618 resultados para Delphi-enkät
El objetivo principal de este trabajo es realizar un estudio preliminar sobre la percepción que tienen los psicólogos del deporte del síndrome de burnout en deportistas. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio utilizando la técnica Delphi en una muestra de 23 expertos en Psicología del Deporte con amplia experiencia en entrenamiento psicológico con deportistas. Se les envió de forma sucesiva tres cuestionarios semiestructurados por correo electrónico sobre el burnout en deportistas, en los que se les preguntaba por diversos aspectos del síndrome como síntomas, consecuencias, relación estrés-burnout, y estrategias o técnicas de intervención psicológicas, elaborándose el segundo y el tercer cuestionario a partir del análisis de la información de las respuestas dadas en los anteriores. Los resultados muestran que la gran mayoría de los expertos plantea el estrés junto con la pérdida de control en la vida del deportista como factores directamente relacionados con el síndrome de burnout, y el 100% considera que el autoconcepto deportivo y extradeportivo es una variable que incide en el burnout. Las consecuencias fisiológicas del burnout en deportistas referidas por los expertos son tensión, fatiga e irritabilidad no acordes con el momento deportivo, dificultad para experimentar emociones positivas como ilusión, expectativas positivas, energía, etc., y tendencia a que desapareciese el entusiasmo en el deporte. Las estrategias de intervención psicológica de elección referidas por los expertos incluyen control emocional, mejora de la autoestima y autoconcepto, establecimiento de objetivos, intervención centrada en necesidades, apoyo social, organización y gestión del tiempo, reestructuración cognitiva, control del estrés, resolución de problemas, y facilitación de actividades alternativas satisfactorias.
El movimiento cooperativo vivió en el año 2012 un impulso renovado con la celebración del Año Internacional de las Cooperativas de Naciones Unidas (ONU), siendo su objetivo fomentar y dar visibilidad al papel que juegan las cooperativas en el desarrollo. En este trabajo, se presentan los resultados cualitativos de las entrevistas realizadas a expertos del sector en el ámbito internacional siguiéndose la metodología Delphi, con la que se recaban valoraciones expertas de la situación y retos del movimiento en distintos países, de los logros de la celebración ese Año Internacional y de las posibilidades de cumplimiento de los objetivos marcados para la próxima década por las organizaciones representativas del sector a nivel internacional.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
The results presented in this report form a part of a larger global study on the major issues in BPM. Only one part of the larger study is reported here, viz. interviews with BPM experts. Interviews of BPM tool vendors together with focus groups involving user organizations, are continuing in parallel and will set the groundwork for the identification of BPM issues on a global scale via a survey (including a Delphi study). Through this multi-method approach, we identify four distinct sets of outcomes. First, as is the focus of this report, we identify the BPM issues as perceived by BPM experts. Second, the research design allows us to gain insight into the opinions of organisations deploying BPM solutions. Third, an understanding of organizations’ misconceptions of BPM technologies, as confronted by BPM tool vendors is obtained. Last, we seek to gain an understanding of BPM issues on a global scale, together with knowledge of matters of concern. This final outcome is aimed to produce an industry driven research agenda which will inform practitioners and in particular, the research community world-wide on issues and challenges that are prevalent or emerging in BPM and related areas.
RWMODEL II simulates the Rescorla-Wagner model of Pavlovian conditioning. It is written in Delphi and runs under Windows 3.1 and Windows 95. The program was designed for novice and expert users and can be employed in teaching, as well as in research. It is user friendly and requires a minimal level of computer literacy but is sufficiently flexible to permit a wide range of simulations. It allows the display of empirical data, against which predictions from the model can be validated.
The focus for interventions and research on physical activity has moved away from vigorous activity to moderate-intensity activities, such as walking. In addition, a social ecological approach to physical activity research and practice is recommended. This approach considers the influence of the environment and policies on physical activity. Although there is limited empirical published evidence related to the features of the physical environment that influence physical activity, urban planning and transport agencies have developed policies and strategies that have the potential to influence whether people walk or cycle in their neighbourhood. This paper presents the development of a framework of the potential environmental influences on walking and cycling based on published evidence and policy literature, interviews with experts and a Delphi study. The framework includes four features: functional, safety, aesthetic and destination; as well as the hypothesised factors that contribute to each of these features of the environment. In addition, the Delphi experts determined the perceived relative importance of these factors. Based on these factors, a data collection tool will be developed and the frameworks will be tested through the collection of environmental information on neighbourhoods, where data on the walking and cycling patterns have been collected previously. Identifying the environmental factors that influence walking and cycling will allow the inclusion of a public health perspective as well as those of urban planning and transport in the design of built environments. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd., All rights reserved.
The research analyzed critical aspects of the knowledge management process based on the analyses of knowledge, abilities and attitudes required to individual knowledge workers and to organizations responsible for the management process. In the present work a characterization of the knowledge management process was developed and information and knowledge wokers defined. Competence concept was discussed and specialists gave opinions about critical competences to knowledge management process. The opinions were organized and analyzed by the Delphi method. The results aggregate to the management context by discussing an extremely important resource to organizations - knowledge - and because they support its management process. The research identified wide critical aspects that are compatible with current organizational challenges, directing the process management to important themes as: the worker able to create, the organization able to convert individual knowledge into organizational knowledge, knowledge sharing while still tacit, the maximization organizational knowledge use, information and knowledge generation and preservation, among others important topics to be observed by knowledge workers and by administrators responsible for the knowledge management process.
We add to current discussions about the interface between ecology, values, and objectivity by reporting on a novel Delphi-based study of the scientific reasoning employed by a group of eight ecologists as they collectively considered current ecological thinking. We rely on contextual empiricism, with its features of multiple ways of relating theory to reality and science as a social activity, to provide a richer understanding of scientific objectivity. This understanding recognizes the place and contributions of values and, in so doing, moves the discussion beyond whether or not science is value neutral.
The purpose of this study was to examine how key occupational therapy terminologies are used by Brazilian occupational therapists. A nominal group approach combined with a Delphi technique involving 31 Brazilian occupational therapists was applied. A sociolinguistic approach was adopted since it broadens our understanding of the social and cultural determinants of terminology consolidation. Brazilian occupational therapists were found to adopt the term activity more often than human action or doing. Even less often were praxis and occupation applied. No consensus was reached regarding which of the terms is most preferred. While Brazilian occupational therapists have been developing their profession from international standards, it is still embedded in local demands and policies. Additionally, the political context must be considered when building an international dialogue between members of a professional body. Such a dialogue could engage professionals from different countries in meaningful exchanges about their practices. These exchanges may lead to the development of solid professional communities that can contribute meaningfully to social change. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Geographical information systems (GIS) coupled to 3D visualisation technology is an emerging tool for urban planning and landscape design applications. The utility of 3D GIS for realistically visualising the built environment and proposed development scenarios is much advocated in the literature. Planners assess the merits of proposed changes using visual impact assessment (VIA). We have used Arcview GIS and visualisation software: called PolyTRIM from the University of Toronto, Centre for Landscape Research (CLR) to create a 3D scene for the entrance to a University campus. The paper investigates the thesis that to facilitate VIA in planning and design requires not only visualisation, but also a structured evaluation technique (Delphi) to arbitrate the decision-making process. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A prospectiva estrat??gica aparece como ferramenta que, apoiada nos instrumentos de an??lise econ??mica e social existentes e em t??cnicas espec??ficas, como o Delphi, a constru????o de cen??rios, a matriz de impactos cruzados e outras, possibilita ???vis??es de futuro???, que permitir??o a elabora????o de pol??ticas p??blicas que visem ?? constru????o de futuro desej??vel. Este trabalho pressup??e um Estado formulador de pol??ticas p??blicas e detentor de instrumentos de planejamento, o que nos remete a um vi??s ideol??gico: de que, no capitalismo contempor??neo, Estado e mercado coordenem os sistemas econ??micos, conforme explicitado no Plano Diretor da Reforma do Aparelho de Estado (Governo Federal, Brasil, 1995). S?? a aceita????o dessa hip??tese pode supor a exist??ncia e a necessidade de pol??ticas p??blicas, remetendo-nos o campo da ideologia e contrapondo-nos ao liberalismo.
Os sítios Web são a face das instituições, mas há evidências de frequentemente serem pouco cuidados, sobretudo ao nível dos seus conteúdos. Nesta tese apresentamos uma investigação que desenvolve um modelo de avaliação da qualidade dos conteúdos de sítios Web de unidades de saúde. A revisão bibliográfica, realizada neste trabalho, permitiu identificar as dimensões e atributos de avaliação da qualidade de conteúdos de sítios Web mais considerados pelos diversos autores dos trabalhos mais importantes da área, mas não um modelo que, a partir deles, fosse capaz de os avaliar objetivamente. Assim, levantou-se o problema de saber se todos os atributos têm a mesma importância. Atributos mais importantes devem dar maior contributo na avaliação pretendida e o modelo a ser considerado deve refletir isso, adicionalmente a ferramenta de avaliação deveria ser intuitiva e rápida na aplicação. Para determinar a importância de cada atributo aplicou-se o Método Delphi tendo sido necessário três rondas para encontrar consenso relativamente à importância dos atributos a que se seguiu a aplicação de um conjunto de modelos estatísticos de forma a determinar uma métrica consistente e que permitisse a comparação de pontuações entre sítios web. De acordo com as questões de investigação e os objetivos definidos foi possível encontrar um modelo que fornecesse uma medida objetiva, normalizada e consistente acerca da qualidade de conteúdos de sítios web de unidades de saúde
Websites are, nowadays, the face of institutions, but they are often neglected, especially when it comes to contents. In the present paper, we put forth an investigation work whose final goal is the development of a model for the measurement of data quality in institutional websites for health units. To that end, we have carried out a bibliographic review of the available approaches for the evaluation of website content quality, in order to identify the most recurrent dimensions and the attributes, and we are currently carrying out a Delphi Method process, presently in its second stage, with the purpose of reaching an adequate set of attributes for the measurement of content quality.
This article presents a research work, the goal of which was to achieve a model for the evaluation of data quality in institutional websites of health units in a broad and balanced way. We have carried out a literature review of the available approaches for the evaluation of website content quality, in order to identify the most recurrent dimensions and the attributes, and we have also carried out a Delphi method process with experts in order to reach an adequate set of attributes and their respective weights for the measurement of content quality. The results obtained revealed a high level of consensus among the experts who participated in the Delphi process. On the other hand, the different statistical analysis and techniques implemented are robust and attach confidence to our results and consequent model obtained.