978 resultados para Complement fixation.


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The aim of the present study was to compare four methods of fixation in mandibular body fractures. Mechanical and photoelastic tests were performed using polyurethane and photoelastic resin mandibles, respectively. The study groups contained the following: (I), two miniplates of 2.0 mm; (II) one 2.0 mm plate and an Erich arch bar; (III) one 2.4 mm plate and an Erich arch bar, and (IV) one 2.0 mm plate and one 2.4 mm plate. The differences between the mean values were analyzed using Tukey's test, the Mann-Whitney test and the Bonferroni correction. Group II recorded the lowest resistance, followed by groups I, IV and III. The photoelastic test confirmed the increase of tension in group II. The 2.4 mm system board in linear mandibular body fractures provided more resistance and the use of only one 2.0 mm plate in the central area of the mandible created higher tension.


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To develop Y-shaped plates with different thicknesses to be used in simulated fractures of the mandibular condyle. Ten plates were developed in Y shape, containing eight holes, and 30 synthetic polyurethane mandible replicas were developed for the study. The load test was performed on an Instron Model 4411 universal testing machine, applying load in the mediolateral and anterior-posterior positions on the head of the condyle. Two-way ANOVA with Tukey testing with a 5% significance level was used. It was observed that when the load was applied in the medial-lateral plate of greater thickness (1.5 mm), it gave the highest strength, while in the anteroposterior direction, the plate with the highest resistance was of the lesser thickness (0.6 mm). A plate with a thickness of 1.5 mm was the one with the highest average value for all displacements. In the anteroposterior direction, the highest values of resistance were seen in the displacement of 15 mm. After comparing the values of the biomechanical testing found in the scientific literature, it is suggested that the use of Y plates are suitable for use in subcondylar fractures within the limitations of the study.


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A desnutrição proteico-energética modifica a resistência à infecção, modificando diversos processos fisiológicos, incluindo a hematopoiese e as funções imunológicas. Neste estudo, avaliamos as concentrações séricas do fator C3 e do Sistema Complemento total (CH50) em um modelo no qual camundongos submetidos à desnutrição proteico-energética são estimulados com lipopolissacarídeo (LPS), e avaliamos a celularidade periférica, medular e esplênica. Camundongos Swiss, machos, adultos, com dois meses de idade foram submetidos ao processo de desnutrição proteica com uma dieta contendo 4% de proteína em comparação aos animais controles com uma dieta contendo 20% de proteína. Quando os animais do grupo desnutrido alcançaram aproximadamente 20% de perda de peso, em relação ao inicial, foram inoculados endovenosamente com LPS. As células do sangue, da medula óssea e do baço foram quantificadas, bem como as concentrações circulantes de C3 e CH50 em animais estimulados com LPS. Os animais desnutridos apresentaram anemia e leucopenia, além de redução significativa da celularidade da medula óssea e do baço. Os animais desnutridos apresentaram menor taxa de sobrevivência, bem como das concentrações do fator C3 do complemento e do complemento total em relação aos animais controles. Estes resultados sugerem que animais desnutridos apresentam uma resposta deficiente aos LPS. A síntese menor do complemento pode ser em parte responsável pela imunodeficiência observada. Estes resultados conduzem-nos a inferir que a desnutrição proteico-energética interfere na ativação da resposta imune


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Biomass Refinery is a sequential of eleven thermochemical processes and one biological process with two initial basic treatments: prehydrolysis for lignocellulosics and low temperature conversion for biomass with medium-to-high content of lipids and proteins. The other ten processes are: effluent treatment plant, furfural plant, biodiesel plant, cellulignin dryer, calcination, fluidized bed boiler, authotermal reforming of cellulignin for syngas production, combined cycle of two-stroke low-speed engine or syngas turbine with fluidized bed boiler heat recovery, GTL technologies and ethanol from cellulose, prehydrolysate and syngas. Any kind of biomass such as wood, agricultural residues, municipal solid waste, seeds, cakes, sludges, excrements and used tires can be processed at the Biomass Refinery. Twelve basic products are generated such as cellulignin, animal feed, electric energy, fuels (ethanol, crude oil, biodiesel, char), petrochemical substitutes, some materials (ash, gypsum, fertilizers, silica, carbon black) and hydrogen. The technology is clean with recovery of energy and reuse of water, acid and effluents. Based on a holistic integration of various disciplines Biomass Refinery maximizes the simultaneous production of food, electric energy, liquid fuels and chemical products and some materials, achieving a competitive position with conventional and fossil fuel technologies, as well as payment capacity for biomass production. Biomass Refinery has a technical economical capability to complement the depletion of the conventional petroleum sources and to capture its GHGs resulting a biomass + petroleum ""green"" combination.


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Background: Rotational osteotomy is frequently indicated to correct excessive femoral anteversion in cerebral palsy patients. Angled blade plate is the standard fixation device used when performed in the proximal femur, but extensile exposure is required for plate accommodation. The authors developed a short locked intramedullary nail to be applied percutaneously in the fixation of femoral rotational osteotomies in children with cerebral palsy and evaluated its mechanical properties. Methods: The study was divided into three stages. In the first part, a prototype was designed and made based on radiographic measurements of the femoral medullary canal of ten-year-old patients. In the second, synthetic femoral models based on rapid-prototyping of 3D reconstructed images of patients with cerebral palsy were obtained and were employed to adjust the nail prototype to the morphological changes observed in this disease. In the third, rotational osteotomies were simulated using synthetic femoral models stabilized by the nail and by the AO-ASIF fixed-angle blade plate. Mechanical testing was done comparing both devices in bending-compression and torsion. Results: The authors observed proper adaptation of the nail to normal and morphologically altered femoral models, and during the simulated osteotomies. Stiffness in bending-compression was significantly higher in the group fixed by the plate (388.97 +/- 57.25 N/mm) than in that fixed by the nail (268.26 +/- 38.51 N/mm) as torsional relative stiffness was significantly higher in the group fixed by the plate (1.07 +/- 0.36 Nm/degrees) than by the nail (0.35 +/- 0.13 Nm/degrees). Conclusions: Although the device presented adequate design and dimension to fit into the pediatric femur, mechanical tests indicated that the nail was less stable than the blade plate in bending-compression and torsion. This may be a beneficial property, and it can be attributed to the more flexible fixation found in intramedullary devices.


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Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) constitutes a valuable source of this nutrient for the common bean Phaseolus vulgaris L and cowpea Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp., being its avaibility affected by mineral N in the soil solution. The objectives of this work were to evaluate the effects of nitrogen rate, as urea, on symbiotic fixation of N(2) in common bean and cowpea plants, using the isotopic technique, and quantifying the relative contributions of N sources symbiotic N(2) fixation, soil native nitrogen and urea N on the growth of the common bean and cowpea. Non nodulating soybean plants were used as standard. The research was carried out in greenhouse, using pots with 5 kg of soil from a Typic Haplustox (Dystrophic Red Yellow Latosol). The experimental design was completely randomized blocks, with 30 treatments and three replications, arranged in 5x3x2 factorial outline. The treatments consisted of five N rates: 2, 15, 30, 45 and 60 mg N kg(-1) soil; three sampling times: 23, 40 and 76 days after sowing (DAS) and two crops: common bean and cowpea. The BNF decreased with increase N rates, varying from 81.5% to 55.6% for cowpea, and from 71.9% to 55.1% for common bean. The symbiotic N(2) fixation in cowpea can substitute totally the nitrogen fertilization. The nitrogen absorption from soil is not affected by nitrogen fertilizer rate. The N recovery from fertilizer at 76 DAS was of 60.7% by common bean, and 57.1% by cowpea. The symbiotic association in common bean needs the application of a starting dose (40 kg N ha(-1)) for economically acceptable yields.


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Deficiencies of complement proteins of the classical pathway are strongly associated with the development of autoimmune diseases. Deficiency of Clr has been observed to occur concomitantly with deficiency in Cls and 9 out of 15 reported cases presented systemic lupus erythernatosus (SLE). Here, we describe a family in which all four children are deficient in Cls but only two of them developed SLE. Hemolytic activity mediated by the alternative and the lectin pathways were normal, but classical pathway activation was absent in all children`s sera. Cls was undetectable, while in the parents` sera it was lower than in the normal controls. The levels of Clr observed in the siblings and parents sera were lower than in the control, while the concentrations of other complement proteins (C3, C4, MBL and MASP-2) were normal in all family members. Impairment of Cls synthesis was observed in the patients` fibroblasts when analyzed by confocal microscopy. We show that all four siblings are homozygous for a mutation at position 938 in exon 6 of the Cls cDNA that creates a premature stop codon. Our investigations led us to reveal the presence of previously uncharacterized splice variants of Cls mRNA transcripts in normal human cells. These variants are derived from the skipping of exon 3 and from the use of an alternative 3` splice site within intron I which increases the size of exon 2 by 87 nucleotides. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The early effects of heat stress on the photosynthesis of symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) within the tissues of a reef-building coral were examined using pulse-amplitude-modulated (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence and photorespirometry. Exposure of Stylophora pistillata to 33 and 34 degrees C for 4 h resulted in (1) the development of strong non-photochemical quenching (qN) of the chlorophyll fluorescence signal, (2) marked decreases in photosynthetic oxygen evolution, and (3) decreases in optimal quantum yield (F-v/F-m) of photosystern II (PSII), Quantum yield decreased to a greater extent on the illuminated surfaces of coral branches than on lower (shaded) surfaces, and also when high irradiance intensities were combined with elevated temperature (33 degrees C as opposed to 28 degrees C), qN collapsed in heat-stressed samples when quenching analysis was conducted in the absence of oxygen, Collectively, these observations are interpreted as the initiation of photoprotective dissipation of excess absorbed energy as heat (qN) and O-2-dependent electron flow through the Mehler-Ascorbate-Peroxidase cycle (MAP-cycle) following the point at which the rate of light-driven electron transport exceeds the capacity of the Calvin cycle. A model for coral bleaching is proposed whereby the primary site of heat damage in S, pistillata is carboxylation within the Calvin cycle, as has been observed during heat damage in higher plants, Damage to PSII and a reduction in F-v/F-m (i.e. photoinhibition) are secondary effects following the overwhelming of photoprotective mechanisms by light. This secondary factor increases the effect of the primary variable, temperature. Potential restrictions of electron flow in heat-stressed zooxanthellae are discussed with respect to Calvin cycle enzymes and the unusual status of the dinoflagellate Rubisco, Significant features of our model are that (1) damage to PSII is not the initial step in the sequence of heat stress in zooxanthellae, acid (2) light plays a key secondary role in the initiation of the bleaching phenomena.


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Trichomonas vaginalis is a flagellated protozoan which causes trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted disease of the human genitourinary tract, The importance of the alternative complement pathway in host defence against T. vaginalis was investigated in vitro. Kinetic studies utilising immunofixation following electrophoresis showed that both a strongly and weakly virulent strain of T, vaginalis activated murine serum C3. In vivo studies with congenic-resistant, C5-deficient, B10.D2/OSn- and C5-sufficient, B10.D2/nSn mice showed that the presence of C5 is a significant factor in the innate host resistance to primary infection with a strongly virulent, but not a weakly virulent trichomonad strain.


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Activation of the human complement system of plasma proteins during immunological host defense can result in overproduction of potent proinflammatory peptides such as the anaphylatoxin C5a. Excessive levels of C5a are associated with numerous immunoinflammatory diseases, but there is as yet no clinically available antagonist to regulate the effects of C5a. We now describe a series of small molecules derived from the C-terminus of C5a, some of which are the most potent low-molecular-weight C5a receptor antagonists reported to date for the human polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) C5a receptor. H-1 NMR spectroscopy was used to determine solution structures for two cyclic antagonists and to indicate that antagonism is related to a turn conformation, which can be stabilized in cyclic molecules that are preorganized for receptor binding. While several cyclic derivatives were of similar antagonistic potency, the most potent antagonist was a hexapeptide-derived macrocycle AcF[OPdChaWR] with an IC50 = 20 nM against a maximal concentration of C5a (100 nM) on intact human PMNs. Such potent C5a antagonists may be useful probes to investigate the role of C5a in host defenses and to develop therapeutic agents for the treatment of many currently intractable inflammatory conditions.


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Background: The use of synthetic mesh for abdominal wall closure after removal of the rectus abdominis is established but not standardised. This study compares two forms of mesh fixation: a simple suture, which fixes the mesh to the edges of the defect on the anterior rectus abdominis fascia; and total fixation, which incorporates the fasciae of the internal oblique, external oblique and transverse muscles in the suture, anchoring the mesh in the position of the removed muscle. Method: A total of 16 fresh cadavers were dissected. Two sutures were compared: simple and total. Three different sites were analysed: 5 cm above, 5 cm below and at the level of the umbilicus. The two sutures compared were tested in each region using a standardised technique. All sutures were performed with nylon 0, perpendicular to the linea alba. Each suture was secured to a dynamometer, which was pulled perpendicularly towards the midline until the rupture of the aponeurosis. `Rupture resistance` was measured in kilogram force. The mean among the groups was compared using the paired Student`s t-test to a significance level of 1% (p < 0.01). Results: The mean rupture resistance of the total suture was 160% higher than that of the simple suture. Conclusion: The total suture includes the external oblique, internal oblique and transverse fasciae, which are multi-directional, and creates a much higher resistance when compared with the simple suture. Total suture may reduce the incidence of bulging and hernias of the abdominal wall after harvesting the rectus abdominis muscle, but comparative clinical studies are necessary. (C) 2010 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Leptospirosis is a zoonotic infection associated with severe diseases such as leptospirosis pulmonary haemorrhage syndrome (LPHS). The cause of pulmonary haemorrhage is unclear. Understanding which mechanisms and processes are involved in LPHS will be important in treatment regimens under development for this life-threatening syndrome. In the present study, we evaluated 30 lung specimens from LPHS patients and seven controls using histology and immunohistochemistry (detection of IgM, IgG, IgA and C3) in order to describe the pathological features associated with this syndrome. Immunoglobulin deposits were detected on the alveolar surface in 18/30 LPHS patients. Three staining patterns were observed for the immunoglobulins and C3 in the lung tissues of LPHS patients: AS, delicate linear staining adjacent to the alveolar surface, which was indicative of a membrane covering the luminal surface of type I and II pneumocyte cells; S, heterogeneous staining which was sporadically distributed along the alveolar septum; and IA, weak, focal intra-alveolar granular staining. Human LPHS is associated with individual and unique histological patterns that differ from those of other causes of pulmonary haemorrhage. In the present study, it was found that the linear deposition of immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG and IgM) and complement on the alveolar surface may play a role in the pathogenesis of pulmonary haemorrhage in human leptospirosis.


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Introduction: The photoelasticity is used for assessing the tensions/deformations involved in photoelastic materials when submitted to a given load by the observation of optical effects. The screw performance and mechanical functions are directly associated to the quality of the screws fixation in the vertebrae. Photoelasticity is an important tool to perform comparative studies of this nature. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare, by using photoelasticity, internal stresses produced by the screw with an external diameter of 6 mm, when submitted to two different pullout strengths. Materials and Methods: For this, four photoelastic models were produced. The simulation was conducted by using two pullout strengths: 0.75 and 1.50 kgf. The maximum shear stresses were calculated on 19 points around the screws, using the Tardy compensation method. Results:The values of maximum shear stress were higher with the load of 1.50 kgf. Conclusion: Thus, the screw will be more susceptible to pullout when heavier loads are applied. According to our analysis, we also found that the site with the highest maximum shear stress was found to be at the peak of creast, particularly near the tips of the screws, regardless of the load employed.


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Background. A variety of techniques can be used to achieve stabilization of femoral valgus osteotomies in children, but what is lacking is a versatile fixation system that associates stability and versatility at different ages and for different degrees of deformity. Methods. Mechanical tests of three configurations used to fix femoral valgus osteotomies, based oil the tension band wire principle, were carried out. A 30 degrees wedge valgus osteotomy was performed at the subtrochanteric level in 60 swine femurs and fixed with three different systems. In Group 1, two Kirschner wires (K wire) were introduced from the tip of the greater trochanter to the medial cortex, crossing the osteotomy. A flexible steel wire was anchored to the K wires into holes in the lateral cortex and tightened to form a tension band. The same setup was used in Group 2, but two additional smooth K wires were inserted into the lateral surface of the greater trochanter and driven to the femoral head with the distal extremities bent and tied around tile bone shaft. In Group 3, the fixation was similar to that in Group 2, but tile ascending K wires were introduced below the osteotomy level, crossing the osteotonly. Mechanical tests in bending-compression and torsion were used to access the stability. Findings. The torsional relative stiffness was 116% greater for Group 3 (0.27 N m/degree) and no significant difference was found between Group 1 (0.10 N m/degree) and Group 2 (0.12 N m/degree). The average torque was 103% higher for Group 3 (1.86 N m). Stiffness in bending-compression was significantly higher in Group 3 (508 x 10(3) N/m) than in Group 1 (211 x 10(3) N/m) and Group 2 (219 x 10(3) N/m). Interpretation. Fixation as used in Group 3 was significantly more stable, both in torsion and bending-compression tests, than tile other two techniques. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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particularly neutrophil chemoattraction. Herein, the role of C5a in the genesis of inflammatory hypernociception was investigated in rats and mice using the specific C5a receptor antagonist PMX53 (AcF-[OP(D-Cha)WR]). Experimental approach: Mechanical hypernociception was evaluated with a modification of the Randall-Selitto test in rats and electronic pressure meter paw test in mice. Cytokines were measured by ELISA and neutrophil migration was determined by myeloperoxidase activity. Key results: Local pretreatment of rats with PMX53 (60-180 mg per paw) inhibited zymosan-, carrageenan-, lipopolysaccharide (LPS)- and antigen-induced hypernociception. These effects were associated with C5a receptor blockade since PMX53 also inhibited the hypernociception induced by zymosan- activated serum and C5a but not by the direct-acting hypernociceptive mediators, prostaglandin E-2 and dopamine. Underlying the C5a hypernociceptive mechanisms, PMX53 did not alter the cytokine release induced by inflammatory stimuli. However, PMX53 inhibited cytokine-induced hypernociception. PMX53 also inhibited the recruitment of neutrophils induced by zymosan but not by carrageenan or LPS, indicating an involvement of neutrophils in the hypernociceptive effect of C5a. Furthermore, the C5a-induced hypernociception was reduced in neutrophil-depleted rats. Extending these findings in rats, blocking C5a receptors also reduced zymosan- induced joint hypernociception in mice. Conclusions and implications: These results suggest that C5a is an important inflammatory hypernociceptive mediator, acting by a mechanism independent of hypernociceptive cytokine release, but dependent on the presence of neutrophils. Therefore, we suggest that inhibiting the action of C5a has therapeutic potential in the control of inflammatory pain.