928 resultados para Creative Process


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Em projetos de inovação por design, a concepção detalhada e sistêmica do projeto amplia a probabilidade de êxito de modo a preservar e aumentar o retorno dos recursos investidos. Privilegia-se o desenvolvimento em etapas para ampliar a consciência do ecossistema e valores associados ao projeto. Deste modo, o processo é conduzido de modo mais adequado partindo do contexto e objetivos à sua especificação conceitual para execução. Um levantamento dos parâmetros, processos, atividades, formas de conexão e interação, ambiente, elementos do projeto e contexto semântico estruturam um percurso metodológico em módulos e ferramentas que refinam gradualmente a partir do objetivo inicialmente exposto ao projeto de inovação bem-sucedido.


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Wilkinson, Jane, 'Staging Swissness: Inter- and Intracultural Theatre Translation', Language and Intercultural Communication (2005) 5(1) pp.72-85 RAE2008


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Criatividade e Inovação


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This is about politics and protest, or rather about a politics of protest, and of rebellion. But it is also about creativity and the way in which theory and practice combine within the context of the ‘productive/creativeprocess. In this case the combination is explicit and can be traced along a clear trajectory. The following will set out the way in which the accompanying piece of music – a cover of the 1969 protest song Leaving on a Jet Plane by Peter, Paul & Mary - came into being. In doing so it will make reference to a number of theoretical ideas/concepts that fed into the productive process and/or appeared relevant postproduction. It will draw on various aspects of thought from Heidegger (Standing reserve, Enframing and Authenticity), Camus (The Rebel), Foucault (Luminosity), and Deleuze (Immanence, Difference and Repetition and The Fold). [From the Author].


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This article focuses on the reading of audiovisual productions of contemporary art as a creative process, seeking to analyse which effects of meaning the articulations between the visual and sound systems produce, and the meaning that children give to then. It describes a video art, identifying the languages that compose it and the relationships that link them. Such reading exercise had as corpus of analysis the Chair video art, by Masaru Ozaki, and counted with the theoretical and methodological support of the discourse semiotics, especially with studies on assembly procedures that articulate visual and auditory languages. Also, it presents a focal study with the meanings that a group of children gave to the video art. The findings indicate the importance of including the reading of audiovisual productions of contemporary art at school through the problematization of effects of meaning produced by the interrelation between different languages. And they suggest some subsidies that allow teachers from different areas of knowledge to reflect about the visuality in their pedagogical practice; the choice of the audiovisual materials taken to the classroom and other ways of seeing these texts edited.


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The relationship between rhetoric and graphic design is presented in this article. The comparison between a classical orator and a graphic designer, between a discourse and a piece of design comes from the connections between with the communication and creativity. We will see how an application of the fundamentals of rhetoric can open new doors to the professional practice, the education of graphic design and the same theory of the rhetoric of the image.By the analysis of a design is exemplified the points of union that show how the arguments, operations, figures of discourse and rhetorical phases are present in the creative process of graphic design and how designers, perhaps unconsciously, use techniques that were traditional. In other words, graphic design is a rhetorical construction.There is then a transposition of a discourse model created by linguistic signs to a discourse model consists of visual and typographic signs, causing design is seen as a discursivediscipline that goes beyond the aesthetic component.


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Since the early 1970s, the American electronic media artist Paul DeMarinis (b. 1948, Cleveland, Ohio, USA) has created works that re-imagine modes of communication and reinvent the technologies that enable communication. His works (see Table 1) have taken shape as recordings, performances, electronic inventions, and site-specific and interactive installations; many are considered landmarks in the histories of electronic music and media art. Paul DeMarinis pioneered live performance with computers, collaborated on landmark works with artists like David Tudor and Robert Ashley, undertook several tours with the Merce Cunningham Dance Company, and brought to life obscure technologies such as the flame loudspeaker (featured in his 2004 sculpture Firebirds). His interactive installation The Music Room (1982), commissioned by Frank Oppenheimer for the Exploratorium in San Francisco, was the first automatic music work to reach a significant audience. His album Music As A Second Language (1991) marks one of the most extensive explorations of the synthesized voice and speech melodies to date. Installations like The Edison Effect (1989-1993), in which lasers scan ancient recordings to produce music, and The Messenger (1998/2005), in which electronic mail messages are displayed on alphabetic telegraph receivers, illustrate a creative process that Douglas Kahn (1994) has called "reinventing invention." [etc]


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A collaboration with the Sonic Arts Research Centre (QUB) and Tinderbox Theatre Company, this lab explores how writers can collaborate with experts in sonic design. The collaboration will result in an initial performance on March 12 2014 (entitled 'X/Y') at the Sonic Arts Research Centre that is open to the public. The audience's comments will then be fed back into the creative process for re-drafting and re-recording. A final performance is planned for the Belfast Festival.


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This chapter focuses on the question of how to explain agency in the context of motherhood. In so doing, it seeks to go beyond the tendency to focus exclusively on the burden of coordination which institutional structures generate for mothers, in order to examine the evaluative burden which normative structures demand of this role. Drawing on interview material with 40 middle class mothers across two research sites in the UK and US, the paper develops a three-part typology of maternal role performance. This relies on the insights of contemporary action theory, with its emphasis on emotionally configured intersubjective interpretation of normative structures, and more specifically on Joas’s pragmatist theorisation of social action as a creative process. The paper argues that maternal agency takes three distinct ideal-typical forms, namely romantic expressivism, rational instrumentalism, and pragmatism. These are conceived as distinct creative responses to the evaluative demands of motherhood, as the agents go about interpreting situated norms, needs and interests.


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Traduzir Macau é uma proposta de trabalho que tem por base o auto-referencial como exercício de produção e de auto-reflexão. É um projeto que tem como estratégia o uso do relacionamento do processo criativo com a vivência, nomeadamente as expectativas e consequências da passagem pelo território de Macau a pretexto de uma exposição na Livraria Portuguesa. Ao investigar na arte o padrão auto-referencial, pretendeuse abrir uma perspectiva crítica e sensível de observação e análise da arte contemporânea.


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O presente trabalho propõe-se refletir sobre um projeto de teatro musical, A menina de papel, realizado por uma comunidade educativa constituída por professores e alunos do Conservatório de Música de Felgueiras e da Artmusic- Berço da Cultura da Lixa, levada a cena na Casa das Artes de Felgueiras no dia 26 de julho de 2013. Este trabalho centra a sua intervenção em torno de dois eixos: música na comunidade e o teatro musical baseado no conto infantil A menina de papel. Na presente dissertação propus-me ainda conhecer e analisar a instância educativa e tudo o que lhe é intrínseco para através de um diagnóstico da situação, e da elaboração de um plano de trabalho que fosse de encontro às necessidades pessoais e profissionais das instituições já referidas. Tendo em atenção os objetivos propostos para este projeto, este documento descreve os principais conceitos teóricos que enquadram esta pesquisa, expõe o processo criativo da obra de teatro musical A menina de papel, da conceção ao palco, relatando os motivos da escolha do conto, as experiências vivenciadas durante cada etapa até às apresentações públicas, terminado com uma análise e avaliação dos resultados.


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Tese de mestrado, Tradição Clássica e Cultura Europeia, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2011


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Ensino de Artes Visuais no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Ensino de Artes Visuais, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Ensino de Artes Visuais, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013