973 resultados para Creative process. Dance. History. Body. Work in Progress


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Ayuda a los profesores a cumplir con los requisitos de la versión revisada del programa de estudios del curriculo nacional inglés en historia para la etapa 3 (key stage 3); no solo por su contenido sino también por la estructura de las áreas de estudio. Presenta, igualmente, distintos tipos de evaluaciones para que el docente pueda hacer un seguimiento de los progresos de los alumnos y del rendimiento individual de cada uno de ellos de forma continua. Los recursos con los que cuenta son personalizados con hojas de trabajo, esquemas de lecciones y de trabajo. Se acompaña con material audiovisual en el que figura una amplia variedad de ejemplos y actividades que ayudan a ampliar las ideas y mejorar el aprendizaje de la historia por parte de los alumnos.


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Esta dividido en tres módulos que nos permiten acercarnos a la vida de la gente en el período comprendido entre 1603 y 1901 en distintos lugares del mundo. Su contenido se ajusta a los requisitos del plan nacional de estudios inglés en la materia de historia en la etapa 3 (Key stage 3). Pertenece a una serie cuyos objetivos son entre otros: hacer comprender a los alumnos que la historia es una disciplina basada en la investigación, la interpretación y el debate y, que para su comprensión se necesita una visión global de los hechos, para lo cual busca el equilibrio entre los asuntos nacionales e internacionales.


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Ayuda a los profesores a cumplir con los requisitos de la versión revisada del programa de estudios del curriculo nacional inglés en historia para la etapa 3 (key stage 3); no solo por su contenido sino también por la estructura de las áreas de estudio. Presenta, igualmente, distintos tipos de evaluaciones para que el docente pueda hacer un seguimiento de los progresos de los alumnos y del rendimiento individual de cada uno de ellos de forma continua. Los recursos con los que cuenta son personalizados con hojas de trabajo, esquemas de lecciones y de trabajo. Se acompaña con material audiovisual en el que figura una amplia variedad de ejemplos y actividades que ayudan a ampliar las ideas y mejorar el aprendizaje de la historia por parte de los alumnos.


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Ayuda a los profesores a cumplir con los requisitos de la versión revisada del programa de estudios del curriculo nacional inglés en historia para la etapa 3 (key stage 3); no solo por su contenido sino también por la estructura de las áreas de estudio. Presenta, igualmente, distintos tipos de evaluaciones para que el docente pueda hacer un seguimiento de los progresos de los alumnos y del rendimiento individual de cada uno de ellos de forma continua. Los recursos con los que cuenta son personalizados con hojas de trabajo, esquemas de lecciones y de trabajo. Se acompaña con material audiovisual en el que figura una amplia variedad de ejemplos y actividades que ayudan a ampliar las ideas y mejorar el aprendizaje de la historia por parte de los alumnos.


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Esta dividido en tres módulos que nos permiten acercarnos a la vida de la gente en el siglo XX y en la actualidad en distintos lugares del mundo. Su contenido se ajusta al plan nacional de estudios inglés en la materia de historia en la etapa 3 (Key stage 3). Pertenece a una serie cuyos objetivos son entre otros: hacer comprender a los alumnos que la historia es una disciplina basada en la investigación, la interpretación y el debate y, que para su comprensión se necesita una visión global de los hechos, que lo aporta el conocimiento equilibrado de los temas nacionales e internacionales.


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We analyze the migration behavior of graduates from UK universities with a focus on the salary benefits they receive from the migration process. We focus on sequential interregional migration and specifically examine the case of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Creative subject graduates. Our analysis differs from previous studies in that it accounts explicitly for migrant selectivity through propensity score matching, and it also classifies graduates into different migration behavior categories. Graduates were classified according to their sequential migration behavior first from their pre-university domicile to university and then from university to first job post-graduation. Our results show that ‘repeat migration’, as expected, is associated with the highest wage premium (around 15%). Other migration behaviors are also advantageous although this varies across different types of graduates. Creative graduates, for instance, do not benefit much from migration behaviors other than repeat migration. STEM graduates, on the contrary, benefit from both late migration and staying in the university area to work.


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When undertaking design and technology activities, children are provided with opportunities to create solutions to problems in new and innovative ways. The mental processes involved in the generation of new ideas may be enhanced when children’s attention is not focussed and is allowed to wander in a relaxed and uncompetitive environment. Research indicates that the two mental states, generative and non-generative, cannot exist simultaneously. This paper reports on a research project which investigated the impact on children’s thinking when a period of non-focussed thinking became part of the technology process. The results support the previous proposition that a child’s non-generative/analytical mental state needs to give way to a generative state so that a child can be more fully creative. Moreover, from this study that documented children’s ideas during their involvement in a design and technology activity, teachers are urged to provide an incubation period as part of the technological process in the classroom, so that children’s creativity can be fostered.


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Australia's national heritage comprises exceptional natural and cultural places which help give Australia its national identity. This paper reports on work in progress. It critically and reflectively explores the bonds and  limitations between the work of historians, heritage professionals and ‘free thinkers’ – architects, artists and writers – in the task of identifying, protecting and interpreting the possibilities and opportunities presented by our cultural heritage at Point Nepean, Victoria. Underway is the development of an extensive knowledge database, as historians grapple with the problem of understanding the complex history of Point Nepean. Historians and heritage professionals aspire to recreate the past; they search for the patterns of history; they use historical evidence to gain political objectives; they distil insights from the historical record itself. While scholarship and rigorous procedures are generally adhered to, much hangs on interpretation and perspective; how documentation and imagination are interwoven; on how and by whom the story is told. Once a place is listed on National and/or State registers, the conservation process is invoked for transferring information about the past into the future, using current skills, knowledge and  techniques. In Australia conservation is underpinned by the principle that change to a heritage place should not occur at the expense of its special character and qualities, by what is described as its heritage significance. This requires that approval be obtained before any action takes place which has, will have, or is likely to have, a significant impact on the national heritage values of a listed place. Conflict in heritage management arises because there are many different views on how different values are  managed. It is the role of the architectural historian, conservation architect and architect to creatively reveal the inherent values, to interpret them and sustain the place into the future, never losing sight of Point Nepean’s unique ‘sense of place’.


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This paper is an ethnographic account of how 'wicked' (i.e. entrenched and enduring) problems with the 'building, filling and billing' of public housing have shaped and influenced the work of public housing workers in Victoria, Australia. With a few exceptions, the front line work of housing staff is represented in the literature as smaller, constituent parts of some larger policy process, organisational event or procedural reform. In order to understand how housing work has been constructed over time, this paper attempts to consolidate these fragmented narratives (contained in old documents, training manuals, news articles and reports) into an historical account of 'what it was like' to work in the public/social housing sector. In this paper, I will construct this 'historical account' with the stories I gathered over twelve months of field work in three different public housing offices. In their stories, public housing workers tell me how subtle and incremental has been the change to their work, how increasingly complex are the needs of tenants and how dfficult their work has become. Their stories illustrate the complexity of undersdanding and addressing these 'wicked' housing problems when tenants change, staff change and
the public housing sector has a history of frequent 'restructuring'. This contextualisation of 'old and new stories' will allow the reader to understand how the organisational reality of present day housing work has been socially constructed ('sedimented') by generation, of workers, managers and tenants.


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Water sensitive design on our urban threshold is increasingly becoming topical. In Adelaide it is being driven by stormwater management strategies and economic efficiencies in a city that is beginning to embrace its Mediterranean environment, low water sustainability, and whether our showpiece public domains in Adelaide can afford large expanses of manicured lawns.

This paper reviews four projects in progress along the North Terrace in Adelaide. The first involves a major redesign of First Creek as it traverses Adelaide Botanic Garden to address stormwater management issues. The redesign includes strategies to control flash flooding, to cleanse stream water from pollutants, and to carefully incorporate a wetland system as an integral botanical and horticultural feature of a botanic garden. Further down North Terrace, the University of Adelaide is evaluating a scenario that will totally redesign Goodman Crescent, its picture-postcard promenade lawn. The scenario is to host an integrated water retention and water purification and cleansing system that will service independently of mains water an irrigation system and a waterfall. The proposal draws upon a similar strategy recently adopted by the South Australian Museum to capture and cleanse surface and roof water but place the installation and process on display as part of its overall biodiversity museum display that will unfold over the next five years under director Tim Flannery. The fourth example, in process at present, is to devise an integrated water system that may enable the Government House grounds to remove itself from dependence upon costly mains water to totally sustain its extensive gardens and lawns.

Importantly each project has similar threads: creative water maximization and purification use, and a desire to place these ‘installations’ on display as public statements of their commitment to water sustainability in Adelaide. But radically, here are four prominent cultural institutions readily willing to redefine the notion and traditional visual imagery of a ‘wetland’ on what is the main cultural boulevard of a capital city.


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This thesis asserts that event management requires strategic and creative thinking. This is necessary to envision alternative approaches in an evolving communications landscape. Using a rich, qualitative analysis with one major case study, the conclusion is that events must shift from an operationally led to a strategically informed creative process.


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My life and intellectual history are closely connected to the late 20th Century rise of the second wave women’s, student and civil rights movements. These decades also witnessed the professionalization of women’s traditional fields of work— teaching and nursing—with their introduction into the academy. But as all feminists know, and my intellectual and personal history illustrates, there is no gradual progress towards the betterment of all or a fairer redistribution of power, and there is no safe discourse of equality. Any restructuring of the social relations of gender arising from local, national or global social, economic and political shifts often reasserts masculine privilege.


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This research investigated the dance piece Caldo da Cana which premiered in João Pessoa-PB, in September 1984. It problematizes theoretical and practical way to make dance history, investigating this possibility through the dance itself. Arises from the fact that the dance has specific characteristics that can not be neglected by the historical account. In this sense, it was initiated by the raising of a theoretical framework that speaks to the indicated issues and unfolds through a field study, which included collecting testimonies from people who participated in the show, documentary research, gathering material traces and finally consists a practical part by transposing elaborated historical knowledge into the body through a creative process, resulting on this moment, in the construction of a duo dance