The antenna configuration can be used where unidirectional radiation patterns are required over a wide bandwidth.
Infrared spectra of atmospherically and astronomically important dimethylphenanthrenes (DMPs), namely 1,9-DMP, 2,4-DMP, and 3,9-DMP, were recorded in the gas phase from 400 to 4000 cm(-1) with a resolution of 0.5 cm(-1) at 110 degrees C using a 7.2 m gas cell. DFT calculations at the B3LYP/6-311G** level were carried out to get the harmonic and anharmonic frequencies and their corresponding intensities for the assignment of the observed bands. However, spectral assignments could not be made unambiguously using anharmonic or selectively scaled harmonic frequencies. Therefore, the scaled quantum mechanical (SQM) force field analysis method was adopted to achieve more accurate assignments. In this method force fields instead of frequencies were scaled. The Cartesian force field matrix obtained from the Gaussian calculations was converted to a nonredundant local coordinate force field matrix and then the force fields were scaled to match experimental frequencies in a consistent manner using a modified version of the UMAT program of the QCPE package. Potential energy distributions (PEDs) of the normal modes in terms of nonredundant local coordinates obtained from these calculations helped us derive the nature of the vibration at each frequency. The intensity of observed bands in the experimental spectra was calculated using estimated vapor pressures of the DMPs. An error analysis of the mean deviation between experimental and calculated intensities reveal that the observed methyl C-H stretching intensity deviates more compared to the aromatic C-H and non C-H stretching bands.
The tonic is a fundamental concept in Indian art music. It is the base pitch, which an artist chooses in order to construct the melodies during a rg(a) rendition, and all accompanying instruments are tuned using the tonic pitch. Consequently, tonic identification is a fundamental task for most computational analyses of Indian art music, such as intonation analysis, melodic motif analysis and rg recognition. In this paper we review existing approaches for tonic identification in Indian art music and evaluate them on six diverse datasets for a thorough comparison and analysis. We study the performance of each method in different contexts such as the presence/absence of additional metadata, the quality of audio data, the duration of audio data, music tradition (Hindustani/Carnatic) and the gender of the singer (male/female). We show that the approaches that combine multi-pitch analysis with machine learning provide the best performance in most cases (90% identification accuracy on average), and are robust across the aforementioned contexts compared to the approaches based on expert knowledge. In addition, we also show that the performance of the latter can be improved when additional metadata is available to further constrain the problem. Finally, we present a detailed error analysis of each method, providing further insights into the advantages and limitations of the methods.
Part I.
We have developed a technique for measuring the depth time history of rigid body penetration into brittle materials (hard rocks and concretes) under a deceleration of ~ 105 g. The technique includes bar-coded projectile, sabot-projectile separation, detection and recording systems. Because the technique can give very dense data on penetration depth time history, penetration velocity can be deduced. Error analysis shows that the technique has a small intrinsic error of ~ 3-4 % in time during penetration, and 0.3 to 0.7 mm in penetration depth. A series of 4140 steel projectile penetration into G-mixture mortar targets have been conducted using the Caltech 40 mm gas/ powder gun in the velocity range of 100 to 500 m/s.
We report, for the first time, the whole depth-time history of rigid body penetration into brittle materials (the G-mixture mortar) under 105 g deceleration. Based on the experimental results, including penetration depth time history, damage of recovered target and projectile materials and theoretical analysis, we find:
1. Target materials are damaged via compacting in the region in front of a projectile and via brittle radial and lateral crack propagation in the region surrounding the penetration path. The results suggest that expected cracks in front of penetrators may be stopped by a comminuted region that is induced by wave propagation. Aggregate erosion on the projectile lateral surface is < 20% of the final penetration depth. This result suggests that the effect of lateral friction on the penetration process can be ignored.
2. Final penetration depth, Pmax, is linearly scaled with initial projectile energy per unit cross-section area, es , when targets are intact after impact. Based on the experimental data on the mortar targets, the relation is Pmax(mm) 1.15es (J/mm2 ) + 16.39.
3. Estimation of the energy needed to create an unit penetration volume suggests that the average pressure acting on the target material during penetration is ~ 10 to 20 times higher than the unconfined strength of target materials under quasi-static loading, and 3 to 4 times higher than the possible highest pressure due to friction and material strength and its rate dependence. In addition, the experimental data show that the interaction between cracks and the target free surface significantly affects the penetration process.
4. Based on the fact that the penetration duration, tmax, increases slowly with es and does not depend on projectile radius approximately, the dependence of tmax on projectile length is suggested to be described by tmax(μs) = 2.08es (J/mm2 + 349.0 x m/(πR2), in which m is the projectile mass in grams and R is the projectile radius in mm. The prediction from this relation is in reasonable agreement with the experimental data for different projectile lengths.
5. Deduced penetration velocity time histories suggest that whole penetration history is divided into three stages: (1) An initial stage in which the projectile velocity change is small due to very small contact area between the projectile and target materials; (2) A steady penetration stage in which projectile velocity continues to decrease smoothly; (3) A penetration stop stage in which projectile deceleration jumps up when velocities are close to a critical value of ~ 35 m/s.
6. Deduced averaged deceleration, a, in the steady penetration stage for projectiles with same dimensions is found to be a(g) = 192.4v + 1.89 x 104, where v is initial projectile velocity in m/s. The average pressure acting on target materials during penetration is estimated to be very comparable to shock wave pressure.
7. A similarity of penetration process is found to be described by a relation between normalized penetration depth, P/Pmax, and normalized penetration time, t/tmax, as P/Pmax = f(t/tmax, where f is a function of t/tmax. After f(t/tmax is determined using experimental data for projectiles with 150 mm length, the penetration depth time history for projectiles with 100 mm length predicted by this relation is in good agreement with experimental data. This similarity also predicts that average deceleration increases with decreasing projectile length, that is verified by the experimental data.
8. Based on the penetration process analysis and the present data, a first principle model for rigid body penetration is suggested. The model incorporates the models for contact area between projectile and target materials, friction coefficient, penetration stop criterion, and normal stress on the projectile surface. The most important assumptions used in the model are: (1) The penetration process can be treated as a series of impact events, therefore, pressure normal to projectile surface is estimated using the Hugoniot relation of target material; (2) The necessary condition for penetration is that the pressure acting on target materials is not lower than the Hugoniot elastic limit; (3) The friction force on projectile lateral surface can be ignored due to cavitation during penetration. All the parameters involved in the model are determined based on independent experimental data. The penetration depth time histories predicted from the model are in good agreement with the experimental data.
9. Based on planar impact and previous quasi-static experimental data, the strain rate dependence of the mortar compressive strength is described by σf/σ0f = exp(0.0905(log(έ/έ_0) 1.14, in the strain rate range of 10-7/s to 103/s (σ0f and έ are reference compressive strength and strain rate, respectively). The non-dispersive Hugoniot elastic wave in the G-mixture has an amplitude of ~ 0.14 GPa and a velocity of ~ 4.3 km/s.
Part II.
Stress wave profiles in vitreous GeO2 were measured using piezoresistance gauges in the pressure range of 5 to 18 GPa under planar plate and spherical projectile impact. Experimental data show that the response of vitreous GeO2 to planar shock loading can be divided into three stages: (1) A ramp elastic precursor has peak amplitude of 4 GPa and peak particle velocity of 333 m/s. Wave velocity decreases from initial longitudinal elastic wave velocity of 3.5 km/s to 2.9 km/s at 4 GPa; (2) A ramp wave with amplitude of 2.11 GPa follows the precursor when peak loading pressure is 8.4 GPa. Wave velocity drops to the value below bulk wave velocity in this stage; (3) A shock wave achieving final shock state forms when peak pressure is > 6 GPa. The Hugoniot relation is D = 0.917 + 1.711u (km/s) using present data and the data of Jackson and Ahrens [1979] when shock wave pressure is between 6 and 40 GPa for ρ0 = 3.655 gj cm3 . Based on the present data, the phase change from 4-fold to 6-fold coordination of Ge+4 with O-2 in vitreous GeO2 occurs in the pressure range of 4 to 15 ± 1 GPa under planar shock loading. Comparison of the shock loading data for fused SiO2 to that on vitreous GeO2 demonstrates that transformation to the rutile structure in both media are similar. The Hugoniots of vitreous GeO2 and fused SiO2 are found to coincide approximately if pressure in fused SiO2 is scaled by the ratio of fused SiO2to vitreous GeO2 density. This result, as well as the same structure, provides the basis for considering vitreous Ge02 as an analogous material to fused SiO2 under shock loading. Experimental results from the spherical projectile impact demonstrate: (1) The supported elastic shock in fused SiO2 decays less rapidly than a linear elastic wave when elastic wave stress amplitude is higher than 4 GPa. The supported elastic shock in vitreous GeO2 decays faster than a linear elastic wave; (2) In vitreous GeO2 , unsupported shock waves decays with peak pressure in the phase transition range (4-15 GPa) with propagation distance, x, as α 1/x-3.35 , close to the prediction of Chen et al. [1998]. Based on a simple analysis on spherical wave propagation, we find that the different decay rates of a spherical elastic wave in fused SiO2 and vitreous GeO2 is predictable on the base of the compressibility variation with stress under one-dimensional strain condition in the two materials.
The applicability of the white-noise method to the identification of a nonlinear system is investigated. Subsequently, the method is applied to certain vertebrate retinal neuronal systems and nonlinear, dynamic transfer functions are derived which describe quantitatively the information transformations starting with the light-pattern stimulus and culminating in the ganglion response which constitutes the visually-derived input to the brain. The retina of the catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, is used for the experiments.
The Wiener formulation of the white-noise theory is shown to be impractical and difficult to apply to a physical system. A different formulation based on crosscorrelation techniques is shown to be applicable to a wide range of physical systems provided certain considerations are taken into account. These considerations include the time-invariancy of the system, an optimum choice of the white-noise input bandwidth, nonlinearities that allow a representation in terms of a small number of characterizing kernels, the memory of the system and the temporal length of the characterizing experiment. Error analysis of the kernel estimates is made taking into account various sources of error such as noise at the input and output, bandwidth of white-noise input and the truncation of the gaussian by the apparatus.
Nonlinear transfer functions are obtained, as sets of kernels, for several neuronal systems: Light → Receptors, Light → Horizontal, Horizontal → Ganglion, Light → Ganglion and Light → ERG. The derived models can predict, with reasonable accuracy, the system response to any input. Comparison of model and physical system performance showed close agreement for a great number of tests, the most stringent of which is comparison of their responses to a white-noise input. Other tests include step and sine responses and power spectra.
Many functional traits are revealed by these models. Some are: (a) the receptor and horizontal cell systems are nearly linear (small signal) with certain "small" nonlinearities, and become faster (latency-wise and frequency-response-wise) at higher intensity levels, (b) all ganglion systems are nonlinear (half-wave rectification), (c) the receptive field center to ganglion system is slower (latency-wise and frequency-response-wise) than the periphery to ganglion system, (d) the lateral (eccentric) ganglion systems are just as fast (latency and frequency response) as the concentric ones, (e) (bipolar response) = (input from receptors) - (input from horizontal cell), (f) receptive field center and periphery exert an antagonistic influence on the ganglion response, (g) implications about the origin of ERG, and many others.
An analytical solution is obtained for the spatial distribution of potential in the S-space, which fits very well experimental data. Different synaptic mechanisms of excitation for the external and internal horizontal cells are implied.
Partial differential equations (PDEs) with multiscale coefficients are very difficult to solve due to the wide range of scales in the solutions. In the thesis, we propose some efficient numerical methods for both deterministic and stochastic PDEs based on the model reduction technique.
For the deterministic PDEs, the main purpose of our method is to derive an effective equation for the multiscale problem. An essential ingredient is to decompose the harmonic coordinate into a smooth part and a highly oscillatory part of which the magnitude is small. Such a decomposition plays a key role in our construction of the effective equation. We show that the solution to the effective equation is smooth, and could be resolved on a regular coarse mesh grid. Furthermore, we provide error analysis and show that the solution to the effective equation plus a correction term is close to the original multiscale solution.
For the stochastic PDEs, we propose the model reduction based data-driven stochastic method and multilevel Monte Carlo method. In the multiquery, setting and on the assumption that the ratio of the smallest scale and largest scale is not too small, we propose the multiscale data-driven stochastic method. We construct a data-driven stochastic basis and solve the coupled deterministic PDEs to obtain the solutions. For the tougher problems, we propose the multiscale multilevel Monte Carlo method. We apply the multilevel scheme to the effective equations and assemble the stiffness matrices efficiently on each coarse mesh grid. In both methods, the $\KL$ expansion plays an important role in extracting the main parts of some stochastic quantities.
For both the deterministic and stochastic PDEs, numerical results are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the methods. We also show the computational time cost reduction in the numerical examples.
根据石英晶体双折射率的色散特性,对石英波片的偏光干涉谱进行了理论分析和数值模拟,提出了一种石英波片延迟量和厚度的偏光干涉标定法。即由偏光干涉谱,可以得出石英波片在200~2000 nm宽光谱范围内的延迟量;通过对长波段的偏光干涉谱极值波长的精确判断,可以准确地计算出该石英波片的厚度。利用Lambda 900 紫外可见近红外分光光度计对一片石英波片的偏光干涉谱进行了测量。在波长精度为0.1 nm的情况下,测量的厚度精度为0.1 μm。误差分析结果表明,通过提高光谱的最小分辨力及选择较长的光谱波段进行测量计算
提出一种可提高平行平板角位移干涉测量仪测量精度的优化设计方法。对角位移干涉测量系统进行了误差分析,讨论了影响角位移测量精度的主要因素。分析了在干涉仪光路中入射到平行平板上的初始入射角度、平行平板的折射率以及厚度等参数的选取对角位移测量精度的影响。结果表明,优化选取最佳的初始入射角度以及元件参数,并在干涉光路中附加引入一平面反射镜形成光程差放大系统,可实现的角位移测量精度达10-8 rad数量级。
提出一种精确测量波片相位延迟的方法。将待测波片置于起偏器和检偏器之间,转动待测波片和检偏器至不同的位置并探测输出的光强,得到波片的相位延迟。采用光源调制技术和解调技术,抑制了连续光所无法克服的背景光干扰和电子噪声的干扰;将光路分为测量光路和参考光路,采用软件除法技术,消除了光源波动的影响,从而实现波片相位延迟的精确测量。详细分析了影响测量精度的误差因素,主要有光源波长变化、温度变化、入射角倾斜、转台转角误差和光源波动,计算了1064 nm波长时厚度为0.52 mm的λ/4多级结晶石英波片产生的相位延迟误差
O presente trabalho propõe analisar metodologias para o cálculo do gradiente em malhas não-estruturadas do tipo Voronoi que são utilizadas no método de Volumes Finitos. Quatro metodologias para o cálculo do gradiente são testadas e comparadas com soluções analíticas. As técnicas utilizadas são: Método do Balanço de Forças, Método do Mínimo Resíduo Quadrático, Método da Média dos Gradientes Projetos e Método da Média dos Gradientes Projetados Corrigidos. Uma análise por série de Taylor também foi feita, e as equações analíticas comparadas com resultados numéricos. Os testes são realizados em malhas cartesianas e malhas triangulares, que em um trabalho anterior apresentaram alguns resultados inconsistentes. A influência do ponto gerador e do ângulo de rotação é analisada. É verificado que a posição do ponto gerador e a metodologia utilizada em cada malha influencia no cálculo do gradiente. Dependendo da malha e da metodologia utilizada, as equações analíticas indicaram que existem erros associados, que prejudicam o cálculo do gradiente.
Uma análise utilizando a série de Taylor é apresentada para se estimar a priori os erros envolvidos na solução numérica da equação de advecção unidimensional com termo fonte, através do Método dos Volumes Finitos em uma malha do tipo uniforme e uma malha não uniforme. Também faz-se um estudo a posteriori para verificar a magnitude do erro de discretização e corroborar os resultados obtidos através da análise a priori. Por meio da técnica de solução manufaturada tem-se uma solução analítica para o problema, a qual facilita a análise dos resultados numéricos encontrados, e estuda-se ainda a influência das funções de interpolação UDS e CDS e do parâmetro u na solução numérica.