931 resultados para Consumer culture theory


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Research on celebrity and public persona derives from fundamentally interdisciplinary sources. Although at its core, the study of public personality has been the object of investigations by those more closely associated with media and communication, the key disciplines of sociology, cultural studies, literary studies, political science, social psychology, and even anthropology and history have been part of its analysis. Celebrity identifies the “extra-textual” dimensions of the famous, in which the lives of the renowned are followed, read, and reported. It is a public celebration of individuality that is (but not exclusively) connected to consumer culture and democratic capitalism. Through these larger cultural tropes celebrity has had its strongest affiliations with the contemporary entertainment industries, particularly in terms of how they are covered by the media and the press for further value beyond the cultural forms that are often the origins of stardom—the public individual’s performances in fields such as film, television, sport, and popular music. Celebrity is a site of celebration and derogation in any culture: these public individuals are truly exalted and given a status beyond others, but they are also ridiculed for their believed-to-be unearned credentials for having such a public platform and voice. Moreover, the study of celebrity and public persona is also an investigation into the connection between the populace and these public personalities, where parasocial relations most evident in fandom identify how celebrities embody audiences with an affective connection that is truly powerful in contemporary culture. That power of embodiment and connection that celebrities possess is subsequently exploited by the media industries to promote and sell new connected cultural products. Identifying celebrities as part of a spectrum of public personas links the study of celebrity to the investigation of the celebrated and famed in a variety of professions and fields well beyond entertainment. Thus, the term persona is used in these studies of public personalities to acknowledge the mask that is deployed to present a public version of the self for this external consumption and reading by an audience, a collective, a network, a nation, a citizenry, or a community. Research into public personas has led to related studies of political leadership, self-branding, notoriety in business, and reputation management, and research delves into the presentation of the public self by greater portions of the populace in online cultures. Celebrity and public persona is a field in which research aims to investigate the significance and meaning of various versions of the public self in both contemporary culture and historically.


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Purpose - This study aims to specifically focus on the lower-involvement young adult voters within the Australian compulsory voting context. It explores voters’ political decision-making by considering the influence of the consumer behaviour theory of involvement. Design/methodology/approach - A thematic analysis was conducted to analyse the interviews within the two research questions: information seeking and decision-making. Findings - Key themes within information seeking are the reach of the information available, the frequency of the information presented, the creativity of the message and one-way versus two-way communication. Key themes within evaluation are promise keeping/trust, achievements or performance and policies. Lower-involvement decision-making has the potential to be a habitual, limited evaluation decision. However, issues of trust, performance and policies may encourage evaluation, thereby reducing the chances of habitually voting for the same party as before. Practical implications - This new area of research has implications for the application of marketing for organisations and political marketing theory. Considering voting decision-making as a lower-involvement decision has implications for assisting the creation and adaptation of strategies to focus on this group of the population. Originality/value - The compulsory voting environment creates a unique situation to study lower-involvement decision-making, as these young adults are less likely to opt out of the voting process. Previous research in political marketing has not specifically explored the application of involvement to young adult voting within a compulsory voting environment.


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Through a naturalistic inquiry, we interpret shopping malls in India as post-colonial sites in which young consumers deploy the West in an attempt to transform their Third World identities. Shopping malls in former colonies represent a post-colonial hybridity that offers consumers the illusion of being Western, modern, and developed. Moreover, consumption of post-colonial retail arenas is characterised as a masquerade through which young consumers attempt to disguise or temporarily transcend their Third World realities. This interpretation helps us to offer insights into transitioning retail servicescapes of the Third World, which in turn helps to improve extant understanding of consumer identity and global consumer culture.


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This study aims at disclosing the roots of contemporary consumer culture. By emphasizing the relationship between consumption and cultural and political dimensions of social life, this analysis focuses on some processes that took place in Europe since the end of Middle Ages throughout the XVIII century - e.g. the rise of absolutism, the development of royal courts and of a new life-style among them (they are the social group in which the first modern consumption features came to light), the upcoming of present (and no longer past) as the main reference frame for action, a new balance between tradition and novelty, the emergence of individualism - which are crucial to understand the genesis of present consumer standards and values.


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The admiration of people for automobiles has been known and revealed for many years all over the world. Being through academic studies, proprietor declaration and admirers, the automobile is an object of desire, admiration, love, passion, dream, pride and accomplishment which, with all of this, promotes various types of feelings with the identification, discrimination, expression and the projection of identity. This research was based on the theories about consumers¿ behaviors, self-concept and extended self. It'll be approached in a qualitative and exploratory way the personal behavior of the consumers who personalizes their automobile, the consumer Tuning. The Objective of this project is to explore how the ¿Tuners¿ use a personalized car to construct their social identity. Supplementary, was explored which factors commence and initiated the extension process of self-automobile and also, how they connect with their object and why this relationship is establish this way. Seven people were interviewed of the male sex between 19 and 33 years old, living in the stated of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, during the period of September and October of the year 2007. The results observed were that the cars, like objects, can literally broaden its owner¿s personality. The creation process, sustentation and nutrition of the ¿Self¿ through the car can be observed in the personalization of their own cars, with this, using like the middle and end. It was also observed that the begin of the personalization phenomenon of automobiles in Brazil is began, mainly, in the 21 century with the diffuser of the culture, the cinema, evince even more, processes that already existent in the extension of the personalized cars. Observing that a personalized automobile tents to be in a free way, like a distance, when possible, from intransigence of models or imposition of the ways to be accomplished. Definitively, stories like: ¿My car is just a useful way to travel which I use only when necessary¿ will not be found in this research.


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O estudo do comportamento dos consumidores  nomeadamente, os rituais de consumo associados ao consumo de café e os fatores envolvidos nesse processo  é importante para podermos compreender e comparar o comportamento dos consumidores cariocas e lisboetas no que tange ao consumo de café. Por outro lado, também é importante averiguar a influência da cultura e da sociedade nesses rituais de consumo, de forma a compreender a evolução do varejo de café pronto no Brasil. Os modelos que vêm sendo aplicados aqui se adaptam às características do público local, o que traz para a nossa discussão, a noção de cultura. Como em Portugal o uso do café expresso já é mais maduro que no Rio de Janeiro, a comparação entre as duas culturas pode ser interessante para ajudar o varejo brasileiro a se desenvolver. Para tal, neste estudo, foram entrevistados moradores das cidades do Rio de Janeiro e de Lisboa, a fim de descrevermos de que modo consomem café, os rituais associados a esse bem de consumo, assim como seus hábitos, motivações e justificativas para esse consumo, mostrando que não trata apenas de uma decisão de compra utilitária, mas também simbólica. Com esse objetivo, foram entrevistadas 69 e pessoas e os resultados dessas entrevistas avaliados de forma interpretativa. A conclusão foi a de que a bebida é consumida por uma parcela heterogênea dos entrevistados e que, geralmente, os consumidores associam o consumo de café a hábito, prazer, círculo de amizades, trabalho – como break –, colegas e família. Isso revela que o significado social da bebida está enraizado no âmbito doméstico, no trabalho ou no círculo de amizades e que esse significado está intrinsecamente associado aos hábitos e costumes das sociedades brasileira e portuguesa como fruto de suas culturas. Consequentemente, grande parte dos rituais de consumo dessa bebida está interligada ao seu significado social. Observou-se a necessidade de expansão desse mercado, particularmente, entre os jovens no Rio de Janeiro, e que muitas vezes o aroma é preferível ao sabor, pois mesmo aqueles que não apreciam muito a bebida, de uma forma geral, afirmaram gostar bastante do aroma. Assim, é fundamental para os gestores de estabelecimentos de varejo de café pronto conhecerem o cliente, serem inovadores e anteciparem as tendências, de modo a satisfazerem as necessidades deste. A preocupação não deve ser apenas com a qualidade do produto oferecido e com o conforto do cliente, mas também em agregar valor ao café e ao serviço prestado, proporcionando à clientela uma experiência única, a qual pode ser um diferencial importante, pois a conotação simbólica associada a esse bem de consumo é cada vez mais destacada.


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Nesta tese, falamos do corpo construído socialmente, vinculado à subjetividade e à identidade do indivíduo e que está impregnado por elementos sociais e culturais. Para Giddens (2009), o controle do corpo é fundamental para que o indivíduo preserve aquilo que o autor chama de segurança ontológica – ou seja, para que ele tenha um sentido pessoal para a vida e pontos de referência que o ajudem a seguir adiante no cotidiano. Na cultura de consumo, sua aparência tende a ser normatizada e o culto ao corpo, entre outros aspectos, tem o apelo de autoindulgência. Nosso objetivo principal é compreender, dentro de um contexto de normatividade estética, o discurso e as práticas de consumo dos indivíduos em relação ao próprio corpo, identificando de que modo isso se conecta à sua segurança ontológica. Para alcançar esse objetivo, procuramos: (a) entender o olhar o indivíduo em relação a seu próprio corpo, avaliando de que forma isso tem relação com sua segurança ontológica; (b) examinar a presença do mercado no tripé indivíduo-corpo-segurança ontológica; (c) identificar e analisar elementos discursivos relacionados à aparência física, procurando entender o papel do consumo nesse contexto e (d) investigar as motivações que levam o indivíduo a agir ou não em conformidade com a norma estética, analisando as práticas de consumo relacionadas ao corpo. A coleta de dados primários foi feita por meio de entrevistas qualitativas. Foram entrevistados homens e mulheres, de atividades profissionais variadas, de 18 a 50 anos, pertencentes às classes A, B e C (ABEP, 2012), todos eles residentes no Rio de Janeiro. Este campo aconteceu no período de outubro de 2012 a julho de 2013. Os dados foram analisados a partir da abordagem de análise do discurso, considerando-se sua linha francesa e, particularmente a visão pecheutiana. Esta pesquisa conclui, em linha com autores como Giddens (2002), Goffman (1978) e Schouten (1991), que o corpo é algo importante na noção do indivíduo sobre si mesmo e faz parte de sua construção identitária. Além disso, a maneira como o sujeito lida com a mensagem normativa do mercado traz indícios sobre sua segurança ontológica. O indivíduo ontologicamente seguro não é aquele que descarta o mercado e cujas práticas de consumo relativas ao corpo fogem à norma estética. O que o diferencia daquele cuja segurança ontológica é frágil é sua motivação para aderir a determinado estímulo e a forma como ele lida com essas escolhas de consumo. Depreendemos que o indivíduo com segurança ontológica tem menos ansiedade em suas opções relativas ao corpo e não tem o olhar do outro como uma sombra quando toma decisões sobre sua própria aparência. Diferentemente, os indivíduos sem segurança ontológica são mais ansiosos diante da mensagem do mercado. Há, em algum grau, sofrimento quando não atendem a norma estética e, portanto, a aparência do corpo ganha um espaço importante em suas vidas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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This paper discusses how, through the creation of Embratur (Brazilian Tourism Company) in 1966, an idealized Brazilian female body was constructed and used to help manufacture a national identity, reinforcing the stereotype of the sexualized Brazilian woman. As it was often associated with sex tourism, this stereotype received much criticism and led to a negative image of Brazil abroad. However, in the 1990s the official tourism lobby softened the “sexy tone” of its discourse, and in 1999 Embratur received an award from the World Tourism Organization for its campaign to help fight the exploitation of children and youth by sexual tourism. In order to better understand how this change in the idealized Brazilian female body unfolded, it is important to deconstruct beauty standards – focusing on those that apply to Brazilian women as seen from abroad – and their relationship to modern consumer culture. Assuming that the cultural analysis of the female body emerges as an important issue in the field of Social Science, the focus on body image can be viewed as a key element in discussions about the construction of national identity.


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This article aims to reflect on the growth of the practice of plastic surgery for cosmetic purposes and its relationship with the contemporary consumer culture. In other words, we discuss how this practice expresses the values and principles for consumer culture and configures itself differently in different contextsin, as the cities of Sao Paulo and London, where he held field work involving the collection of information in press materials, data files, interviews and observation in clinical aes‐ thetic.