972 resultados para DELPHI method
The aim of this study is to address the main deficiencies with the prevailing project cost and time control practices for construction projects in the UK. A questionnaire survey was carried out with 250 top companies followed by in-depth interviews with 15 experienced practitioners from these companies in order to gain further insights of the identified problems, and their experience of good practice on how these problems can be tackled. On the basis of these interviews and syntheses with literature, a list of 65 good practice recommendations have been developed for the key project control tasks: planning, monitoring, reporting and analysing. The Delphi method was then used, with the participation of a panel of 8 practitioner experts, to evaluate these improvement recommendations and to establish their degree of relevance. After two rounds of Delphi, these recommendations are put forward as "critical", "important", or "helpful" measures for improving project control practice.
In an overcapacity world, where the customers can choose from many similar products to satisfy their needs, enterprises are looking for new approaches and tools that can help them not only to maintain, but also to increase their competitive edge. Innovation, flexibility, quality, and service excellence are required to, at the very least, survive the on-going transition that industry is experiencing from mass production to mass customization. In order to help these enterprises, this research develops a Supply Chain Capability Maturity Model named S(CM)2. The Supply Chain Capability Maturity Model is intended to model, analyze, and improve the supply chain management operations of an enterprise. The Supply Chain Capability Maturity Model provides a clear roadmap for enterprise improvement, covering multiple views and abstraction levels of the supply chain, and provides tools to aid the firm in making improvements. The principal research tool applied is the Delphi method, which systematically gathered the knowledge and experience of eighty eight experts in Mexico. The model is validated using a case study and interviews with experts in supply chain management. The resulting contribution is a holistic model of the supply chain integrating multiple perspectives, and providing a systematic procedure for the improvement of a company’s supply chain operations.
Solar energy presents itself as an excellent alternative for the generation of clean, renewable energy. This work aims to identify technological trends of photovoltaic cells for solar energy. The research is characterized, in relation to nature, to be applied; regarding the approach is qualitative and quantitative; with respect to the objectives, it is exploratory and descriptive; concerning the methodological procedure is considered a bibliographic research with a case study in the case of solar photovoltaic sector. The development of this research began with a literature review on photovoltaic solar energy and technology foresight. Then it led to the technology mapping of photovoltaic solar cells through the analysis of articles and patents. It was later performed the technological prospecting of photovoltaic cells for solar energy through the Delphi method, as well as the construction of the current plan and future technology of photovoltaic cells for the current scenario, 2020 and 2025. The results of this research show that the considered mature technologies (silicon mono and multicrystalline) will continue to be commercially viable within the prospected period (2020-2025). Other technologies that are currently viable (amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride and copper indium selenide / Copper indium gallium diselenide-), may not submit the same condition in 2025. Since the cells of silicon nanowires, dye-sensitized and based on carbon nanostructure, which nowadays are not commercially viable, may be part of the future map of photovoltaic technologies for solar energy.
In an overcapacity world, where the customers can choose from many similar products to satisfy their needs, enterprises are looking for new approaches and tools that can help them not only to maintain, but also to increase their competitive edge. Innovation, flexibility, quality, and service excellence are required to, at the very least, survive the on-going transition that industry is experiencing from mass production to mass customization. In order to help these enterprises, this research develops a Supply Chain Capability Maturity Model named S(CM)2. The Supply Chain Capability Maturity Model is intended to model, analyze, and improve the supply chain management operations of an enterprise. The Supply Chain Capability Maturity Model provides a clear roadmap for enterprise improvement, covering multiple views and abstraction levels of the supply chain, and provides tools to aid the firm in making improvements. The principal research tool applied is the Delphi method, which systematically gathered the knowledge and experience of eighty eight experts in Mexico. The model is validated using a case study and interviews with experts in supply chain management. The resulting contribution is a holistic model of the supply chain integrating multiple perspectives, and providing a systematic procedure for the improvement of a company’s supply chain operations.
OBJECTIVES: Develop recommendations for women's health issues and family planning in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and/or antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). METHODS: Systematic review of evidence followed by modified Delphi method to compile questions, elicit expert opinions and reach consensus. RESULTS: Family planning should be discussed as early as possible after diagnosis. Most women can have successful pregnancies and measures can be taken to reduce the risks of adverse maternal or fetal outcomes. Risk stratification includes disease activity, autoantibody profile, previous vascular and pregnancy morbidity, hypertension and the use of drugs (emphasis on benefits from hydroxychloroquine and antiplatelets/anticoagulants). Hormonal contraception and menopause replacement therapy can be used in patients with stable/inactive disease and low risk of thrombosis. Fertility preservation with gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues should be considered prior to the use of alkylating agents. Assisted reproduction techniques can be safely used in patients with stable/inactive disease; patients with positive antiphospholipid antibodies/APS should receive anticoagulation and/or low-dose aspirin. Assessment of disease activity, renal function and serological markers is important for diagnosing disease flares and monitoring for obstetrical adverse outcomes. Fetal monitoring includes Doppler ultrasonography and fetal biometry, particularly in the third trimester, to screen for placental insufficiency and small for gestational age fetuses. Screening for gynaecological malignancies is similar to the general population, with increased vigilance for cervical premalignant lesions if exposed to immunosuppressive drugs. Human papillomavirus immunisation can be used in women with stable/inactive disease. CONCLUSIONS: Recommendations for women's health issues in SLE and/or APS were developed using an evidence-based approach followed by expert consensus.
Um dos grandes desafios para a valorização de Portugal como destino cultural, assenta na agregação de toda a oferta que o nosso país apresenta. A música, por tudo aquilo que representa para o nosso país, apresenta as características certas para se tornar num elo de ligação entre a cultura e as pessoas. Nos últimos anos assistimos a uma alteração do consumo de música através de aplicações que emergiram e que alcançaram o seu espaço na sociedade moderna. Paralelamente, temos presenciado no nosso país a um aumento de concertos e espetáculos ao vivo, número de espectadores e de receitas de bilheteira, gerando receitas em torno dos 70 000 000 de euros. Beneficiando da experiência e conhecimento na área musical, este projeto visa desenvolver uma aplicação mobile que funcione como agregador de toda a informação relativa a espetáculos musicais ao vivo na área de Lisboa. Na base da construção do Plano de Negócios foi utilizado o programa FINICIA do Instituto de Apoio às Pequenas e Médias Empresas e à Inovação (IAPMEI) que revelou todas as conjeturas necessárias à sua realização e implementação. Os indicadores de validade do projeto, recolhidos através do questionário online com base no método Delphi, comprovaram a relevância da criação de uma aplicação mobile focada na área da música em Lisboa. De acordo com os indicadores de viabilidade utilizados neste projeto, nomeadamente a Taxa Interna de Rendibilidade (TIR), o Valor Atual Líquido (VAL) e o Período de Payback, foi possível determinar que o mesmo é economicamente viável.
Nos últimos anos, tem sido evidente o crescimento exponencial das novas tecnologias e da utilização frequente de plataformas digitais. A tendência de mercado é a continuação deste aumento, contribuindo para que cada vez mais, surjam prestações de serviços e vendas de produtos no âmbito digital. As agências ocupam um lugar de destaque neste tipo de oferta, no entanto, as mais pequenas tem por vezes dificuldade em subsistir, devido à maioria do seu target serem pequenas e médias empresas. Tendo em conta esta realidade, foi criado o projeto Andamos, que consiste na criação de uma agência de marketing digital, adequada à realidade portuguesa, sendo o seu target micro, pequenas e médias empresas, mas que consiga criar uma estrutura de custos muito reduzidos, potenciando um negócio viável e lucrativo. Nesse sentido, foi desenvolvido uma descrição de projeto, que pretende detalhar o mercado através de benchmark, desenvolver o planeamento estratégico, o plano de marketing e comunicação e o modelo de negócio. Com o intuito de sustentar a validade do projeto, foi efetuado numa primeira fase um estudo, utilizando um questionário segundo o método Delphi, que demonstrou com base nas respostas apuradas, que existe necessidade no mercado, justificando a existência da Andamos. Numa segunda fase foi estudada a viabilidade do projeto, através de um planeamento financeiro, utilizando o modelo FINICIA, do IAPMEI. Por conseguinte, foi possível analisar os indicadores mais importantes, como a TIR, VAL, cash flow e payback period, entre outros, que suportaram a exequibilidade do negócio e a sua capacidade de gerar lucro.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Direção e Gestão Hoteleira, Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Assistimos hodiernamente à automatização de procedimentos nas organizações, dado à inserção das novas tecnologias, e mais em concreto das ferramentas computacionais, no ambiente organizacional. Esta automatização permite a simplificação do processo de tomada de decisão, a manipulação de dados e lidar com o excesso de informação. No seu dia-a-dia, a Guarda Nacional Republicana enfrenta uma elevada diversidade e complexidade de ocorrências, que motiva a utilização de um sistema de informação que se constitua como primeira linha da Gestão das Ocorrências, permitindo ao comandante gerir criteriosamente os seus meios no processo de tomada de decisão. Este trabalho de investigação tem como objetivo descrever de que forma pode o Sistema de Gestão das Salas de Situação influenciar a tomada de decisão. Para tal foi realizado um estudo de caso, reunindo um grupo de sete Chefes de Sala de Situação, reunindo-os num painel de especialistas para aplicar o método de Delphi, visando inferir as potencialidades do sistema e as vulnerabilidades sentidas pelos operadores. Foram também aplicados inquéritos por questionário aos operadores do sistema no sentido de compreender a sua perceção de utilidade desta ferramenta na gestão de meios. A análise de resultados permitiu verificar que o Sistema de Gestão das Salas de Situação é uma importante ferramenta na gestão de ocorrências, ao fornecer informação necessária à tomada de decisão do comandante, embora possua imperfeições que necessitam de ser mitigadas, no sentido de serem exploradas as potencialidades na sua plenitude. Conclui-se com esta investigação que o Sistema de Gestão das Salas de Situação facilita a tomada de decisão ao fornecer informações acerca das ocorrências ativas na zona de ação da sua Unidade, bem como das patrulhas disponíveis. Este sistema, deve ser complementado com a utilização do Sistema de Informação de Gestão dos meios SIRESP, para que o comandante consiga percecionar a localização das patrulhas disponíveis. Desta forma, o comandante consegue tomar decisões de maneira mais sustentada, permitindo a rápida mobilização dos recursos policiais, visando a excelência operacional e o aumento de eficácia da ação policial.
[EN] The emergence of the sensitisation in business ethics creates a need to answer some questions. We have placed special attention in three areas: level of development, importance in each European country and the teaching of emergent issues in business ethics. In order to do this, we have selected the Delphi method, with the purpose of the consensus of the most important and relevant business ethics experts.
Presentation Research of the Practicum and externships has a long history and involves important aspects for analysis. For example, the recent changes taking place in university grades allot more credits to the Practicum course in all grades, and the Company-University collaboration has exposed the need to study in new learning environments. The rise of ICT practices like ePortfolios, which require technological solutions and methods supported by experimentation, study and research, require particular examination due to the dynamic momentum of technological innovation. Tutoring the Practicum and externships requires remote monitoring and communication using ePortfolios, and competence-based assessment and students’ requirement to provide evidence of learning require the best tutoring methods available with ePortfolios. Among the elements of ePortfolios, eRubrics emerge as a tool for design, communication and competence-assessment. This project aims to consolidate a research line on eRubrics, already undertaken by another project -I+D+i [EDU2010-15432]- in order to expand the network of researchers and Centres of Excellence in Spain and other countries: Harvard University in USA, University of Cologne in Germany, University of Colima in Mexico, Federal University of Parana, University of Santa Catarina in Brasil, and Stockholm University in Sweden(1). This new project [EDU2013-41974-P](2) examines the impact of eRubrics on tutoring and on assessing the Practicum course and externships. Through technology, distance tutoring grants an extra dimension to human communication. New forms of teaching with technological mediation are on the rise and are highly valuable, not only for formal education but especially in both public and private sectors of non-formal education, such as occupational training, unemployed education and public servant training. Objectives Obj. 1. To analyse models of technology used in assessing learning in the Practicum of all grades at Spanish Faculties of Education. Obj. 2. To study models of learning assessment measured by eRubrics in the Practicum. Obj. 3. To analyse communication through eRubrics between students and their tutors at university and practice centres, focusing on students’ understanding of competences and evidences to be assessed in the Practicum. Obj. 4. To design assessment services and products, in order to federate companies and practice centres with training institutions. Among many other features, it has the following functions CoRubric(3) 1. The possibility to assess people, products or services by using rubrics. 2. Ipsative assessment. 3. Designing fully flexible rubrics. 4. Drafting reports and exporting results from eRubrics in a project. 5. Students and teachers talk about the evaluation and application of the criteria Methodology, Methods, Research Instruments or Sources Used The project will use techniques to collect and analyse data from two methodological approaches: 1. In order to meet the first objective, we suggest an initial exploratory descriptive study (Buendía Eisman, Colás Bravo & Hernández Pina, 1998), which involves conducting interviews with Practicum coordinators from all educational grades across Spain, as well as analysing the contents of the teaching guides used in all educational grades across Spain. 55 academic managers were interviewed from about 10 faculties of education in public universities in Spain (20%), and course guides 376 universities from 36 public institutions in Spain (72%) are analyzed. 2. In order to satisfy the second objective, 7 universities have been selected to implement the project two instruments aimed at tutors practice centers and tutors of the faculty. All instruments for collecting data were validated by experts using the Delphi method. The selection of experts had three aspects: years of professional experience, number and quality of publications in the field (Practicum, Educational Technology and Teacher Training), and self-rating of their knowledge. The resulting data was calculated using the Coefficient of Competence (Kcomp) (Martínez, Zúñiga, Sala & Meléndez, 2012). Results in all cases showed an average experience of more than 0.09 points. The two instruments of the first objective were validated during the first half of 2014-15 year, data collected during the second half. And the second objective during the first half of 2015-16 year and data collection for the second half. The set of four instruments (two for each objective 1 and 2) have the same dimensions as each of the sources (Coordinators, course guides, tutors of practice centers and faculty) as they were: a. Institution-Organization, b. Nature of internships, c. Relationship between agents, d. Management Practicum, e. Assessment. F. Technological support, g. Training and h. Assessment Ethics. Conclusions, Expected Outcomes or Findings The first results respond to Objective 1, where we find different conclusions depending on each of the six dimensions. In the case of internal regulations governing the organization and structure of the practicum, we note that most traditional degrees (Elementary and Primary grades) share common internal rules, in particular development methodology and criteria against other grades (Pedagogy and Social Education ). It is also true that the centers of practices in last cases are very different from each other and can be a public institution, a school, a company, a museum, etc. The memory with a 56.34% and 43.67% daily activities are more demands on students in all degrees, Lesson plans 28.18% 19.72% Portfolio 26.7% Didactic units and Others 32,4%. The technical support has been mainly used the platform of the University 47.89% and 57.75% Email, followed by other services and tools 9.86% and rubric platforms 1.41%. The assessment criteria are divided between formal aspects of 12.38%, Written expresión 12.38%, treatment of the subject 14.45%, methodological rigor of work 10.32%, and Level of argument Clarity and relevance of conclusions 10.32%. In general terms, we could say that there is a trend and debate between formative assessment against a accreditation. It has not yet had sufficient time to further study and confront other dimensions and sources of information. We hope to provide more analysis and conclusions in the conference date.
Building's construction activities, operation and demolition are increasingly recognised as a major source of environmental impact. One strategy for reducing such impacts is most widely known by the term Building Environmental Assessment (BEA). The research is an attempt to develop a new BEA scheme for residential buildings in Brunei which focussing on identifying BEA indicators that best suit for Brunei environment, social and economy. Studies show that Brunei residential sector needs urgent attention to transform its current consumption rate in more sustainable way. Recent launch of Brunei Green Building Council, mandatory energy efficiency guidelines and declaration of ambitious energy intensity reduction target, a new BEA scheme will help contribute sustainability target in residential sector. However the issues of developing a new BEA schemes using existing methods may face constraints in their effectiveness. In this regard, a consensus-forming technique-Delphi method-helps improve greater communication and gain consensus from experts in the construction industry through series of questionnaires. As a result, the final framework is produced comprises of 7 key categories and 37 applicable criteria that achieved high degree of consensus and importance.
The aim of this study was to establish guidelines for the optimization of biologic therapies for health professionals involved in the management of patients with RA, AS and PsA. Recommendations were established via consensus by a panel of experts in rheumatology and hospital pharmacy, based on analysis of available scientific evidence obtained from four systematic reviews and on the clinical experience of panellists. The Delphi method was used to evaluate these recommendations, both between panellists and among a wider group of rheumatologists. Previous concepts concerning better management of RA, AS and PsA were reviewed and, more specifically, guidelines for the optimization of biologic therapies used to treat these diseases were formulated. Recommendations were made with the aim of establishing a plan for when and how to taper biologic treatment in patients with these diseases. The recommendations established herein aim not only to provide advice on how to improve the risk:benefit ratio and efficiency of such treatments, but also to reduce variability in daily clinical practice in the use of biologic therapies for rheumatic diseases
Objective: This investigation aimed to identify and analyze the general and specific competencies of nurses in the primary health care practice of Brazil. Design: The Delphi Technique was used as the method of study. Sample: 2 groups of participants were selected: One contained primary health care nurses (n=52) and the other specialists (n=57), including public health nurses and public or community health faculty. Measurements: 3 questionnaires were developed for the study. The first asked participants to indicate general and specific competencies, which were compiled into a list for each group. A Likert scale of 1-5 was added to these 2 lists in the second and third questionnaires. A consensus criterion of 75% for score 4 or 5 was adopted. Results: In the nurses` group, 17 general and 8 specific competencies reached the consensus criterion; 19 general and 9 specific competencies reached the criterion in the specialists` group. These competencies were classified into 10 domains: professional values, communication, teamwork, management, community-oriented, health promotion, problem solving, health care, and education and basic public health sciences. Conclusions: These competencies reflect Brazilian health policy and constitute a reference for health professional practice and education.