967 resultados para Dc-dc power conversion


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In the last years, RF power amplifiers are taking advantage of the switched dc-dc converters to use them in several architectures that may improve the efficiency of the amplifier, keeping a good linearity. The use of linearization techniques such as Envelope Elimination and Restoration(EER) and Envelope Tracking (ET) requires a very fast dc-dc power converter to provide variable voltage supply to the power amplifier but theoretically the efficiency can be much higher than using the classical amplifiers belonging to classes A, B or AB. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the state of the art of the power converters used as envelope amplifiers in this application. The power topologies will be explored and several important parameters such as efficiency, bandwidth will be discussed.


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La predicción de energía eólica ha desempeñado en la última década un papel fundamental en el aprovechamiento de este recurso renovable, ya que permite reducir el impacto que tiene la naturaleza fluctuante del viento en la actividad de diversos agentes implicados en su integración, tales como el operador del sistema o los agentes del mercado eléctrico. Los altos niveles de penetración eólica alcanzados recientemente por algunos países han puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de mejorar las predicciones durante eventos en los que se experimenta una variación importante de la potencia generada por un parque o un conjunto de ellos en un tiempo relativamente corto (del orden de unas pocas horas). Estos eventos, conocidos como rampas, no tienen una única causa, ya que pueden estar motivados por procesos meteorológicos que se dan en muy diferentes escalas espacio-temporales, desde el paso de grandes frentes en la macroescala a procesos convectivos locales como tormentas. Además, el propio proceso de conversión del viento en energía eléctrica juega un papel relevante en la ocurrencia de rampas debido, entre otros factores, a la relación no lineal que impone la curva de potencia del aerogenerador, la desalineación de la máquina con respecto al viento y la interacción aerodinámica entre aerogeneradores. En este trabajo se aborda la aplicación de modelos estadísticos a la predicción de rampas a muy corto plazo. Además, se investiga la relación de este tipo de eventos con procesos atmosféricos en la macroescala. Los modelos se emplean para generar predicciones de punto a partir del modelado estocástico de una serie temporal de potencia generada por un parque eólico. Los horizontes de predicción considerados van de una a seis horas. Como primer paso, se ha elaborado una metodología para caracterizar rampas en series temporales. La denominada función-rampa está basada en la transformada wavelet y proporciona un índice en cada paso temporal. Este índice caracteriza la intensidad de rampa en base a los gradientes de potencia experimentados en un rango determinado de escalas temporales. Se han implementado tres tipos de modelos predictivos de cara a evaluar el papel que juega la complejidad de un modelo en su desempeño: modelos lineales autorregresivos (AR), modelos de coeficientes variables (VCMs) y modelos basado en redes neuronales (ANNs). Los modelos se han entrenado en base a la minimización del error cuadrático medio y la configuración de cada uno de ellos se ha determinado mediante validación cruzada. De cara a analizar la contribución del estado macroescalar de la atmósfera en la predicción de rampas, se ha propuesto una metodología que permite extraer, a partir de las salidas de modelos meteorológicos, información relevante para explicar la ocurrencia de estos eventos. La metodología se basa en el análisis de componentes principales (PCA) para la síntesis de la datos de la atmósfera y en el uso de la información mutua (MI) para estimar la dependencia no lineal entre dos señales. Esta metodología se ha aplicado a datos de reanálisis generados con un modelo de circulación general (GCM) de cara a generar variables exógenas que posteriormente se han introducido en los modelos predictivos. Los casos de estudio considerados corresponden a dos parques eólicos ubicados en España. Los resultados muestran que el modelado de la serie de potencias permitió una mejora notable con respecto al modelo predictivo de referencia (la persistencia) y que al añadir información de la macroescala se obtuvieron mejoras adicionales del mismo orden. Estas mejoras resultaron mayores para el caso de rampas de bajada. Los resultados también indican distintos grados de conexión entre la macroescala y la ocurrencia de rampas en los dos parques considerados. Abstract One of the main drawbacks of wind energy is that it exhibits intermittent generation greatly depending on environmental conditions. Wind power forecasting has proven to be an effective tool for facilitating wind power integration from both the technical and the economical perspective. Indeed, system operators and energy traders benefit from the use of forecasting techniques, because the reduction of the inherent uncertainty of wind power allows them the adoption of optimal decisions. Wind power integration imposes new challenges as higher wind penetration levels are attained. Wind power ramp forecasting is an example of such a recent topic of interest. The term ramp makes reference to a large and rapid variation (1-4 hours) observed in the wind power output of a wind farm or portfolio. Ramp events can be motivated by a broad number of meteorological processes that occur at different time/spatial scales, from the passage of large-scale frontal systems to local processes such as thunderstorms and thermally-driven flows. Ramp events may also be conditioned by features related to the wind-to-power conversion process, such as yaw misalignment, the wind turbine shut-down and the aerodynamic interaction between wind turbines of a wind farm (wake effect). This work is devoted to wind power ramp forecasting, with special focus on the connection between the global scale and ramp events observed at the wind farm level. The framework of this study is the point-forecasting approach. Time series based models were implemented for very short-term prediction, this being characterised by prediction horizons up to six hours ahead. As a first step, a methodology to characterise ramps within a wind power time series was proposed. The so-called ramp function is based on the wavelet transform and it provides a continuous index related to the ramp intensity at each time step. The underlying idea is that ramps are characterised by high power output gradients evaluated under different time scales. A number of state-of-the-art time series based models were considered, namely linear autoregressive (AR) models, varying-coefficient models (VCMs) and artificial neural networks (ANNs). This allowed us to gain insights into how the complexity of the model contributes to the accuracy of the wind power time series modelling. The models were trained in base of a mean squared error criterion and the final set-up of each model was determined through cross-validation techniques. In order to investigate the contribution of the global scale into wind power ramp forecasting, a methodological proposal to identify features in atmospheric raw data that are relevant for explaining wind power ramp events was presented. The proposed methodology is based on two techniques: principal component analysis (PCA) for atmospheric data compression and mutual information (MI) for assessing non-linear dependence between variables. The methodology was applied to reanalysis data generated with a general circulation model (GCM). This allowed for the elaboration of explanatory variables meaningful for ramp forecasting that were utilized as exogenous variables by the forecasting models. The study covered two wind farms located in Spain. All the models outperformed the reference model (the persistence) during both ramp and non-ramp situations. Adding atmospheric information had a noticeable impact on the forecasting performance, specially during ramp-down events. Results also suggested different levels of connection between the ramp occurrence at the wind farm level and the global scale.


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Pulse-width modulation is widely used to control electronic converters. One of the most frequently used topologies for high DC voltage/low DC voltage conversion is the Buck converter. These converters are described by a second order system with an LC filter between the switching subsystem and the load. The use of a coil with an amorphous magnetic material core rather than an air core permits the design of smaller converters. If high switching frequencies are used to obtain high quality voltage output, then the value of the auto inductance L is reduced over time. Robust controllers are thus needed if the accuracy of the converter response must be preserved under auto inductance and payload variations. This paper presents a robust controller for a Buck converter based on a state space feedback control system combined with an additional virtual space variable which minimizes the effects of the inductance and load variations when a switching frequency that is not too high is applied. The system exhibits a null steady-state average error response for the entire range of parameter variations. Simulation results and a comparison with a standard PID controller are also presented.


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High power density is strongly preferable for the on-board battery charger of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV). Wide band gap devices, such as Gallium Nitride HEMTs are being explored to push to higher switching frequency and reduce passive component size. In this case, the bulk DC link capacitor of AC-DC Power Factor Correction (PFC) stage, which is usually necessary to store ripple power of two times the line frequency in a DC current charging system, becomes a major barrier on power density. If low frequency ripple is allowed in the battery, the DC link capacitance can be significantly reduced. This paper focuses on the operation of a battery charging system, which is comprised of one Full Bridge (FB) AC-DC stage and one Dual Active Bridge (DAB) DC-DC stage, with charging current containing low frequency ripple at two times line frequency, designated as sinusoidal charging. DAB operation under sinusoidal charging is investigated. Two types of control schemes are proposed and implemented in an experimental prototype. It is proved that closed loop current control is the better. Full system test including both FB AC-DC stage and DAB DC-DC stage verified the concept of sinusoidal charging, which may lead to potentially very high power density battery charger for PHEV.


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The bankability of CPV projects is an important issue to pave the way toward a swift and sustained growth in this technology. The bankability of a PV plant is generally addressed through the modeling of its energy yield under a b aseline loss scenario, followed by an on-site measurement campaign aimed at verifying its energetic behavior. The main difference between PV and CPV resides in the proper CPV modules, in particular in the inclusion of optical lements and III-V multijunction cells that are much more sensitive to spectral variations than xSi cells, while the rest of the system behaves in a way that possesses many common points with xSi technology. The modeling of the DC power output of a CPV system thus requires several impo rtant second order parameters to be considered, mainly related to optics, spectral direct solar radiation, wind speed, tracker accuracy and heat dissipation of cells.


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En la última década la potencia instalada de energía solar fotovoltaica ha crecido una media de un 49% anual y se espera que alcance el 16%del consumo energético mundial en el año 2050. La mayor parte de estas instalaciones se corresponden con sistemas conectados a la red eléctrica y un amplio porcentaje de ellas son instalaciones domésticas o en edificios. En el mercado ya existen diferentes arquitecturas para este tipo de instalaciones, entre las que se encuentras los módulos AC. Un módulo AC consiste en un inversor, también conocido como micro-inversor, que se monta en la parte trasera de un panel o módulo fotovoltaico. Esta tecnología ofrece modularidad, redundancia y la extracción de la máxima potencia de cada panel solar de la instalación. Además, la expansión de esta tecnología posibilitará una reducción de costes asociados a las economías de escala y a la posibilidad de que el propio usuario pueda componer su propio sistema. Sin embargo, el micro-inversor debe ser capaz de proporcionar una ganancia de tensión adecuada para conectar el panel solar directamente a la red, mientras mantiene un rendimiento aceptable en un amplio rango de potencias. Asimismo, los estándares de conexión a red deber ser satisfechos y el tamaño y el tiempo de vida del micro-inversor son factores que han de tenerse siempre en cuenta. En esta tesis se propone un micro-inversor derivado de la topología “forward” controlado en el límite entre los modos de conducción continuo y discontinuo (BCM por sus siglas en inglés). El transformador de la topología propuesta mantiene la misma estructura que en el convertidor “forward” clásico y la utilización de interruptores bidireccionales en el secundario permite la conexión directa del inversor a la red. Asimismo el método de control elegido permite obtener factor de potencia cercano a la unidad con una implementación sencilla. En la tesis se presenta el principio de funcionamiento y los principales aspectos del diseño del micro-inversor propuesto. Con la idea de mantener una solución sencilla y de bajo coste, se ha seleccionado un controlador analógico que está originalmente pensado para controlar un corrector del factor de potencia en el mismo modo de conducción que el micro-inversor “forward”. La tesis presenta las principales modificaciones necesarias, con especial atención a la detección del cruce por cero de la corriente (ZCD por sus siglas en inglés) y la compatibilidad del controlador con la inclusión de un algoritmo de búsqueda del punto de máxima potencia (MPPT por sus siglas en inglés). Los resultados experimentales muestran las limitaciones de la implementación elegida e identifican al transformador como el principal contribuyente a las pérdidas del micro-inversor. El principal objetivo de esta tesis es contribuir a la aplicación de técnicas de control y diseño de sistemas multifase en micro-inversores fotovoltaicos. En esta tesis se van a considerar dos configuraciones multifase diferentes aplicadas al micro-inversor “forward” propuesto. La primera consiste en una variación con conexión paralelo-serie que permite la utilización de transformadores con una relación de vueltas baja, y por tanto bien acoplados, para conseguir una ganancia de tensión adecuada con un mejor rendimiento. Esta configuración emplea el mismo control BCM cuando la potencia extraída del panel solar es máxima. Este método de control implica que la frecuencia de conmutación se incrementa considerablemente cuando la potencia decrece, lo que compromete el rendimiento. Por lo tanto y con la intención de mantener unos bueno niveles de rendimiento ponderado, el micro-inversor funciona en modo de conducción discontinuo (DCM, por sus siglas en inglés) cuando la potencia extraía del panel solar es menor que la máxima. La segunda configuración multifase considerada en esta tesis es la aplicación de la técnica de paralelo con entrelazado. Además se han considerado dos técnicas diferentes para decidir el número de fases activas: dependiendo de la potencia continua extraída del panel solar y dependiendo de la potencia instantánea demandada por el micro-inversor. La aplicación de estas técnicas es interesante en los sistemas fotovoltaicos conectados a la red eléctrica por la posibilidad que brindan de obtener un rendimiento prácticamente plano en un amplio rango de potencia. Las configuraciones con entrelazado se controlan en DCM para evitar la necesidad de un control de corriente, lo que es importante cuando el número de fases es alto. Los núcleos adecuados para todas las configuraciones multifase consideradas se seleccionan usando el producto de áreas. Una vez seleccionados los núcleos se ha realizado un diseño detallado de cada uno de los transformadores. Con la información obtenida de los diseños y los resultados de simulación, se puede analizar el impacto que el número de transformadores utilizados tiene en el tamaño y el rendimiento de las distintas configuraciones. Los resultados de este análisis, presentado en esta tesis, se utilizan posteriormente para comparar las distintas configuraciones. Muchas otras topologías se han presentado en la literatura para abordar los diferentes aspectos a considerar en los micro-inversores, que han sido presentados anteriormente. La mayoría de estas topologías utilizan un transformador de alta frecuencia para solventar el salto de tensión y evitar problemas de seguridad y de puesta a tierra. En cualquier caso, es interesante evaluar si topologías sin aislamiento galvánico son aptas para su utilización como micro-inversores. En esta tesis se presenta una revisión de inversores con capacidad de elevar tensión, que se comparan bajo las mismas especificaciones. El objetivo es proporcionar la información necesaria para valorar si estas topologías son aplicables en los módulos AC. Las principales contribuciones de esta tesis son: • La aplicación del control BCM a un convertidor “forward” para obtener un micro-inversor de una etapa sencillo y de bajo coste. • La modificación de dicho micro-inversor con conexión paralelo-series de transformadores que permite reducir la corriente de los semiconductores y una ganancia de tensión adecuada con transformadores altamente acoplados. • La aplicación de técnicas de entrelazado y decisión de apagado de fases en la puesta en paralelo del micro-inversor “forward”. • El análisis y la comparación del efecto en el tamaño y el rendimiento del incremento del número de transformadores en las diferentes configuraciones multifase. • La eliminación de las medidas y los lazos de control de corriente en las topologías multifase con la utilización del modo de conducción discontinuo y un algoritmo MPPT sin necesidad de medida de corriente. • La recopilación y comparación bajo las mismas especificaciones de topologías inversoras con capacidad de elevar tensión, que pueden ser adecuadas para la utilización como micro-inversores. Esta tesis está estructurada en seis capítulos. El capítulo 1 presenta el marco en que se desarrolla la tesis así como el alcance de la misma. En el capítulo 2 se recopilan las topologías existentes de micro-invesores con aislamiento y aquellas sin aislamiento cuya implementación en un módulo AC es factible. Asimismo se presenta la comparación entre estas topologías bajo las mismas especificaciones. El capítulo 3 se centra en el micro-inversor “forward” que se propone originalmente en esta tesis. La aplicación de las técnicas multifase se aborda en los capítulos 4 y 5, en los que se presentan los análisis en función del número de transformadores. El capítulo está orientado a la propuesta paralelo-serie mientras que la configuración con entrelazado se analiza en el capítulo 5. Por último, en el capítulo 6 se presentan las contribuciones de esta tesis y los trabajos futuros. ABSTRACT In the last decade the photovoltaic (PV) installed power increased with an average growth of 49% per year and it is expected to cover the 16% of the global electricity consumption by 2050. Most of the installed PV power corresponds to grid-connected systems, with a significant percentage of residential installations. In these PV systems, the inverter is essential since it is the responsible of transferring into the grid the extracted power from the PV modules. Several architectures have been proposed for grid-connected residential PV systems, including the AC-module technology. An AC-module consists of an inverter, also known as micro-inverter, which is attached to a PV module. The AC-module technology offers modularity, redundancy and individual MPPT of each module. In addition, the expansion of this technology will enable the possibility of economies of scale of mass market and “plug and play” for the user, thus reducing the overall cost of the installation. However, the micro-inverter must be able to provide the required voltage boost to interface a low voltage PV module to the grid while keeping an acceptable efficiency in a wide power range. Furthermore, the quality standards must be satisfied and size and lifetime of the solutions must be always considered. In this thesis a single-stage forward micro-inverter with boundary mode operation is proposed to address the micro-inverter requirements. The transformer in the proposed topology remains as in the classic forward converter and bidirectional switches in the secondary side allows direct connection to the grid. In addition the selected control strategy allows high power factor current with a simple implementation. The operation of the topology is presented and the main design issues are introduced. With the intention to propose a simple and low-cost solution, an analog controller for a PFC operated in boundary mode is utilized. The main necessary modifications are discussed, with the focus on the zero current detection (ZCD) and the compatibility of the controller with a MPPT algorithm. The experimental results show the limitations of the selected analog controller implementation and the transformer is identified as a main losses contributor. The main objective of this thesis is to contribute in the application of control and design multiphase techniques to the PV micro-inverters. Two different multiphase configurations have been applied to the forward micro-inverter proposed in this thesis. The first one consists of a parallel-series connected variation which enables the use of low turns ratio, i.e. well coupled, transformers to achieve a proper voltage boost with an improved performance. This multiphase configuration implements BCM control at maximum load however. With this control method the switching frequency increases significantly for light load operation, thus jeopardizing the efficiency. Therefore, in order to keep acceptable weighted efficiency levels, DCM operation is selected for low power conditions. The second multiphase variation considered in this thesis is the interleaved configuration with two different phase shedding techniques: depending on the DC power extracted from the PV panel, and depending on the demanded instantaneous power. The application of interleaving techniques is interesting in PV grid-connected inverters for the possibility of flat efficiency behavior in a wide power range. The interleaved variations of the proposed forward micro-inverter are operated in DCM to avoid the current loop, which is important when the number of phases is large. The adequate transformer cores for all the multiphase configurations are selected according to the area product parameter and a detailed design of each required transformer is developed. With this information and simulation results, the impact in size and efficiency of the number of transformer used can be assessed. The considered multiphase topologies are compared in this thesis according to the results of the introduced analysis. Several other topological solutions have been proposed to solve the mentioned concerns in AC-module application. The most of these solutions use a high frequency transformer to boost the voltage and avoid grounding and safety issues. However, it is of interest to assess if the non-isolated topologies are suitable for AC-module application. In this thesis a review of transformerless step-up inverters is presented. The compiled topologies are compared using a set benchmark to provide the necessary information to assess whether non-isolated topologies are suitable for AC-module application. The main contributions of this thesis are: • The application of the boundary mode control with constant off-time to a forward converter, to obtain a simple and low-cost single-stage forward micro-inverter. • A modification of the forward micro-inverter with primary-parallel secondary-series connected transformers to reduce the current stress and improve the voltage gain with highly coupled transformers. •The application of the interleaved configuration with different phase shedding strategies to the proposed forward micro-inverter. • An analysis and comparison of the influence in size and efficiency of increasing the number of transformers in the parallel-series and interleaved multiphase configurations. • Elimination of the current loop and current measurements in the multiphase topologies by adopting DCM operation and a current sensorless MPPT. • A compilation and comparison with the same specifications of suitable non-isolated step-up inverters. This thesis is organized in six chapters. In Chapter 1 the background of single-phase PV-connected systems is discussed and the scope of the thesis is defined. Chapter 2 compiles the existing solutions for isolated micro-inverters and transformerless step-up inverters suitable for AC-module application. In addition, the most convenient non-isolated inverters are compared using a defined benchmark. Chapter 3 focuses on the originally proposed single-stage forward micro-inverter. The application of multiphase techniques is addressed in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5, and the impact in different parameters of increasing the number of phases is analyzed. In Chapter 4 an original primary-parallel secondary-series variation of the forward micro-inverter is presented, while Chapter 5 focuses on the application of the interleaved configuration. Finally, Chapter 6 discusses the contributions of the thesis and the future work.


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The inverter in a photovoltaic system assures two essential functions. The first is to track the maximum power point of the system IV curve throughout variable environmental conditions. The second is to convert DC power delivered by the PV panels into AC power. Nowadays, in order to qualify inverters, manufacturers and certifying organisms use mainly European and/or CEC efficiency standards. The question arises if these are still representative of CPV system behaviour. We propose to use a set of CPV – specific weighted average and a representative dynamic response to have a better determination of the static and dynamic MPPT efficiencies. Four string-sized commercial inverters used in real CPV plants have been tested.


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En esta tesis se analiza el sistema de tracción de un vehículo eléctrico de batería desde el punto de vista de la eficiencia energética y de la exposición a campos magnéticos por parte de los pasajeros (radiación electromagnética). Este estudio incluye tanto el sistema de almacenamiento de energía como la máquina eléctrica, junto con la electrónica de potencia y los sistemas de control asociados a ambos. Los análisis y los resultados presentados en este texto están basados en modelos matemáticos, simulaciones por ordenador y ensayos experimentales a escala de laboratorio. La investigación llevada a cabo durante esta tesis tuvo siempre un marcado enfoque industrial, a pesar de estar desarrollada en un entorno de considerable carácter universitario. Las líneas de investigación acometidas tuvieron como destinatario final al diseñador y al fabricante del vehículo, a pesar de lo cual algunos de los resultados obtenidos son preliminares y/o excesivamente académicos para resultar de interés industrial. En el ámbito de la eficiencia energética, esta tesis estudia sistemas híbridos de almacenamiento de energía basados en una combinación de baterías de litio y supercondensadores. Este tipo de sistemas son analizados desde el punto de vista de la eficiencia mediante modelos matemáticos y simulaciones, cuantificando el impacto de ésta en otros parámetros tales como el envejecimiento de las baterías. Respecto a la máquina eléctrica, el estudio se ha centrado en máquinas síncronas de imanes permanentes. El análisis de la eficiencia considera tanto el diseño de la máquina como la estrategia de control, dejando parcialmente de lado el inversor y la técnica de modulación (que son incluidos en el estudio como fuentes adicionales de pérdidas, pero no como potenciales fuentes de optimización de la eficiencia). En este sentido, tanto la topología del inversor (trifásico, basado en IGBTs) como la técnica de modulación (control de corriente en banda de histéresis) se establecen desde el principio. El segundo aspecto estudiado en esta tesis es la exposición a campos magnéticos por parte de los pasajeros. Este tema se enfoca desde un punto de vista predictivo, y no desde un punto de vista de diagnóstico, puesto que se ha desarrollado una metodología para estimar el campo magnético generado por los dispositivos de potencia de un vehículo eléctrico. Esta metodología ha sido validada mediante ensayos de laboratorio. Otros aspectos importantes de esta contribución, además de la metodología en sí misma, son las consecuencias que se derivan de ella (por ejemplo, recomendaciones de diseño) y la comprensión del problema proporcionada por esta. Las principales contribuciones de esta tesis se listan a continuación: una recopilación de modelos de pérdidas correspondientes a la mayoría de dispositivos de potencia presentes en un vehículo eléctrico de batería, una metodología para analizar el funcionamiento de un sistema híbrido de almacenamiento de energía para aplicaciones de tracción, una explicación de cómo ponderar energéticamente los puntos de operación par-velocidad de un vehículo eléctrico (de utilidad para evaluar el rendimiento de una máquina eléctrica, por ejemplo), una propuesta de incluir un convertidor DC-DC en el sistema de tracción para minimizar las pérdidas globales del accionamiento (a pesar de las nuevas pérdidas introducidas por el propio DC-DC), una breve comparación entre dos tipos distintos de algoritmos de minimización de pérdidas para máquinas síncronas de imanes permanentes, una metodología predictiva para estimar la exposición a campos magnéticos por parte de los pasajeros de un vehículo eléctrico (debida a los equipos de potencia), y finalmente algunas conclusiones y recomendaciones de diseño respecto a dicha exposición a campos magnéticos. ABSTRACT This dissertation analyzes the powertrain of a battery electric vehicle, focusing on energy efficiency and passenger exposure to electromagnetic fields (electromagnetic radiation). This study comprises the energy storage system as well as the electric machine, along with their associated power electronics and control systems. The analysis and conclusions presented in this dissertation are based on mathematical models, computer simulations and laboratory scale tests. The research performed during this thesis was intended to be of industrial nature, despite being developed in a university. In this sense, the work described in this document was carried out thinking of both the designer and the manufacturer of the vehicle. However, some of the results obtained lack industrial readiness, and therefore they remain utterly academic. Regarding energy efficiency, hybrid energy storage systems consisting in lithium batteries, supercapacitors and up to two DC-DC power converters are considered. These kind of systems are analyzed by means of mathematical models and simulations from the energy efficiency point of view, quantifying its impact on other relevant aspects such as battery aging. Concerning the electric machine, permanent magnet synchronous machines are studied in this work. The energy efficiency analysis comprises the machine design and the control strategy, while the inverter and its modulation technique are taken into account but only as sources of further power losses, and not as potential sources for further efficiency optimization. In this sense, both the inverter topology (3-phase IGBT-based inverter) and the switching technique (hysteresis current control) are fixed from the beginning. The second aspect studied in this work is passenger exposure to magnetic fields. This topic is approached from the prediction point of view, rather than from the diagnosis point of view. In other words, a methodology to estimate the magnetic field generated by the power devices of an electric vehicle is proposed and analyzed in this dissertation. This methodology has been validated by laboratory tests. The most important aspects of this contribution, apart from the methodology itself, are the consequences (for instance, design guidelines) and the understanding of the magnetic radiation issue provided by it. The main contributions of this dissertation are listed next: a compilation of loss models for most of the power devices found in a battery electric vehicle powertrain, a simulation-based methodology to analyze hybrid energy storage performance in traction applications, an explanation of how to assign energy-based weights to different operating points in traction drives (useful when assessing electrical machine performance, for instance), a proposal to include one DC-DC converter in electric powertrains to minimize overall power losses in the system (despite the new losses added by the DC-DC), a brief comparison between two kinds of loss-minimization algorithms for permanent magnet synchronous machines in terms of adaptability and energy efficiency, a predictive methodology to estimate passenger magnetic field exposure due to power devices in an electric vehicle, and finally some useful conclusions and design guidelines concerning magnetic field exposure.


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VSC converters are becoming more prevalent for HVDC applications. Two circuits are commercially available at present, a traditional six-switch, PWM inverter, implemented using series connected IGBTs - ABBs HVDC Light®, and the other a modular multi-level converter (MMC) - Siemens HVDC-PLUS. This paper presents an alternative MMC topology, which utilises a novel current injection technique, and exhibits several desirable characteristics.


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Insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) power modules find widespread use in numerous power conversion applications where their reliability is of significant concern. Standard IGBT modules are fabricated for general-purpose applications while little has been designed for bespoke applications. However, conventional design of IGBTs can be improved by the multiobjective optimization technique. This paper proposes a novel design method to consider die-attachment solder failures induced by short power cycling and baseplate solder fatigue induced by the thermal cycling which are among major failure mechanisms of IGBTs. Thermal resistance is calculated analytically and the plastic work design is obtained with a high-fidelity finite-element model, which has been validated experimentally. The objective of minimizing the plastic work and constrain functions is formulated by the surrogate model. The nondominated sorting genetic algorithm-II is used to search for the Pareto-optimal solutions and the best design. The result of this combination generates an effective approach to optimize the physical structure of power electronic modules, taking account of historical environmental and operational conditions in the field.


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High efficiency of power converters placed between renewable energy sources and the utility grid is required to maximize the utilization of these sources. Power quality is another aspect that requires large passive elements (inductors, capacitors) to be placed between these sources and the grid. The main objective is to develop higher-level high frequency-based power converter system (HFPCS) that optimizes the use of hybrid renewable power injected into the power grid. The HFPCS provides high efficiency, reduced size of passive components, higher levels of power density realization, lower harmonic distortion, higher reliability, and lower cost. The dynamic modeling for each part in this system is developed, simulated and tested. The steady-state performance of the grid-connected hybrid power system with battery storage is analyzed. Various types of simulations were performed and a number of algorithms were developed and tested to verify the effectiveness of the power conversion topologies. A modified hysteresis-control strategy for the rectifier and the battery charging/discharging system was developed and implemented. A voltage oriented control (VOC) scheme was developed to control the energy injected into the grid. The developed HFPCS was compared experimentally with other currently available power converters. The developed HFPCS was employed inside a microgrid system infrastructure, connecting it to the power grid to verify its power transfer capabilities and grid connectivity. Grid connectivity tests verified these power transfer capabilities of the developed converter in addition to its ability of serving the load in a shared manner. In order to investigate the performance of the developed system, an experimental setup for the HF-based hybrid generation system was constructed. We designed a board containing a digital signal processor chip on which the developed control system was embedded. The board was fabricated and experimentally tested. The system's high precision requirements were verified. Each component of the system was built and tested separately, and then the whole system was connected and tested. The simulation and experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the developed converter system for grid-connected hybrid renewable energy systems as well as for hybrid electric vehicles and other industrial applications.


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This work deals with the analytical, computational and experimental study of phenomena related to the Eddy current induction in low permeability means for embedded electromagnetic braking systems applications. The phenomena of forces generation in opposing to the variation of stationary magnetic flux produced by DC power supplies, set in motion by the application of an external propulsive force are addressed. The study is motivated by search for solving the problem of speed control of PIGs used to verifying and maintaining pipelines, and is led based on the analytical models synthesis, validated by means of computer simulations in Finite Elements environment, provided by engineering support software; and with experimental tests conducted under controlled laboratory conditions. Finally, a damping systems design methodology based on analyzes results conducted throughout the study is presented


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This paper presents an investigation on air compressibility in the air chamber and its effects on the power conversion of oscillating water column (OWC) devices. As it is well known that for practical OWC plants, their air chambers may be large enough for accommodating significant air compressibility, the “spring effect,” an effect that is frequently and simply regarded to store and release energy during the reciprocating process of a wave cycle. Its insight effects on the device’s performance and power conversion, however, have not been studied in detail. This research will investigate the phenomena with a special focus on the effects of air compressibility on wave energy conversion. Air compressibility itself is a complicated nonlinear process in nature, but it can be linearised for numerical simulations under certain assumptions for frequency domain analysis. In this research work, air compressibility in the OWC devices is first linearised and further coupled with the hydrodynamics of the OWC. It is able to show mathematically that in frequency-domain, air compressibility can increase the spring coefficients of both the water body motion and the device motion (if it is a floating device), and enhance the coupling effects between the water body and the structure. Corresponding to these changes, the OWC performance, the capture power, and the optimised Power Take-off (PTO) damping coefficient in the wave energy conversion can be all modified due to air compressibility. To validate the frequency-domain results and understand the problems better, the more accurate time-domain simulations with fewer assumptions have been used for comparison. It is shown that air compressibility may significantly change the dynamic responses and the capacity of converting wave energy of the OWC devices if the air chamber is very large.


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This paper presents a 1-10 GHz low-noise downconvert mixer RFIC suitable for wideband receivers. A switched transconductor mixing core is adopted to reduce noise at high frequencies. By adding a series inductor to the RF transconductor, a flat 4-5 dB noise figure (NF) and a high gain of 26.5 dB can be achieved over a broad bandwidth out to 10 GHz. A CMOS output amplifier is also integrated on-chip, employing derivative superposition (DS) for high linearity and an OIP3 of 16.5 dBm. The circuit consumes less than 20 mW of dc power and occupies an active chip area of less than 0.2 mm2.


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Power system policies are broadly on track to escalate the use of renewable energy resources in electric power generation. Integration of dispersed generation to the utility network not only intensifies the benefits of renewable generation but also introduces further advantages such as power quality enhancement and freedom of power generation for the consumers. However, issues arise from the integration of distributed generators to the existing utility grid are as significant as its benefits. The issues are aggravated as the number of grid-connected distributed generators increases. Therefore, power quality demands become stricter to ensure a safe and proper advancement towards the emerging smart grid. In this regard, system protection is the area that is highly affected as the grid-connected distributed generation share in electricity generation increases. Islanding detection, amongst all protection issues, is the most important concern for a power system with high penetration of distributed sources. Islanding occurs when a portion of the distribution network which includes one or more distributed generation units and local loads is disconnected from the remaining portion of the grid. Upon formation of a power island, it remains energized due to the presence of one or more distributed sources. This thesis introduces a new islanding detection technique based on an enhanced multi-layer scheme that shows superior performance over the existing techniques. It provides improved solutions for safety and protection of power systems and distributed sources that are capable of operating in grid-connected mode. The proposed active method offers negligible non-detection zone. It is applicable to micro-grids with a number of distributed generation sources without sacrificing the dynamic response of the system. In addition, the information obtained from the proposed scheme allows for smooth transition to stand-alone operation if required. The proposed technique paves the path towards a comprehensive protection solution for future power networks. The proposed method is converter-resident and all power conversion systems that are operating based on power electronics converters can benefit from this method. The theoretical analysis is presented, and extensive simulation results confirm the validity of the analytical work.