982 resultados para Diametro mesio-distal


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OBJECTIVE: assess the functional, subjective and radiological results obtained in patients treated with variable-angle locking plate for unstable distal radius fracture and compare these results with current studies. PATIENTS AND METHOD: From October of 2008 to July of 2011, 20 patients were included who had undergone intervention using the volar approach to the Flexor Carpi Radialis. The average follow up was 18 months. Both clinical and radiological results were analyzed. The Mayo Wrist Score and DASH questioner were used. RESULTS: The average age was 50 years; 50% men and 50% women. The consolidation of the fracture was verified in all cases. An average volar angle was obtained of 5º, radial inclination of 19º, radial height of 10.5 mm, and ulnar variance of -1 mm. The clinical assessment revealed an average dorsal flexion of 75º, palm flexion of 70º, supination of 75º and pronation of 73 º. The results for the DASH questionnaire showed an average of 17.8 and 82.7 for the Mayo Wrist Score. CONCLUSIONS: Our experience has provided some good results, both in functional and subjective as well as radio logical terms, similar to those found in studies with implants from the same generation.


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Introduction: The use of bioabsorbable materials for orthopaedic useand traumatic fracture fixation in children has been poorly investigatedin the litterature and the effects on growing bones seem contradictory.The aim of the study is to compare the clinical and radiological resultsand evolution between bioabsorbable and traditional K-Wires for thetreatment of elbow epiphyseal fractures in children.Method: From jan. 2008 to Dec. 2009 21 children with similar fracturesand age were separated in two groups according to the way of fracturefixation: bioabsorbable K-Wire group and traditional K-Wire group.Follow-up was done at 3, 6 and 12 month post-operatively. Range ofmotion and elbow stability were measured for all patients. Theradiological evolution of the two groups were compared in term ofconsolidation, ossous resorption and radiolucencies. The clinicalresults were compared according to the Mayo Elbow Peformancescore. Controlateral elbow is compared with injured elbow in the twogroups.Results: In the bioabsorbable K-wire group, there were 10 children,including 5 girles and 5 boys with an average age of 9.5 years, rangingfrom 5 to 14 years. They were 7 external condylar fractures and3 epitrochlear fractures. In the traditional K-Wire group there were11 children, 2 girls and 9 boys with an average age of 7.6 years,ranging from 4 to 14 years. There were 10 external condylar fracturesand 1 epitrochlear fracture. At first follow up. The Mayo ElbowPerformance score was 93.8 (85-100 )for the bioabsorbable K-Wiregroup and 95.5 (85-100) for the traditional K-Wire group. In twochildren from the bioabsorbable K-Wire group there were transitoryradiolucencies along the wire tract on the x-ray, without clinicalmanifestation of it.We didn't see any premature closure of growingcartilage.Discussion: There is no significant differencies in term of clinical andradiological outcome between the two groups. The use ofbioabsorbable pins seems to be a good alternative to removabletraditional materials, avoiding a second operation.


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In this review, we discuss genetic evidence supporting Guyton's hypothesis stating that blood pressure control is critically depending on fluid handling by the kidney. The review is focused on the genetic dissection of sodium and potassium transport in the distal nephron and the collecting duct that are the most important sites for the control of sodium and potassium balance by aldosterone and angiotensin II. Thanks to the study of Mendelian forms of hypertension and their corresponding transgenic mouse models, three main classes of diuretic receptors (furosemide, thiazide, amiloride) and the main components of the aldosterone- and angiotensin-dependent signaling pathways were molecularly identified over the past 20years. This will allow to design rational strategies for the treatment of hypertension and for the development of the next generation of diuretics.


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The distal parts of the renal tubule play a critical role in maintaining homeostasis of extracellular fluids. In this review, we present an in-depth analysis of microarray-based gene expression profiles available for microdissected mouse distal nephron segments, i.e., the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) and the connecting tubule (CNT), and for the cortical portion of the collecting duct (CCD; Zuber et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106:16523-16528, 2009). Classification of expressed transcripts in 14 major functional gene categories demonstrated that all principal proteins involved in maintaining the salt and water balance are represented by highly abundant transcripts. However, a significant number of transcripts belonging, for instance, to categories of G-protein-coupled receptors or serine/threonine kinases exhibit high expression levels but remain unassigned to a specific renal function. We also established a list of genes differentially expressed between the DCT/CNT and the CCD. This list is enriched by genes related to segment-specific transport functions and by transcription factors directing the development of the distal nephron or collecting ducts. Collectively, this in silico analysis provides comprehensive information about relative abundance and tissue specificity of the DCT/CNT and the CCD expressed transcripts and identifies new candidate genes for renal homeostasis.


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This report presents systematic empirical annotation of transcript products from 399 annotated protein-coding loci across the 1% of the human genome targeted by the Encyclopedia of DNA elements (ENCODE) pilot project using a combination of 5' rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) and high-density resolution tiling arrays. We identified previously unannotated and often tissue- or cell-line-specific transcribed fragments (RACEfrags), both 5' distal to the annotated 5' terminus and internal to the annotated gene bounds for the vast majority (81.5%) of the tested genes. Half of the distal RACEfrags span large segments of genomic sequences away from the main portion of the coding transcript and often overlap with the upstream-annotated gene(s). Notably, at least 20% of the resultant novel transcripts have changes in their open reading frames (ORFs), most of them fusing ORFs of adjacent transcripts. A significant fraction of distal RACEfrags show expression levels comparable to those of known exons of the same locus, suggesting that they are not part of very minority splice forms. These results have significant implications concerning (1) our current understanding of the architecture of protein-coding genes; (2) our views on locations of regulatory regions in the genome; and (3) the interpretation of sequence polymorphisms mapping to regions hitherto considered to be "noncoding," ultimately relating to the identification of disease-related sequence alterations.


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L'artériopathie oblitérante des membres inférieurs (AOMI) est une pathologie de plus en plus fréquemment rencontrée en raison du vieillissement le la population et de l'augmentation de la prévalence du diabète. Les patients souffrant d'AOMI se manifestant par une ichémie critique du membre nécessitent un geste de revascularisation, afin que le risque d'amputation, acte fortement morbide, soit diminué. La revascularisation par voie endovasculaire est de nos jours la technique de premier choix mais en cas d'occlusion longue des artères jambières, une approche chirurgicale avec confection d'un pontage ne peut être évitée. La technique nécessite alors, lors de la confection de l'anastomose, de l'occlusion temporaire de l'artère en amont et en aval de rartériotomie, ce qui est réalisé traditionnellement à l'aide de clamps ou cathéters intravasculaires. Ces instruments présentent différents inconvénients reconnus - efficacité médiocre au vu d'artères fortement calcifiées et induction de lésions endothéliales notamment. Un nouveau type d'instrument est apparu sur le marché après approbation de la FDA, sous forme d'un gel thermosensible qui constitue un bouchon occlusif une fois injecté dans l'artère et se dissout spontanément après quelques minutes. Ce gel ayant été expérimenté avec succès en chirurgie cardiovasculaire chez des animaux, nous avons voulu évaluer l'efficacité et l'innocuité de son utilisation lors de la réalisation de pontages fémoro-jambier dans une cohorte de vingt patients. Différents paramètres opératoires ont été notés tels que le volume de gel injecté, les temps d'occlusion efficace et de confection d'anastomose ainsi que la qualité de l'occlusion vasculaire obtenue. Une artériographie per-opératoire a été réalisée de manière systématique à la recherche d'emboles de gel résiduel. Les taux de perméabilité primaire, de sauvetage de membre et de survie à 6 mois ont été rapportés. Les résultats sont satisfaisants puisque la qualité d'occlusion a été jugée bonne à excellente dans la totalité des cas sans qu'aucun instrument d'occlusion supplémentaire n'ait dû être employé et que le temps d'occlusion dépassait légèrement le temps nécessaire à la confection de l'anastomose. L'artériographie des deux premiers cas seulement a révélé la présence d'emboles distaux, avant que nous corrigions notre technique pour obtenir une dissolution instantanée du gel. Nous avons obtenu à 6 mois un taux de perméabilité primaire de 75% avec un taux de sauvetage de membre à 87.5%, le taux de mortalité à 30 jours étant de 10% - sans relation avec le gel. En conclusion, nous avons montré que l'utilisation de ce gel comme instrument d'occlusion vasculaire temporaire est sûre et efficace lors de la chirurgie de pontage fémoro-jambier. L'hypothèse qu'il pourrait être moins délétère pour l'endothélium et contribuer ainsi à une amélioration du taux de perméabilité des pontages distaux mériterait d'être testée dans le cadre d'une étude randomisée multicentrique.


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The structural basis of the antifracture efficacy of strontium ranelate and alendronate is incompletely understood. We compared the effects of strontium ranelate and alendronate on distal tibia microstructure over 2 years using HR-pQCT. In this pre-planned, interim, intention-to-treat analysis at 12 months, 88 osteoporotic postmenopausal women (mean age 63.7 +/- 7.4) were randomized to strontium ranelate 2 g/day or alendronate 70 mg/week in a double-placebo design. Primary endpoints were changes in microstructure. Secondary endpoints included lumbar and hip areal bone mineral density (aBMD), and bone turnover markers. This trial is registered with http://www.controlled-trials.com, number ISRCTN82719233. Baseline characteristics of the two groups were similar. Treatment with strontium ranelate was associated with increases in mean cortical thickness (CTh, 5.3%), cortical area (4.9%) and trabecular density (2.1%) (all P < 0.001, except cortical area P = 0.013). No significant changes were observed with alendronate. Between-group differences in favor of strontium ranelate were observed for CTh, cortical area, BV/TV and trabecular density (P = 0.045, 0.041, 0.048 and 0.035, respectively). aBMD increased to a similar extent with strontium ranelate and alendronate at the spine (5.7% versus 5.1%, respectively) and total hip (3.3% versus 2.2%, respectively). No significant changes were observed in remodeling markers with strontium ranelate, while suppression was observed with alendronate. Within the methodological constraints of HR-pQCT through its possible sensitivity to X-ray attenuation of different minerals, strontium ranelate had greater effects than alendronate on distal tibia cortical thickness and trabecular volumetric density.


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Introduction: Enchondromas are among the most current benign bone tumours. Malignant degeneration is extremely rare (<1%) and generally presents as a low grade chondrosarcoma. For localized grade 1 lesions, the treatment of choice is curettage. Wide excision and reconstruction is generally not necessary, unless locally advanced or more aggressive behaviour is suspected at presentation. Case report: A healthy 72 yo male presented with pain and recurrent knee joint effusion. X-rays show a classical central distal metaphyseal enchondroma of the femur associated with subtle osteolysis of the lateral condyle. MRI confirms the presence of a locally aggressive chondromatous lesion based in a classical enchondroma. Core needle biopsy revealed a grade 1 chondrosarcoma, which was in contrast to the radiological aggressiveness of the lesion. Total body CT-scan did not reveal metastatic disease. A wide resection was planned, as a high-grade lesion and joint contamination was suspected. We performed an extra-articular knee resection and reconstruction with a hinged modular total knee megaprosthesis. The definitive histology was grade 1 chondrosarcoma, the surgical margins were wide. The evolution was favourable and the patient was able to perform all his activities of daily living independently without pain at 6 weeks postop. Knee flexion reached 90°. The oncologic screening at 18 months did not show local or distant recurrence. Conclusion: Joints near a benign tumour that suddenly become symptomatic or present an effusion might indicate a malignant transformation. Wide resection and prosthetic reconstruction remains an effective treatment option even in low grade cartilaginous lesions if (1) the adjacent joint is contaminated, or (2) joint-sparing surgery would result in a severe functional impairment of the limb.


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BACKGROUND: Differences exist between the proximal and distal colon in terms of developmental origin, exposure to patterning genes, environmental mutagens, and gut flora. Little is known on how these differences may affect mechanisms of tumorigenesis, side-specific therapy response or prognosis. We explored systematic differences in pathway activation and their clinical implications. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Detailed clinicopathological data for 3045 colon carcinoma patients enrolled in the PETACC3 adjuvant chemotherapy trial were available for analysis. A subset of 1404 samples had molecular data, including gene expression and DNA copy number profiles for 589 and 199 samples, respectively. In addition, 413 colon adenocarcinoma from TCGA collection were also analyzed. Tumor side-effect on anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) therapy was assessed in a cohort of 325 metastatic patients. Outcome variables considered were relapse-free survival and survival after relapse (SAR). RESULTS: Proximal carcinomas were more often mucinous, microsatellite instable (MSI)-high, mutated in key tumorigenic pathways, expressed a B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase (BRAF)-like and a serrated pathway signature, regardless of histological type. Distal carcinomas were more often chromosome instable and EGFR or human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) amplified, and more frequently overexpressed epiregulin. While risk of relapse was not different per side, SAR was much poorer for proximal than for distal stage III carcinomas in a multivariable model including BRAF mutation status [N = 285; HR 1.95, 95% CI (1.6-2.4), P < 0.001]. Only patients with metastases from a distal carcinoma responded to anti-EGFR therapy, in line with the predictions of our pathway enrichment analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Colorectal carcinoma side is associated with differences in key molecular features, some immediately druggable, with important prognostic effects which are maintained in metastatic lesions. Although within side significant molecular heterogeneity remains, our findings justify stratification of patients by side for retrospective and prospective analyses of drug efficacy and prognosis.


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Distal myopathies represent a heterogeneous group of inherited skeletal muscle disorders. One type of adult-onset, progressive autosomal-dominant distal myopathy, frequently associated with dysphagia and dysphonia (vocal cord and pharyngeal weakness with distal myopathy [VCPDM]), has been mapped to chromosome 5q31 in a North American pedigree. Here, we report the identification of a second large VCPDM family of Bulgarian descent and fine mapping of the critical interval. Sequencing of positional candidate genes revealed precisely the same nonconservative S85C missense mutation affecting an interspecies conserved residue in the MATR3 gene in both families. MATR3 is expressed in skeletal muscle and encodes matrin 3, a component of the nuclear matrix, which is a proteinaceous network that extends throughout the nucleus. Different disease related haplotype signatures in the two families provided evidence that two independent mutational events at the same position in MATR3 cause VCPDM. Our data establish proof of principle that the nuclear matrix is crucial for normal skeletal muscle structure and function and put VCPDM on the growing list of monogenic disorders associated with the nuclear proteome.


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BACKGROUND: Segmental handling of sodium along the proximal and distal nephron might be heritable and different between black and white participants. METHODS: We randomly recruited 95 nuclear families of black South African ancestry and 103 nuclear families of white Belgian ancestry. We measured the (FENa) and estimated the fractional renal sodium reabsorption in the proximal (RNaprox) and distal (RNadist) tubules from the clearances of endogenous lithium and creatinine. In multivariable analyses, we studied the relation of RNaprox and RNadist with FENa and estimated the heritability (h) of RNaprox and RNadist. RESULTS: Independent of urinary sodium excretion, South Africans (n = 240) had higher RNaprox (unadjusted median, 93.9% vs. 81.0%; P < 0.001) than Belgians (n = 737), but lower RNadist (91.2% vs. 95.1%; P < 0.001). The slope of RNaprox on FENa was steeper in Belgians than in South Africans (-5.40 +/- 0.58 vs. -0.78 +/- 0.58 units; P < 0.001), whereas the opposite was true for the slope of RNadist on FENa (-3.84 +/- 0.19 vs. -13.71 +/- 1.30 units; P < 0.001). h of RNaprox and RNadist was high and significant (P < 0.001) in both countries. h was higher in South Africans than in Belgians for RNaprox (0.82 vs. 0.56; P < 0.001), but was similar for RNadist (0.68 vs. 0.50; P = 0.17). Of the filtered sodium load, black participants reabsorb more than white participants in the proximal nephron and less postproximally. CONCLUSION: Segmental sodium reabsorption along the nephron is highly heritable, but the capacity for regulation in the proximal and postproximal tubules differs between whites and blacks.