955 resultados para Electronic engineering
The multifunctional properties of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) make them a powerful platform for unprecedented innovations in a variety of practical applications. As a result of the surging growth of nanotechnology, nanotubes present a potential problem as an environmental pollutant, and as such, an efficient method for their rapid detection must be established. Here, we propose a novel type of ionic sensor complex for detecting CNTs – an organic dye that responds sensitively and selectively to CNTs with a photoluminescent signal. The complexes are formed through Coulomb attractions between dye molecules with uncompensated charges and CNTs covered with an ionic surfactant in water. We demonstrate that the photoluminescent excitation of the dye can be transferred to the nanotubes, resulting in selective and strong amplification (up to a factor of 6) of the light emission from the excitonic levels of CNTs in the near-infrared spectral range, as experimentally observed via excitation-emission photoluminescence (PL) mapping. The chirality of the nanotubes and the type of ionic surfactant used to disperse the nanotubes both strongly affect the amplification; thus, the complexation provides sensing selectivity towards specific CNTs. Additionally, neither similar uncharged dyes nor CNTs covered with neutral surfactant form such complexes. As model organic molecules, we use a family of polymethine dyes with an easily tailorable molecular structure and, consequently, tunable absorbance and PL characteristics. This provides us with a versatile tool for the controllable photonic and electronic engineering of an efficient probe for CNT detection.
This research paper presents a five step algorithm to generate tool paths for machining Free form / Irregular Contoured Surface(s) (FICS) by adopting STEP-NC (AP-238) format. In the first step, a parametrized CAD model with FICS is created or imported in UG-NX6.0 CAD package. The second step recognizes the features and calculates a Closeness Index (CI) by comparing them with the B-Splines / Bezier surfaces. The third step utilizes the CI and extracts the necessary data to formulate the blending functions for identified features. In the fourth step Z-level 5 axis tool paths are generated by adopting flat and ball end mill cutters. Finally, in the fifth step, tool paths are integrated with STEP-NC format and validated. All these steps are discussed and explained through a validated industrial component.
This research paper presents the work on feature recognition, tool path data generation and integration with STEP-NC (AP-238 format) for features having Free form / Irregular Contoured Surface(s) (FICS). Initially, the FICS features are modelled / imported in UG CAD package and a closeness index is generated. This is done by comparing the FICS features with basic B-Splines / Bezier curves / surfaces. Then blending functions are caculated by adopting convolution theorem. Based on the blending functions, contour offsett tool paths are generated and simulated for 5 axis milling environment. Finally, the tool path (CL) data is integrated with STEP-NC (AP-238) format. The tool path algorithm and STEP- NC data is tested with various industrial parts through an automated UFUNC plugin.
This paper proposes a JPEG-2000 compliant architecture capable of computing the 2 -D Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform. The proposed architecture uses a single processor and a row-based schedule to minimize control and routing complexity and to ensure that processor utilization is kept at 100%. The design incorporates the handling of borders through the use of symmetric extension. The architecture has been implemented on the Xilinx Virtex2 FPGA.
Network security monitoring remains a challenge. As global networks scale up, in terms of traffic, volume and speed, effective attribution of cyber attacks is increasingly difficult. The problem is compounded by a combination of other factors, including the architecture of the Internet, multi-stage attacks and increasing volumes of nonproductive traffic. This paper proposes to shift the focus of security monitoring from the source to the target. Simply put, resources devoted to detection and attribution should be redeployed to efficiently monitor for targeting and prevention of attacks. The effort of detection should aim to determine whether a node is under attack, and if so, effectively prevent the attack. This paper contributes by systematically reviewing the structural, operational and legal reasons underlying this argument, and presents empirical evidence to support a shift away from attribution to favour of a target-centric monitoring approach. A carefully deployed set of experiments are presented and a detailed analysis of the results is achieved.
Stealthy attackers move patiently through computer networks - taking days, weeks or months to accomplish their objectives in order to avoid detection. As networks scale up in size and speed, monitoring for such attack attempts is increasingly a challenge. This paper presents an efficient monitoring technique for stealthy attacks. It investigates the feasibility of proposed method under number of different test cases and examines how design of the network affects the detection. A methodological way for tracing anonymous stealthy activities to their approximate sources is also presented. The Bayesian fusion along with traffic sampling is employed as a data reduction method. The proposed method has the ability to monitor stealthy activities using 10-20% size sampling rates without degrading the quality of detection.
In this work Cu1.4Mn1.6O4 (CMO) spinel oxide is prepared and evaluated as a novel cobalt-free cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs). Single phase CMO powder with cubic structure is identified using XRD. XPS results confirm that mixed Cu+/Cu2+ and Mn3+/Mn4+ couples exist in the CMO sample, and a maximum conductivity of 78 S cm−1 is achieved at 800 °C. Meanwhile, CMO oxide shows good thermal and chemical compatibility with a 10 mol% Sc2O3 stabilized ZrO2 (ScSZ) electrolyte material. Impedance spectroscopy measurements reveals that CMO exhibits a low polarization resistance of 0.143 Ω cm2 at 800 °C. Furthermore, a Ni-ScSZ/ScSZ/CMO single cell demonstrates a maximum power density of 1076 mW cm−2 at 800 °C under H2 (3% H2O) as the fuel and ambient air as the oxidant. These results indicate that Cu1.4Mn1.6O4 is a superior and promising cathode material for IT-SOFCs.
This paper presents a study on the implementation of Real-Time Pricing (RTP) based Demand Side Management (DSM) of water pumping at a clean water pumping station in Northern Ireland, with the intention of minimising electricity costs and maximising the usage of electricity from wind generation. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) was used to create pumping schedules based on system constraints and electricity tariff scenarios. Implementation of this method would allow the water network operator to make significant savings on electricity costs while also helping to mitigate the variability of wind generation.
This paper presents a study on the implementation of Real-Time Pricing (RTP) based Demand Side Management (DSM) of water pumping at a clean water pumping station in Northern Ireland, with the intention of minimising electricity costs and maximising the usage of electricity from wind generation. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) was used to create pumping schedules based on system constraints and electricity tariff scenarios. Implementation of this method would allow the water network operator to make significant savings on electricity costs while also helping to mitigate the variability of wind generation.
Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) provide a competitive technology for EV traction drives owing to their high power density and high efficiency. In this paper, three types of interior PMSMs with different PM arrangements are modeled by the finite element method (FEM). For a given amount of permanent magnet materials, the V-shape interior PMSM is found better than the U-shape and the conventional rotor topologies for EV traction drives. Then the V-shape interior PMSM is further analyzed with the effects of stator slot opening and the permanent magnet pole chamfering on cogging torque and output torque performance. A vector-controlled flux-weakening method is developed and simulated in Matlab to expand the motor speed range for EV drive system. The results show good dynamic and steady-state performance with a capability of expanding speed up to four times of the rated. A prototype of the V-shape interior PMSM is also manufactured and tested to validate the numerical models built by the FEM.
Questo lavoro di tesi riguarda lo studio e l’implementazione di un algoritmo di multiple kernel learning (MKL) per la classificazione e la regressione di dati di neuroimaging ed, in particolare, di grafi di connettività funzionale. Gli algoritmi di MKL impiegano una somma pesata di vari kernel (ovvero misure di similarità) e permettono di selezionare le features utili alla discriminazione delle istanze durante l’addestramento del classificatore/regressore stesso. L’aspetto innovativo introdotto in questa tesi è stato lo studio di un nuovo kernel tra grafi di connettività funzionale, con la particolare caratteristica di conservare l’informazione relativa all’importanza di ogni singola region of interest (ROI) ed impiegando la norma lp come metodo per l’aggiornamento dei pesi, al fine di ottenere soluzioni sparsificate. L’algoritmo è stato validato utilizzando mappe di connettività sintetiche ed è stato applicato ad un dataset formato da 32 pazienti affetti da deterioramento cognitivo lieve e malattia dei piccoli vasi, di cui 16 sottoposti a riabilitazione cognitiva tra un’esame di risonanza ma- gnetica funzionale di baseline e uno di follow-up. Le mappe di con- nettività sono state ottenute con il toolbox CONN. Il classificatore è riuscito a discriminare i due gruppi di pazienti in una configurazione leave-one-out annidata con un’accuratezza dell’87.5%. Questo lavoro di tesi è stato svolto durante un periodo di ricerca presso la School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering dell’University of Essex (Colchester, UK).
In this work we present an important improvement in our model of biped mechanism that allows the elevation in a stable form of the system's feet during the execution of trajectories. This improvement allows for simpler trajectory planning and also facilitates the reduction of losses in the collision between the feet and the ground. On the other hand, we add to the design phase the study of the displacement of the Zero Moment Point, as well as the variation of the normal component of the ground reaction force during the motion of the system. Consideration of the above mentioned magnitudes in the design phase allows us to design the necessary support area of the system. These magnitudes will be used as a smoothness criterion of the ground contact to facilitate the selection of robot parameters and trajectories.
The trend related to the turnover of internal combustion engine vehicles with EVs goes by the name of electrification. The push electrification experienced in the last decade is linked to the still ongoing evolution in power electronics technology for charging systems. This is the reason why an evolution in testing strategies and testing equipment is crucial too. The project this dissertation is based on concerns the investigation of a new EV simulator design. that optimizes the structure of the testing equipment used by the company who commissioned this work. Project requirements can be summarized in the following two points: space occupation reduction and parallel charging implementation. Some components were completely redesigned, and others were substituted with equivalent ones that could perform the same tasks. In this way it was possible to reduce the space occupation of the simulator, as well as to increase the efficiency of the testing device. Moreover, the possibility of conjugating different charging simulations could be investigated by parallelly launching two testing procedures on a unique machine, properly predisposed for supporting the two charging protocols used. On the back of the results achieved in the body of this dissertation, a new design for the EV simulator was proposed. In this way, space reduction was obtained, and space occupation efficiency was improved with the proposed new design. The testing device thus resulted to be way more compact, enabling to gain in safety and productivity, along with a 25% cost reduction. Furthermore, parallel charging was implemented in the proposed new design since the conducted tests clearly showed the feasibility of parallel charging sessions. The results presented in this work can thus be implemented to build the first prototype of the new EV simulator.
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are proving to have huge potential in road safety, comfort, and efficiency. In recent years, car manufacturers have equipped their high-end vehicles with Level 2 ADAS, which are, according to SAE International, systems that combine both longitudinal and lateral active motion control. These automated driving features, while only available in highway scenarios, appear to be very promising towards the introduction of hands-free driving. However, as they rely only on an on-board sensor suite, their continuative operation may be affected by the current environmental conditions: this prevents certain functionalities such as the automated lane change, other than requiring the driver to keep constantly the hands on the steering wheel. The enabling factor for hands-free highway driving proposed by Mobileye is the integration of high-definition maps, thus leading to the so-called Level 2+. This thesis was carried out during an internship in Maserati's Virtual Engineering team. The activity consisted of the design of an L2+ Highway Assist System following the Rapid Control Prototyping approach, starting from the definition of the requirements up to the real-time implementation and testing on a simulator of the brand new compact SUV Maserati Grecale. The objective was to enhance the current Level 2 highway driving assistance system with hands-free driving capability; for this purpose an Autonomous Lane Change functionality has been designed, proposing a Model Predictive Control-based decision-maker, in charge of assessing both the feasibility and convenience of performing a lane-change maneuver. The result is a Highway Assist System capable of driving the vehicle in a traffic scenario safely and efficiently, never requiring driver intervention.