220 resultados para Cristalinidade


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Microporous materials zeolite type Beta and mesoporous type MCM-41 and AlMCM-41 were synthesized hydrothermally and characterized by methods of X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared, scanning electron microscopy, surface acidity, nitrogen adsorption, thermal analysis TG / DTG. Also we performed a kinetic study of sunflower oil on micro and mesoporous catalysts. The microporous material zeolite beta showed a lower crystallinity due to the existence of smaller crystals and a larger number of structural defects. As for the mesoporous materials MCM-41 and AlMCM-41 samples showed formation of hexagonal one-dimensional structure. The study of kinetic behavior of sunflower oil with zeolite beta catalysts, AlMCM-41 and MCM-41 showed a lower activation energy in front of the energy of pure sunflower oil, mainly zeolite beta. In the thermal cracking and thermocatalytic of sunflower oil were obtained two liquid fractions containing an aqueous phase and another organic - organic liquid fraction (FLO). The FLO first collected in both the thermal cracking as the thermocatalytic, showed very high level of acidity, performed characterizations of physicochemical properties of the second fraction in accordance with the specifications of the ANP. The second FLO thermocatalytic collected in cracking of sunflower oil presented results in the range of diesel oil, introducing himself as a promising alternative for use as biofuel liquid similar to diesel, either instead or mixed with it


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Materials consisting of perovskite-type oxides (ABO3) have been developed in this work for applications in fuel cell cathodes of solid oxide type (SOFC). These ceramic materials are widely studied for this type of application because they have excellent electrical properties, conductivity and electrocatalytic. The oxides LaMnO3, LaFeO3, LaFe0.2Mn0.8O3 e La0.5Fe0.5MnO3 were synthesized by the method of microwave assisted combustion and after sintering at 800°C in order to obtain the desired phases. The powders were characterized by thermogravimetry (TG), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and voltammetric analysis (cyclic voltammetry and polarization curves). The results obtained by XRF technique showed that the microwave synthesis method was effective in obtaining doping oxides with values near stoichiometric. In general, powders were obtained with particle size less than 0.5 μm, having a porous structure and uniform particle size distribution. The particles showed spherical form, irregular and crowded of varying sizes, according to the analysis of SEM. The behavior of the oxides opposite the thermal stability was monitored by thermogravimetric curves (TG), which showed low weight loss values for all samples, especially those of manganese had its structure. By means of Xray diffraction of the samples sintered at 800°C was possible to observe the formation of powders having high levels of crystallinity. Furthermore, undesirable phases such as La2O3 and MnOx were not identified in the diffractograms. These phases block the transport of oxygen ions in the electrode/electrolyte interface, affecting the electrochemical activity of the system. The voltammetric analysis of the electrocatalysts LF-800, LM-800, LF2M8-800 e L5F5M-800 revealed that these materials are excellent electrical conductors, because it increased the passage of electrical current of the working electrode significantly. Best performance for the oxygen reduction reaction was observed with iron-rich structures, considering that the materials obtained have characteristics suitable for use in fuel cell cathodes of solid oxide type


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Three studies were performed using tailings kaolin for the synthesis of zeolite A. The first synthesis of zeolite A was performed using a kaolin waste generated from the beneficiation of kaolin for paper production process was studied. The kaolin waste was thermally activated at a temperature range of 550-800°C. For comparison was performed a synthesis pattern of Zeolite A(procedure IZA). The prepared materials were characterized by 27Al MAS NMR, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy with microprobe rays. The pre-tramento proved to be the most appropriate and suitable temperatures are between 600 and 700°C. Observed the formation of zeolite A in all materials, reaching 52% crystallinity, and the presence of phase sodalite and amorphous material. The second study was the use of a highly reactive metakaolin originating from the Jari region in the synthesis of zeolite A by a new method of hydrothermal synthesis. The zeolite is obtained pure and highly crystalline employing the Jari kaolin calcined at 600 ° C for 2h when the transformation to metakaolin occurs. Get to zeolite phase A at 4pm. The best crystallization time was of 24 h afforded a crystallinity of 67.9%. The third study was the evaluation of the NaOH / metakaolin and crystallization time on the synthesis of zeolite NaA from a sample of kaolin waste, named Kaolin Coverage. The experiments were performed using statistical design (axial points) and rejoinder the center point. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning microscopic analysis and chemical analysis using an EPMA microprobe. The results showed that a relationship exists between the amount of NaOH added and the crystallization time. The experiment performed using the lowest ratio NaOH / metakaolin (0.5) and shorter (4 h) produced an amorphous material. The increase ratio of NaOH / metakaolin and crystallization time leads to formation of a more crystalline NaA phase, but the presence of phase with sodalite as impurities


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Chemical modification of clays has been extremely studied in the search for improvements of their properties for use in various areas, such as in combating pollution by industrial effluents and dyes. In this work, the vermiculite was chemically modified in two ways, characterized and evaluated the adsorption of methylene blue dye. First was changed with the addition of a surfactant (hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide, BHTA) making it an organophilic clay and then by adding an acid (HCl) by acid activation. Some analyzes were performed as X-ray fluorescence (FRX), X-ray diffraction (DRX), adsorption isotherms of methylene blue dye, infrared (FTIR) , scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermal gravimetric analysis and spectroscopy energy dispersive (EDS). Analysis by FRX of natural vermiculite indicates that addition of silicon and aluminum, clay presents in its structure the magnesium, calcium and potassium with 16 % organic matter cations. The DRX analyzes indicated that the organic vermiculite was an insertion of the surfactant in the space between the lamellae, vermiculite and acid partial destruction of the structure with loss of crystallinity. The adsorption isotherms of methylene blue showed that there was a significant improvement in the removal of dye to the vermiculite with the addition of cationic surfactant hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide and treatment with acid using HCl 2 mol/L. In acid vermiculites subsequently treated with surfactant, the adsorption capacity increased with respect to natural vermiculite, however was much lower compared vermiculite modified with acid and surfactant separately. Only the acidic vermiculite treated with surfactant adjusted to the Langmuir model. As in the infrared spectrometry proved the characteristics of natural vermiculite. In the organic vermiculite was observed the appearance of characteristic bands of CH3, CH2, and (CH3)4N. Already on acid vermiculite, it was realized a partial destruction with decreasing intensity of the characteristic band of vermiculite that is between 1074 and 952 cm-1. In the SEM analysis, it was observed that there was partial destruction to the acid treatment and a cluster is noted between the blades caused by the presence of the surfactant. The TG shows that the higher mass loss occurs at the beginning of the heating caused by the elimination of water absorbed on the surface between layers. In the organic vermiculite also observed a loss of mass between 150 and 300 °C caused decomposition of the alkylammonium molecules (surfactants)


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The ferrite composition Ni1 - xCoxFe2O4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.75) were obtained by the method of microwave assisted synthesis and had their structural and magnetic properties evaluated due to the effect of the substitution of Ni by Co. The compounds were prepared: according to the concept of chemical propellants and heated in the microwave oven with power 7000kw. The synthesized material was characterized by absorption spectroscopy in the infrared (FTIR), Xray diffraction (XRD) using the Rietveld refinement, specific surface area (BET) , scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with aid of energy dispersive analysis (EDS) and magnetic measurements (MAV). The results obtained from these techniques confirmed the feasibility of the method of synthesis employed to obtain the desired spinel structure, the ferrite, nickel ferrite as for nickel doped with cobalt. The results from XRD refinement ally showed the formation of secondary phases concerning stages α - Fe2O3, FeO, (FeCo)O e Ni0. On the other hand, there is an increase in crystallite size with the increase of cobalt in systems, resulting in an increased crystallinity. The results showed that the BET systems showed a reduction in specific surface area with the increase of cobalt and from the SEM, the formation of irregular porous blocks and that the concentration of cobalt decreased the agglomerative state of the system. The magnetic ferrites studied showed different characteristics according to the amount of dopant used, ranging from a very soft magnetic material (easy magnetization and demagnetization ) - for the system without cobalt - a magnetic material with a little stiffer behavior - for systems containing cobalt. The values of the coercive field increased with the increasing growth of cobalt, and the values of saturation magnetization and remanence increased up to x = 0,25 and then reduced. The different magnetic characteristics presented by the systems according to the amount of dopant used, allows the use of these materials as intermediates magnetic


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This study used the Thermogravimetry (TG) and molecular absorption spectroscopy in UV-visible region to determine the iron content in herbal medicinal ferrous sulfate used in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. The samples were characterized by IR, UV, TG / DTG, DTA, DSC and XRD. The thermoanalytical techniques evaluated the thermal stability and physicochemical events and showed that the excipients interfere in the decomposition of the active ingredients. The results of thermogravimetry showed that the decomposition temperature of the active principle Fe2(SO4)3 (T = 602 °C) is higher as compared to samples of tablets (566 586 °C). In the DTA and DSC curves were observed exothermic and endo events for samples of medicines and active analysis. The infrared spectra identified key functional groups exist in all samples of active ingredients, excipients and compressed studied, such as symmetric and asymmetric stretching of OH, CH, S=O. The analysis by X-ray diffraction showed that all samples had crystallinity and the final residue showed peaks indicating the presence of silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide and talc that are excipients contained in pharmaceutical formulations in addition to iron oxide. The results obtained by TG to determine the iron content of the studied drugs showed a variance when compared with those obtained by theoretical and UV-visible, probably due to formation of a mixture of Fe2O3 and Fe2(SO4)3. In one tablet was obtained FE content of 15.7 % and 20.6 % for TG by UV-visible, the sample EF 2 was obtained as a percentage of 15.4 % and 21.0 % for TG by UV-visible . In the third SF samples were obtained a content of 16.1 % and 25.5 % in TG by UV-visible, and SF 4 in the percentage of TG was 16.7 % and 14.3 % UV-visible


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In this work we obtain nickel ferrite by the combustion synthesis method whcih involves synthesising in an oven at temperatures of 750oC, 950oC and 125oC. The precursors oxidizing used were nickel nitrate, ferric as an oxidizing and reducing urea (fuel). After obtaining the mixture, the product was deagglomerated and past through a 270 mesh sieve. To assess the structure, morphology, particle size, magnetic and electrical properties of nanoparticles obtained the samples were sintered and characterized by x-ray distraction (XRD), x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (FRX); scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), vibrating sample magnetometer (MAV ) and electrical permittivity. The results indicated the majority of phase inverse spinel ferrite and Hematite secondary phase nickel and nickel oxide. Through the intensity of the distraction, the average size of the crystallization peaks were half-height width which was calculated using the Scherrer equation. From observing the peaks of all the reflections, it appears that samples are crystal clear with the formation of nanoparticles. Morphologically, the nanoferritas sintered nickel pellet formation was observed with three systems of particle size below 100mn, which favored the formation of soft pellets. The average size of the grains in their micrometric scale. FRX and EDS showed qualitatively the presence of iron elements nickel and oxygen, where through quantitative data we can observe the presence of the secondary phase. The magnetic properties and the saturation magnetization and the coercive field are in accordance with the nickel, ferrite where the curve of hysteresis has aspects of a soft material. Dielectric constant values are below 10 and low tangent loss


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Estudou-se a evolução geoquímica e mineralógica em três perfis distintos de alteração de rochas serpentinizadas que ocorrem nas imediações dos municípios de Alpinópolis e Fortaleza de Minas, no sudoeste do Estado de Minas Gerais, sob regimes de umidade e de temperatura údico e térmico, respectivamente. Nas condições atuais, o grau de evolução química e mineralógica é moderado em relação ao desenvolvido sobre outros tipos de rochas básicas e ultrabásicas da mesma área, caracterizando-se por uma importante perda de Na e Mg e, em menor proporção, de Ca e Si. O Al (localmente também o Fe) é o elemento menos móvel dos sistemas. O K é escasso no material de origem e nas zonas de alteração, e ocorre enriquecimento desse elemento nos horizontes superficiais por aporte externo. Os minerais primários mais facilmente intemperizáveis, como o talco, a tremolita e a clorita trioctaédrica, são abundantes ainda na fração argila desses solos tropicais com composição mineralógica pouco comum, mas são todos termodinamicamente instáveis. do ponto de vista geoquímico, o processo de alteração atual pode ser definido como uma bissialitização, que pode coincidir com ferruginização, com formação de minerais trioctaédricos secundários por transformação direta de estrutura e também por neoformação, todos coexistindo com os minerais primários residuais. No entanto, as fases de maior evolução, em volumes com drenagem mais eficiente, tendem à monossialitização, com formação de caulinitas de diferentes graus de cristalinidade. A assembléia mineralógica existente evidencia a metaestabilidade e o caráter incipiente do sistema pedogenético.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O mercado de embalagens de poli(tereftalato de etileno) -PET- para acondicionamento de refrigerantes, água mineral, sucos concentrados e óleos comestíveis apresenta polímeros de diferentes tipos, que foram desenvolvidos para personalizar o atendimento a clientes desejosos de propriedades melhores e mais específicas, principalmente em termos de massa molar. No caso do PET, assim como na indústria da reciclagem do polímero, o ensaio de viscosidade intrínseca é muito usado para determinar a massa molar. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de viscosidade intrínseca de PET advindo de embalagens de várias marcas de refrigerantes, sucos e óleos de soja. Amostras de cada embalagem foram dissolvidas em solução de fenol-tetracloroetano (60:40 em peso) e o fluxo das mesmas em um viscosímetro Cannon-Fenske a 30 °C para medir a viscosidade relativa, que foi convertido para viscosidade intrínseca. Os resultados mostraram uma variação no valor da propriedade conforme se variava o volume, tipo e a marca do produto envasado. Para as 21 amostras analisadas, os resultados variaram de 0,70 a 0,79 dL/g. Portanto, uma melhor seleção das embalagens pode ajudar os recicladores na obtenção de produtos melhores, com menor variação na massa molar. Os valores de densidade obtidos apresentaram uma pequena variação, que torna-se maior quando transformados em cristalinidade.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)