913 resultados para Critical-education theory


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This paper is about the experiences of beginning teachers in turning theory learned in universities into practice in the workplace. The research is situated in the context of a preservice teacher education program that explicitly and deliberately seeks to bridge the theory-practice gap in teacher education. The paper argues that, despite long-standing awareness of the theory-practice gap as a central issue faced by beginning teachers, attempts by teacher educators to address this issue remain thwarted. The argument draws on interview and focus group data collected via a study of 1st year graduate teachers of an Australian preservice teacher education program. The theoretical perspective of symbolic interactionism is used to focus on the meanings that graduates have of their experiences of turning theory into practice. The data suggest that prospective teachers during preservice training value both the theory that they learn on campus and the practice that they observe in schools. However, once they become practitioners, they privilege the latter. Upon entry to the workplace, graduates come to associate good practice with that of the veteran teacher, whose practice and cache of resources they seek to emulate. The paper concludes that background knowledge and occupational socialization remain key influences on teacher development and continue to play a key role in ensuring the continued transmittal of the cultural heritage. In particular, it proposes the need for innovative disruptions to the conventional model of teacher education.


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The increasing availability of social statistics in Latin America opens new possibilities in terms of accountability and incentive mechanisms for policy makers. This paper addresses these issues within the institutional context of the Brazilian educational system. We build a theoretical model based on the theory of incentives to analyze the role of the recently launched Basic Education Development Index (Ideb) in the provision of incentives at the sub-national level. The first result is to demonstrate that an education target system has the potential to improve the allocation of resources to education through conditional transfers to municipalities and schools. Second, we analyze the local government’s decision about how to allocate its education budget when seeking to accomplish the different objectives contemplated by the index, which involves the interaction between its two components, average proficiency and the passing rate. We discuss as well policy issues concerning the implementation of the synthetic education index in the light of this model arguing that there is room for improving the Ideb’s methodology itself. In addition, we analyze the desirable properties of an ideal education index and we argue in favor of an ex-post relative learning evaluation system for different municipalities (schools) based on the value added across different grades


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The undergraduate courses in Psychology have been historically pointed as defective in aspects related to the critical education and the integration between theory and practice. Hence, the scientific education has been considered a possibility to overcome those lacks. Therefore, this study has investigated the undergraduate education process of Psychology students with PIBIC (Portuguese acronym for Undergraduate Scientific Research Scholarships Institutional Program) scholarships from CNPq (Portuguese acronym Brazilian National Council of Scientific and Technological Development). The scholarship program has been a strategic tool for the undergraduate scientific research. Electronic questionnaires have been sent to all the PIBIC scholarship students of Psychology in Brazil (622; 104 have answered), containing questions about the program developed activities, tutoring and advising, PIBIC evaluation and other ones. The students scientific and academic production has also been investigated through their Lattes (CNPq s Platform in which researchers have their academic résumés). The major part of the participants (70%) has stated that the first motivation to be in the program had been their interest in the research or in the academic career. Furthermore, 60% of the scholarship students has worked as volunteers before receiving PIBIC scholarship. Among the students who have answered the research, 65,4% has reported they are tutored directly by their advisors, and 80% of them attends one or more than one advising meeting every fifteen days. It has been identified that the Psychology scholarship students do not participate in all the research activities and that the proximity with the advisor is related to the accomplishment of tasks which contributes with the student critical and reflexive education. Finally, less than 25% of the students has published scientific articles or book chapters during the scholarship, what XI demonstrates a possible exclusion of them in that phase of the process. In general, the scholarship students evaluate the program positively by revealing that it contributes with their professional and academic education. For those reasons, it is observed PIBIC s potential role for the undergraduate education in order to develop more critical psychologists able to propose innovations and contextualized practices. However, the results obtained in programs like the studied one denounce the disqualification of the provided undergraduate education for the major part of the university students, who do not have a PIBIC scholarship. As a result, it is emphasized that it there should be more investment for improving the quality of the undergraduate education itself and not only for programs which are available for few students


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O objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar a proposta de introdução da Física Moderna e Contemporânea no Nível Médio da Educação Básica. Parte-se do pressuposto de que os professores assumem, às vezes até subconscientemente, que a teoria base da FMC é incompreensível. Investigamos, em 2007, os discursos de cinco professores de Física de um município da região Nordeste, visando compreender as possibilidades desses professores introduzirem a FMC em suas aulas de Física e em que medida estas possibilidades estão associadas às suas formações profissionais. Para a construção e análises dos discursos pautamo-nos na Análise de Discurso Francesa e em referenciais da Teoria Crítica da Educação. Constatamos que apesar de atribuírem papel relevante à introdução da FMC no Nível Médio, os professores não estão encarando este desafio.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O objetivo desta investigação é analisar as representações de Educadores Ambientais sobre questões de ambiente consideradas relevantes no contexto da Educação Patrimonial Ambiental. Busca compreender a Educação Patrimonial Ambiental como educação para a formação da consciência do sujeito ecológico na perspectiva de que o ambiente é patrimônio. Os dados da investigação foram obtidos durante a realização do Curso Formação de Educadores Ambientais, realizado em Vigia de Nazaré/Pará, por meio de questionário semiestruturado e manifestações dos sujeitos durante o curso. Os sujeitos participantes da pesquisa são professores do Ensino Médio e das Séries Iniciais, Representantes de ONGs e alunos do Ensino Médio. As discussões preliminares ocorrem de acordo com análise do discurso (Orlandi, 2007) e o Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (Lefèvre; Lefèvre, 2005). Para as análises, os dados foram categorizados com base nas aproximações e similaridades e nas comunalidades dos discursos. As conclusões parciais apontam que há uma tendência crítica na maioria das concepções sobre Educação Ambiental, e as principais temáticas que desenvolvem nos trabalhos educativos estão relacionadas às ações do sujeito humano na sociedade e suas intervenções no meio ambiente. Os sujeitos da pesquisa compreendem que o ambiente é considerado patrimônio e suas concepções se aproximam da teoria da Educação Ambiental Crítica, adotada por Loureiro (2006) e Carvalho (2006).


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A pesquisa em tela analisa a concepção de Trabalho Social proposta pelo Ministério das Cidades e implementada pela Companhia de Habitação do Estado do Pará. O trabalho social apresenta historicamente elementos que se reeditam e assumem novos contornos. A partir da criação do Ministério das Cidades, em 2003, inicia-se no Brasil um período novo, no que diz respeito às políticas de Desenvolvimento Urbano. No entanto, é apenas em 2007 com o lançamento do Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento, que se ampliam os investimentos na política urbana. O trabalho social é parte constituinte obrigatório nas intervenções de provisão habitacional e nas intervenções de assentamentos precários. No estado do Pará, o órgão responsável pela implementação da política urbana é a Companhia de Habitação do Estado do Pará. A construção desta pesquisa é orientada pela teoria social crítica, que permite compreender as múltiplas determinações dos fenômenos que norteiam a temática em questão. A pesquisa foi realizada com base no levantamento bibliográfico, documental e de campo, incluindo entrevistas com Assistentes Sociais que atuam nos projetos de Trabalho Social da Companhia de Habitação do Estado do Pará. Constata-se que o discurso estatal da concepção do trabalho social é entrelaçado por determinadas categoriais previamente definidas. Assim, compreende-se que a COHAB/PA alinha-se ao discurso empreendido pelo Ministério das Cidades e pelos órgãos que dão a direção para a implementação do Trabalho Social nos projetos de intervenção urbanística do governo federal. Identificam-se no discurso governamental através dos documentos, cursos à distância para os profissionais envolvidos com o trabalho social, e nos depoimentos das entrevistas, o alinhamento na direção dada ao Trabalho Social, que objetiva “a autonomia, o protagonismo e a participação da população beneficiária dos projetos de governo para o alcance da cidadania e da sustentabilidade do empreendimento.” Algumas Técnicas Sociais afirmam que buscam estratégias para a garantia dos direitos sociais, mas sentem-se amarradas pelas orientações da CAIXA e do Ministério das Cidades. Deste modo, as categorias que dão significado à concepção de Trabalho Social são esvaziadas de sentido e instrumentalizadas através de ações pontuais e assistencialistas que são insuficientes para o acesso à cidadania em seu aspecto pleno, para o acesso à moradia digna. É neste contexto de contradições e conflitos que se inserem o Trabalho Social proposto pelo Ministério das Cidades e implementado pela Companhia de Habitação do Estado do Pará.


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In this contribution, we analyze conceptual approaches to nanotechnology and nanoscience in recent issues of secondary education of Brazilian physics textbooks. We analyzed fifteen collections of Physics textbooks of recent editions, however, only two books, belonging to different collections incorporate considerations about nanotechnology and nanoscience in their approaches. We focus our analysis on three aspects, namely: the place dedicated to approaches to nanoscience and nanotechnology, notions about technology and its contributions to critical scientific education. This is a qualitative research; it was used as conceptual approaches the Philosophy of Technology, The Discourse Analysis (DA) and Science, Technology, Society (STS) concepts. We found that in two examined textbooks the approaches to nanoscience and nanotechnology is a complementary description of modern physics, associated with quantum theory. In this context, the concepts of nanoscience and nanotechnology focus superficially in the genesis of the field and some possible areas of applications. It was not identified in all textbooks warnings about the potential risks to human health and the environment from the use of nanotechnology and nanoscience. We understand that textbooks approaches about nanotechnology and nanoscience round a instrumental technological perspective, however keep away from the scientific and technological critical education.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Sexual - FCLAR


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Este artigo foi organizado por meio da dissertação de mestrado cujo tema se concentra em é “Políticas Públicas Educacionais: uma análise sobre a Política Nacional de Assistência Estudantil no contexto da Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro – UFTM”. O interesse pela temática vincula-se às políticas públicas educacionais tendo como objeto de estudo a sua implementação. O objetivo é demonstrar as formas como se dá a implementação da política de assistência estudantil e seus condicionantes políticos e sociais. O referencial teórico está pautado na teoria social crítica que busca a apreensão do processo histórico das relações sociais, repercutindo nas políticas públicas educacionais.


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The article mentions the aims and objectives of the "Academy of Management Learning & Education" and introduces four essays in this issue. Milton R. Blood focuses on the role of business schools in generating actionable knowledge. Peter Navarro asserts that macroeconomics is necessary in MBA programs. Scott Julian and Joseph C. Ofori-Dankwa comment on business school accreditation and competition status. Michael Harmon offers an argument that competition status is negatively affecting research, teaching, and social objectives.


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Technology discloses man’s mode of dealing with Nature, the process of production by which he sustains his life, and thereby also lays bare the mode of formation of his social relations, and of the mental conceptions that flow from them (Marx, 1990: 372) My thesis is a Sociological analysis of UK policy discourse for educational technology during the last 15 years. My framework is a dialogue between the Marxist-based critical social theory of Lieras and a corpus-based Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of UK policy for Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) in higher education. Embedded in TEL is a presupposition: a deterministic assumption that technology has enhanced learning. This conceals a necessary debate that reminds us it is humans that design learning, not technology. By omitting people, TEL provides a vehicle for strong hierarchical or neoliberal, agendas to make simplified claims politically, in the name of technology. My research has two main aims: firstly, I share a replicable, mixed methodological approach for linguistic analysis of the political discourse of TEL. Quantitatively, I examine patterns in my corpus to question forms of ‘use’ around technology that structure a rigid basic argument which ‘enframes’ educational technology (Heidegger, 1977: 38). In a qualitative analysis of findings, I ask to what extent policy discourse evaluates technology in one way, to support a Knowledge Based Economy (KBE) in a political economy of neoliberalism (Jessop 2004, Fairclough 2006). If technology is commodified as an external enhancement, it is expected to provide an ‘exchange value’ for learners (Marx, 1867). I therefore examine more closely what is prioritised and devalued in these texts. Secondly, I disclose a form of austerity in the discourse where technology, as an abstract force, undertakes tasks usually ascribed to humans (Lieras, 1996, Brey, 2003:2). This risks desubjectivisation, loss of power and limits people’s relationships with technology and with each other. A view of technology in political discourse as complete without people closes possibilities for broader dialectical (Fairclough, 2001, 2007) and ‘convivial’ (Illich, 1973) understandings of the intimate, material practice of engaging with technology in education. In opening the ‘black box’ of TEL via CDA I reveal talking points that are otherwise concealed. This allows me as to be reflexive and self-critical through praxis, to confront my own assumptions about what the discourse conceals and what forms of resistance might be required. In so doing, I contribute to ongoing debates about networked learning, providing a context to explore educational technology as a technology, language and learning nexus.