892 resultados para Collective memory construction


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559 p. - Sobresaliente cum laudem por unanimidad. La presidenta del tribunal hace la petición al departamento, en el acto de calificación de la defensa, de publicación de esta tesis por considerarla de interés científico.


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Cap. 1. Proyectos patrimoniales y museísticos en las sociedades democráticas y capitalistas: entre la legitimación formal y la vinculación social. Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea. Cap. 2. Musées et patrimoine immatériel au Québec : enjeux politiques et sociaux. Laurier Turgeon. Cap. 3. “El patrimonio pertenece a todos”. De la universalidad a la identidad, ¿cuál es el lugar de la participación social? Victoria Quintero Morón. Cap. 4. La legitimación social y política de los museos: dos casos del estado de Oaxaca, México. Teresa Morales Lersch y Cuauhtémoc Camarena Ocampo. Cap. 5. Reinterpretaciones de la misión social de los museos: políticas de la cultura en la red de museos de Loures, Portugal. Marta Anico. Cap. 6. La comunicación de los museos y sus relaciones con las políticas culturales de las ciudades. Entre la repetición de estrategias y la innovación. Daniel Paül i Agustí. Cap. 7. El Patrimonio de la Guerra Civil como útil de concienciación social al amparo de la Ley de la Memoria Histórica. Óscar Navajas Corral y Julián González Fraile. Cap. 8. Política y planificación museística, y participación social en Cataluña: un breve recorrido histórico y algunas reflexiones. Daniel Solé i Lladós. Cap. 9. Diagnóstico de las acciones de los museos catalanes como parte de las políticas de integración. Fabien Van Geert. Cap. 10. Los inexistentes alcornocaleños y las experiencias museísticas etnográficas en el Parque Natural Los Alcornocales. Agustín Coca Pérez.


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Cap. 1. Museos y patrimonio: de la distancia retórica a la interlocución democrática. Iñaki Díaz Balerdi. Cap. 2. Au coeur des conflits entre memoire, histoire et developpement economique, les nouveaux enjeux des musees de société aujourd’hui. François Hubert. Cap. 3. Elites, Instituciones Públicas, identidad cultural y turismo en los orígenes del Museo Municipal de Donostia-San Sebastián. Iñaki Arrieta Urtizberea. Cap. 4. Los orígenes de la museografía etnográfica en Cataluña: el Arxiu-Museu Folklòric de Ripoll. Oriol Beltran Costa. Cap. 5. Museo de la Pesca en Palamós: espacio para la memoria de los pescadores. Miquel Martí i Llambrich. Cap. 6. Arqueología y museos en Gipuzkoa; las experiencias del Centro de Estudios ARKEOLAN (1986-2005). Mª Mercedes Urteaga Artigas. Cap. 7. Penser un Musée des Confluences: un autre discours sur soi et les autres que soi. Thierry Valentin. Cap. 8. Turismo cultural y museos: oportunidades de desarrollo comunes. El caso de Cesis, Letonia. María Fernández Sabau. Cap. 9. La gestión y el uso turístico de los museos: la experiencia de Barcelona. Jordi Juan Tresserras y Juan Carlos Matamala. Cap. 10. Museos, turismo y desarrollo local en el norte de Portugal: el Ecomuseo del Barroso. Xerardo Pereiro. Cap. 11. Turismo y patrimonio cultural en las pequeñas y medianas ciudades: el Barri Vell de Girona y el Museu d’Art de Girona. Josep Manuel Rueda Torres.


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A partir do entendimento das novas possibilidades sociais permitidas pela Internet, este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar a sociabilidade em redes sociais virtuais a partir do desenvolvimento do capital social entre os membros integrantes destas redes. Buscamos compreender as motivações que possibilitam que as relações sociais sejam construídas e mantidas no e a partir do espaço virtual determinando os fatores que tornam tais relações materializadas no espaço offline. Para tal, realizamos um estudo de caso de uma rede social constituída por motociclistas, o site Tornadeiros. Logramos apreender, o contexto de interação entre os membros desta rede e de que modo o fortalecimento do capital social é propulsor do deslocamento das relações no ambiente virtual para o espaço urbano, determinando a sedimentação de vínculos afetivos entre os indivíduos, inicialmente previstos como banais e efêmeros, dado a lacuna espaço-temporal existente entre estes atores. Para explorar estas dimensões iniciamos o trabalho etnográfico no ciberespaço e posteriormente no espaço urbano. A etnografia no ciberespaço consistiu na aplicação de um questionário online para determinar o perfil dos membros da rede social e na compilação de todo conteúdo de postagens disponível na memória coletiva do site. Os dados compilados foram tratados posteriormente para determinar a topologia da rede de interações entre os membros. Deste material, selecionamos 17 discursos para estudo, articulando a análise dos discursos com as observações produzidas pelo grafo da rede de interações do site. Finalmente, no segundo momento etnográfico, nós confrontamos os resultados com as entrevistas presenciais, tornando possível perceber o estabelecimento e manutenção das relações sociais a partir do capital social desenvolvido nesta rede.


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Esta tese trata da relação entre violência, sofrimento, fotografia e memória, a partir do noticiário de violência na cidade do Rio de Janeiro e da participação dos familiares de vítimas de casos noticiados em movimentos contra a violência. Para compreender esse universo, descrevo e analiso os discursos textuais, visuais e emocionais dos familiares de vítimas e, também, dos fotojornalistas. As notícias de violência, segundo Luc Boltanski, são uma forma de denúncia e de conversão dos casos individuais em causas coletivas. Essas são tomadas como um primeiro registro da violência que se transforma em um lugar de memória desses acontecimentos na cidade. A partir de notícias e histórias narradas pelos entrevistados foram construídos pequenos quadros de memória que contam o processo vivido pelos familiares após a violência. Esse processo iniciado por uma violência original se converte, ao longo do tempo, em lutas individuais e coletivas. O tempo torna-se um agente que trabalha nas relações, nas emoções e na memória. Ele transforma os sentidos da experiência violenta e constrói a identidade de familiar de vítima e as relações entre eles, moldando comunidades emocionais. Essas comunidades apóiam os familiares em seu restabelecimento emocional e social e na luta para conquistar o direito de justiça. Diante da morte violenta, essas lutas agenciam o surgimento de novas violências e a chegada de novos familiares de vítimas em meio às memórias individuais e coletivas.


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Emergent properties of global political culture were examined using data from the World History Survey (WHS) involving 6,902 university students in 37 countries evaluating 40 figures from world history. Multidimensional scaling and factor analysis techniques found only limited forms of universality in evaluations across Western, Catholic/Orthodox, Muslim, and Asian country clusters. The highest consensus across cultures involved scientific innovators, with Einstein having the most positive evaluation overall. Peaceful humanitarians like Mother Theresa and Gandhi followed. There was much less cross-cultural consistency in the evaluation of negative figures, led by Hitler, Osama bin Laden, and Saddam Hussein. After more traditional empirical methods (e.g., factor analysis) failed to identify meaningful cross-cultural patterns, Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) was used to identify four global representational profiles: Secular and Religious Idealists were overwhelmingly prevalent in Christian countries, and Political Realists were common in Muslim and Asian countries. We discuss possible consequences and interpretations of these different representational profiles.


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Esta tese trata do fenômeno do desaparecimento, considerando as suas diversas características, motivações e contextos históricos. As trajetórias das mulheres familiares de desaparecidos são privilegiadas, como aquelas que sofrem diretamente a falta, a dor e as incertezas que perpassam o desaparecimento. O trabalho também analisa a forma como o estado registra os casos de desaparecimento oficialmente encaminhados e como atua em relação a eles, usando como fontes os dados existentes na Polícia Civil e entrevistas com agentes encarregados das investigações. No processo de (sobre)vivência após o desaparecimento, analisam-se os caminhos percorridos pelas mulheres, as dificuldades e as decisões de tornar público o seu caso ou, alternativamente, optar por uma perspectiva mais individual. Realiza-se também uma breve discussão sobre o processo de construção da memória e a sua relação com os caminhos percorridos após o desaparecimento.


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Wydział Historyczny


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This thesis is a study of military memorials and commemoration with a focus on Anglo-American practice. The main question is: How has history defined military memorials and commemoration and how have they changed since the 19th century. In an effort to resolve this, the work examines both historic and contemporary forms of memorials and commemoration and establishes that remembrance in sites of collective memory has been influenced by politics, conflicts and religion. Much has been written since the Great War about remembrance and memorialization; however, there is no common lexicon throughout the literature. In order to better explain and understand this complex subject, the work includes an up-to-date literature review and for the first time, terminologies are properly explained and defined. Particular attention is placed on recognizing important military legacies, being familiar with spiritual influences and identifying classic and new signs of remembrance. The thesis contends that commemoration is composed of three key principles – recognition, respect and reflection – that are intractably linked to the fabric of memorials. It also argues that it is time for the study of memorials to come of age and proposes Memorialogy as an interdisciplinary field of study of memorials and associated commemorative practices. Moreover, a more modern, adaptive, General Classification System is presented as a means of identifying and re-defining memorials according to certain groups, types and forms. Lastly, this thesis examines how peacekeeping and peace support operations are being memorialized and how the American tragic events of 11 September 2001 and the war in Afghanistan have forever changed the nature of memorials and commemoration within Canada and elsewhere. This work goes beyond what has been studied and written about over the last century and provides a deeper level of analysis and a fresh approach to understanding the field of Memorialogy.


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The universality versus culture specificity of quantitative evaluations (negative-positive) of 40 events in world history was addressed using World History Survey data collected from 5,800 university students in 30 countries/societies. Multidimensional scaling using generalized procrustean analysis indicated poor fit of data from the 30 countries to an overall mean configuration, indicating lack of universal agreement as to the associational meaning of events in world history. Hierarchical cluster analysis identified one Western and two non-Western country clusters for which adequate multidimensional fit was obtained after item deletions. A two-dimensional solution for the three country clusters was identified, where the primary dimension was historical calamities versus progress and a weak second dimension was modernity versus resistance to modernity. Factor analysis further reduced the item inventory to identify a single concept with structural equivalence across cultures, Historical Calamities, which included man-made and natural, intentional and unintentional, predominantly violent but also nonviolent calamities. Less robust factors were tentatively named as Historical Progress and Historical Resistance to Oppression. Historical Calamities and Historical Progress were at the individual level both significant and independent predictors of willingness to fight for one’s country in a hierarchical linear model that also identified significant country-level variation in these relationships. Consensus around calamity but disagreement as to what constitutes historical progress is discussed in relation to the political culture of nations and lay perceptions of history as catastrophe.


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Contrary to the experience of other countries with memories of clandestine violence and “missing persons”, where the mobilisation of the (civil) society towards “truth recovery” was immediate and pivotal, the societies of Cyprus and Spain remained silent for a remarkably long period of time. This article aspires to explain the reasons why both Cypriot communities and the Spanish society did not manage, until recently, to comprehensively address—not to mention resolve—the problem of “missing persons”. The recent emergence of the “politics of exhumations” in these two countries, which highlight issues related to truth recovery and collective memory, renders the attempt to respond to the question of why these processes are taking place only today even more stimulating


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The sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912 represents one of the most infamous maritime disasters in the history of shipping. Yet despite it entering the public imagination in the decades after its sinking, until recently it has all but been erased from the collective memory of the people of Belfast, the city in which it was built. In a post-conflict context, however, Belfast has begun to re-imagine the role of the ship in the city’s history, most particularly in the re-development of the docklands area and its designation as the Titanic Quarter, and through its landmark project the Titanic Belfast museum. This paper will trace the economic, social and political context from which the Titanic was built, and the role that this played in silencing any very public commemoration of its sinking until after the signing of the Belfast Agreement. The ‘story’ told in the new museum will be analysed from this perspective and will illustrate how the wounds of the Troubles continue to inform the interpretation of the city’s divided past.


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In The City of Collective Memory, urban historian Christina Boyer (1994) defines the image of a city as an abstracted concept, an imaginary (re)constructed form. This urban image is created from many aspects, one of which is the framed and edited views and experiences found in films situated in or about a particular city. In this study, to explore the collective memory of the city of Berlin from an architectural point of view, one film from each of the major historical periods of Berlin since the invention of cinema is examined: pre-WWI, interwar period, the Nazi period, post-WWII, Berlin Wall/Cold War, and the reunification period. Memory-making in the city is studied following the footsteps of the protagonists in the films, concluding that film-making and memory-making make use of similar processes, the editing of fragmented pieces of so-called reality, to create its own reality.


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This paper questions the use of 'memory', 'remembering' and 'collective memory' as a conceptual tool in historical study. It will ague that a synchronic model for commemorative practice needs to be highlighted, and in doing so questions the role of historians in commemorative practice.