961 resultados para Definição


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Considerando a gestão estratégica como um meio de alcançar uma performance superior face aos seus competidores, torna-se, então, necessário identificar as fontes de rentabilidade para o negócio, para formular e implementar uma estratégia que delas retire os maiores proveitos. A análise estratégica proporciona um conjunto de conceitos, modelos e técnicas de avaliação, que permitem aos gestores tomarem decisões mais adequadas às necessidades percebidas. Na realidade as transformações sucessivas verificadas no ambiente competitivo e a um ritmo cada vez mais crescente colocam às empresas a exigência de responder apropriadamente ao mercado, de forma a garantirem a sustentabilidade e o sucesso da sua actividade. Esta conjuntura não é estranha à indústria do turismo, que tem assistido à emergência de novos modelos de negócio, à mudança das preferências dos consumidores, ao incremento da tecnologia e, em alguns sectores, à desregulamentação, com implicações directas ao nível da gestão. O presente trabalho de investigação centra o seu estudo na fase de formulação da estratégia, particularizando para o sector de transporte aéreo, pretendendo reconhecer os elementos intervenientes no sector de transporte aéreo, perceber as relações de interdependência estabelecidas entre estes e identificar, classificar e compreender os factores relevantes para as decisões estratégicas. Analisa-se o problema da identificação dos factores determinantes na definição da estratégia de uma companhia aérea, procurando verificar se estes são de ordem económica, política, tecnológica e sócio-demográfica ou se por outro lado são de natureza dos destinos turísticos. Para tal, recorreu-se à revisão bibliográfica sobre o estado da arte, dando enquadramento teórico ao presente estudo, à elaboração e análise de entrevistas realizadas aos dirigentes das companhias aéreas portuguesas a operar para a Madeira, que permitiram adquirir um maior conhecimento da visão da indústria. Deste processo proveio que as empresas pertencentes ao sector de transporte aéreo, à semelhança das empresas de outros sectores, consideram que a estratégia assume um papel determinante para o sucesso da sua actividade, pelo facto das companhias aéreas desenvolverem a sua acção no longo prazo e necessitarem da análise periódica de elementos com influência no seu negócio. Conclui-se que os factores determinantes na definição da estratégia de uma companhia aérea são de ordem económica, política, tecnológica e sócio-demográfica, porquanto são os elementos que darão sustentabilidade às transportadoras de aceder ao destino.


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This Master of Science Thesis deals with a study on applying the BSC Balanced Scorecard to assess the performance of Federal Centers for Technological Education Institution in Brazil, the CEFET s (Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica), government organizations non for profit. It s accomplished a literature review in order to understand the BSC and its application to non for profit organizations and as a main result it is proposed a BSC conceptual model with an inversion of the main BSC perspective from financial to customer/society. Taking the FORPLAN/CONCEFET performance indicators matrix it is developed a set of performance indicators for the two tops perspective in the conceptual model proposed five for customer/society perspective and three for financial/budget perspective. A field survey with ten CEFET s General Directors is conducted to validate the indicators and assess the perception of the Directors on the hierarchy of the conceptual model, and a hierarchy among the indicators as well. The main results suggests that the indicators are validated, that most of the Directors support the hierarchy presented in the conceptual model but 30% of them have a traditional model with financials coming first. In terms of indicator hierarchy, there s a slight priority for the student unitary cost among the financial perspective indicators, and a relative balance among the customer/society perspective indicators


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This work presents a study in quality of health care, with focus on consulting appointment. The main purpose is to define a statistical model and propose a quality grade of the consulting appointment time. The time considered is that from the day the patient get the appointment done to the day the consulting is realized. It is used reliability techniques and functions that has as main characteristic the analysis of data regarding the time of occurrence certain event. It is gathered a random sample of 1743 patients in the appointment system of a University Hospital - the Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes - of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The sample is randomly stratified in terms on clinical specialty. The data were analyzed against the parametric methods of the reliability statistics and the adjustment of the regression model resulted in the Weibull distribution being best fit to data. The quality grade proposed is based in the PAHO criteria for a consulting appointment and result that no clinic got the PAHO quality grade. The quality grade proposed could be used to define priority for improvement and as criteria to quality control


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The knowledge management has received major attention from product designers because many of the activities within this process have to be creative and, therefore, they depend basically on the knowledge of the people who are involved in the process. Moreover, Product Development Process (PDP) is one of the activities in which knowledge management manifests in the most critical form once it had the intense application of the knowledge. As a consequence, this thesis analyzes the knowledge management aiming to improve the PDP and it also proposes a theoretical model of knowledge management. This model uses five steps (creation, maintenance, dissemination, utilization and discard) through the verification of the occurrence of four types of knowledge conversion (socialization, externalization, combination and internalization) that it will improve the knowledge management in this process. The intellectual capital in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) managed efficiently and with the participation of all employees has become the mechanism of the creation and transference processes of knowledge, supporting and, consequently, improving the PDP. The expected results are an effective and efficient application of the proposed model for the creation of the knowledge base within an organization (organizational memory) aiming a better performance of the PDP. In this way, it was carried out an extensive analysis of the knowledge management (instrument of qualitative and subjective evaluation) within the Design department of a Brazilian company (SEBRAE/RN). This analysis aimed to know the state-of-the-art of the Design department regarding the use of knowledge management. This step was important in order to evaluate in the level of the evolution of the department related to the practical use of knowledge management before implementing the proposed theoretical model and its methodology. At the end of this work, based on the results of the diagnosis, a knowledge management system is suggested to facilitate the knowledge sharing within the organization, in order words, the Design department


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ln this work, it was deveIoped a parallel cooperative genetic algorithm with different evolution behaviors to train and to define architectures for MuItiIayer Perceptron neural networks. MuItiIayer Perceptron neural networks are very powerful tools and had their use extended vastIy due to their abiIity of providing great resuIts to a broad range of appIications. The combination of genetic algorithms and parallel processing can be very powerful when applied to the Iearning process of the neural network, as well as to the definition of its architecture since this procedure can be very slow, usually requiring a lot of computational time. AIso, research work combining and appIying evolutionary computation into the design of neural networks is very useful since most of the Iearning algorithms deveIoped to train neural networks only adjust their synaptic weights, not considering the design of the networks architecture. Furthermore, the use of cooperation in the genetic algorithm allows the interaction of different populations, avoiding local minima and helping in the search of a promising solution, acceIerating the evolutionary process. Finally, individuaIs and evolution behavior can be exclusive on each copy of the genetic algorithm running in each task enhancing the diversity of populations


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Formal methods should be used to specify and verify on-card software in Java Card applications. Furthermore, Java Card programming style requires runtime verification of all input conditions for all on-card methods, where the main goal is to preserve the data in the card. Design by contract, and in particular, the JML language, are an option for this kind of development and verification, as runtime verification is part of the Design by contract method implemented by JML. However, JML and its currently available tools for runtime verification were not designed with Java Card limitations in mind and are not Java Card compliant. In this thesis, we analyze how much of this situation is really intrinsic of Java Card limitations and how much is just a matter of a complete re-design of JML and its tools. We propose the requirements for a new language which is Java Card compliant and indicate the lines on which a compiler for this language should be built. JCML strips from JML non-Java Card aspects such as concurrency and unsupported types. This would not be enough, however, without a great effort in optimization of the verification code generated by its compiler, as this verification code must run on the card. The JCML compiler, although being much more restricted than the one for JML, is able to generate Java Card compliant verification code for some lightweight specifications. As conclusion, we present a Java Card compliant variant of JML, JCML (Java Card Modeling Language), with a preliminary version of its compiler


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Programs manipulate information. However, information is abstract in nature and needs to be represented, usually by data structures, making it possible to be manipulated. This work presents the AGraphs, a representation and exchange format of the data that uses typed directed graphs with a simulation of hyperedges and hierarchical graphs. Associated to the AGraphs format there is a manipulation library with a simple programming interface, tailored to the language being represented. The AGraphs format in ad-hoc manner was used as representation format in tools developed at UFRN, and, to make it more usable in other tools, an accurate description and the development of support tools was necessary. These accurate description and tools have been developed and are described in this work. This work compares the AGraphs format with other representation and exchange formats (e.g ATerms, GDL, GraphML, GraX, GXL and XML). The main objective this comparison is to capture important characteristics and where the AGraphs concepts can still evolve


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OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar variáveis ecocardiográficas que definam graus de disfunção cardíaca em ratos com estenose aórtica (EAo). MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar (n = 23), machos (90-100 g), foram submetidos a cirurgia para indução de EAo. As variáveis ecocardiográficas analisadas foram: diâmetros diastólico do ventrículo esquerdo (DDVE) e sistólico do átrio esquerdo em valores absolutos e normalizados para o peso corporal; diâmetro sistólico do VE (DSVE); três índices de encurtamento do VE (% de encurtamento endocárdico, %Enc.Endo; % de encurtamento miocárdico, %Enc.Mio; e velocidade de encurtamento da parede posterior do VE, VEPP); e índice de massa do VE (IMVE). Essas variáveis foram utilizadas para a análise de agrupamento (cluster analysis). RESULTADOS: A análise de agrupamento possibilitou separar os ratos com EAo em dois grupos: disfunção leve (n = 13) e disfunção severa (n = 9). Os intervalos de confiança das seguintes variáveis não apresentaram superposição dos seus valores: DDVE, DSVE, %Enc.Endo, %Enc.Mio, IMVE e VEPP. CONCLUSÃO: A utilização conjunta dos intervalos de confiança dessas variáveis permite identificar dois grupos de ratos com estenose aórtica e diferentes graus de comprometimento cardíaco, possibilitando a realização de estudos longitudinais com grupos homogêneos de animais.


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Environmental changes and their consequences on the global level have challenged the different fields of study to integrate towards effective solutions to minimize and /or equate the negative impacts of these changes in different types of environments. In this context, the Environmental Perception has been a widely used and relevant in studies that consider the relationship between the environment and human actions, by allowing analysis of perceptions, attitudes and values, key influencers of topophilia that resonates in conservation tool. Allied to Environmental Perception, Integrated Analysis of the Landscape is relevant because it allows to analyze in a systematic way the geographical space where all its elements are interrelated in a way that supports needed to understand the complex physical and human environment of a given environment. In this perspective, we have studied the João do Vale Serrano Complex, located in semiarid of Rio Grande do Norte state, which features a set of landscapes with different faces, which are being replaced by various economic activities and disordered population growth, with consequent exploitation the potential of natural resources. This thesis main goal was to combine the Environmental Perception of rural communities to the of Serrano Complex Landscape Analysis as additional criteria for the definition of Priority Areas for Conservation. The perception data were collected through direct observation, questioning, interviews and application forms to 240 people (100 % of occupied households in the mountain community) during the months of february and august 2011, with theoretical and methodological basis Environmental Perception. Integrated Landscape Analysis was performed by GTP (Geosystem - Territory - Landscape) method, using the Geographic Information System (GIS), using the technique of GIS for mapping the landscape. The results showed that respondents have a sense of topophilia by where they live, hold a vast knowledge of the natural resources in this Serrano Complex, and responded positively regarding the choice of an exclusive area for conservation. The Integrated Analysis of Landscape possible to identify the different forms of existing uses and occupations in Serrano Complex, have caused significant changes in space, especially on the plateau where vegetation was virtually replaced by human dwellings and cashew plantations. Through the maps of slope and environmental vulnerability was identified that areas with high slopes (gullies) are limiting factor for occupation by communities and therefore relevant and amenable to conservation, including by being Permanent Preservation Areas. These results, together, made possible to define a map of Priority Areas for Conservation in Serrano Complex, with three priority categories: low, medium and high. Therefore, the use of these additional criteria are relevant for the definition /designation of Priority Areas for Conservation


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Não há critérios universalmente aceitos para a remissão clínica em artrite idiopática juvenil/artrite reumatóide juvenil (AIJ/ARJ). OBJETIVO: formar consenso sobre estes critérios. MÉTODOS: foi utilizado um inquérito pelo método Delphi para reunir os critérios vigentes e utilizados por especialistas em reumatologia pediátrica (RP) no mundo todo. A análise dos resultados constituiu a base para uma Consensus Conference utilizando a nominal group technique (NGT) para alcançar o consenso nas questões não resolvidas após a análise dos questionários deste inquérito. Cento e trinta RP de 34 países responderam ao inquérito e 20 RP de nove países elegeram os critérios durante dois dias, em processo de discussão estruturada, para formar consenso pela NGT. RESULTADOS: os critérios de doença inativa deveriam incluir: 1) nenhuma articulação com artrite em atividade; 2) ausência de febre, rash, serosite, esplenomegalia ou linfadenopatia generalizada atribuída à AIJ/ARJ; 3) ausência de uveíte em atividade; 4) VHS ou PCR negativas (se ambos forem testados, ambos devem ser normais); 5) a avaliação global pelo médico deve indicar o melhor escore possível, indicando doença inativa. CONCLUSÕES: de acordo com o voto de consenso, seis meses contínuos de doença inativa são necessários para se considerar um paciente em estado de remissão com medicação; 12 meses contínuos de doença inativa e sem medicação são necessários para considerar um paciente em estado de remissão sem medicação. O critério para remissão sem medicação deve prever com acurácia de 95% a probabilidade inferior a 20% de recaída em cinco anos.


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Enzimas Peroxidases são heme-proteínas encontradas nos diferentes organismos vivos, especialmente vegetais, apresentam importante papel fisiológico/bioquímico como proteção contra microorganismos invasores. A soja, um dos mais importantes produtos para o agronegócio brasileiro apresenta na casca de suas sementes (subproduto) alta atividade de peroxidase, denominada soybean peroxidase,com potencial de utilização em métodos analíticos clínicos. A proposta do trabalho foi aplicar o planejamento fatorial para otimização das condições extração da enzima, definição das condições ótimas de atividade (pH e temperatura), utilizando metodologia de superfície de resposta. Os dados obtidos com clara definição foram: i) extração em pó cetonico, ii) meio reacional: pH 3,3, volume da amostra contendo a enzima 330 µL - 340 µL, peróxido de hidrogênio 4,2 mmol.L-1 150 µL, tempo de reação 20 segundos, temperatura 50º C, substrato guaiacol 30mmol.L-1 300 µL, e 0,1 mol.L-1 de NaCl. O uso da dessa metodologia para definição das condições de extração e estudos cinético-enzimáticos da peroxidase de soja foram eficientes e mais precisos, comparado a metodologia de variações/repetições (tentativa e erro).


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)