938 resultados para Computer Graphics Interattiva, Maya 3D, Unity 3D.


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Lines and edges provide important information for object categorization and recognition. In addition, one brightness model is based on a symbolic interpretation of the cortical multi-scale line/edge representation. In this paper we present an improved scheme for line/edge extraction from simple and complex cells and we illustrate the multi-scale representation. This representation can be used for visual reconstruction, but also for nonphotorealistic rendering. Together with keypoints and a new model of disparity estimation, a 3D wireframe representation of e.g. faces can be obtained in the future.


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Demonstration videos can be found on fr.linkedin.com/in/doriangomez/


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Simuler efficacement l'éclairage global est l'un des problèmes ouverts les plus importants en infographie. Calculer avec précision les effets de l'éclairage indirect, causés par des rebonds secondaires de la lumière sur des surfaces d'une scène 3D, est généralement un processus coûteux et souvent résolu en utilisant des algorithmes tels que le path tracing ou photon mapping. Ces techniquesrésolvent numériquement l'équation du rendu en utilisant un lancer de rayons Monte Carlo. Ward et al. ont proposé une technique nommée irradiance caching afin d'accélérer les techniques précédentes lors du calcul de la composante indirecte de l'éclairage global sur les surfaces diffuses. Krivanek a étendu l'approche de Ward et Heckbert pour traiter le cas plus complexe des surfaces spéculaires, en introduisant une approche nommée radiance caching. Jarosz et al. et Schwarzhaupt et al. ont proposé un modèle utilisant le hessien et l'information de visibilité pour raffiner le positionnement des points de la cache dans la scène, raffiner de manière significative la qualité et la performance des approches précédentes. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons étendu les approches introduites dans les travaux précédents au problème du radiance caching pour améliorer le positionnement des éléments de la cache. Nous avons aussi découvert un problème important négligé dans les travaux précédents en raison du choix des scènes de test. Nous avons fait une étude préliminaire sur ce problème et nous avons trouvé deux solutions potentielles qui méritent une recherche plus approfondie.


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La modélisation géométrique est importante autant en infographie qu'en ingénierie. Notre capacité à représenter l'information géométrique fixe les limites et la facilité avec laquelle on manipule les objets 3D. Une de ces représentations géométriques est le maillage volumique, formé de polyèdres assemblés de sorte à approcher une forme désirée. Certaines applications, tels que le placage de textures et le remaillage, ont avantage à déformer le maillage vers un domaine plus régulier pour faciliter le traitement. On dit qu'une déformation est \emph{quasi-conforme} si elle borne la distorsion. Cette thèse porte sur l’étude et le développement d'algorithmes de déformation quasi-conforme de maillages volumiques. Nous étudions ces types de déformations parce qu’elles offrent de bonnes propriétés de préservation de l’aspect local d’un solide et qu’elles ont été peu étudiées dans le contexte de l’informatique graphique, contrairement à leurs pendants 2D. Cette recherche tente de généraliser aux volumes des concepts bien maitrisés pour la déformation de surfaces. Premièrement, nous présentons une approche linéaire de la quasi-conformité. Nous développons une méthode déformant l’objet vers son domaine paramétrique par une méthode des moindres carrés linéaires. Cette méthode est simple d'implémentation et rapide d'exécution, mais n'est qu'une approximation de la quasi-conformité car elle ne borne pas la distorsion. Deuxièmement, nous remédions à ce problème par une approche non linéaire basée sur les positions des sommets. Nous développons une technique déformant le domaine paramétrique vers le solide par une méthode des moindres carrés non linéaires. La non-linéarité permet l’inclusion de contraintes garantissant l’injectivité de la déformation. De plus, la déformation du domaine paramétrique au lieu de l’objet lui-même permet l’utilisation de domaines plus généraux. Troisièmement, nous présentons une approche non linéaire basée sur les angles dièdres. Cette méthode définit la déformation du solide par les angles dièdres au lieu des positions des sommets du maillage. Ce changement de variables permet une expression naturelle des bornes de distorsion de la déformation. Nous présentons quelques applications de cette nouvelle approche dont la paramétrisation, l'interpolation, l'optimisation et la compression de maillages tétraédriques.


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Image analysis and graphics synthesis can be achieved with learning techniques using directly image examples without physically-based, 3D models. In our technique: -- the mapping from novel images to a vector of "pose" and "expression" parameters can be learned from a small set of example images using a function approximation technique that we call an analysis network; -- the inverse mapping from input "pose" and "expression" parameters to output images can be synthesized from a small set of example images and used to produce new images using a similar synthesis network. The techniques described here have several applications in computer graphics, special effects, interactive multimedia and very low bandwidth teleconferencing.


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Las superfícies implícitas son útiles en muchas áreasde los gráficos por ordenador. Una de sus principales ventajas es que pueden ser fácilmente usadas como primitivas para modelado. Aun asi, no son muy usadas porque su visualización toma bastante tiempo. Cuando se necesita una visualización precisa, la mejor opción es usar trazado de rayos. Sin embargo, pequeñas partes de las superficies desaparecen durante la visualización. Esto ocurre por la truncación que se presenta en la representación en punto flotante de los ordenadores; algunos bits se puerden durante las operaciones matemáticas en los algoritmos de intersección. En este tesis se presentan algoritmos para solucionar esos problemas. La investigación se basa en el uso del Análisis Intervalar Modal el cual incluye herramientas para resolver problemas con incertidumbe cuantificada. En esta tesis se proporcionan los fundamentos matemáticos necesarios para el desarrollo de estos algoritmos.


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Cortical bones, essential for mechanical support and structure in many animals, involve a large number of canals organized in intricate fashion. By using state-of-the art image analysis and computer graphics, the 3D reconstruction of a whole bone (phalange) of a young chicken was obtained and represented in terms of a complex network where each canal was associated to an edge and every confluence of three or more canals yielded a respective node. The representation of the bone canal structure as a complex network has allowed several methods to be applied in order to characterize and analyze the canal system organization and the robustness. First, the distribution of the node degrees (i.e. the number of canals connected to each node) confirmed previous indications that bone canal networks follow a power law, and therefore present some highly connected nodes (hubs). The bone network was also found to be partitioned into communities or modules, i.e. groups of nodes which are more intensely connected to one another than with the rest of the network. We verified that each community exhibited distinct topological properties that are possibly linked with their specific function. In order to better understand the organization of the bone network, its resilience to two types of failures (random attack and cascaded failures) was also quantified comparatively to randomized and regular counterparts. The results indicate that the modular structure improves the robustness of the bone network when compared to a regular network with the same average degree and number of nodes. The effects of disease processes (e. g., osteoporosis) and mutations in genes (e.g., BMP4) that occur at the molecular level can now be investigated at the mesoscopic level by using network based approaches.


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Running hydrodynamic models interactively allows both visual exploration and change of model state during simulation. One of the main characteristics of an interactive model is that it should provide immediate feedback to the user, for example respond to changes in model state or view settings. For this reason, such features are usually only available for models with a relatively small number of computational cells, which are used mainly for demonstration and educational purposes. It would be useful if interactive modeling would also work for models typically used in consultancy projects involving large scale simulations. This results in a number of technical challenges related to the combination of the model itself and the visualisation tools (scalability, implementation of an appropriate API for control and access to the internal state). While model parallelisation is increasingly addressed by the environmental modeling community, little effort has been spent on developing a high-performance interactive environment. What can we learn from other high-end visualisation domains such as 3D animation, gaming, virtual globes (Autodesk 3ds Max, Second Life, Google Earth) that also focus on efficient interaction with 3D environments? In these domains high efficiency is usually achieved by the use of computer graphics algorithms such as surface simplification depending on current view, distance to objects, and efficient caching of the aggregated representation of object meshes. We investigate how these algorithms can be re-used in the context of interactive hydrodynamic modeling without significant changes to the model code and allowing model operation on both multi-core CPU personal computers and high-performance computer clusters.


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The manufacturing of above and below-knee prosthesis starts by taking surfac measurements of the patient s residual limb. This demands the making of a cartridg with appropriate fitting and customized to the profile of each patient. The traditiona process in public hospitals in Brazil begins with the completion of a record file (according to law nº388, of July 28, 1999 by the ministry of the health) for obtaining o the prosthesis, where it is identified the amputation level, equipment type, fitting type material, measures etc. Nowadays, that work is covered by the Brazilian Nationa Health Service (SUS) and is accomplished in a manual way being used commo measuring tapes characterizing a quite rudimentary, handmade work and without an accuracy.In this dissertation it is presented the development of a computer integrate tool that it include CAD theory, for visualization of both above and below-knee prosthesis in 3D (i.e. OrtoCAD), as well as, the design and the construction a low cos electro-mechanic 3D scanner (EMS). This apparatus is capable to automatically obtain geometric information of the stump or of the healthy leg while ensuring smalle uncertainty degree for all measurements. The methodology is based on reverse engineering concepts so that the EMS output is fed into the above mentioned academi CAD software in charge of the 3D computer graphics reconstruction of the residualimb s negative plaster cast or even the healthy leg s mirror image. The obtained results demonstrate that the proposed model is valid, because it allows the structura analysis to be performed based on the requested loads, boundary conditions, material chosen and wall thickness. Furthermore it allows the manufacturing of a prosthesis cartridge meeting high accuracy engineering patterns with consequent improvement in the quality of the overall production process


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The manufacture of prostheses for lower limb amputees (transfemural and transtibial) requires the preparation of a cartridge with appropriate and custom fit to the profile of each patient. The traditional process to the patients, mainly in public hospitals in Brazil, begins with the completion of a form where types of equipment, plugins, measures, levels of amputation etc. are identified. Currently, such work is carried out manually using a common metric tape and caliper of wood to take the measures of the stump, featuring a very rudimentary, and with a high degree of uncertainty geometry of the final product. To address this problem, it was necessary to act in two simultaneously and correlated directions. Originally, it was developed an integrated tool for viewing 3D CAD for transfemoral types of prostheses and transtibial called OrtoCAD I. At the same time, it was necessary to design and build a reader Mechanical equipment (sort of three-dimensional scanner simplified) able to obtain, automatically and with accuracy, the geometric information of either of the stump or the healthy leg. The methodology includes the application of concepts of reverse engineering to computationally generate the representation of the stump and/or the reverse image of the healthy member. The materials used in the manufacturing of prostheses nor always obey to a technical scientific criteria, because, if by one way it meets the criteria of resistance, by the other, it brings serious problems mainly due to excess of weight. This causes to the user various disorders due to lack of conformity. That problem was addressed with the creation of a hybrid composite material for the manufacture of cartridges of prostheses. Using the Reader Fitter and OrtoCAD, the new composite material, which aggregates the mechanical properties of strength and rigidity on important parameters such as low weight and low cost, it can be defined in its better way. Besides, it brings a reduction of up steps in the current processes of manufacturing or even the feasibility of using new processes, in the industries, in order to obtain the prostheses. In this sense, the hybridization of the composite with the combination of natural and synthetic fibers can be a viable solution to the challenges offered above


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This article presents the implementation of a distributed system of virtual reality, through the integration of services offered by the CORBA platform (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) and by the environment of development of 3D graphic applications in real time, the WorldToolkit, of Sense8. The developed application for the validation of this integration is that of a virtual city, with an emphasis on its traffic ways, vehicles (movable objects) and buildings (immovable objects). In this virtual world, several users can interact, each one controlling his/her own car. Since the modelling of the application took into consideration the criteria and principles of the Transport Engineering, the aim is to use it in the planning, project and construction of traffic ways for vehicles. The system was structured according to the approach client/server utilizing multicast communication among the participating nodes. The chosen implementation for the CORBA was the Iona's ORBIX software. The performance results obtained are presented and discussed in the end.


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The aim of this paper is to present the current development status of a low cost system for surface reconstruction with structured light. The acquisition system is composed of a single off-the-shelf digital camera and a pattern projector. A pattern codification strategy was developed to allow the pattern recognition automatically and a calibration methodology ensures the determination of the direction vector of each pattern. The experiments indicated that an accuracy of 0.5mm in depth could be achieved for typical applications.


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The Interactive Learning Environment (ILE) is an educational model that integrates features of 3D computer graphics and contextualization, in order to transmit a quantum of knowledge (islands of knowledge), in a precise and agile way, to people who do not know the subject. It is a model that uses multimedia resources supported by a contextualized environment to motivate the participants in the retention of knowledge. In this first release, eight relevant subjects in dermatology were addressed and implemented in the 62nd Brazilian Congress of Dermatology. The model was called Dermatúnel. In a period of four days, 3295 people visited it. The results showed that the participants were highly satisfied. The model has a great potential as an educational tool for medical training and guidance to the general public with the purpose of disease prevention.


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This paper presents two tools developed to facilitate the use and automate the process of using Virtual Worlds for educational purposes. The first tool has been developed to automatically create the classroom space, usually called region in the virtual world, which means, a region in the virtual world used to develop educational activities between professors, students and interactive objects. The second tool helps the process of creating 3D interactive objects in a virtual world. With these tools educators will be able to produce 3D interactive learning objects and use them in virtual classrooms improving the quality and appeal, for students, of their classes. © 2011 IEEE.