973 resultados para Constraint-based routing


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Content Centric Network (CCN) is a proposed future internet architecture that is based on the concept of contents name instead of the hosts name followed in the traditional internet architecture. CCN architecture might do changes in the existing internet architecture or might replace it completely. In this paper, we present modifications to the existing Domain Name System (DNS) based on the CCN architecture requirements without changing the existing routing architecture. Hence the proposed solution achieves the benefits of both CCN and existing network infrastructure (i.e. content based routing, independent of host location, caching and content delivery protocols).


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La programmation par contraintes est une technique puissante pour résoudre, entre autres, des problèmes d’ordonnancement de grande envergure. L’ordonnancement vise à allouer dans le temps des tâches à des ressources. Lors de son exécution, une tâche consomme une ressource à un taux constant. Généralement, on cherche à optimiser une fonction objectif telle la durée totale d’un ordonnancement. Résoudre un problème d’ordonnancement signifie trouver quand chaque tâche doit débuter et quelle ressource doit l’exécuter. La plupart des problèmes d’ordonnancement sont NP-Difficiles. Conséquemment, il n’existe aucun algorithme connu capable de les résoudre en temps polynomial. Cependant, il existe des spécialisations aux problèmes d’ordonnancement qui ne sont pas NP-Complet. Ces problèmes peuvent être résolus en temps polynomial en utilisant des algorithmes qui leur sont propres. Notre objectif est d’explorer ces algorithmes d’ordonnancement dans plusieurs contextes variés. Les techniques de filtrage ont beaucoup évolué dans les dernières années en ordonnancement basé sur les contraintes. La proéminence des algorithmes de filtrage repose sur leur habilité à réduire l’arbre de recherche en excluant les valeurs des domaines qui ne participent pas à des solutions au problème. Nous proposons des améliorations et présentons des algorithmes de filtrage plus efficaces pour résoudre des problèmes classiques d’ordonnancement. De plus, nous présentons des adaptations de techniques de filtrage pour le cas où les tâches peuvent être retardées. Nous considérons aussi différentes propriétés de problèmes industriels et résolvons plus efficacement des problèmes où le critère d’optimisation n’est pas nécessairement le moment où la dernière tâche se termine. Par exemple, nous présentons des algorithmes à temps polynomial pour le cas où la quantité de ressources fluctue dans le temps, ou quand le coût d’exécuter une tâche au temps t dépend de t.


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In many cases, sensors are randomly deployed in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), called Sensor-Randomly-Deployed WSN (SRD WSN). Several cluster-based routing protocols are provided to maximize network lifetime of SRD WSN in different sensor densities. LEACH performs better than direct routing in the density of 0.01. BCDCP excels LEACH in the density of 0.05. DMSTRP outperforms LEACH and BCDCP in the density of. However, simulation results under one or two kinds of sensor densities are not strong enough to prove the optimum of the routing protocols. In this paper, we give the general formulas to compute the network lifetimes of the above three routing protocols, discuss their optimal number of clusters, and compare their optimal network lifetime in arbitrary sensor densities. These formulas can provide more general design guidelines applicable to SRD WSN than simulation results under only one or two kinds of sensor densities. © 2007 IEEE.


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The ad hoc networks are vulnerable to attacks due to distributed nature and lack of infrastructure. Intrusion detection systems (IDS) provide audit and monitoring capabilities that offer the local security to a node and help to perceive the specific trust level of other nodes. The clustering protocols can be taken as an additional advantage in these processing constrained networks to collaboratively detect intrusions with less power usage and minimal overhead. Existing clustering protocols are not suitable for intrusion detection purposes, because they are linked with the routes. The route establishment and route renewal affects the clusters and as a consequence, the processing and traffic overhead increases due to instability of clusters. The ad hoc networks are battery and power constraint, and therefore a trusted monitoring node should be available to detect and respond against intrusions in time. This can be achieved only if the clusters are stable for a long period of time. If the clusters are regularly changed due to routes, the intrusion detection will not prove to be effective. Therefore, a generalized clustering algorithm has been proposed that can run on top of any routing protocol and can monitor the intrusions constantly irrespective of the routes. The proposed simplified clustering scheme has been used to detect intrusions, resulting in high detection rates and low processing and memory overhead irrespective of the routes, connections, traffic types and mobility of nodes in the network. Clustering is also useful to detect intrusions collaboratively since an individual node can neither detect the malicious node alone nor it can take action against that node on its own.


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Stereo vision is a method of depth perception, in which depth information is inferred from two (or more) images of a scene, taken from different perspectives. Practical applications for stereo vision include aerial photogrammetry, autonomous vehicle guidance, robotics and industrial automation. The initial motivation behind this work was to produce a stereo vision sensor for mining automation applications. For such applications, the input stereo images would consist of close range scenes of rocks. A fundamental problem faced by matching algorithms is the matching or correspondence problem. This problem involves locating corresponding points or features in two images. For this application, speed, reliability, and the ability to produce a dense depth map are of foremost importance. This work implemented a number of areabased matching algorithms to assess their suitability for this application. Area-based techniques were investigated because of their potential to yield dense depth maps, their amenability to fast hardware implementation, and their suitability to textured scenes such as rocks. In addition, two non-parametric transforms, the rank and census, were also compared. Both the rank and the census transforms were found to result in improved reliability of matching in the presence of radiometric distortion - significant since radiometric distortion is a problem which commonly arises in practice. In addition, they have low computational complexity, making them amenable to fast hardware implementation. Therefore, it was decided that matching algorithms using these transforms would be the subject of the remainder of the thesis. An analytic expression for the process of matching using the rank transform was derived from first principles. This work resulted in a number of important contributions. Firstly, the derivation process resulted in one constraint which must be satisfied for a correct match. This was termed the rank constraint. The theoretical derivation of this constraint is in contrast to the existing matching constraints which have little theoretical basis. Experimental work with actual and contrived stereo pairs has shown that the new constraint is capable of resolving ambiguous matches, thereby improving match reliability. Secondly, a novel matching algorithm incorporating the rank constraint has been proposed. This algorithm was tested using a number of stereo pairs. In all cases, the modified algorithm consistently resulted in an increased proportion of correct matches. Finally, the rank constraint was used to devise a new method for identifying regions of an image where the rank transform, and hence matching, are more susceptible to noise. The rank constraint was also incorporated into a new hybrid matching algorithm, where it was combined a number of other ideas. These included the use of an image pyramid for match prediction, and a method of edge localisation to improve match accuracy in the vicinity of edges. Experimental results obtained from the new algorithm showed that the algorithm is able to remove a large proportion of invalid matches, and improve match accuracy.


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Intelligent agents are an advanced technology utilized in Web Intelligence. When searching information from a distributed Web environment, information is retrieved by multi-agents on the client site and fused on the broker site. The current information fusion techniques rely on cooperation of agents to provide statistics. Such techniques are computationally expensive and unrealistic in the real world. In this paper, we introduce a model that uses a world ontology constructed from the Dewey Decimal Classification to acquire user profiles. By search using specific and exhaustive user profiles, information fusion techniques no longer rely on the statistics provided by agents. The model has been successfully evaluated using the large INEX data set simulating the distributed Web environment.


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Diversity techniques have long been used to combat the channel fading in wireless communications systems. Recently cooperative communications has attracted lot of attention due to many benefits it offers. Thus cooperative routing protocols with diversity transmission can be developed to exploit the random nature of the wireless channels to improve the network efficiency by selecting multiple cooperative nodes to forward data. In this paper we analyze and evaluate the performance of a novel routing protocol with multiple cooperative nodes which share multiple channels. Multiple shared channels cooperative (MSCC) routing protocol achieves diversity advantage by using cooperative transmission. It unites clustering hierarchy with a bandwidth reuse scheme to mitigate the co-channel interference. Theoretical analysis of average packet reception rate and network throughput of the MSCC protocol are presented and compared with simulated results.


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This paper presents a constraint Jacobian matrix based approach to obtain the stiffness matrix of widely used deployable pantograph masts with scissor-like elements (SLE). The stiffness matrix is obtained in symbolic form and the results obtained agree with those obtained with the force and displacement methods available in literature. Additional advantages of this approach are that the mobility of a mast can be evaluated, redundant links and joints in the mast can be identified and practical masts with revolute joints can be analysed. Simulations for a hexagonal mast and an assembly with four hexagonal masts is presented as illustrations.


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We consider a dense, ad hoc wireless network confined to a small region, such that direct communication is possible between any pair of nodes. The physical communication model is that a receiver decodes the signal from a single transmitter, while treating all other signals as interference. Data packets are sent between source-destination pairs by multihop relaying. We assume that nodes self-organise into a multihop network such that all hops are of length d meters, where d is a design parameter. There is a contention based multiaccess scheme, and it is assumed that every node always has data to send, either originated from it or a transit packet (saturation assumption). In this scenario, we seek to maximize a measure of the transport capacity of the network (measured in bit-meters per second) over power controls (in a fading environment) and over the hop distance d, subject to an average power constraint. We first argue that for a dense collection of nodes confined to a small region, single cell operation is efficient for single user decoding transceivers. Then, operating the dense ad hoc network (described above) as a single cell, we study the optimal hop length and power control that maximizes the transport capacity for a given network power constraint. More specifically, for a fading channel and for a fixed transmission time strategy (akin to the IEEE 802.11 TXOP), we find that there exists an intrinsic aggregate bit rate (Theta(opt) bits per second, depending on the contention mechanism and the channel fading characteristics) carried by the network, when operating at the optimal hop length and power control. The optimal transport capacity is of the form d(opt)((P) over bar (t)) x Theta(opt) with d(opt) scaling as (P) over bar (1/eta)(t), where (P) over bar (t) is the available time average transmit power and eta is the path loss exponent. Under certain conditions on the fading distribution, we then provide a simple characterisation of the optimal operating point.


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In earlier work, nonisomorphic graphs have been converted into networks to realize Multistage Interconnection networks, which are topologically nonequivalent to the Baseline network. The drawback of this technique is that these nonequivalent networks are not guaranteed to be self-routing, because each node in the graph model can be replaced by a (2 × 2) switch in any one of the four different configurations. Hence, the problem of routing in these networks remains unsolved. Moreover, nonisomorphic graphs were obtained by interconnecting bipartite loops in a heuristic manner; the heuristic nature of this procedure makes it difficult to guarantee full connectivity in large networks. We solve these problems through a direct approach, in which a matrix model for self-routing networks is developed. An example is given to show that this model encompases nonequivalent self-routing networks. This approach has the additional advantage in that the matrix model itself ensures full connectivity.


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Pappret conceptualizes parsning med Constraint Grammar på ett nytt sätt som en process med två viktiga representationer. En representation innehåller lokala tvetydighet och den andra sammanfattar egenskaperna hos den lokala tvetydighet klasser. Båda representationer manipuleras med ren finite-state metoder, men deras samtrafik är en ad hoc -tillämpning av rationella potensserier. Den nya tolkningen av parsning systemet har flera praktiska fördelar, bland annat det inåt deterministiska sättet att beräkna, representera och räkna om alla potentiella tillämpningar av reglerna i meningen.


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This paper presents the capability of the neural networks as a computational tool for solving constrained optimization problem, arising in routing algorithms for the present day communication networks. The application of neural networks in the optimum routing problem, in case of packet switched computer networks, where the goal is to minimize the average delays in the communication have been addressed. The effectiveness of neural network is shown by the results of simulation of a neural design to solve the shortest path problem. Simulation model of neural network is shown to be utilized in an optimum routing algorithm known as flow deviation algorithm. It is also shown that the model will enable the routing algorithm to be implemented in real time and also to be adaptive to changes in link costs and network topology. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) is one of the successful wireless network paradigms which offers unrestricted mobility without depending on any underlying infrastructure. MANETs have become an exciting and im- portant technology in recent years because of the rapid proliferation of variety of wireless devices, and increased use of ad hoc networks in various applications. Like any other networks, MANETs are also prone to variety of attacks majorly in routing side, most of the proposed secured routing solutions based on cryptography and authentication methods have greater overhead, which results in latency problems and resource crunch problems, especially in energy side. The successful working of these mechanisms also depends on secured key management involving a trusted third authority, which is generally difficult to implement in MANET environ-ment due to volatile topology. Designing a secured routing algorithm for MANETs which incorporates the notion of trust without maintaining any trusted third entity is an interesting research problem in recent years. This paper propose a new trust model based on cognitive reasoning,which associates the notion of trust with all the member nodes of MANETs using a novel Behaviors-Observations- Beliefs(BOB) model. These trust values are used for detec- tion and prevention of malicious and dishonest nodes while routing the data. The proposed trust model works with the DTM-DSR protocol, which involves computation of direct trust between any two nodes using cognitive knowledge. We have taken care of trust fading over time, rewards, and penalties while computing the trustworthiness of a node and also route. A simulator is developed for testing the proposed algorithm, the results of experiments shows incorporation of cognitive reasoning for computation of trust in routing effectively detects intrusions in MANET environment, and generates more reliable routes for secured routing of data.


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Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are self-organized, infrastructureless, decentralized wireless networks consist of a group of heterogeneous mobile devices. Due to the inherent characteristics of MANE -Ts, such as frequent change of topology, nodes mobility, resource scarcity, lack of central control, etc., makes QoS routing is the hardest task. QoS routing is the task of routing data packets from source to destination depending upon the QoS resource constraints, such as bandwidth, delay, packet loss rate, cost, etc. In this paper, we proposed a novel scheme of providing QoS routing in MANETs by using Emergent Intelligence (El). The El is a group intelligence, which is derived from the periodical interaction among a group of agents and nodes. We logically divide MANET into clusters by centrally located static agent, and in each cluster a mobile agent is deployed. The mobile agent interacts with the nodes, neighboring mobile agents and static agent for collection of QoS resource information, negotiations, finding secure and reliable nodes and finding an optimal QoS path from source to destination. Simulation and analytical results show that the effectiveness of the scheme. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.ore/licenscs/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of the Conference Program Chairs