959 resultados para Default Soberano


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When human observers are exposed to even slight motion signals followed by brief visual transients—stimuli containing no detectable coherent motion signals—they perceive large and salient illusory jumps. This novel effect, which we call “high phi”, challenges well-entrenched assumptions about the perception of motion, namely the minimal-motion principle and the breakdown of coherent motion perception with steps above an upper limit. Our experiments with transients such as texture randomization or contrast reversal show that the magnitude of the jump depends on spatial frequency and transient duration, but not on the speed of the inducing motion signals, and the direction of the jump depends on the duration of the inducer. Jump magnitude is robust across jump directions and different types of transient. In addition, when a texture is actually displaced by a large step beyond dmax, a breakdown of coherent motion perception is expected, but in the presence of an inducer observers again perceive coherent displacements at or just above dmax. In sum, across a large variety of stimuli, we find that when incoherent motion noise is preceded by a small bias, instead of perceiving little or no motion, as suggested by the minimal-motion principle, observers perceive jumps whose amplitude closely follows their own dmax limits.


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Human minds often wander away from their immediate sensory environment. It remains unknown whether such mind wandering is unsystematic or whether it lawfully relates to an individual’s tendency to attend to salient stimuli such as pain and their associated brain structure/function. Studies of pain–cognition interactions typically examine explicit manipulation of attention rather than spontaneous mind wandering. Here we sought to better represent natural fluctuations in pain in daily life, so we assessed behavioral and neural aspects of spontaneous disengagement of attention from pain. We found that an individual’s tendency to attend to pain related to the disruptive effect of pain on his or her cognitive task performance. Next, we linked behavioral findings to neural networks with strikingly convergent evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging during pain coupled with thought probes of mind wandering, dynamic resting state activity fluctuations, and diffusion MRI. We found that (i) pain-induced default mode network (DMN) deactivations were attenuated during mind wandering away from pain; (ii) functional connectivity fluctuations between the DMN and periaqueductal gray (PAG) dynamically tracked spontaneous attention away from pain; and (iii) across individuals, stronger PAG–DMN structural connectivity and more dynamic resting state PAG–DMN functional connectivity were associated with the tendency to mind wander away from pain. These data demonstrate that individual tendencies to mind wander away from pain, in the absence of explicit manipulation, are subserved by functional and structural connectivity within and between default mode and antinociceptive descending modulation networks.


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Functional brain imaging studies have shown abnormal neural activity in individuals recovered from anorexia nervosa (AN) during both cognitive and emotional task paradigms. It has been suggested that this abnormal activity which persists into recovery might underpin the neurobiology of the disorder and constitute a neural biomarker for AN. However, no study to date has assessed functional changes in neural networks in the absence of task-induced activity in those recovered from AN. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate whole brain resting state functional connectivity in nonmedicated women recovered from anorexia nervosa. Functional magnetic resonance imaging scans were obtained from 16 nonmedicated participants recovered from anorexia nervosa and 15 healthy control participants. Independent component analysis revealed functionally relevant resting state networks. Dual regression analysis revealed increased temporal correlation (coherence) in the default mode network (DMN) which is thought to be involved in self-referential processing. Specifically, compared to healthy control participants the recovered anorexia nervosa participants showed increased temporal coherence between the DMN and the precuneus and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex/inferior frontal gyrus. The findings support the view that dysfunction in resting state functional connectivity in regions involved in self-referential processing and cognitive control might be a vulnerability marker for the development of anorexia nervosa.


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The aim of this study is to investigate the contrast in the timing of acquisition of grammatical gender attested in Dutch and Greek child learners. Greek children show precocious acquisition of neuter gender in particular, while Dutch children experience a long delay in the acquisition of neuter nouns, which extends to school age. For both Dutch and Greek, neuter has been claimed to be the default gender value on grounds of syntactic distribution in contexts where gender agreement is inert. To reconcile the contrast between the learner and the language facts in Dutch, as well as the contrast in the timing between Greek and Dutch monolingual child learners, we consider two sets of criteria to define the notion of default: one set pertains to the notion of linguistic default and the other to the notion of learner default. We suggest that, whereas Greek neuter is both the linguistic and the learner default value, Dutch neuter is the linguistic but not the learner default, leading to a learnability problem.


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After Modigliani and Miller (1958) presented their capital structure irrelevance proposition, analysis of corporate Önancing choices involving debt and equity instruments have generally followed two trends in the literature, where models either incorporate informational asymmetries or introduce tax beneÖts in order to explain optimal capital structure determination (Myers, 2002). None of these features is present in this paper, which develops an asset pricing model with the purpose of providing a positive theory of corporate capital structure by replicating main aspects of standard contractual practice observed in real markets. Alternatively, the imperfect market structure of the economy is tailored to match what is most common in corporate reality. Allowance for default on corporate debt with an associated penalty of seizure of Örmís future cash áows by creditors is introduced, for instance. In this context, a qualitative assessment of Önancial managersídecisions is carried out through numerical procedures.


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We argue that it is possible to adapt the approach of imposing restrictions on available plans through finitely effective debt constraints, introduced by Levine and Zame (1996), to encompass models with default and collateral. Along this line, we introduce in the setting of Araujo, Páscoa and Torres-Martínez (2002) and Páscoa and Seghir (2008) the concept of almost finite-time solvency. We show that the conditions imposed in these two papers to rule out Ponzi schemes implicitly restrict actions to be almost finite-time solvent. We define the notion of equilibrium with almost finite-time solvency and look on sufficient conditions for its existence. Assuming a mild assumption on default penalties, namely that agents are myopic with respect to default penalties, we prove that existence is guaranteed (and Ponzi schemes are ruled out) when actions are restricted to be almost finite-time solvent. The proof is very simple and intuitive. In particular, the main existence results in Araujo et al. (2002) and Páscoa and Seghir (2008) are simple corollaries of our existence result.


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This thesis is composed by three papers, each one of them corresponding to one chapter. The first and the second chapters are essays on international finance appraising default and inflation as equilibrium outcomes for crisis time, in particular, for confidence crisis time that leads to speculative attack on the external public debt issued by emerging economies. With this background in mind, welfare effects from adopting common currency (chapter 1) and welfare effects from increasing the degree of economic openness (chapter 2) are analyzed in numerical exercises, based on DSGE framework. Cross-countries results obtained are then presented to be compared with empirical evidence and to help on understanding past policy decisions. Some policy prescriptions are also suggested. In the third chapter we look to the inflation targeting regime applied to emerging economies that are subject to adverse shocks, like the external debt crisis presented in the previous chapters. Based on a more theoretical approach, we appraise how pre commitment framework should be used to coordinate expectations when policymaker announcement has no full credibility and self fulfilling inflation may be possible.


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Credit risk management has assumed increasing importance for the managers and directors of enterprises. Thus, different approaches aimed to measure the probability of default are under discussion nowadays. This paper evaluates models that have become more popular over the last 30 years in order forecast defaults or to provide information regarding to financial difficulties of enterprises. This paper will focus on the KMV model in order to estimate the probability of default, its methodology based on market value of the asset and its volatility and finally estimate the probability of default. Finally, to test the KMV model will be used a sample of global steel companies that have credit in Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD), which will allow us to make comparisons with the models presented in this work.


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O projeto de pesquisa é parte do projeto entitulado "Credibilidade de Políticas Monetárias e Fiscais para o Brasil: Risco Soberano, Instituições, Âncoras Nominais, e Acesso aos Mercados Financeiros Internacionais". Dentro do atual plano de estabilização, um estudo empírico sobre a economia brasileira fornece um exemplo vívido do impacto de vários fatores, como o grau de institucionalização das políticas monetárias e orçamentárias que tem sido utilizadas desde a implementação do Plano Real, que aumentariam a credibilidade, sustentando a política cambial e o fluxo positivo do capital internacional, na percepção do mercado do risco de suspensão de pagamento (default risk) da dívida externa de um país em desenvolvimento. O foco dentro deste projeto de pesquisa será na questão de pesquisa: "Prêmio sobre o risco (risk premium) dos títulos soberanos e política fiscal discricionária vs regras de política fiscal para um país em desenvolvimento: o caso do Brasil".


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo propor um exame sistemático do chamado prêmio do risco soberano dos títulos emitidos pelo governo brasileiro que permita a categorização dos fatores que possam ser entendidos como geradores do conceito de risco soberano.


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Análise dos critérios determinantes dos ratings de risco soberano emitidos pela agência Standard & Poor's, evidenciando variáveis de cunho econômico e político. Realização de testes empíricos de regressão linear e análise dos coeficientes determinantes do risco soberano em moeda estrangeira.


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O grau de liberdade da política monetária é uma questão muito relevante em um país que decide adotar um regime de metas inflacionárias e câmbio flutuante. Caso a autoridade monetária desse país não tenha liberdade para atuar, o regime de metas pode ser ineficiente. Em especial, caso esse país se encontre numa situação de Dominância Fiscal, a política monetária pode ter efeitos perversos sobre a relação dívida/PIB, aumentando seu prêmio de risco soberano e causando um aumento na probabilidade de default implícita em seus títulos soberanos. O intuito desse trabalho é realizar o teste de dominância a partir de um modelo proposto por Olivier Blanchard em 2004, e testar primeiro se o país se encontrava em dominância em 2002, 2003 e depois analisar o resultado desse modelo até novembro de 2005. Algumas modificações de variáveis utilizadas, medidas de risco e taxa de juros são propostas e é acrescido ao modelo um teste de estabilidade de coeficientes e a incerteza causada no período eleitoral em 2002. Além disso, é analisada a reação do Banco Central no período, para identificar se sua reação compartilhava da visão de dominância que o modelo original apresentava ou não. A conclusão é que o Brasil, mesmo após as alterações sugeridas, ainda se encontra numa situação de dominância fiscal segundo a descrição do modelo. Porém, o resultado final é cerca de 20% do originalmente observado em 2004, resultando em uma liberdade de atuação significativamente maior para a autoridade monetária no Brasil em 2002 e 2003. O Banco Central parece ter reagido a mudanças de expectativa de inflação e não parecia compartilhar um diagnóstico de dominância fiscal ao longo de 2002. As eleições foram significativas para explicar aumento da probabilidade de default, mas não alteram significativamente o resultado do teste após as mudanças de variáveis. A medida de risco proposta resulta em um modelo melhor para medir dominância no Brasil. A mensagem final é que o Brasil ainda precisa se preocupar com as restrições fiscais, mas elas são menores que o modelo original propunha.