997 resultados para Delta(9)-thc
Background: Viral hepatitis B, C and delta still remain a serious problem worldwide. In Colombia, data from 1980s described that HBV and HDV infection are important causes of hepatitis, but little is known about HCV infection. The aim of this study was to determine the currently frequency of HBV, HCV and HDV in four different Colombian regions. Methodology/Principal Findings: This study was conducted in 697 habitants from 4 Colombian departments: Amazonas, Choco, Magdalena and San Andres Islands. Epidemiological data were obtained from an interview applied to each individual aiming to evaluate risk factors related to HBV, HCV or HDV infections. All samples were tested for HBsAg, anti-HBc, anti-HBs and anti-HCV markers. Samples that were positive to HBsAg and/or anti-HBc were tested to anti-HDV. Concerning the geographical origin of the samples, the three HBV markers showed a statistically significant difference: HBsAg (p = 0.033) and anti-HBc (p < 0.001) were more frequent in Amazonas and Magdalena departments. Isolated anti-HBs (a marker of previous vaccination) frequencies were: Choco (53.26%), Amazonas (32.88%), Magdalena (17.0%) and San Andres (15.33%) p < 0.001. Prevalence of anti-HBc increased with age; HBsAg varied from 1.97 to 8.39% (p = 0.033). Amazonas department showed the highest frequency for anti-HCV marker (5.68%), while the lowest frequency was found in San Andres Island (0.66%). Anti-HDV was found in 9 (5.20%) out of 173 anti-HBc and/or HBsAg positive samples, 8 of them from the Amazonas region and 1 from them Magdalena department. Conclusions/Significance: In conclusion, HBV, HCV and HDV infections are detected throughout Colombia in frequency levels that would place some areas as hyperendemic for HBV, especially those found in Amazonas and Magdalena departments. Novel strategies to increase HBV immunization in the rural population and to strengthen HCV surveillance are reinforced by these results.
Singlet molecular oxygen O(2)((1)Delta(g)) is a potent oxidant that can react with different biomolecules, including DNA, lipids and proteins. Many polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons have been studied as O(2)((1)Delta(g)) chemical traps. Nevertheless, a suitable modification in the polycyclic aromatic ring must be made to increase the yield of O(2)((1)Delta(g)) chemical trapping. With this goal, an anthracene derivative, diethyl-3,3 '-(9,10-anthracenediyl)bisacrylate (DADB), was obtained from the reaction of 9,10-dibromoanthracene and ethyl acrylate through the Heck coupling reaction. The coupling of ethyl acrylate with the anthracene ring produced a new lipophilic, esterified, fluorescent probe reactive toward O(2)((1)Delta(g)). This compound reacts with O(2)((1)Delta(g)) at a rate of k(r) = 1.69 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1) forming a stable endoperoxide (DADBO(2)), which was characterized by UV-Vis, fluorescence, HPLC/MS and (1)H and (13)C NMR techniques. The photophysical, photochemical and thermostability features of DADB were also evaluated. Furthermore, this compound has the potential for great application in biological systems because it is easily synthetized in large amount and generates specific endoperoxide (DADBO(2)), which can be easily detected by HPLC tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS/MS).
The present work integrates sedimentary facies, (14)C dating, delta(13)C, delta(15)N, and C/N with geologic and geomorphologic data available from literature. The aim was to characterize the depositional settings of a late Quaternary estuary in northeastern Marajo Island and analyze its evolution within the context of relative sea level fluctuations. The data derive from four continuous cores along a proximal-to-distal transect of a paleoestuary, previously recognized using remote sensing information. Fifteen sediment samples recorded ages ranging from 42,580 +/- 1430 to 3184 +/- 37 (14)C yr B.P. Fades analysis indicated fine- to coarse-grained sands with parallel lamination or cross stratification, massive or laminated muds and heterolithic deposits. delta(13)C (-28.1 parts per thousand to -19.7 parts per thousand, mean = -23.0 parts per thousand), delta(15)N (+ 14.8 parts per thousand to + 4.7 parts per thousand, mean = + 9.2 parts per thousand) and C/N (14.5 to 1.5, mean = 7.9) indicate mostly marine and freshwater phytoplankton sources for the organic matter. The results confirm a large late Quaternary paleoestuary in northeastern Marajo Island. The distribution of delta(13)C, delta(15)N, and C/N, together with fades associations, led to identify depositional settings related to fluvial channel, floodplain, tidal channel/tidal flat, central basin, tidal delta, and tidal inlet/sand barrier. These deposits are consistent with a wave-dominated estuary. Variations in stratigraphy and geochemistry are controlled by changes in relative sea level, revealing a main transgression from an undetermined time around 42,000 (14)C yr B.P. and 29,340 (+/- 200) (14)C yr B.P., which is synchronous to the overall drop in sea level after the last interglacial. Following this period, and probably until 9110 +/- 37 (14)C yr B.P., i.e., during a time interval encompassing two glacial episodes including the Last Glacial and the Younger Dryas, there was a pronounced drop in sea level, recorded by the development of a major erosional discontinuity due to valley re-incision. Sea level rose again until 5464 +/- 40 (14)C yr B.P, just before the main worldwide mid-Holocene transgressive peak. Mid to late Holocene coastal progradation ended the Marajo paleoestuarine history, and promoted the establishment of continental conditions throughout the island. The divergence comparing the Marajo sea level behavior with the eustatic curve allows hypothesizing that post-rifting tectonics along the Brazilian Equatorial margin influenced the sedimentary evolution of the studied paleoestuary. Considering that sedimentary facies in estuarine settings are highly variable both laterally and vertically, the present integration of facies with isotope and elemental analyses was crucial to provide a more precise interpretation of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene Marajo paleoestuary, and analyze its sea level history within the eustatic and tectonic context. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Experimental and theoretical studies on the magnetic field dependence of the electrical resistance R(B(a)) and the transport noise (TN) in polycrystalline high-T(c) superconductors subjected to different uniaxial compacting pressures were conducted. X-ray diffraction rocking curves were performed in different surfaces of the samples in order to investigated the degree of texture The results indicated an improvement of the degree of texture with increasing the uniaxial compacting pressure In theoretical simulations of the data, the polycrystalline superconductors were described as a series-parallel array of Josephson devices The intergranular magnetic field is described within the framework of the intragranular flux-trapping model and the distribution of the grain-boundary angles is assumed to follow the Rayleigh statistical function The proposed model describes well the experimental magnetoresistance R(B(a)) data We have found that the behavior of the R(B(a)) curves changes appreciably when different uniaxially compacting pressures are applied to the sample and such a changes are reproduced by the model when different grain-boundary angles distributions are used In addition, changes in the R(B(a)) dependence have their counterparts in the experimental transport noise signals (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
The complexes [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2), [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) and [Fe([9]aneNS(2))(2)][ClO4](2) ([9]aneN(2)S = 1-thia-4. 7-diazacyclononane and [9]aneNS(2) = 1,4-dithia-7-azacyclononane) have been prepared and the latter two characterised by X-ray crystallography. The Mossbauer spectra (isomer shift/mm s(-1), quadrupole splitting/mm s(-1), 4.2 K) for [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2) (0.52, 0.57), [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) (0.25, 2.72) and [Fe([9]aneNS(2))(2)][ClO4](2) (0.43, 0.28) are typical for iron(II) and iron(III) complexes. Variable-temperature susceptibility measurements for [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2) (2-300 K) revealed temperature-dependent behaviour in both the solid state [2.95 mu(B) (300 K)-0.5 mu(B) (4.2 K)] and solution (Delta H degrees 20-22 kJ mol(-1), Delta S degrees 53-60 J mol(-1) K-1). For [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) in the solid state [2.3 mu(B) (300 K)-1.9 mu(B) (4.2 K)] the magnetic data were fit to a simple model (H = -lambda L . S + mu L-z) to give the spin-orbit coupling constant (lambda) of -260 +/- 10 cm(-1). The solid-state X-band EPR spectrum of [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) revealed axial symmetry (g(perpendicular to) = 2.607, g(parallel to) = 1.599). Resolution of g(perpendicular to) into two components at Q-band frequencies indicated a rhombic distortion. The low-temperature single-crystal absorption spectra of [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2) and [Fe([9]aneNS(2))(2)][ClO4](2) exhibited additional bands which resembled pseudotetragonal low-symmetry splitting of the parent octahedral (1)A(1g) --> T-1(2g) and (1)A(1g) ---> T-1(1g) transitions. However, the magnitude of these splittings was too large, requiring 10Dq for the thioether donors to be significantly larger than for the amine donors. Instead, these bands were tentatively assigned to weak, low-energy S --> Fe-II charge-transfer transitions. Above 200 K, thermal occupation of the high-spin T-5(2g) ground state resulted in observation of the T-5(2g) --> E-5(g) transition in the crystal spectrum of [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2). From a temperature-dependence study, the separation of the low-spin (1)A(1g) and high-spin T-5(2g) ground states was approximately 1700 cm(-1). The spectrum of the iron(III) complex [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) is consistent with a low-spin d(5) configuration.
Inorganic nutrients play a critical role in determining benthic community structure in tropical seas. This study examined the impact of adding inorganic nutrients (ammonium and phosphate) on the isotopic composition of 2 reef-building corals, Pocillopora damicornis and Heliofungia actiniformis, on the southern Great Barrier Reef. The addition of elevated nutrients to patch reefs that pond at low tide did not perturb the C:N ratio of either species or their symbiotic dinoflagellates. The C:N ratios were significantly higher in material extracted from the skeleton (14.8 +/- 1.50 and 10.8 +/- 1.42) than either host (7.6 +/- 0.87 and 6.0 +/- 0.71) or symbiotic dinoflagellates (5.7 +/- 0.48 and 6.9 +/- 0.66) (P. damicornis and H. actiniformis respectively; 95 confidence intervals). The ratio of acquired N to background N suggests that the added dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) accounted for 50 to 100% of total nitrogen within the tissues of P. damicornis and H. actiniformis at the end of the experiment. The addition of the isotopically depleted nutrients (delta(15) N = 0parts per thousand) to patch reefs significantly decreased delta(15)N from control values of between 3 and 4 to values to below 1 in the case of all compartments, while delta(13)C values were relatively unresponsive to nutrient treatments. These findings suggest that coral delta(15)N has the potential to provide a historical record of the delta(15)N of dissolved nitrogen surrounding reef-building corals and their symbiotic dinoflagellates.
Hepatitis Delta virus (HDV) is endemic worldwide, but its prevalence varies in different geographical areas. While in the Brazilian Amazon, HDV is known to be endemic and to represent a significant public health problem, few studies have assessed its prevalence in other regions in the country. This study evaluated the seroprevalence of HDV among HBsAg chronic carriers from Maranhao state, a region located in the Northeast of Brazil. Among 133 patients, 5 had anti-HD, of whom 3 had HDV RNA. HDV genotypes were characterized by Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences from the HDAg coding region. HDV-3 was identified in one patient who lives in Maranhao, but was born in Amazonas state (Western Amazon basin). Phylogenetic analysis shows that this HDV-3 sequence grouped with other HDV-3 sequences isolated in this state, which suggests that the patient probably contracted HDV infection there. Surprisingly, the other two patients were infected with HDV-8, an African genotype. These patients were born and have always lived in Urbano Santos, a rural county of Maranhao state, moreover they had never been to Africa and denied any contact with people from that continent. This is the first description of the HDV-8 in non-native African populations. This genotype may have been introduced to Brazil through the slaves brought to the country from the West Africa regions during the 16-18th centuries. Our results indicate that the need of clinical and epidemiological studies to investigate the presence of this infection in other areas in Brazil. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Carbon isotope composition (delta C-13), oxygen isotope composition (delta O-18), and nitrogen concentration (N-mass) of branchlet tissue at two canopy positions were assessed for glasshouse seedlings and 9-year-old hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii Ait. ex D. Don) trees from 22 open-pollinated families grown in 5 blocks of a progeny test at a water-limited and nitrogen-deficient site in southeastern Queensland, Australia. Significant variations in canopy delta C-13, delta O-18, and N-mass existed among the 9-year-old hoop pine families, with a heritability estimate of 0.72 for branchlet delta C-13 from the upper inner canopy position. There was significant variation in canopy delta C-13 of glasshouse seedlings between canopy positions and among the families, with a heritability estimate of 0.66. The canopy delta C-13 was positively related to canopy N-mass only for the upper outer crown in the field (R = 0.62, p < 0.001). Phenotypic correlations existed between tree height and canopy delta C-13 (R = 0.37-0.41, p < 0.001). Strong correlations were found between family canopy delta C-13 at this site and those at a wetter site and between field canopy delta C-13 and glasshouse seedling delta C-13. The mechanisms of the variation in canopy delta C-13 are discussed in relation to canopy photosynthetic capacity as reflected in the N-mass and stomatal conductance as indexed by canopy delta O-18.
A large number of herbaceous and woody plants from tropical woodland, savanna, and monsoon forest were analysed to determine the impact of environmental factors (nutrient and water availability, fire) and biological factors (microbial associations, systematics) on plant delta(15)N values. Foliar delta(15)N values of herbaceous and woody species were not related to growth form or phenology, but a strong relationship existed between mycorrhizal status and plant delta(15)N. In woodland and savanna, woody species with ectomycorrhizal (ECM) associations and putative N-2-fixing species with ECM/arbuscular (AM) associations had lowest foliar delta(15)N values (1.0-0.6parts per thousand), AM species had mostly intermediate delta(15)N values (average +0.6parts per thousand), while non-mycorrhizal Proteaceae had highest delta(15)N values (+2.9 to +4.1parts per thousand). Similar differences in foliar delta(15)N were observed between AM (average 0.1 and 0.2parts per thousand) and non-mycorrhizal (average +0.8 and +0.3parts per thousand) herbaceous species in woodland and savanna. Leguminous savanna species had significantly higher leaf N contents (1.8-2.5% N) than non-fixing species (0.9-1.2% N) indicating substantial N acquisition via N-2 fixation. Monsoon forest species had similar leaf N contents (average 2.4% N) and positive delta(15)N values (+0.9 to +2.4parts per thousand). Soil nitrification and plant NO3- use was substantially higher in monsoon forest than in woodland or savanna. In the studied communities, higher soil N content and nitrification rates were associated with more positive soil delta(15)N and plant delta(15)N. In support of this notion, Ficus, a high NO3- using taxa associated with NO3- rich sites in the savanna, had the highest delta(15)N values of all AM species in the savanna. delta(15)N of xylem sap was examined as a tool for studying plant delta(15)N relations. delta(15)N of xylem sap varied seasonally and between differently aged Acacia and other savanna species. Plants from annually burnt savanna had significantly higher delta(15)N values compared to plants from less frequently burnt savanna, suggesting that foliar N-15 natural abundance could be used as marker for assessing historic fire regimes. Australian woodland and savanna species had low leaf delta(15)N and N content compared to species from equivalent African communities indicating that Australian biota are the more N depauperate. The largest differences in leaf delta(15)N occurred between the dominant ECM Australian and African savanna (miombo) species, which were depleted and enriched in N-15, respectively. While the depleted delta(15)N of Australian ECM species are similar to those of previous reports on ECM species in natural plant communities, the N-15-enriched delta(15)N of African ECM species represent an anomaly.
9-Carboxyhexahydro-7-methoxy-4a,7-ethano-benzopyran-5-en-1-one (1) was prepared and examined by X-ray crystallography to probe its potential as a new peptide scaffold/template. The crystal structure of the anhydride precursor 7-(2-acetoxyethyl)-4-methoxy-3a,4,7,7a-tetrahydro-4,7-ethanoisobenzofuran-1,3-dione (6) is also reported.
15th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Malta
The present study aimed at measuring seropositivities for infection by Ascaris suum and Toxocara canis using the excretory/secretory (E/S) antigens from Ascaris suum (AES) and Toxocara canis (TES) within an indigenous population. In addition, quantification of cytokine expressions in peripheral blood cells was determined. A total of 50 Warao indigenous were included; of which 43 were adults and seven children. In adults, 44.1% were seropositive for both parasites; whereas children had only seropositivity to one or the other helminth. For ascariosis, the percentage of AES seropositivity in adults and children was high; 23.3% and 57.1%, respectively. While that for toxocariosis, the percentage of TES seropositivity in adults and children was low; 9.3% and 14.3%, respectively. The percentage of seronegativity was comparable for AES and TES antigens in adults (27.9%) and children (28.6%). When positive sera were analyzed by Western blotting technique using AES antigens; three bands of 97.2, 193.6 and 200.2 kDas were mostly recognized. When the TES antigens were used, nine major bands were mostly identified; 47.4, 52.2, 84.9, 98.2, 119.1, 131.3, 175.6, 184.4 and 193.6 kDas. Stool examinations showed that Blastocystis hominis, Hymenolepis nana and Entamoeba coli were the most commonly observed intestinal parasites. Quantification of cytokines IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-6, TGF-β, TNF-α, IL-10 and IL-4 expressions showed that there was only a significant increased expression of IL-4 in indigenous with TES seropositivity (p < 0.002). Ascaris and Toxocara seropositivity was prevalent among Warao indigenous.
A infecção pelo VHB e VHD são importantes problemas de saúde na Amazônia. Este estudo avalia a prevalência da infecção por esses agentes em sete grupos indígenas do Estado do Amazonas. A taxa de infecção passada pelo VHB encontrada foi de 54,5% e a de portadores do AgHBs de 9,7%. Observa-se variação importante destes marcadores entre as aldeias, inclusive da mesma etnia. Não evidenciamos marcador de infecção aguda, os quatro AgHBe reativos eram todos Apurinã, da mesma aldeia, e três da mesma família. O VHD foi encontrado em 13,4% dos AgHBs reativos. O padrão de infecção pelo VHB e VHD encontrado possui as seguintes características: endemicidade elevada, baixo potencial de infectividade, transmissão marcada em idade precoce, provável transmissão familiar, e pouca importância da transmissão vertical. Entretanto, também sugere que esses vírus não tenham sido ainda introduzidos efetivamente em algumas das etnias estudadas.
Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. El treball és un estudi de l’evolució, tan tècnica com estètica dels fars paral•lela als avenços tecnològics i prenent com a protagonistes els singulars fars de ferro que es varen construir durant la segona meitat del segle XIX i varen funcionar durant un llarguíssim període en el delta de l’Ebre. L’estructura de ferro, ancorada directament sobre les sorres del delta va donar un caràcter especial a aquestes construccions que, d’altra banda, constituïen una tipologia única a Catalunya i a Espanya. Aquests fars van rebre el nom del lloc on foren ubicats estratègicament. De sud a nord: far de la Banya, far de Buda i far del Fangar. Els van projectar conjuntament, es van encendre per primera vegada el mateix dia, van ser l’habitatge dels seus faroners, van anar evolucionant tècnicament tots tres però el final de cadascun d’ells va ser molt diferent. La història dels fars de ferro ha anat lligada al paisatge i la vida d’aquestes singulars terres del Delta i després de més d’un segle de servei foren substituïts per altres que estèticament i tècnicament res tenen a veure amb els seus antecessors.