959 resultados para City planning -- Germany -- Book reviews


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Reviews of the following books: Helen Caldwell and James Bird, 2015, Teaching with Tablets, London: Sage, ISBN: 978-1-473-90679-2 Reviewed by Gurmit Uppal. Vivienne Baumfield, Elaine Hall and Kate Wall, 2013, Action Research in Education (2nd Edition), London: Sage, ISBN: 978-1-446-20719-2 Reviewed by Warren Kidd. Patricia Driscoll, Andrew Lambirth and Judith Roden, 2015, The Primary Curriculum: A Creative Approach (2nd Edition), London: Sage, ISBN 978-1-473-90387-6 Reviewed by Rebecca Bannocks


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Review of The Paradox of Liberation: Secular Revolutions and Religious Counterrevolutions, by Michael Walzer. Yale University Press. 172pp. £16.99


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This chapter (12) reviews key publications by Sir Peter Hall in the period 1967-79. In this period he was particularly interested in the 'inner city' and how problems of deprivation, unemployment, poor housing, and increasingly immigration might best be addressed by public policy. Each chapter in the book reviews Sir Peter's publications over a long and distinguished career in research and policy advice to government in honour of his 80th birthday in 2013.


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The current growth of Kathmandu Valley has been malignant in many ways which suggests a decline of public realm in the city. As the current efforts for planning and design of public open space exhibit numerous problems related to both physical and social aspects of city building, this book examines the shortcomings with contemporary urban development from urban planning and design point of view and attempts to suggest methods to overcome such shortcomings based on the study of historic urban squares. This book identifies the inherent urban design qualities of the historic urban squares in order to learn from them and also attempts to put forward the principles and guidelines for contemporary public space design based on such findings.


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Book reviews of: [1] Nicholas Crane, Mercator: The Man Who Mapped the Planet, London: Weidenfield and Nicolson, 2002, £20, ISBN: 0297646656. [2] Stephen Inwood: The Man Who Knew Too Much: The Strange and Inventive Life of Robert Hooke (1635-1703), London: Macmillan, 2002, £18.99, ISBN: 0333782860.


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Ressenya del llibre L’àrea urbana de Girona: un espai per al futur. A l’obra s’hi tracten aspectes de caràcter social, econòmic, cultural, urbanístic, infraestructural i institucional de Girona, tot plegat des d’una perspectiva globalitzadora i sintètica


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Es relacionen les ponències més significatives de les dues últimes edicions del Seminari Internacional sobre el Paisatge que el Consorci Universitat Internacional Menéndez Pelayo de Barcelona i el Centre Ernest Lluch van organitzar a Olot, la tardor del 2004 i la del 2005. Aquest seminari va aprofundir la temàtica del paisatge des d’una perspectiva interdisciplinària, oberta i innovadora, i va incentivar el debat metodològic i crític al voltant de la construcció social del paisatge


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Ressenya del llibre de Ramón López de Lucio, Ciudad y urbanismo a finales del siglo XX, publicat per la Universitat de València, l'any 1993


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The most important crises in the planning system is related to the significance of "capitalist state" influences [3]. In the global context, Bengs states that there is a matter partiality between "global capitalism" and "national democracy"[4]. Bengs stresses that planning is closely related to the economy of a country, which is in one side the government wants to reduce taxes, while on the other side there is a dilemma of the global and indefinite solicitation of assets. Hall (2002) discusses the problems of the city; those are city planning, history of planning, and geographical setting. City planning is not only planning in one region but also including the district around the city, such as river basin and a certain regional culture. The urban planner should involve all those aspects in the city planning. Friedmann (2003) distinguishes planning theory into three types. First, planning theory is related to planning in particular fields such as land utilization, transportation, urban design, regional development, environmental planning etc. Second, the type of theory related to planning tout court, and the third type is the theory about planning itself. Sanyal (2002) states that although planners have limited autonomy, their actions affect policy result [5]. Friedman (2003) supports Sanyal's argument stressing that planners learned from their actions not from theories.