981 resultados para Electronic mail systems - Standards


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Recently, a simple yet powerful branch-and-bound method called Efficient Subwindow Search (ESS) was developed to speed up sliding window search in object detection. A major drawback of ESS is that its computational complexity varies widely from O(n2) to O(n4) for n × n matrices. Our experimental experience shows that the ESS's performance is highly related to the optimal confidence levels which indicate the probability of the object's presence. In particular, when the object is not in the image, the optimal subwindow scores low and ESS may take a large amount of iterations to converge to the optimal solution and so perform very slow. Addressing this problem, we present two significantly faster methods based on the linear-time Kadane's Algorithm for 1D maximum subarray search. The first algorithm is a novel, computationally superior branchand- bound method where the worst case complexity is reduced to O(n3). Experiments on the PASCAL VOC 2006 data set demonstrate that this method is significantly and consistently faster (approximately 30 times faster on average) than the original ESS. Our second algorithm is an approximate algorithm based on alternating search, whose computational complexity is typically O(n2). Experiments shows that (on average) it is 30 times faster again than our first algorithm, or 900 times faster than ESS. It is thus wellsuited for real time object detection.


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Optimum subwindow search for object detection aims to find a subwindow so that the contained subimage is most similar to the query object. This problem can be formulated as a four dimensional (4D) maximum entry search problem wherein each entry corresponds to the quality score of the subimage contained in a subwindow. For n x n images, a naive exhaustive search requires O(n4) sequential computations of the quality scores for all subwindows. To reduce the time complexity, we prove that, for some typical similarity functions like Euclidian metric, χ2 metric on image histograms, the associated 4D array carries some Monge structures and we utilise these properties to speed up the optimum subwindow search and the time complexity is reduced to O(n3). Furthermore, we propose a locally optimal alternating column and row search method with typical quadratic time complexity O(n2). Experiments on PASCAL VOC 2006 demonstrate that the alternating method is significantly faster than the well known efficient subwindow search (ESS) method whilst the performance loss due to local maxima problem is negligible.


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We present a model of an environment to evaluate the behavior of an agent trying to hide from a pursuer is presented. The model computes the direction and the amount of protection provided by the environment. The computational complexity of this problem is improved by using a parallel implementation of this algorithm.


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1. Comprehensive knowledge of the fundamental spatial ecology of marine species is critical to allow the identification of key habitats and the likely sources of anthropogenic threats, thus informing effective conservation strategies. 2. Research on migratory marine vertebrates has lagged behind many similar terrestrial animal groups, but studies using electronic tagging systems and molecular techniques offer great insights. 3. Marine turtles have complex life history patterns, spanning wide spatio-temporal scales. As a result of this multidimensional complexity, and despite extensive effort, there are no populations for which a truly holistic understanding of the spatial aspects of the life history has been attained. There is a particular lack of information regarding the distribution and habitats utilized during the first few years of life. 4. We used satellite tracking technology to track individual turtles following nesting at the green turtle Chelonia mydas nesting colony at Poilão Island, Guinea Bissau; the largest breeding aggregation in the eastern Atlantic. 5. We further contextualize these data with pan-Atlantic molecular data and oceanographic current modelling to gain insights into likely dispersal patterns of hatchlings and small pelagic juveniles. 6. All adult turtles remained in the waters of West Africa, with strong connectivity demonstrated with Banc D’Arguin, Mauritania. 7. Despite shortcomings in current molecular markers, we demonstrate evidence for profound sub-structuring of marine turtle stocks across the Atlantic; with a high likelihood based on oceanographic modelling that most turtles from Guinea-Bissau are found in the eastern Atlantic. 8. Synthesis and applications. There is an increased need for a better understanding of spatial distribution of marine vertebrates demonstrating life histories with spatio-temporal complexity. We propose the synergistic use of the technologies and modelling used here as a working framework for the future rapid elucidation of the range and likely key habitats used by the different life stages from such species.


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Marketing communications have historically been measured on a medium-by-medium basis. The new electronic communications systems are in danger of falling into the same trap. Yet consumers seem to use all these communications systems concurrently, simultaneously and one would assume, synergistically. If this is true, what are the challenges in measuring the impact and effect of these integrated communications systems? How should synergy between communications forms be considered and measured? For it is ultimately consumers, not managers, who integrate (marketing) communications. In response to these and other challenges, this article identifies five areas of integrated marketing communications (IMC) measurement worthy of future research. It then goes on to expand on each of the areas, noting some of the foundational work that has already taken place and signalling possible avenues for future research. In conclusion, it considers the theoretical implications of the research agenda and postulates how a broader view of theory could in fact assist scholars in tackling the research challenges as they currently stand.


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BACKGROUND: Case volume per 100 000 population and perioperative mortality rate (POMR) are key indicators to monitor and strengthen surgical services. However, comparisons of POMR have been restricted by absence of standardised approaches to when it is measured, the ideal denominator, need for risk adjustment, and whether data are available. We aimed to address these issues and recommend a minimum dataset by analysing four large mixed surgical datasets, two from well-resourced settings with sophisticated electronic patient information systems and two from resource-limited settings where clinicians maintain locally developed databases. METHODS: We obtained data from the New Zealand (NZ) National Minimum Dataset, the Geelong Hospital patient management system in Australia, and purpose-built surgical databases in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa (PMZ) and Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea (PNG). Information was sought on inclusion and exclusion criteria, coding criteria, and completeness of patient identifiers, admission, procedure, discharge and death dates, operation details, urgency of admission, and American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score. Date-related errors were defined as missing dates and impossible discrepancies. For every site, we then calculated the POMR, the effect of admission episodes or procedures as denominator, and the difference between in-hospital POMR and 30-day POMR. To determine the need for risk adjustment, we used univariate and multivariate logistic regression to assess the effect on relative POMR for each site of age, admission urgency, ASA score, and procedure type. FINDINGS: 1 365 773 patient admissions involving 1 514 242 procedures were included, among which 8655 deaths were recorded within 30 days. Database inclusion and exclusion criteria differed substantially. NZ and Geelong records had less than 0·1% date-related errors and greater than 99·9% completeness. PMZ databases had 99·9% or greater completeness of all data except date-related items (94·0%). PNG had 99·9% or greater completeness for date of birth or age and admission date and operative procedure, but 80-83% completeness of patient identifiers and date related items. Coding of procedures was not standardised, and only NZ recorded ASA status and complete post-discharge mortality. In-hospital POMR range was 0·38% in NZ to 3·44% in PMZ, and in NZ it underestimated 30-day POMR by roughly a third. The difference in POMR by procedures instead of admission episodes as denominator ranged from 10% to 70%. Age older than 65 years and emergency admission had large independent effects on POMR, but relatively little effect in multivariate analysis on the relative odds of in-hospital death at each site. INTERPRETATION: Hospitals can collect and provide data for case volume and POMR without sophisticated electronic information systems. POMR should initially be defined by in-hospital mortality because post-discharge deaths are not usually recorded, and with procedures as denominator because details allowing linkage of several operations within one patient's admission are not always present. Although age and admission urgency are independently associated with POMR, and ASA and case mix were not included, risk adjustment might not be essential because the relative odds between sites persisted. Standardisation of inclusion criteria and definitions is needed, as is attention to accuracy and completeness of dates of procedures, discharge and death. A one-page, paper-based form, or alternatively a simple electronic data collection form, containing a minimum dataset commenced in the operating theatre could facilitate this process. FUNDING: None.


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O correio eletrônico tem potencial para revolucionar a forma de interação de grupos de trabalho para criar valor. Mas para que isso possa de fato acontecer, o pressuposto básico é a sua correta utilização. Assim, o principal objetivo deste projeto é a observação de times virtuais de trabalho funcionando na prática, e a partir das observações tecer soluções para melhorar a interação utilizando este novo veículo.


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Ao longo dos anos muitas empresas elaboraram estratégias amplamente suportadas por recursos da área de Tecnologia de Informação como meios de obtenção de vantagem competitiva. Em certos casos estas iniciativas serviram tão somente para automatizar alguns dos processos organizacionais, equiparando a eficiência da empresa à de alguns de seus concorrentes, ou seja, sem gerar vantagem em relação à concorrência. Em outros casos estas iniciativas, além de melhorar o posicionamento destas empresas em relação a certos critérios de desempenho, conseguiram também alavancar inovação dos seus produtos e dos seus processos de negócios. Ao longo deste trabalho são discutidos alguns dos aspectos de negócios que influenciam no sucesso destas iniciativas, entre eles a integração com o modelo de negócios e a cultura da organização. Este trabalho traz uma proposta inicial de análise do ambiente de Tecnologia da Informação (TI) e dos processos de negócios de uma firma como recursos valiosos e de difícil imitação por outra organização, o que lhes permitiria estabelecer e manter vantagens competitivas em relação à concorrência. Esta discussão será embasada com a análise de casos de estudo reais, e que demonstram como determinadas capacidades organizacionais podem influenciar no sucesso das iniciativas de TI. Por fim, o trabalho discute também o resultado dos investimentos em TI quando considerados horizontes de tempo extensos, entre 15 a 20 anos. A proposta é a de considerar questões como a da maturidade das tecnologias adotadas e dos modelos de negócios estabelecidos, e seu eventual impacto ao longo dos anos. Esta discussão também é suportada pela análise dos estudos de casos selecionados.


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O presente estudo visa conhecer a percepção que os Peritos Criminais Federais do Departamento de Polícia Federal possuem sobre as competências necessárias para aqueles que ocupam cargo de chefia. A amostra é composta por Peritos Criminais Federais com menos de dez anos de profissão no cargo de perito, provenientes do concurso público de 2004 e lotados principalmente nas unidades descentralizadas localizadas em cidades do interior do Brasil, bem como em algumas capitais da região norte. O estudo possui caráter exploratório e descritivo, cujos meios adotados foram a pesquisa de campo, documental, bibliográfica e de estudo de caso. A amostra foi constituída por 33 Peritos Criminais Federais que exercem ou exerceram o cargo de chefia nas unidades da Perícia Criminal Federal. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de um questionário composto por 75 questões e enviado por meio de correio eletrônico para os respondentes, sendo 54 questões relacionadas as competências técnicas e comportamentais oriundas de um mapeamento de competências realizado pelo Departamento de Polícia Federal focado em todos os servidores. Depois de validados os dados foram submetidos a análise estatística descritiva, não sendo utilizada a analise fatorial devido os dados extraídos das respostas serem em número insuficiente para esta técnica. Os resultados evidenciaram que as competências técnicas e comportamentais mais relevantes associam-se à visão sistêmica, uso de recursos e manejo das atividades, gerenciamento do dia-a-dia e conhecimento sobre os interesses, necessidades e atribuição da Perícia Criminal Federal. Os resultados indicam que existe um hiato entre o planejamento estratégico da Diretoria Técnico Científica e a Diretoria Geral do Departamento de Polícia Federal, sugerindo que o nivelamento da cultura organizacional é necessário na instituição. Os critérios para um Perito Criminal Federal assumir um cargo de chefia não levam em consideração o perfil do indivíduo. O critério adotado, predominantemente é o da conveniência ou antiguidade. Não há, no curso de formação profissional ou durante o exercício do cargo, curso voltado para a área de gestão de competências. No final do estudo são apontadas as limitações da pesquisa.


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A implantação dos sistemas de notas fiscais eletrônicas proporcionou uma grande quantidade de dados para as administrações tributárias. Analisar esses dados e extrair informações importantes é um desafio. Esse trabalho buscou, por meio de técnicas de análise de dados e mineração de textos, identificar, a partir da descrição dos serviços prestados, notas emitidas incorretamente a fim de respaldar um melhor planejamento de fiscalizações.


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The electronic mail service is one of the most Internet services that grow in the corporate environment. This evolution is bringing several problems for the organizations, especially to information that circulates inside of the corporate net. The lack of correct orientation to the people, about the usage and the security importance of these resources, is leaving breaches and causing misusage and overuse of service, for example. In recent literature, it starts to coming out several ideas, which has helped to rganizations how to plain and how to implement the information security system to the electronic mail in computer environment. However, these ideas are still not placed in practice in many companies, public or private. This dissertation tries to demonstrate the results of a research that has like goal, identify the importance that user training has over the information security policy, through a case study inside of private superior education institute in this state. Besides, this work had by basic orientation the ISO/IEC 17799, which talk about People Security. This study was developed over a proposed model to this research, which looked for offer conditions to guide the institution studied, how to plan better a information security policy to the electronic mail. Also, this research has an exploratory and descreptive nature and your type, qualitative. Firstly, it was applied na questionary to the information technology manager, as better way to get some general data and to deepen the contact which still then, it was being kept through e-mail. Thereupon this first contact, eleven interviews were done with the same manager, beside one interview with twenty-four users, among employees e students. After that to collect and transcript the interviews, were review with the manager all informations given, to correct any mistakes and to update that informations, to then, start the data analyze. The research suggests that the institution has a pro attitude about the information security policy and the electronic mail usage. However, it was clear that answers have their perception about information security under a very inexperient way, derived of a planning lack in relation to training program capable to solve the problem


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Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de investigar representações de pesquisadores da área de ensino de Física sobre a possível interferência da pesquisa da área de ensino de Ciências na maneira como se formam professores no Brasil. Para tal, foram analisadas as respostas a uma questão formulada em entrevistas a treze pesquisadores do ensino da Física, indicados por seus pares por meio de correio eletrônico encaminhado a pesquisadores do ensino de Ciências, incluindo as subáreas de Biologia, Física, Geociências e Química. A análise de discurso desenvolvida na França por Michel Pêcheux, a partir de subsídios obtidos principalmente em publicações de Eni Orlandi no Brasil, foi o apoio teórico que sustentou o estudo. As representações que os discursos selecionados permitem inferir evidenciam pequena influência. Entretanto, foram enunciados fatores de grande abrangência, incluindo desde aqueles internos à própria área, quanto fatores associados a políticas públicas. Também se observou uma diversidade de posições entre os pesquisadores entrevistados. No conjunto, os fatores abordados pelos entrevistados constituem um amplo quadro configurativo de representações que pode ser elemento de reflexão para outros pesquisadores. Acreditamos que essas representações têm potencial de contribuição para efetivas interferências na forma de realização de políticas públicas, sem a necessidade do uso de prescrições e cada vez menos com recomendações vazias.


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Nas últimas décadas, a produção de suínos, pressionada por uma crescente demanda por alimentos, tem-se caracterizado pela maior concentração de animais em grandes unidades de produção, dificultando o registro dos dados individuais. Os sistemas automáticos de identificação eletrônica podem auxiliar a detecção de doenças, a avaliação de respostas fisiológicas, o controle de ingestão de alimentos, a atividade física e ainda o impacto ambiental causado pelo sistema de produção, promovendo melhor controle da propriedade. Transponders injetáveis, brincos eletrônicos e o monitoramento por meio da análise de imagem estão sendo utilizados no processo de identificação. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar os diferentes locais de implante subcutâneo de microchips em leitões, verificando-se possíveis infecções e/ou rejeições, migrações dos microchips em relação ao local de implante e sua validação em relação à análise de imagem.


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Spams and Phishing Scams are some of the abuse forms on the Internet that have grown up now. These abuses influence in user's routine of electronic mail and in the infrastructure of Internet communication. So, this paper proposes a new model messages filter based in Euclidian distance, beyond show the containment's methodologies currently more used. A new model messages filter, based in frequency's distribution of character present in your content and in signature generation is described. An architecture to combat Phishing Scam and spam is proposed in order to contribute to the containment of attempted fraud by mail.


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The paper explains the conceptual design of instrumentation that measures electric quantities defined in the trial-use Std. 1459-2000. It is shown how the Instantaneous-Space-Phasor (ISP) approach, based on α, β, 0 components, can be used to monitor electric energy flow, evaluate the utilization of transmission line and quantify the level of harmonic pollution injected by nonlinear loads.