981 resultados para Disease Outbreaks


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An outbreak of cryptococcosis occurred in a breeding aviary in São Paulo, Brazil. Seven psittacine birds (of species Charmosyna papou, Lorius lory, Trichoglossus goldiei, Psittacula krameri and Psittacus erithacus) died of disseminated cryptococcosis. Incoordination, progressive paralysis and difficulty in flying were seen in five birds, whereas superficial lesions coincident with respiratory alterations were seen in two birds. Encapsulated yeasts suggestive of Cryptococcus sp. were seen in faecal smears stained with India ink in two cases. Histological examination of the birds showed cryptococcal cells in various tissues, including the beak, choana, sinus, lungs, air sacs, heart, liver, spleen, kidneys, intestines and central nervous system. High titres of cryptococcal antigen were observed in the serum of an affected bird. In this case, titres increased during treatment and the bird eventually died. Yeasts were isolated from the nasal mass, faeces and liver of one bird. Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii serovar B was identified based on biochemical, physiological and serological tests. These strains were resistant (minimum inhibitory concentration 64 μ g/ml) to fluconazole. This is the first report of C. neoformans var. gattii occurring in psittacine birds in Brazil. © 2004 ISHAM.


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Eimeria rhynchoti is redescribed parasitizing partridge (Rhynchotus rufescens), reared in captivity, from Jaboticabal City, São Paulo State, Brazil. Sporulation takes place in 48 hours, the shape of oocysts found vary from spherical to elliptic with 23.01 micro +/- 1.57 of length by 21.0 micro +/- 1.78 of width. The microple, polar cap and residuum of the oocysts were absent. The oocyst wall, measures 2.2 micro +/- 0.31 of thickness, is composed by two smooth layers; the polar granule is present. The sporocysts length was 15.03 mm +/- 2.12 by 8.08 mm +/- 0.84 of width vary from elliptic to elongate. Sporocyst wall slender with is fine and Stieda body; the residue found in form of several smaller granules spherical compacts. The sporozoites are contrary extending along the sporocysts wall possessing refracts body of easy visualization.


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Foodborne and waterborne diseases are spread by the consumption of food or water contaminated with bacteria and/or their toxins, viruses, parasites or chemicals. The aim of the research reported here was to establish the spectrum of etiologic agents of foodborne outbreaks at 15 tourist resorts in three geographic regions of the State of Sao Paulo (Brazil). The study was based on the cases reported to the Epidemic Surveillance Center (CVE) of the Public Health Authority of the State of São Paulo (SES), from 2002 to 2005. The tourist centers were chosen at random in three regions of the state (Capital, Interior and Coast) and offered the following attractions: events, agribusiness, cultural history, shopping, town center, gastronomy, health and leisure, sun and sea. Among the bacteria, the results showed that Salmonella spp. were most frequently associated with outbreaks, followed by Shigella spp., enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus cereus and Campylobacter spp. Viruses (Rotavirus and Hepatitis A) played a part in many of the cases, while the frequency of parasites and worm infestations was low in the foodborne disease outbreaks at these resorts. The mixed foods (rice, beans, liver, potatoes, barbecue, juice), fish and poultry were the three commonest vehicles implicated in the outbreaks.


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Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) is the major cause of lower respiratory tract infections in children under 5 years of age and the elderly, causing annual disease outbreaks during the fall and winter. Multiple lineages of the HRSVA and HRSVB serotypes co-circulate within a single outbreak and display a strongly temporal pattern of genetic variation, with a replacement of dominant genotypes occurring during consecutive years. In the present study we utilized phylogenetic methods to detect and map sites subject to adaptive evolution in the G protein of HRSVA and HRSVB. A total of 29 and 23 amino acid sites were found to be putatively positively selected in HRSVA and HRSVB, respectively. Several of these sites defined genotypes and lineages within genotypes in both groups, and correlated well with epitopes previously described in group A. Remarkably, 18 of these positively selected tended to revert in time to a previous codon state, producing a flipflop phylogenetic pattern. Such frequent evolutionary reversals in HRSV are indicative of a combination of frequent positive selection, reflecting the changing immune status of the human population, and a limited repertoire of functionally viable amino acids at specific amino acid sites.


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Cassia occidentalis is a bush from the Leguminosae family, subfamily Caesalpinoideae, and is a toxic plant of veterinary interest due to the occasional contamination of animal rations. This report describes the clinical and histopathological findings of an outbreak of C.occidentalis poisoning in horses. Twenty mares were poisoned after consuming ground corn contaminated with 8% of C.occidentalis seeds. Of the 20 animals affected, 12 died: 8 mares were found dead, 2 died 6h after the onset of clinical signs compatible with hepatic encephalopathy and the 2 other animals were subjected to euthanasia 12h after the onset of the clinical signs. The remaining 8 mares presented with mild depression and decreased appetite, but improved with treatment and no clinical sequelae were observed. In 6 animals that underwent a necropsy, an enhanced hepatic lobular pattern was noted and within the large intestine, a large number of seeds were consistently observed. Hepatocellular pericentrolobular necrosis and cerebral oedema were the main histological findings. In one mare, there was mild multifocal semimembranosus rhabdomyocytic necrosis and haemorrhage. Seeds collected from intestinal contents and sifted from the culpable feedstuff were planted. Examination of the leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds of the resultant plants identified C.occidentalis. Horses poisoned by C.occidentalis seeds demonstrate clinical signs associated with hepatoencephalopathy and frequently die suddenly. Lesions primarily involve the liver and secondarily, the central nervous system. Cassia occidentalis poisoning should be considered a differential diagnosis in horses with hepatoencephalopathy and special caution should be taken with horse rations to avoid contamination with seeds of this toxic plant. © 2012 EVJ Ltd.


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A pneumonia e a bronquiolite na infância são as principais causas de morbidade e mortalidade no mundo, sendo o Vírus Respiratório Sincicial Humano (VSRH) o principal agente viral. O VSRH está associado a surtos anuais de doenças respiratórias, onde a co-infecção bacteriana tem sido relatada. Este foi o primeiro estudo do VRSH em crianças hospitalizadas com Pneumonia Adquirida na Comunidade (PAC) em Belém, Pará (Norte do Brasil), que teve como objetivo determinar a prevalência da infecção pelo VSRH e avaliar as características clínicas e epidemiológicas dos pacientes. Métodos. Foi realizado um estudo prospectivo em oito hospitais no período de novembro de 2006 a outubro de 2007. Foram testadas 1.050 amostras de aspirado nasofaríngeo para o VRSH, obtidas de crianças hospitalizadas com até três anos de idade com diagnóstico de PAC, pelo método da imunofluorescência direta e da reação em cadeia por polimerase após transcrição reversa (RT-PCR) para identificação do subtipo viral. Foram obtidos resultados da dosagem de proteína C-reativa (PCR) e da cultura bacteriana. Resultados. A infecção pelo VSRH foi diagnosticada em 243 (23,1%) crianças. A idade média do grupo VRSH-positivo foi menor do que a do grupo VRSH-negativo (12,1 meses versus (vs) 15,5 meses, ambos com variância de 1-36 meses, p<0,001), enquanto que a distribuição por genero foi similar. O grupo VRSH-positivo apresentou menor dosagem (PCR) quando comparados ao grupo VRSH-negativo (15,3 vs 24.0 mg/dL, p<0,05). Os achados radiológicos confirmaram que 54,2% do grupo VRSH-positivo e 50,3% do grupo VRSH-negativo apresentavam infiltrado intersticial. A infecção bacteriana foi identificada predominantemente no grupo VRSH-positivo (10% vs 4,5%, p<0,05). Rinorréia e obstrução nasal foram predominantemente observadas no grupo VRSH-positivo. A co-circulação dos subtipos A e B foi observada, com predominância do subtipo B (209/227). A análise multivariada revelou que a idade de 1 ano (p<0,015), os níveis de PCR inferior a 48 mg/dL (p<0,001) e a co-infecção bacteriana (p<0,032) foram independentemente associados com a presença do VRSH em oposição ao grupo VRSH-negativo, e na análise dos sintomas, a obstrução nasal foi independentemente associada com o grupo VRSH-positivo (p<0,001). Conclusão. O presente estudo destaca a relevância da infecção por VSRH em casos hospitalizados de PAC em nossa região; nossos resultados justificam a realização de investigações adicionais que possam ajudar a elaborar estratégias para o controle da doença.


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Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV


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OBJECTIVE: To describe the investigation of a sylvatic yellow fever outbreak in the state of Sao Paulo and the main control measures undertaken.METHODS: This is a descriptive study of a sylvatic yellow fever outbreak in the Southwestern region of the state from February to April 2009. Suspected and confirmed cases in humans and in non-human primates were evaluated. Entomological investigation in sylvatic environment involved capture at ground level and in the tree canopy to identify species and detect natural infections. Control measures were performed in urban areas to control Aedes aegypti. Vaccination was directed at residents living in areas with confirmed viral circulation and also at nearby cities according to national recommendation.RESULTS: Twenty-eight human cases were confirmed (39.3% case fatality rate) in rural areas of Sarutaia, Piraju, Tejupa, Avare, and Buri. The deaths of 56 non-human primates were also reported, 91.4% were Allouatta sp. Epizootics was confirmed in two non-human primates in the cities of Itapetininga and Buri. A total of 1,782 mosquitoes were collected, including Haemagogus leucocelaenus, Hg. janthinomys/capricornii, and Sabethes chloropterus, Sa. purpureus and Sa. undosus. Yellow fever virus was isolated from a group of Hg. Leucocelaenus from Buri. Vaccination was carried out in 49 cities, with a total of 1,018,705 doses. Nine serious post-vaccination adverse events were reported.CONCLUSIONS: The cases occurred between February and April 2009 in areas with no recorded yellow fever virus circulation in over 60 years. The outbreak region occurred outside the original recommended vaccination area with a high percentage of susceptible population. The fast adoption of control measures interrupted the human transmission within a month and the confirmation of viral circulation in humans, monkeys and mosquitoes. The results allowed the identification of new areas of viral circulation but further studies are required to clarify the dynamics of the spread of this disease.


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The understanding of fish immune system structure and function is essential for the development of new technologies and products to improve productivity. This is the first review on immune system of fish with Brazilian studies. Aquaculture in Brazil has shown massive growth in recent years due to methods of culture intensification. However, these procedures led to disease outbreaks, as well as the chemotherapy and the misuse of antibiotics. A viable alternative to avoid the use of chemicals and prevent economic losses is the administration of immunostimulants and prebiotcs, which act by increasing the innate immune system. In Brazil there is a lack of studies on fish immune system, except by some groups that have studied the effects of the immunostimulants administration in various species.


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Infections caused by the genus Staphylococcus are of great importance for human health. Staphylococcus species are divided into coagulase-positive staphylococci, represented by S. aureus, a pathogen that can cause infections of the skin and other organs in immunocompetent patients, and coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) which comprise different species normally involved in infectious processes in immunocompromised patients or patients using catheters. Oxacillin has been one of the main drugs used for the treatment of staphylococcal infections; however, a large number of S. aureus and CNS isolates of nosocomial origin are resistant to this drug. Methicillin resistance is encoded by the mecA gene which is inserted in the SCCmec cassette. This cassette is a mobile genetic element consisting of five different types and several subtypes. Oxacillin-resistant strains are detected by phenotypic and genotypic methods. Epidemiologically, methicillin-resistant S. aureus strains can be divided into five large pandemic clones, called Brazilian, Hungarian, Iberian, New York/Japan and Pediatric. The objective of the present review was to discuss aspects of resistance, epidemiology, genetics and detection of oxacillin resistance in Staphylococcus spp., since these microorganisms are increasingly more frequent in Brazil.


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Mass mortalities due to disease outbreaks have recently affected major taxa in the oceans. For closely monitored groups like corals and marine mammals, reports of the frequency of epidemics and the number of new diseases have increased recently. A dramatic global increase in the severity of coral bleaching in 1997-98 is coincident with high El Niño temperatures. Such climate-mediated, physiological stresses may compromise host resistance and increase frequency of opportunistic diseases. Where documented, new diseases typically have emerged through host or range shifts of known pathogens. Both climate and human activities may have also accelerated global transport of species, bringing together pathogens and previously unexposed host populations.


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Psittaciformes are one of the most endangered groups of birds, and several Brazilian species are classified between vulnerable and critically endangered. It is thus necessary to identify agents that cause infections in captive wild animals and to assess the risks posed thereof and to design interventions to minimize the possibility of disease outbreaks, leading to the conservation of endangered species. The purpose of this study was to identify enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) cloacal isolates from asymptomatic psittacines in captivity and evaluate the distribution of the EPEC pathotype. Cloacal swabs were obtained from 46 asymptomatic birds, and resulting isolates were tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the presence of the attaching and effacing gene (eae) and bundle-forming pilus structural gene (bfpA) of EPEC. Samples from several species were tested, and three samples were found to be positive for the eae and bfpA genes and characterized as typical EPEC. This is the first report of this pathotype in asymptomatic psittacines. Although certain E. coli strains are more pathogenic than others, various factors should be considered when determining the potential of E. coli isolates to cause disease in captive psittacines. Birds that are positive for the EPEC (typical) strain could be zoonotic sources of infection, and may have acquired these strains through contact with humans or domestic animals. These findings may also be valuable for the long-term management of endangered species ex situ as one EPEC sample was isolated from a Red-tailed Amazon (Amazona brasiliensis).


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Le attività di ricerca della presente tesi di dottorato si sono focalizzata principalmente sulla parassitofauna dei pesci marini allevati in Grecia ed in Italia con particolare attenzione allo studio degli ectoparassiti di maggior rilievo sanitario in maricoltura ed alla ricerca di endoparassiti di potenziale interesse zoonosico, in particolare larve di nematodi Anisakidae del genere Anisakis. Nel corso del triennio sono stati sottoposti ad esami parassitologici 916 spigole (Dicentrarchus labrax) e 462 orate (Sparus aurata) prelevate presso diverse tipologie di allevamenti greci ed italiani. Per quanto concerne le spigole, la presenza di ectoparassiti è stata riscontrata nel 29,2% e nel 61,9% dei soggetti provenienti rispettivamente da impianti siti in Grecia ed in Italia, mentre le orate hanno presentato percentuali di positività rispettivamente del 87,5% e del 26,7%. Gli ectoparassiti dominanti sono risultati essere il monogeneo Diplectanum aequans nelle spigole ed il ciliato Cryptocaryon irritans e il monogeneo Furnestinia echeneis nelle orate, sebbene sia stato possibile studiare anche il coinvolgimento di altri ectoparassiti, quali il monogeneo Sparicotyle chrysophrii ed il dinoflagellato Amyloodinium ocellatum, nel determinismo di alcuni episodi morbosi. Le osservazioni istopatologiche hanno permesso di caratterizzare le lesioni causate dagli ectoparassiti a diverse intensità d’infestazione. Per quanto concerne la ricerca di parassiti zoonosici, con particolare riferimento agli stadi larvali di nematodi Anisakidae del genere Anisakis, si sono condotti esami parassitologici a livello di cavità viscerale e di muscolo laterale in tutti i soggetti provenienti da allevamenti in gabbia (626 soggetti, di cui 441 spigole e 185 orate). Tutti i soggetti esaminati sono risultati negativi, indicando come il rischio di infestazione da larve di nematodi anisakidi possa essere considerato trascurabile in spigole ed orate allevate in gabbia, come già dimostrato per il salmone atlantico (EFSA, 2010).


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Following an abortion in a beef herd in the summer of 2009, three outbreaks of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) were diagnosed in the cantons of Jura and Neuchatel. An epidemiological outbreak investigation was conducted with the aims to identify the source of introduction of the bovine herpes virus 1 (BoHV-1) into the affected herds and to prevent further spread of the disease. The attack rates in the three outbreak farms were 0.89, 0.28 and 0, respectively. BoHV-1 could be isolated from nasal swabs of two animals originating from one of the affected farms. Comparative restriction enzyme analysis revealed slight differences between the isolates of the two animals, but a high similarity to previous BoHV-1 isolates from the canton of Jura, as well as to a French BoHV-1 isolate. This IBR outbreak has shown the importance of reporting and analyzing abortions. The current disease outbreaks recall the main risk factors for the spread of IBR in Switzerland: purchase and movement of bovines and semen of often unknown IBR status.