898 resultados para Co-management


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This document contains the findings of the second Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) carried out under the LVFRP. Its principal objectives were to develop base-line information on a Ugandan beach for the 3-beaches survey of the LVFRP.


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This document contains the findings of the third Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) carried out on Obenge Beach in Kenya, from the 23rd to the 26th of June 2000, under the LVFRP. Its principal objectives were to develop base-line information on a Kenyan beach for the 3-beaches survey of the LVFRP.


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This document contains the findings of the fourth Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) carried out under the LVFRP. Its principal objectives were to develop base-line information on a Ugandan beach for the 3-beaches survey of the LVFRP.


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This paper comprises part of the so-called "3-beaches Survey" of the LVFRP. In Tanzania, this study has developed to examine two landing sites (Mwasonge and Ihale), and to chart the progress of the newly established Beach Management Units (BMU) at each beach, comparing one BMU against the other. The over-arching objective of this survey was to develop an understanding of the context in which Mwasonge's fishery exists. The study does so by examining the community's history, culture and beliefs, various other socio-cultural factors, their resources, society and economy, wealth and the community's perceptions of wealth. Importantly, the survey examines the community's institutions and its perceptions of fishing rules and changes within the fishery. All of these facets of community life are examined with the use of participatory Rural Appraisal tools, and the images that the study generated are reproduced herein.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the implications of the fish export trade on the fishers and the fisheries resources of Lake Victoria, Uganda with respect to sustainability. Eight fish processing factories and ninety fishers were qualitatively investigated. Socio-economic characteristics of fishers and the economic characteristics of fish factories formed a basis for the analysis. Results of the research indicate that there is a relationship between the growth in fish export trade, particularly the growth in industrial fish processing (for export) and declining fisheries resources of the lake. However, whether or not that impact is positive or negative, and to what extent there is an impact, is highly dependent upon the underlying socio-economic considerations of the fishers to the process. The fish-ban imposed by the European Union countries was particularly decried by fishers and factory owners as the main cause for the present poverty among the fishers. Fundamentally, several conflicting issues: ecological, physical and economic activities are a threat to the sustainability of the Lake Victoria fisheries, and for all that depend on and interact with the lake. There is urgent need to address the immediate issue of the growing riparian population and the global fish trade, to educate and train all the relevant actors in appropriate fisheries management techniques. Attitudes of fishers towards the fish factory developments are positive and this is a way forward for co-management for the sustainability of the fisheries resource.


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Esta dissertação se dirigiu ao estudo sobre as internações psiquiátricas de pacientes em longa permanência e as ações voltadas aos processos de desinstitucionalização desta clientela na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Ao se considerar que as práticas na saúde mental, bem como na saúde geral, estiveram relacionadas aos contextos sociais, econômicos e políticos do país, compreende-se que a existência da situação das internações de longa permanência dentro de hospitais psiquiátricos públicos e clínicas conveniadas têm relação direta com as políticas de saúde que vigoraram ao longo do tempo no país e com o trabalho específico sobre este campo na própria cidade. Assim também há a consideração de que a Reforma Psiquiátrica e suas inovações conceituais também estiveram ligadas a um novo momento das políticas de saúde no país, onde se direcionava com o SUS pela saúde de acesso universal, descentralizada e hierarquizada, o que possibilitou grandes mudanças no cenário da assistência. Estudou-se nesta pesquisa, portanto, as ações de desinstitucionalização na cidade, tomando?se como uma das primeiras iniciativas de gestão a reorganização da assistência psiquiátrica pela implantação dos Pólos de Internação, numa estratégia de co-gestão do Ministério da Saúde e Inamps ainda na década de 80. Seguido a esta reorganização que culminou em maior regulação da porta de entrada das internações psiquiátricas e diminuição das internações nas clínicas conveniadas, o município teve sua entrada como gestor na saúde mental na cidade, como novas ações implementadas. Para pesquisa destas ações utilizou-se como metodologia entrevistas semi-estruturadas com pessoas que participaram das iniciativas de gestão no município do Rio de Janeiro e análise documental de Relatórios de Gestão publicados pela Coordenação Municipal de Saúde Mental. No estudo, destacou-se a potência do serviço público enquanto direcionador de ações na saúde e ainda, a importância do trabalho de desconstrução do manicômio feito pelas internações psiquiátricas quando promovem restrições ao pensamento deste dispositivo como solução para problemas psiquiátricos e sociais de diversas ordens, e na orientação de descentralização como desmontagem do aparato manicomial pela lógica da atenção psicossocial.


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An account is given of the activities of the Institute during the year 1995, including also reports of various projects carried out by staff members, which concerned the following: pre-recruitment ecology of the freshwater sardine (Limnothrissa miodon) in Lake Kariba (Zimbabwe); hydroacoustic surveys of kapenta abundance in Lake Kariba and Lake Cahora Bassa (Mozambique); angler's tigerfish catches, tigerfish studies and gillnet sampling; inshore fish population studies in Lake Kariba; catch/effort data recording system; fishermen's training towards the establishment of a Fisheries Co-management approach on Lake Kariba; and, enforcement and compliance with fisheries regulations within the inshore fishery on Lake Kariba.


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Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar os conflitos socioambientais envolvendo os pescadores artesanais na Baía de Ilha Grande e as iniciativas institucionais que buscam dar tratamento a esses conflitos de forma compartilhada. Neste sentido, foram consideradas duas iniciativas institucionais: i) o Projeto Desenvolvimento e Gerenciamento dos Sistemas de Gestão da Pesca e Aquicultura na baía de Ilha Grande GPESCA-BIG; e ii) o Termo de Compromisso entre a Estação Ecológica de Tamoios e as comunidades pesqueiras de Angra dos Reis e Paraty. A metodologia envolveu a observação direta da autora em reuniões de conselhos consultivos e grupos de trabalho em unidades de conservação, em especial, os espaços envolvendo a Estação Ecológica de Tamoios, além de apresentações e audiências públicas sobre a proposta de Acordos de Pesca. Utilizou-se também a observação participante em reuniões e oficinas no âmbito do projeto GPESCA-BIG. De forma complementar, a pesquisa se baseou em entrevistas (formais e informais) e análise de documentos diversos elaborados por entidades representativas dos pescadores e demais atores direta e indiretamente envolvidos no conflito. Foram identificadas três grandes grupos de conflitos relacionados aos pescadores artesanais: (1) sobreposição de territórios de pesca/pesqueiros e as áreas protegidas, principalmente aqueles relacionados à ESEC Tamoios; (2) conflitos associados à pesca industrial, identificados pelos pescadores como barcos de fora, e em menor escala, as embarcações de petróleo/gás e do turismo e; (3) conflitos resultantes da falta de regularização/permissionamento da atividade. Em síntese, estes conflitos envolvem políticas de desenvolvimento e de conservação, que se confrontam com o modo de vida tradicional dos pescadores artesanais e caiçaras. Além dos conflitos oriundos das diferentes formas de apropriação do espaço marinho, estes conflitos também estiveram relacionados ao papel paradoxal do Estado no estabelecimento das regras e normas de ordenamento (incluindo-se a fiscalização/monitoramento ambiental), à burocracia e às diversas instituições existentes para tratar de problemas comuns, tornado confuso o gerenciamento da atividade. No que se refere às iniciativas em análise, os resultados demonstram a existência de instituições relativamente bem constituídas na região, com a atuação de órgãos de gestão pública e ambiental nos mais variados níveis: municipal estadual e federal. Além destes, registra-se também a participação da sociedade civil, em especial, dos pescadores artesanais de Paraty e de suas representações, na busca pelo tratamento dos conflitos nos quais estão inseridos. Por outro lado, evidencia-se a falta de articulação e integração entre as políticas e atores, bem como entre as experiências institucionais em curso. Portanto, um dos maiores desafios existentes na implantação de um modo compartilhado de gestão dos recursos pesqueiros na BIG consiste justamente em superar tais limitações institucionais, de maneira que possam promover ações articuladas visando não apenas a conservação integrada do ecossistema, como também a reprodução das práticas tradicionais de pesca e a sua co-existência com os demais tipos de usos


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Since 1993, a series of aquatic resource co-management workshops have been on-going, established by the Lao government and fisheries agencies for village farmers in the Khong District in southern Laos, aiming for a sustainable use of inland capture fisheries resources. This article describes the mechanics involved and the participants' perspective, as well as reporting the outcomes and progress of the workshops so far.


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This meeting, the second national Fisheries Governance Dialogue, aimed to help stakeholders in the fisheries sector generate a shared understanding of critical lessons and pathways for fisheries co-management success in Ghana. This was a direct response to the call from both fisheries communities and the government of Ghana for a radical change from the way fisheries resources are currently being managed. The meeting was attended by 60 men and women from stakeholder organizations and communities, and commenced with presentations on co-management experiences from local, regional and international participants. This was followed by panel discussions to extract lessons that specifically related to successfully implementing co-management in Ghana’s fisheries. Finally, breakout groups addressed in greater detail some issues of importance to fisheries governance reform in Ghana. While fisheries co-management is not a new concept in Ghana, participants heard that previous attempts to initiate these systems proved unsustainable. A number of lessons were drawn from these past experiences.


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The study describes the main causes of captures and productions decreasing of swimming crab Callinectes amnicola (Decapoda Portunidae) in Aby lagoon complex. For that, docks of two Sub Prefectures of Adiaké and Assini-Mafia respectively including the villages of Adiaké, Anga, Assomlan, Epleman, Aby and Man-Man, M'Bratty, Assini-Ngouankro and Assini-Mafia were studied from 2006 to 2009 and completed with previous results obtained from 1988 to 2005. Field investigators were identified by site/village and they recorded daily activities of fishermen (number of effective fishermen, number of gears and area of fishing, duration of fishing, types and quantity of bait) and landing of swimming crabs. During recent period of the study, total production decreased from 3742 tons in 2006 to 1500 tons in 2009. Matrix correlations and correlation analysis indicated that this downward trend was due to the increase of the number of fishermen, number of fishing gear, the decrease in female crabs capture and degradation of the environment related to gradual closure of the Assini-Mafia channel. Despite this decline, total production in Aby lagoon remained high compared to the productions of some lagoons of the country and the region. Given the importance of fishing swimming crabs in Aby lagoon, since it concerns many young people and it is a source of income, stringent measures for sustainable and responsible management must be taken and implemented as part of a co-management plan involving all stakeholders to sustainably manage the resource


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Lake Victoria fisheries face severe environmental stresses. Stocks are declining in a context of increasing population and growing demand for the lake’s resources. Rising competition between users is putting conservation goals and rural livelihoods at risk. While Uganda’s co-management policy framework is well-developed, key resources for implementation are lacking, enforcement is poor, and the relations between stakeholders are unequal. Poor rural resource users face significant challenges to effectively participate in fisheries decision-making. This case study demonstrates the progress that can be made using a collaborative approach to catalyze community-led actions linking public health, sanitation and environmental conservation in difficult circumstances, even over a relatively short time period. Multistakeholder dialogue can bring to light the sources of conflict, pinpoint governance challenges, and identify opportunities for institutional collaboration to address community needs. At the same time, the process can help build trust, confidence in collective action and public accountability.


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The monitoring of fish stocks as well as the magnitude, distribution and trends of fishing effort and fish catches is required for sound fisheries resources management. Conducting regular Catch Assessment Surveys (CASs) in Lake Victoria is one of the ways through which the partner states sharing the lake are generating information to contribute to the above process. The EU funded Implementation of a Fisheries Management Plan (IFMP) project for Lake Victoria through the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organisation (LVFO) is supporting the implementation of regionally harmonised CASs in Lake Victoria . The CASs under IFMP are following a statistical design laid down in Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) agreed by the three partner states of the East African Community sharing the lake. In the Ugandan part of the lake, the CASs are carried out at 54 fish landing sites selected in the eleven riparian districts sharing the lake. The National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NAFIRRI), Jinja; the Department of Fisheries Resources (DFR), Entebbe; and the Districts of Busia, Bugiri, Mayuge, Jinja, Mukono, Wakiso, Kampala, Mpigi, Masaka, Kalangala and Rakai jointly conduct the surveys. The CAS enumerators are recruited from the fishing communities and work under direct supervision of subcounty Fisheries Officers. NaFIRRI seeks to continue strengthening the engagement of the Beach Management Units (BMUs) and other fisheries Co-management Institutions in fisheries data collection .


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The workshop objectives were to discuss the status of Community Based Coastal Resource Management (CB-CRM), Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) and Co-management in Indonesia,Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand.


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Recommendations form the workshop included:establishment of "Pilot Sites"; trans-boundary ecosystem resource sharing;establishment of Marine Protected Areas(MPAs); joint research;promotion of co-management principles; preparation of a regional "coastal atlas" and development of a communications strategy