909 resultados para Detecção pseudo-heteródina


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Esta tese discute o impacto do Diagnóstico de Malformação fetal na experiência das gestantes usuárias do SUS na Bahia, destacando as noções de dia-gnosis e pro-gnosis desenvolvidas por Gross e Shuval (2008) de forma associada à medicina do risco no encontro médico-paciente. Destaca o discurso biomédico na formatação diagnóstica, as diferentes percepções de risco e o forte engajamento das usuárias frente às tecnologias pré-natais e intervenções cirúrgicas neonatais, caucionado na esperança de que o avanço da ciência seja capaz de reverter ou abrandar a condição do seu feto/bebê. È diante da responsabilização da mulher por não ter produzido um feto/bebê saudável, mas um feto/bebê malformado, que se observa a prevalência de normas culturais e de gênero que conferem à maternidade um lugar de autossacrificio, de dedicação e criação dos filhos, como também status social O espaço pré-natal é marcado pela ausência de discussão a respeito do prognóstico de tais condições, com a consequente busca pelas gestantes do conhecimento por meio da internet, da opinião do marido e da crença religiosa que servem de alicerce para lidar com a antecipação da deficiência. As gestantes acreditam ser este um desígnio de Deus, uma espécie de provação e uma prova de amor incondicional ao futuro filho com deficiência (que poderá ou não sobreviver). A maioria das gestantes, 20 entrevistadas, prefere, contudo, ter um filho com deficiência do que sofrer sua perda. Em outra vertente, a tese analisa a forma como se organiza o sistema de saúde quanto à detecção de uma malformação congênita, apontando a precariedade da rede de atenção básica quanto à qualificação dos profissionais e o devido encaminhamento referente ao serviço especializado. A tecnologia de visualização o ultrassom obstétrico é a primordial ferramenta para detecção de alguma alteração fetal, porém somente ocorre o esclarecimento do diagnóstico de malformação fetal no serviço público de referência em medicina fetal em Salvador, Bahia. Destaca-se a falta de uma política pública do Ministério da Saúde que norteie o desenvolvimento da medicina fetal no Brasil, haja vista os diferentes impactos diante das tecnologias de inovação em saúde que geram vulnerabilidades e desigualdades sociais. Enfatiza-se a necessidade de uma revisão quanto à regulamentação do uso do ultrassom obstétrico que impeça o uso abusivo ou sua omissão diante dos crescentes casos de anomalias congênitas.


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The distribution of porosity in Y1Ba2Cu3Oy (Y-123) pseudo-crystals prepared by hot seeded melt growth of precursor pellet samples pre-sintered at elevated temperatures in air or vacuum has been investigated. The results demonstrate that the porosity within the Y-123 pseudo-crystal matrix could be reduced dramatically by pre-sintering in vacuum, compared with that for precursor pellets processed in air.


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Occurrence and abundance of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. at the mouth of the Maheshkhali channel of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh were studied. Plankton and water samples were collected monthly from the sub-surface water during high tide at daytime from June 2000 to May 2001. Four species of Pseudo-nitzschia, namely P. pungens, P. pseudodelicatissima, P. delicatissima and P. australis were identified and among them the first three were most commonly encountered and they varied seasonally. Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima was the dominant species during the autumn and winter months, whereas P. pungens was dominant during the summer and spring months. Pseudo-nitzschia pseudodelicatissima exhibited its highest abundance level during the summer. Surface water temperature, salinity, nitrate-nitrogen (N03-N) and phosphate-phosphorus (P04-P) were recorded and their relationship with the occurrence and abundance of Pseudo-nitzschia species were studied. At the mouth of the Maheshkhali channel, Pseudo-nitzschia cell density was highest in late autumn (November) when highest salinity (35 o/oo) and P04-P (3.2 mg/l) concentrations and low temperature (23 °C) were recorded.


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Finite Element (FE) pseudo-static analysis can provide a good compromise between simplified methods of dynamic analysis and time domain analysis. The pseudo-static FE approach can accurately model the in situ, stresses prior to seismic loading (when it follows a static analysis simulating the construction sequence) is relatively simple and not as computationally expensive as the time domain approach. However this method should be used with caution as the results can be sensitive to the choice of the mesh dimensions. In this paper two simple examples of pseudo-static finite element analysis are examined parametrically, a homogeneous slope and a cantilever retaining wall, exploring the sensitivity of the pseudo-static analysis results on the adopted mesh size. The mesh dependence was found to be more pronounced for problems with high critical seismic coefficients values (e.g. gentle slopes or small walls), as in these cases a generalised layer failure mechanism is developed simultaneously with the slope or wall mechanism. In general the mesh width was found not to affect notably the predicted value of critical seismic coefficient but to have a major impact on the predicted movements. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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A new approach for the synthesis of polyaniline nanofibers under pseudo-high dilute conditions in aqueous system has been developed. High yield nanoscale polyaniline fibers with 18-110 nm in diameter are readily prepared by a high aniline concentration 0.4 M oxidation polymerization using ammonium persulfate (APS) as an oxidant in the presence of hydrochloric acid (HCl), perchloric acid (HClO4), (1S)-(+)-10-camphorsulfonic acid (CSA), acidic phosphate PAEG120 (PA120) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) as the dopants. The novel pathway always produces polyaniline nanofibers of tunable diameters, high conductivity (from 10(0) to 10(1) S/cm) and crystallinity.


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A new vandylpolymolybdophosphate, [H2N(C2H4)(2)NH2](4)-(H3O)[(PMo2Mo6V4O40)-Mo-V-V-VI-O-IV((VO)-O-IV)(2)].H2O, was hydrothermally synthesized and structurally characterized by elemental analyses, IR, UV-vis, XPS, ESR spectra, mid singe crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The compound contains an unusual highly reduced pseudo-Keggin type polyoxoanion with nine negative charges and exhibits an interesting phosphorus-centered alternate layer arrangement of molybdenum and vanadium oxides.


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Phenyl-capped trianiline and tetraaniline in the leucoemeraldine oxidation state were synthesized through a modified-pseudo-high-dilution technique. The chemical oxidation process of these compounds were studied by UV-Vis spectra. It was found that phenyl-capped trianiline in the leucoemeraldine oxidation state was oxidized to its EB form and then decomposed, Phenyl-capped tetraaniline was oxidized to its EB form and then to the pernigraniline oxidation state.


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Monodispersed phenyl-capped trianiline and tetraaniline were successfully synthesized by the reactions of diphenylamine with acetaldehyde-based Sckiff's bases of N-phenyl-1,4-phenylenediamine and 1,4-phenylenediamine, respectively, in the presence of ammonium persulfate and hydrochloric acid, subsequent deprotonation and reduction with phenylhydrazine. The reaction mechanism probably involves the slow hydrolysis of the Sckiff's bases and subsequent oxidative coupling reactions of the formed ammonium salts with diphenylamine at pseudo-high dilution condition of the salts.