923 resultados para Contemporary french narrative literature
This paper presents a brief reflection on the survey done by the group Research group “Approaches in Studies of Arts, History, Linguistics and Literature Japanese translation and autochthon oral tradition-European”, where there was a significant number of translations of Japanese contemporary works. The most translated authors traced in outline the main characteristics which of we perceive similarities possibly attract by the Brazilian reader. In this addendum to reflect on the application of the literature on the bias of the communicative approach in the teaching and learning of the Japanese language.
This paper presents a comparative study concerning the novel The queen Margot (1845), by Alexandre Dumas father, and the homonymous movie (1994), by Patrice Chéreau, mainly considering its historical character, the production conditions of each “discourse” and the personages’ performances in both narratives. The novel has been originally published in the form of feuilleton in the French newspaper La presse, during the years 1844 and 1845, what explains its long extension and the correlation among the chapters. It constitutes a trilogy, the action of which takes place during the religion wars, affording to the text the classification of a traditional historical novel, having the episode of St. Bartholomew carnage as its most striking event. Regarding the movie, which has been awarded five Cesar prizes, two rewards in Cannes Festival and an indication to the Oscar for the best costume design, it also counts with Isabelle Adjani as the protagonist actress. With a few relevant differences regarding the novel, it is remarkable that the action in the movie happens in august 1572 in a Paris that is the center of conflicts among Catholics and Protestants. In this scenery, the comparison between the two artistic manifestations is based strictly on the analysis of the personages’ profiles, the circumstances in which they have been produced and the historical aspects surrounding the two works.
This article is the result of a narrative literature review. The objective is to show the development of an overview on the ideological debate on the design of state health policies. We argue that the role of the state in the development of health policy, even under the pressure of the global market, may create alternatives to promote and drive economic and social development, meaning they are not subject to economic constraints imposed by the liberal ideal of market. Here is a part of a theoretical discussion about the construction and presence of the State in Latin America, particularly in Brazil. We take the approaches of the Marxist tradition and liberal to the issue as reference. This discussion allows us to understand the historical role of the state in the maintenance of social policies, specifically health, is an alternative to public control eases the intense capital mobility promoted by economic globalization. In this sense, the theme makes the Brazilian health an important issue of social sciences, why is the historicity of the construction of the Brazilian health system, as a public policy that can mirror the actual reconstruction of the institutional framework of the Brazilian state with the establishment instances of negotiation between the various spheres of power that strengthen the state in this process of democratization of Brazilian society.
This work consists, mainly, in the analysis of an Angolan children contemporary work of literature trough a traditional methodology for the study of fairy tales, in other words, Vladimir Propp's. His goal is to prove this methodology, besides having been specifically developed to analyze European folktales, has an application of big range, including contemporary work and of non-european origin. He demonstrates which were the results and difficulties of such applicability. Besides, it was also found relevant affirmations about the history of Angola and about the biography of the author of the studied biography, Ondjaki
This work consists, mainly, in the analysis of an Angolan children contemporary work of literature trough a traditional methodology for the study of fairy tales, in other words, Vladimir Propp's. His goal is to prove this methodology, besides having been specifically developed to analyze European folktales, has an application of big range, including contemporary work and of non-european origin. He demonstrates which were the results and difficulties of such applicability. Besides, it was also found relevant affirmations about the history of Angola and about the biography of the author of the studied biography, Ondjaki
Questo lavoro affronta la traduzione della letteratura per l'infanzia. La prima parte teorica si divide tra l'analisi di cosa si intenda per traduzione per l'infanzia, quali siano le problematiche e le particolarità che la caratterizzano, e un'analisi delle specificità della traduzione dal russo all'italiano, con un approfondimento della letteratura russa contemporanea per l’infanzia. La seconda parte, pratica, analizza le traduzioni della stessa dottoranda per calare in esempi pratici le possibilità teoriche analizzate nella prima parte. Vengono affrontati brani dei maggiori scrittori contemporanei, come G. Oster, M. Moskvina, M. Borodickaja, Ju. Nečiporenko e altri. Caratteristiche fondanti la letteratura per l’infanzia sono l’interazione tra parola e immagine, il ruolo della lettura a voce alta e l’importanza del suono, i nomi parlanti, il doppio destinatario, l’adattamento, il rispetto dei canoni morali e estetici imposti dalla società, il carattere pedagogico. Gli aspetti teorici esaminati sono il traduttore come lettore e la ricerca di un equivalente funzionale come strategia traduttiva. This thesis is about translation of children’s literature. In the first section, I explore the meanings of translating for children, and which are its issues and peculiarities; the specificities in translation from Russian into Italian; the background of contemporary Russian Children’s Literature (G. Oster, M. Moskvina, M. Boroditskaya, Yu. Nechiporenko). In the second part I analyze my translations, in order to give some practical examples of the theoretical strategies I explored in the first section. Relevant characteristic of children’s literature are: its pedagogical character, interaction between word and image, double addressee, the importance of reading aloud, adaptation, respect of moral and aesthetic canons imposed by the society. The theoretical aspects examined in this thesis involve the issue of the translator seen as reader, and the search of functional equivalents as dominant translation strategy.
Contemporary French poet Yves Bonnefoy has always been attracted by English poetry, especially by Shakespeare’s work. Translating Shakespeare’s plays and sonnets has been a fundamental experience for him. The contact with a different culture, a different language and a different sort of poetry has been an important moment in his poetic experience. The dialogue between the French and the Elizabethan poet, which started in the 1950s, hasn't stopped yet and it offers some interesting perspectives to study Bonnefoy's work from a new point of view. Translation – which is first of all a poetic experience to him – is in fact the chance to get in touch with somebody else's poetry and to establish a dialogue with his poetic universe. Such a dialogue requires on the one hand an ‘ethic’ attitude on the translator's part, that is an attentive listening and a deep understanding of the original text. However, Bonnefoy has to create a new ‘poetic’ text in his own language. This is why the ‘seeds’ of his own poetry are also present in his translated texts, in which it is possible to clearly distinguish both the presence of the French poet’s own voice and his attempt to open his ‘speech’ to the specific quality of the Shakespearean poetry. On the other hand, such a deep contact with Shakespeare's work has changed the French poet, contributing to the development and maturity of his own poetry. Indeed, the Elizabethan poet is present in his work in different ways, in his critical essays as well as in his poems. Against this background, the aim of the present study is to define the complex dialogic forms and the osmotic relationships between the poetic experience and the experience of translation, which are considered two different moments of the same ontological research by the French poet.
A partir de las recientes lecturas sobre el realismo argentino de, centralmente, Martín Kohan, Graciela Speranza, Nora Avaro y Analía Capdevila, se piensan y discuten hipótesis en torno de los siguientes ejes: 1. los límites del alcance y de la vigencia de la categoría de realismo en su relación con la narrativa argentina actual; 2. alcances y límites de una relectura de la teoría lukacsiana hoy; 3. el problema de la definición del tipo realista; 4. variaciones realistas en la narrativa argentina contemporánea.
Juan Bautista Alberdi es, en la Argentina, uno de los primeros intelectuales preocupados por definir la filosofía y pensar su relación con la política. En este trabajo nos ocupamos de inscribir las formulaciones alberdianas en el marco de los debates franceses en torno a la 'filosofía oficial', analizando las diferentes posiciones de dicho debate y advirtiendo las diversas aristas de aquella inscripción. Nos interesa detenernos en algunos de los principales motivos de los teóricos franceses, intentando dar cuenta del entramado conceptual del que se vale Alberdi para pensar el lugar de la filosofía en el complejo escenario de la Argentina rosista
A partir de las recientes lecturas sobre el realismo argentino de, centralmente, Martín Kohan, Graciela Speranza, Nora Avaro y Analía Capdevila, se piensan y discuten hipótesis en torno de los siguientes ejes: 1. los límites del alcance y de la vigencia de la categoría de realismo en su relación con la narrativa argentina actual; 2. alcances y límites de una relectura de la teoría lukacsiana hoy; 3. el problema de la definición del tipo realista; 4. variaciones realistas en la narrativa argentina contemporánea.
Juan Bautista Alberdi es, en la Argentina, uno de los primeros intelectuales preocupados por definir la filosofía y pensar su relación con la política. En este trabajo nos ocupamos de inscribir las formulaciones alberdianas en el marco de los debates franceses en torno a la 'filosofía oficial', analizando las diferentes posiciones de dicho debate y advirtiendo las diversas aristas de aquella inscripción. Nos interesa detenernos en algunos de los principales motivos de los teóricos franceses, intentando dar cuenta del entramado conceptual del que se vale Alberdi para pensar el lugar de la filosofía en el complejo escenario de la Argentina rosista
Juan Bautista Alberdi es, en la Argentina, uno de los primeros intelectuales preocupados por definir la filosofía y pensar su relación con la política. En este trabajo nos ocupamos de inscribir las formulaciones alberdianas en el marco de los debates franceses en torno a la 'filosofía oficial', analizando las diferentes posiciones de dicho debate y advirtiendo las diversas aristas de aquella inscripción. Nos interesa detenernos en algunos de los principales motivos de los teóricos franceses, intentando dar cuenta del entramado conceptual del que se vale Alberdi para pensar el lugar de la filosofía en el complejo escenario de la Argentina rosista
A partir de las recientes lecturas sobre el realismo argentino de, centralmente, Martín Kohan, Graciela Speranza, Nora Avaro y Analía Capdevila, se piensan y discuten hipótesis en torno de los siguientes ejes: 1. los límites del alcance y de la vigencia de la categoría de realismo en su relación con la narrativa argentina actual; 2. alcances y límites de una relectura de la teoría lukacsiana hoy; 3. el problema de la definición del tipo realista; 4. variaciones realistas en la narrativa argentina contemporánea.
Hannah Arendt est surtout connue pour avoir écrit une magistrale enquête historique sur le totalitarisme (Les origines du totalitarisme) et pour avoir défendu une conception exigeante de la politique développée dans un langage réputé pour être très hellénisant. Cette façon de concevoir la politique repose principalement sur le concept d’action qu’Arendt travaille à redéfinir au sein d’un contexte historique et d’une tradition qui témoignent, selon elle, d’un « oubli de l’action ». Ce qu’Arendt reproche au premier chef à la tradition de la philosophie politique est d’avoir confondu, dès ses premiers balbutiements, le faire et l’agir, interprétant ce dernier à l’aune de la fabrication (poiesis) et recouvrant du même souffle la spécificité de l’action (praxis). Sa propre théorie politique travaille ainsi à repenser l’action pour elle-même et à en faire de nouveau le centre de la vie politique. C’est donc notamment en se référant aux expériences politiques pré-philosophiques athéniennes qu’Arendt parvient à illustrer les potentialités que recèle l’action comprise comme spontanéité dévoilante. Or, il nous apparaît que ses efforts achoppent finalement sur le contexte moderne et que ce fait n’échappe probablement pas à Arendt elle-même. L’impasse suscitée par la modernité est ainsi à nos yeux l’occasion de mettre au jour un versant plus proprement poétique de l’œuvre d’Arendt, se dessinant en filigrane de sa théorie politique et qui n’est que très peu abordé au sein de la littérature secondaire francophone. Pour ce faire, nous proposons dans un premier temps d’interroger les efforts d’Arendt pour valoriser l’action politique afin de faire ressortir les ressources de ce concept. Dans un second temps, nous confrontons le concept d’action au contexte moderne tel que le conçoit Arendt pour montrer qu’il existe dans ses écrits un modèle alternatif de rapport au monde et à autrui que celui mis en avant par l’action et que cet autre modèle doit énormément au poétique.
Hannah Arendt est surtout connue pour avoir écrit une magistrale enquête historique sur le totalitarisme (Les origines du totalitarisme) et pour avoir défendu une conception exigeante de la politique développée dans un langage réputé pour être très hellénisant. Cette façon de concevoir la politique repose principalement sur le concept d’action qu’Arendt travaille à redéfinir au sein d’un contexte historique et d’une tradition qui témoignent, selon elle, d’un « oubli de l’action ». Ce qu’Arendt reproche au premier chef à la tradition de la philosophie politique est d’avoir confondu, dès ses premiers balbutiements, le faire et l’agir, interprétant ce dernier à l’aune de la fabrication (poiesis) et recouvrant du même souffle la spécificité de l’action (praxis). Sa propre théorie politique travaille ainsi à repenser l’action pour elle-même et à en faire de nouveau le centre de la vie politique. C’est donc notamment en se référant aux expériences politiques pré-philosophiques athéniennes qu’Arendt parvient à illustrer les potentialités que recèle l’action comprise comme spontanéité dévoilante. Or, il nous apparaît que ses efforts achoppent finalement sur le contexte moderne et que ce fait n’échappe probablement pas à Arendt elle-même. L’impasse suscitée par la modernité est ainsi à nos yeux l’occasion de mettre au jour un versant plus proprement poétique de l’œuvre d’Arendt, se dessinant en filigrane de sa théorie politique et qui n’est que très peu abordé au sein de la littérature secondaire francophone. Pour ce faire, nous proposons dans un premier temps d’interroger les efforts d’Arendt pour valoriser l’action politique afin de faire ressortir les ressources de ce concept. Dans un second temps, nous confrontons le concept d’action au contexte moderne tel que le conçoit Arendt pour montrer qu’il existe dans ses écrits un modèle alternatif de rapport au monde et à autrui que celui mis en avant par l’action et que cet autre modèle doit énormément au poétique.