958 resultados para Densidade local de estados


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Debido a una serie de reformas migratorias estadounidenses, de 1960 a 1980 la trabajadora doméstica mexicana residente de la frontera de Ciudad Juárez consideró obtener una visa local para cruzar legalmente a El Paso, TX y realizar un trabajo ilegal en "el otro lado". Sin embargo, la edad, la situación económica y el nivel educativo, requisitos para obtener un trabajo "formal" en Ciudad Juárez y por ende una visa, así como el estado civil, podían reducirle las oportunidades para conseguirla. El cambio gradual entre el cruce ilegal y legal y los ajustes que de éste han hecho las trabajadoras domésticas residentes de Ciudad Juárez por medio de una serie de estrategias, es el que le interesa analizar a este trabajo de investigación. Se propone que alrededor de 1960 la trabajadora doméstica mexicana utilizó el cruce legal-trabajo ilegal como una estrategia para participar en la economía de ambos países y en la de sus hogares, ampliar su movilidad económica y social fuera de la esfera del hogar, tomar ventaja de los cambios de las leyes migratorias de Estados Unidos, así como también resolver los dilemas económicos y sociales que le ha impuesto México a través de su historia


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Tanto en Estados Unidos como en España, la escasez de mano de obra local dispuesta a aceptar las condiciones sociolaborales imperantes en la agricultura, unida a la dificultad de inspeccionar y regular un sector donde la movilidad de trabajadores es constante, ha conducido a que la agricultura sea la actividad donde encuentran empleo más fácilmente los trabajadores migrantes indocumentados. En Estados Unidos la demanda de empleo en la agricultura ha venido siendo cubierta principalmente por trabajadores mexicanos; mientras, en España, los jornaleros procedentes de Marruecos constituyen el colectivo de inmigrantes con mayor presencia en el sector agrario. Este artículo, fundamentado en una metodología cualitativa, analiza, por una parte, la situación socio-laboral de los inmigrantes procedentes de Marruecos en la agricultura de Andalucía, región situada en el sur de España. Por otra parte, examina la situación de los jornaleros de Tamaulipas, región situada en el noreste de México, empleados de forma estacional en el sector agrario estadounidense


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This paper searches to understand which disputes and conflicts are around the consolidation of agroecology as one of the alternatives and initiatives of local development in a land reform settlement. Thus, this paper, which consists of one of the results presented in the author´s dissertation, aims to identify the disputes and conflicts that occur among local initiatives related to agroecology. Santa Rosa settlement is located in one of the densest areas in relation to rural settlements in Rio Grande do Sul (RS) State. The research sources used to collect data and references to this paper were obtained in: researched bibliography in the writing of the author's dissertation; academic articles; and perceptions from the author's experiences in some land reform settlements. In this research it was considered that initiatives and actions in agroecology in the studied settlement can be strategic to make the social relations potential to the occurrence of experiences in local development different from those that occur alongside agribusiness.


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This paper searches to understand which disputes and conflicts are around the consolidation of agroecology as one of the alternatives and initiatives of local development in a land reform settlement. Thus, this paper, which consists of one of the results presented in the author´s dissertation, aims to identify the disputes and conflicts that occur among local initiatives related to agroecology. Santa Rosa settlement is located in one of the densest areas in relation to rural settlements in Rio Grande do Sul (RS) State. The research sources used to collect data and references to this paper were obtained in: researched bibliography in the writing of the author's dissertation; academic articles; and perceptions from the author's experiences in some land reform settlements. In this research it was considered that initiatives and actions in agroecology in the studied settlement can be strategic to make the social relations potential to the occurrence of experiences in local development different from those that occur alongside agribusiness.


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Debido a una serie de reformas migratorias estadounidenses, de 1960 a 1980 la trabajadora doméstica mexicana residente de la frontera de Ciudad Juárez consideró obtener una visa local para cruzar legalmente a El Paso, TX y realizar un trabajo ilegal en "el otro lado". Sin embargo, la edad, la situación económica y el nivel educativo, requisitos para obtener un trabajo "formal" en Ciudad Juárez y por ende una visa, así como el estado civil, podían reducirle las oportunidades para conseguirla. El cambio gradual entre el cruce ilegal y legal y los ajustes que de éste han hecho las trabajadoras domésticas residentes de Ciudad Juárez por medio de una serie de estrategias, es el que le interesa analizar a este trabajo de investigación. Se propone que alrededor de 1960 la trabajadora doméstica mexicana utilizó el cruce legal-trabajo ilegal como una estrategia para participar en la economía de ambos países y en la de sus hogares, ampliar su movilidad económica y social fuera de la esfera del hogar, tomar ventaja de los cambios de las leyes migratorias de Estados Unidos, así como también resolver los dilemas económicos y sociales que le ha impuesto México a través de su historia


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Tanto en Estados Unidos como en España, la escasez de mano de obra local dispuesta a aceptar las condiciones sociolaborales imperantes en la agricultura, unida a la dificultad de inspeccionar y regular un sector donde la movilidad de trabajadores es constante, ha conducido a que la agricultura sea la actividad donde encuentran empleo más fácilmente los trabajadores migrantes indocumentados. En Estados Unidos la demanda de empleo en la agricultura ha venido siendo cubierta principalmente por trabajadores mexicanos; mientras, en España, los jornaleros procedentes de Marruecos constituyen el colectivo de inmigrantes con mayor presencia en el sector agrario. Este artículo, fundamentado en una metodología cualitativa, analiza, por una parte, la situación socio-laboral de los inmigrantes procedentes de Marruecos en la agricultura de Andalucía, región situada en el sur de España. Por otra parte, examina la situación de los jornaleros de Tamaulipas, región situada en el noreste de México, empleados de forma estacional en el sector agrario estadounidense


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El gobierno abierto se ha convertido en un nuevo modelo de política pública que sitúa la transparencia, la participación y la colaboración ciudadana como ejes primordiales para la acción política. El gobierno abierto fomenta que las administraciones y los gobiernos afronten el reto de recuperar la legitimidad y la confianza de la población a través de la transparencia y la responsabilidad, así como mediante la generación de espacios de intercambio y participación que promuevan la inteligencia colaborativa. Desde hace más de una década, el concepto de gobierno abierto ha formado parte de los estudios de Ciencias Políticas en relación a la transparencia, la participación, la modernización de la administración pública y el gobierno electrónico. Sin embargo, no fue hasta 2009 cuando alcanzó su máxima notoriedad debido a la presentación del Memorando sobre Transparencia y Gobierno Abierto presentado por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, como punto de partida orientado a cerrar la brecha existente entre el pueblo americano y su gobierno. Poco después, un pequeño grupo de países (Indonesia, México, Noruega, Filipinas, Sudáfrica y Reino Unido, bajo el liderazgo de Brasil y los EE.UU.) crearon la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto u Open Government Partnership (OGP) una iniciativa destinada a mejorar la rendición de cuentas, la transparencia y la participación gracias a las oportunidades que brinda las nuevas tecnologías y la web 2.0. A partir de ese momento, el gobierno abierto entró a formar parte de la agenda internacional, ofreciendo prácticas y conocimientos en red basados en un nuevo esquema de relación entre gobierno y ciudadanía a través del uso de las nuevas tecnologías...


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Dengue is a viral disease transmitted by female mosquitoes from genus Aedes, the principal urban vector is Aedes aegypti. Actually dengue has caused, in global scale, substantial morbidity and mortality. Four serotypes (antigenically distinct) are known: DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4. The objective of this study was described the epidemiological profile dengue in the states of Rio Grande do Norte (RN) and Paraíba (PB), 2013. For that, suspected cases of dengue were studied, received for Laboratory of Molecular Biology of infectious disease and cancer (LADIC-UFRN) from different Health Units from RN and PB between January and December of 2013. The viral RNA was obtained from serum samples of patient from health units from RN and PB. It were studied 478 suspected cases of dengue , 252 (52,7%) from Rio Grande do Norte and 226 (47,3%) from Paraíba, showeds a global rate of infection global prevalence of 29,7% (142/478). The co-circulation of three serotypes was observed: DENV-1 (9,8% [14/142]), DENV-2 (3,5% [5/142]) and DENV-4 (86,7% [123/142]). People between 21-30 years old were the most affected by the disease during all the period of the study, representing 63,7% of the cases in both states. The genus most affected was female, representing 63,3% of cases in both states. Pau dos Ferros, Rio Grande do Norte, had the highest circulation of disease, with 8,2% (8/97) of cases. In Paraíba, the city most affected was João Pessoa, with (80% (36/45) of cases. The months with the biggest viral circulation in RN and PB were March and August, respectively. These results are very important to understanding the dengue viral activity in RN and PB, providing data that can guide control actions of this disease in support to local control programs


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The main inputs to the hippocampus arise from the entorhinal cortex (EC) and form a loop involving the dentate gyrus, CA3 and CA1 hippocampal subfields and then back to EC. Since the discovery that the hippocampus is involved in memory formation in the 50's, this region and its circuitry have been extensively studied. Beyond memory, the hippocampus has also been found to play an important role in spatial navigation. In rats and mice, place cells show a close relation between firing rate and the animal position in a restricted area of the environment, the so-called place field. The firing of place cells peaks at the center of the place field and decreases when the animal moves away from it, suggesting the existence of a rate code for space. Nevertheless, many have described the emergence of hippocampal network oscillations of multiple frequencies depending on behavioral state, which are believed to be important for temporal coding. In particular, theta oscillations (5-12 Hz) exhibit a spatio-temporal relation with place cells known as phase precession, in which place cells consistently change the theta phase of spiking as the animal traverses the place field. Moreover, current theories state that CA1, the main output stream of the hippocampus, would interplay inputs from EC and CA3 through network oscillations of different frequencies, namely high gamma (60-100 Hz; HG) and low gamma (30-50 Hz; LG), respectively, which tend to be nested in different phases of the theta cycle. In the present dissertation we use a freely available online dataset to make extensive computational analyses aimed at reproducing classical and recent results about the activity of place cells in the hippocampus of freely moving rats. In particular, we revisit the debate of whether phase precession is due to changes in firing frequency or space alone, and conclude that the phenomenon cannot be explained by either factor independently but by their joint influence. We also perform novel analyses investigating further characteristics of place cells in relation to network oscillations. We show that the strength of theta modulation of spikes only marginally affects the spatial information content of place cells, while the mean spiking theta phase has no influence on spatial information. Further analyses reveal that place cells are also modulated by theta when they fire outside the place field. Moreover, we find that the firing of place cells within the theta cycle is modulated by HG and LG amplitude in both CA1 and EC, matching cross-frequency coupling results found at the local field potential level. Additionally, the phase-amplitude coupling in CA1 associated with spikes inside the place field is characterized by amplitude modulation in the 40-80 Hz range. We conclude that place cell firing is embedded in large network states reflected in local field potential oscillations and suggest that their activity might be seen as a dynamic state rather than a fixed property of the cell.


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This research aimed to analyze the main government efforts to promote economic development in the Northeast, from 1985 to 2010, under the view that growth is crucial for increasing industrialization process and allows for more significant growth patterns. The analysis was the context in which state governments react to the abandonment of developmental line the federal level, in the 1980s, incorporating features of the actions called endogenous regional development and providing local players with greater responsibility in the development process. Justifies the need to analyze the following scenario: state governments in northeastern Brazil using relevant part of its resources to finance the installation and expansion of companies through tax incentives, with a view to generating income and employment, whilst waiting for an increase in output and a positive change in economic dynamism. In addition, it puts in question the fact that these policies receive such importance of state administrations for the purpose of achieving regional development. It was left to consider, therefore, the contents of the shares elected by state governments to examine the scope of these policies both in the pattern of growth, the transformation of the industrial sector and the development of the region attention to changes in state production structures. Due to limitations on the availability of data and time to carry out research, we were elected three states for the study: Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará and Maranhão. The study found that, despite the contribution of policies analyzed to economic growth, sub-national states are unable to compensate for the lack of development agencies structured at the federal level.


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The performance of algorithms for fault location i n transmission lines is directly related to the accuracy of its input data. Thus, fa ctors such as errors in the line parameters, failures in synchronization of oscillographic recor ds and errors in measurements of voltage and current can significantly influence the accurac y of algorithms that use bad data to indicate the fault location. This work presents a new method ology for fault location in transmission lines based on the theory of state estimation in or der to determine the location of faults more accurately by considering realistic systematic erro rs that may be present in measurements of voltage and current. The methodology was implemente d in two stages: pre-fault and post- fault. In the first step, assuming non-synchronized data, the synchronization angle and positive sequence line parameters are estimated, an d in the second, the fault distance is estimated. Besides calculating the most likely faul t distance obtained from measurement errors, the variance associated with the distance f ound is also determined, using the errors theory. This is one of the main contributions of th is work, since, with the proposed algorithm, it is possible to determine a most likely zone of f ault incidence, with approximately 95,45% of confidence. Tests for evaluation and validation of the proposed algorithm were realized from actual records of faults and from simulations of fictitious transmission systems using ATP software. The obtained results are relevant to show that the proposed estimation approach works even adopting realistic variances, c ompatible with real equipments errors.


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Bajo el paradigma de modernización y desarrollo norteamericano -y en un contexto de Guerra Fría-, durante la década de 1960 se adecuaron a la realidad chilena programas de control de natalidad que no sólo buscaron disminuir las altas tasas de mortalidad materno infantil, sino que además respondieron al proyecto de seguridad hemisférica norteamericana de contención a posibles revoluciones populares en países del Tercer Mundo.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é o de explorar as relações existentes entre empresas que atuam na realização de festas de casamentos. Foi utilizada a abordagem da análise de redes sociais. Esse grupo caracteriza-se como um Arranjo Produtivo Local. Para se avaliar os relacionamentos entre as empresas, foram introduzidas duas variáveis dicotômicas baseadas nas assertivas: trocar informações e trabalhar juntas. Dessa forma, o fluxo de informações e o trabalho conjunto, focados sob a lente da análise de redes sociais, apresentam o relacionamento entre as empresas, que se configura como um dos ganhos competitivos das redes de cooperação. Os dados foram tabulados e organizados em softwares de planilha eletrônica (MSEXCEL) e análise de redes (UCINET), com a obtenção de estatísticas descritivas e métricas de centralidade e densidade. Constatou-se heterogeneidade no relacionamento colaborativo com baixa centralidade e baixa densidade da rede. O grupo apresenta um padrão muito baixo em termos de relacionamento, havendo a necessidade de incrementar a troca de informação entre os membros e de motivá-los a trabalhar mais em conjunto. De outro modo, não haverá vantagens de se manter na rede.


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This work is a study in the Local Productive Arrangement of confections from Agreste of Pernambuco, as a relevant sector in economic and social aspect. This research has as central aim to understand how the inter-organizational relations influence the collective efficiency of arrangement. The theoretical framework employed highlights the approaches that deal with the benefits of business agglomeration for the develop­ment of firms and regions. It has discussed the approach of small and medium enter­ prises and industrial districts (SCHMITZ, 1997), which introduce the concept of col­ lective efficiency, explaining that only those externalities explained by Marshall (1996) are not sufficient to explain the competitive advantage of enterprises, expand­ing the idea that organizations achieve competitive advantage not acting alone. To examine the influences of relations in the collective efficiency, it has been taken as analytical perspective theory of social networks (GRANOVETTER, 1973, 1985; BURT, 1992; UZZI, 1997) because it has believe that this approach provides subsi­ dies for a structural analysis of social relationships in face the behavior of human ac­tion. By examining the organizations in a social network, you should understand the reason of this establishment of the relationship, their benefits, and as the information flow takes place and density of links between the actors (Powell; SMITH-DOERR, 1994). As for the methods, this study is characterized as a case study, in according to the purposed objectives, in addition to qualitative method. Also, due to recovering of the historical milestones of the arrangement, it is used a sectional approach with longitudinal perspective (VIEIRA, 2004). The primary and secondary data were used in order to understand the evolutionary process of the sector and their inter-actors re­ lationships in the arrangement for the promotion of development, for both, was used the contend and documentary analysis technique, respectively (DELLAGNELO ; SIL­VA, 2005). The approach of social networks has permitted understand that social re­lationships may extend the collective efficiency of the arrangement, and therefore need to develop policies that encourage the legalization of informal companies in ar­rangement, by showing up themselves representative. Thus, the relations estab­ lished in LPA of confections from Agreste of Pernambuco need for more effective mechanisms to broaden the collective efficiency. Therefore, this way as take place has directly benefited only a group of companies that are linked in some way the sup­portive institutions. So we can conclude that the inter-actor relations have limited the collective efficiency of LPA, being stimulated by the institutions in support only to groups of entrepreneurs, even those that produce external relations for all clustered companies


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El auge del estudio de políticas públicas tiene su apogeo en Estados Unidos en 1960 pero recobra importancia a nivel latinoamericano en 1980 y para el caso colombiano en los años de 1990 como lo afirma Salazar Vargas, (1995). Partiendo de este referente, la investigación, Incidencia de la política pública para la superación de la pobreza extrema en el marco del desarrollo económico local en el municipio de Garzón - Huila durante el período 1994-2014, propende por describir la política pública nacional para la superación de la pobreza extrema para el periodo referido y comprender como ha sido implementada a través de la arquitectura institucional en el marco de la dinámica económica local. El ejercicio investigativo se realiza a partir de un enfoque descriptivo e interpretativo que combino técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas y permitió mediante procesos empíricos y críticos, dar respuesta a la pregunta de investigación ¿Cómo interactúa la política pública para superar la pobreza extrema, formulada en los últimos 20 años en Colombia, con los elementos determinantes del desarrollo económico local en el Municipio de Garzón - Huila? Así entonces, desde el enfoque cualitativo, fue posible contrastar información proveniente de fuentes primarias y secundarias; entre la información secundaria de tipo cualitativo están los planes de desarrollo nacional, departamental y municipal sistematizados y analizados a través de registros analíticos especializados -RAE´s-, y la información de tipo cuantitativa estuvo representada en las estadísticas e informes oficiales de las entidades del orden nacional, departamental y municipal. La información primaria de tipo cualitativo correspondió a la información generada a partir de una entrevista semi estructural implementada con un grupo de actores considerados relevantes en el territorio. Como resultado de la investigación se identifica un municipio con un bajo desempeño en la dinámica de sus indicadores en materia de pobreza y pobreza extrema, situación crítica considerando que fue el segundo municipio de importancia del departamento, y que actualmente ocupa el cuarto o quinto lugar con un escenario poco prometedor dada la pérdida de empleos, resultado de la puesta en operación de la represa el Quimbo, ameritando en términos de política pública para el desarrollo local, el diseño de estrategias en el corto y mediano plazo que generen empleos permanentes que absorban un porcentaje importante de mano de obra no calificada, la cual fácilmente podría ingresar en las estadísticas de pobres y pobres extremos.