971 resultados para Destination marketing organizations
La duración del viaje vacacional es una decisión del turista con unas implicaciones fundamentales para las organizaciones turísticas, pero que ha recibido una escasa atención por la literatura. Además, los escasos estudios se han centrado en los destinos costeros, cuando el turismo de interior se está erigiendo como una alternativa importante en algunos países. El presente trabajo analiza los factores determinantes de la elección temporal del viaje turístico, distinguiendo el tipo de destino elegido -costa e interior-, y proponiendo varias hipótesis acerca de la influencia de las características de los individuos relacionadas con el destino, de las restricciones personales y de las características sociodemográficas. La metodología aplicada estima, como novedad en este tipo de decisiones, un Modelo Binomial Negativo Truncado que evita los sesgos de estimación de los modelos de regresión y el supuesto restrictivo de igualdad media-varianza del Modelo de Poisson. La aplicación empírica realizada en España sobre una muestra de 1.600 individuos permite concluir, por un lado, que el Modelo Binomial Negativo es más adecuado que el de Poisson para realizar este tipo de análisis. Por otro lado, las dimensiones determinantes de la duración del viaje vacacional son, para ambos destinos, el alojamiento en hotel y apartamento propio, las restricciones temporales, la edad del turista y la forma de organizar el viaje; mientras que el tamaño de la ciudad de residencia y el atributo “precios baratos” es un aspecto diferencial de la costa; y el alojamiento en apartamentos alquilados lo es de los destinos de interior.
A relação entre jornal-laboratório e marketing das instituições de ensino superior é analisada no trabalho. Valendo-se do estudo de casos múltiplos, são comparados impressos laboratoriais, reconhecidos no meio acadêmico pelo valor pedagógico do exercício proporcionado aos alunos, com aqueles que circulam como ¬house-organs¬, trazendo informações positivas das respectivas faculdades. Eles são examinados com base nos conceitos de ensino de jornalismo e de marketing, especialmente para instituições educacionais. O objetivo é demonstrar que jornais-laboratório transformados em jornais de empresa, no intuito de atender a necessidades de comunicação das instituições com o mercado, contrariam o que é preconizado pelo ensino de jornalismo e pelo próprio marketing. É possível perceber que impressos laboratoriais que simulam a realidade da profissão, com o propósito pedagógico, estão mais adequados como produto ao mix de comunicação porque levam o estudante, como consumidor, a vivenciar situações marcantes de aprendizado, conforme estabelece o marketing de experiências para levar clientes à lealdade com as organizações.(AU)
A tese apresenta um estudo comparativo entre a atuação das organizações públicas e privadas do Brasil e, as caixas de poupança e as empresas privadas da Espanha, no que concerne à política de marketing cultural e suas estratégias de comunicação corporativa, tendo como pano de fundo os recursos incentivados pelos governos através das leis de isenção fiscal. Com dois objetivos principais, procurou-se identificar, primeiramente, a parceria entre o Estado e as companhias na promoção da cultura. O segundo e principal intuito foi descobrir as múltiplas estratégias de visibilidade cultural no mundo corporativo através da comunicação e do marketing. Além disso, se verificou os reflexos dessa relação na responsabilidade social corporativa e na reputação, como também, no mercado cultural. O trabalho foi pautado, principalmente, na análise de conteúdo qualitativa por emparelhamento e ainda na AIM- Auditoria de Imagem na Mídia. Ao final, conclui-se que embora as leis de isenção sejam divergentes nos dois países, o comportamento das companhias é similar tanto no que concerne aos investimentos em cultura, como no que se refere às estratégias de comunicação. Contudo, no Brasil o dinheiro é quase, majoritariamente, vindo da renúncia fiscal do Estado, enquanto que na Espanha vem das próprias organizações.
This thesis explores the strategic positioning [SP] activities of charitable organizations [COs] within the wider sector of voluntary and non-profit organizations [VNPOs] in the UK. Despite the growing interest in SP for British COs in an increasingly competitive operating environment and changing policy context, there is lack of research in mainstream marketing/strategic management studies on this topic for charities, whilst the specialist literature on VNPOs has neglected the study of SP. The thesis begins with an extended literature review of the concept of positioning in both commercial [for-profit] and charitable organizations. It concludes that the majority of theoretical underpinnings of SP that are prescribed for COs have been derived from the commercial strategy/marketing literature. There is currently a lack of theoretical and conceptual models that can accommodate the particular context of COs and guide strategic positioning practice in them. The research contained in this thesis is intended to fill some of these research gaps. It combines an exploratory postal survey and four cross-sectional case studies to describe the SP activities of a sample of general welfare and social care charities and identifies the key factors that influence their choice of positioning strategies [PSs]. It concludes that charitable organizations have begun to undertake SP to differentiate their organizations from other charities that provide similar services. Their PSs have both generic features, and other characteristics that are unique to them. A combination of external environmental and organizational factors influences their choice of PSs. A theoretical model, which depicts these factors, is developed in this research. It highlights the role of governmental influence, other external environmental forces, the charity’s mission, organizational resources, and influential stakeholders in shaping the charity’s PS. This study concludes by considering the theoretical and managerial implications of the findings on the study of charitable and non-profit organizations.
Recent years have seen a significant increase in the importance of environmental protection and sustainability to consumers, policy makers, and society in general. Reflecting this, most organizations are at least aware of this new agenda and wish to be seen as taking steps to improve behaviors in this regard. However, there appears to be a gap between this evolving agenda and the comparatively low level of knowledge that marketing managers actually have of the environmental impact of their own functional decisions. We suggest that this low knowledge level may be due, in part, to the marketplace focus of foundational marketing educational programs, and we attempt to show how broadening the horizons of marketing courses can help students (i.e., future managers) more deeply understand the environmental consequences of their actions. We demonstrate the use of a novel business game, based on the Life Cycle Assessment method, as the foundational cornerstone for the development of a broad understanding of the environmental impact of marketing decisions and actions for the entire life cycle of a product—from raw material extraction to ultimate disposal. The results of an empirical study show that this approach increases students’ appreciation for, and understanding of, these fundamental environmental sustainability concepts.
Grounded in configuration theory, this study investigates the notion of co-alignment of business orientation, marketing assets and marketing capabilities, and their relationships to performance. Using these criteria, profiles of high performing businesses were derived and assessed against a three country sample of Brazil, China and the UK. Findings are consistent, statistically significant and invariant across the sample. They show that businesses with ideal profiles significantly outperform competitors in terms of market-based performance, customer satisfaction, and financial performance. Furthermore, profiles of top performing organizations are similar across countries with respect to their orientations, assets, and capabilities. Only customer-based assets, network capabilities, and customer and shareholder orientations were different. Implications and future research directions are subsequently addressed.
Management of social identities is important for optimizing intergroup relations in organizations, and for overall organizational performance. Research on marketing’s intergroup relations employs different social identity constructs. This leaves managers and academics confused as to what impact different social identity constructs have on organizational outcomes. We therefore tested the impact of competing social identity constructs (i.e., functional identity [FI], organizational identity [OI]) on important outcomes. We find different combinations of social identity constructs result in different levels of relationship quality and departmental performance, and that FI and OI measures provide more useful information than the accepted relative functional identity or OI measures in isolation. Academic and practical implications are advanced.
The dramatic growth in e-business is manifest in phenomena such as the surge in internet retailing, the boom in social media based marketing communications, and the centrality of e-commerce to many organizations’ core strategies. Despite this the precise implications of e-business for marketing strategy remain little-understood. In order to guide theory development and practice in the marketing strategy domain, it is of fundamental importance to take stock of the impact that e-business has had upon strategic marketing. Therefore, this chapter develops a conceptual framework in order to explicate the implications of e-business for strategic marketing theory and practice. We find that the impact of e-business on strategic marketing is far-reaching; influencing not only isolated departments, but the organization as a whole. Finally, we conclude that whilst organizations should be alert to the dynamic opportunities and threats posed by e-business, the guiding principle of value creation should not be forgotten.
A cikk az üzleti kapcsolatok marketingértelmezéséről szól. A marketing a piaci magatartás tudománya. A két vagy több partner között megvalósuló piaci tranzakció a marketing alapvető elemzési egysége. A piac dinamikáját a tranzakciók ismétlődései jelentik. Az ismétlődő tranzakciókból épülnek fel a piaci kapcsolatok.. A szervezetközi piac a gazdasági és nem gazdasági szereplők egymással kölcsönös függőségben lévő, a társadalmi környezetbe beágyazott kapcsolatrendszere, amelyben a tevékenységek és az erőforrások cseréje zajlik. A cikk kitér annak rövid bemutatására, hogy a különböző marketingterületek miként járulnak hozzá az üzleti kapcsolatok megismeréséhez. A szerző meghatározása szerint az üzleti kapcsolat az üzleti hálózatba ágyazott két szervezet közötti interaktív cserekapcsolatot jelent. A definíció kifejtése során bemutatásra kerülnek az üzleti kapcsolatok érintettjei, legfontosabb folyamatai, valamint a kapcsolat létének néhány következménye. __________ The article discusses the interpretation of business relations within the field of marketing. Marketing is the science of market behaviour. The basic segment of marketing analysis is the market transaction between two or more persons. The dynamics of the market is created by the repetition of transactions. Repeated transactions make market relations. Inter-organizational market is a network of interdependent relations among economic and non-economic actors embedded into the social environment, serving as a platform for the exchange of actions and resources. The article shortly describes how the different areas of marketing contribute to the knowledge of business relations. According to the author, business relations are interactive exchange relations between two organizations embedded in the business network. The detailed explanation of the definition introduces the parties involved in business relations, the most important processes, and some consequences of the existence of the relation.
A desztináció menedzsment valamennyi desztinációs versenyképesség modell középponti eleme, és „csodaszerként” jelenik meg, különösen azokban az országokban, amelyek a desztináció menedzsment eszközrendszerét a közelmúltban vezették be, annak érdekében, hogy a desztinációk lépést tudjanak tartani a versenytársaikkal, mint ahogyan ez hazánkban is történt. Jelen tanulmány alapját a témában írt PhD Értekezésem (Sziva, I. (2010)) adja, amelynek fókuszában a desztinációs versenyképesség értelmezése, az ex ante oldali tényezők feltárása állt. A téziskutatás során feltárt tényezők, és a Bírálóim konstruktív fejlesztési javaslatai a téma továbbkutatására ösztönöztek. Mindezért tartottam elengedhetetlennek, hogy a tézisemben összefoglalt hazai és osztrák kutatások legfontosabb eredményeit további nemzetközi színtéren, ezúttal Dániában vizsgáljam, jelen esetben a fókuszt a desztináció menedzsment tényezőire, és annak kiemelt kontextusaira helyezve. Jelen tanulmány legfontosabb célja az, hogy egyrészt összefoglalást adjon a desztináció menedzsment szerepéről a desztinációs versenyképesség elméleti megközelítéseit tekintve. Továbbá, hogy a hazai tapasztalatok összevetésre kerüljenek a szakértői interjúk során megismert dán tapasztalatokkal és további kutatási irányok kerüljenek meghatározásra. Ezúton szeretném megköszönni dániai kutatásom interjú-alanyainak részvételét és a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem TÁMOP 4.2.1.B-09/1/KMR-2010-0005 projekt keretében nyújtott támogatását! _________ Destination management is the central element of the model concerning destinations’ competitiveness, and appears as „wonder medicine”, particularly in those countries, where the tools of destination management was introduced in the near past, as it happened in Hungary. The baseline of this study is given by my PhD Dissertation (Sziva, I. (2010)), which was focusing on interpretation and the ex ante factors of destinations’ competitiveness. The factors identified during my thesis research, and the constructive recommendations of my Reviewer gave the motivation for further analysis. That is why was it important to make further researchers based on the results identified in the Hungarian and Austrian cases of my thesis research, and add further international, this time Danish context to the research, by focusing on destination management among the factors of competitiveness. The aim of the article is to give a summary about the theoretical approach of destination management and compare the Hungarian experiences with that of the results of the Danish research based on experts’ interviews. Hereby I would like to thank my interviewees their participation, and the support of Corvinus University Budapest in the framework of TÁMOP 4.2.1.B-09/1/KMR-2010-0005 project.
A Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Versenyképességkutató Központjának 2004-ben lekérdezett kérdőíve alapján, ami 154 feldolgozóipari vállalat adatait tartalmazza, azt vizsgáljuk, hogy az ellátási lánc három lényeges vállalati funkciója, a marketing, a termelés és a logisztika milyen mértékben járul hozzá az üzleti eredményességhez. Az eredmények szerint a marketingnek és a termelésnek erősebb hatása van a vállalati teljesítményre, mint a logisztikának. A három funkció együttesen csekély, bár statisztikai értelemben szignifikáns szerepet játszik az üzleti sikerben. _____ Companies are complex organizations where a lot of activities and processes have to work properly in order to reach success. Depending on several factors, sometimes some activities get more emphasis while others work in the background. Since organizational functions have separate literature and practical knowledge, and transit between them is rare, we do have very little knowledge on how the various functions together contribute to company success. Based on a wide-scale empirical study on Hungarian competitiveness, which includes data on 154 companies from the process industry, we examine to what extent three functions of the supply chain, marketing, manufacturing and logistics, can contribute to business success. Results show that marketing and manufacturing have larger effect on company performance than logistics. However, the three functions together play a minor, although significant role in company success.
A kutatás fő célja annak vizsgálata, hogy egy adott kultúra észlelt személyisége milyen hatással van az ország ideális turisztikai, illetve üzleti célországként való megítélésére. A kultúraszemélyiség koncepciójának bemutatása után a kultúraszemélyiség-skála (culture personality, CP) fejlesztésének kezdeti eredményeit, majd a kultúraszemélyiség dimenzióinak vizsgálatát részletezik a szerzők. A skálakialakítás során – kvalitatív eredményeiket felhasználva – egy ötvenegy tulajdonságpárból álló szemantikus differenciálskálát fejlesztettek ki és teszteltek. Jelen cikkükben összehasonlítják Franciaország és Magyarország észlelt kultúraszemélyiségét, vizsgálva a magyar és a francia válaszadók véleményének hasonlóságait és különbségeit. Eredményeik azt mutatják, hogy nemcsak az egyes kultúrák személyiségét észlelik eltérően a válaszadók, de ugyanazon kultúra személyiségének bizonyos jellemzőit is eltérően ítélik meg. _____ The main purpose of our study was to investigate the effect of perceived culture – personality (CP) on the evaluation of the country as ideal business/tourist destination. After introducing the concept of culture-personality, initial results of our CP scale development are discussed, and dimensions of culture-personality will be examined. As a result of the scale construction procedure – based on our extensive qualitative studies –, a 51-item semantic differential scale has been developed and tested. Similarities and differences of perceived culture-personalities of France and Hungary among Hungarian and French respondents are described.
The phenomenon of at-destination search activity and decision processes utilized by visitors to a location is predominantly an academic unknown. As destinations and organizations increasingly compete for their share of the travel dollar, it is evident that more research need to be done regarding how consumers obtain information once they arrive at a destination. This study examined visitor referral recommendations provided by hotel and non-hotel ''locals" in a moderately-sized community for lodging, food service, and recreational and entertainment venues.