996 resultados para Català -- Gramàtica comparada -- Panjabi
Contiene: T. I: 1e partie. Idéologie proprement dite (An XIII [1804] ; 2 ?ed. ; XXXII, 456 p.) -- T. II: 2e partie. Grammaire (An XI [1803] ; XII, 454 p.) -- T. III: 3e partie. Logique (An XII [1805] ; VIII, 671 p.) -- T. IV: 4e et 5e parties. Traité de la volanté et de ses effects (Vve. Cournier, 1815 ; VI, 578 p.)
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
This research analyzes the average previous stressed vowels [ε] and [e] and later [ɔ] and [o] in nominal and verbal forms in the 1st person singular and 3rd person singular and plural in the present tense, specifically the umlaut process of mid vowels /e/ and /o/, which assimilate in /ε/ and /ᴐ/ in stressed position. The general objective of this research is to describe and quantify the occurrence of umlaut and subsequently analyze in which words there is regularity or not. As specific objectives we have: i) to compile and to label an oral, spontaneous, synchronic and regional corpus, from radio programs produced in the city of Ituiutaba, Minas Gerais; ii) to describe the characteristics of the corpus to be compiled; iii) to investigate the alternating timbre of mid vowels in stressed position; iv) to identify instances of nominal and verbal umlaut of the middle vowels in stressed position; v) to describe the identified cases of nominal and verbal umlaut; vi) to analyze the probable causes for the variation of the middle vowels. To perform the proposed analysis, we have adopted as a theoretical-methodological basis multi-representational models: Phonology of Use (BYBEE, 2001) and Exemplar Theory (PIERREHUMBERT, 2001) combined with the precepts of Corpus Linguistics (BEBER SARDINHA, 2004). The corpus consisted of 16 radio programs – eight political and eight religious – from the city of Ituiutaba-MG, with recordings of about 20 to 40 minutes. We note, by means of the results generated by WordSmith Tools® software, version 6.0 (SCOTT, 2012), that the analyzed forms show little variation, which shows that the umlaut is a process already lexicalized in participants of the radio programs analyzed. We conclude that the results converge with the proposal of the Phonology of Use (BYBEE, 2001; PHILLIPS, 1984) that less frequent words that have no phonetic environment conducive to change, are changed first.
Non-finite clauses are sentential constituents with a verbal head that lacks a morphological specification for tense and agreement. In this paper I contend that these clauses are defective not only morphologically but also syntactically, in the sense that they all lack some of the functional categories that make up a full sentence. In particular I argue that to-infinitive clauses, gerund(ive) clauses and participial clauses differ among themselves, and with respect to other subordinate clauses, in the degree of structural defectiveness they display, which goes from the almost complete functional structure of the infinitive to the maximal degree of syntactic truncation of participial clauses (analyzed here as verbal small clauses). I also show the significant parallelism that exists in this respect between English and Spanish non-finite clauses, pointing to the implication this may have for a cross-linguistic approach to the cartography of syntactic structures.
Mode of access: Internet.
Es presenta una experiència duta a terme en assignatures de llengua catalana a les titulacions de Filologia Catalana i Magisteri. La proposta surt de la necessitat de millorar la competència en matèria de llengua dels estudiants i s'adequa a les noves directrius europees pel que fa a la docència universitària. Al mateix temps, es fomenten la capacitat crítica, el raonament metalingüístic i la competència comunicativa dels estudiants, així com el treball en equip. L'experiència consisteix a treballar temes de llengua en seminaris en els quals es presenten problemes i es plantegen qüestions als estudiants. En primer lloc es parteix de l'estat de la qüestió; a continuació es faciliten materials sobre el tema i es tracta en diverses discussions. El final del seminari consisteix a presentar el tema en grup però amb la particularitat que s'ha d'adreçar a dos públics diferents: l'universitari-científic i el d'escola o institut de secundària. Es presenta la metodologia de treball amb un dels temes que es van treballar en els seminaris, concretament el tema de l'accentuació de la llengua catalana. En el treball es fan consideracions generals sobre l'organització de les sessions i també s'aporten exemples concrets de com es va dur a terme la proposta. Per un costat, l'experiència posa de manifest que alguns mètodes didàctics tradicionals són poc adequats i poc motivadors per a l'aprenentatge. Per l'altre, es confirma que el treball inductiu afavoreix el pensament crític i l'establiment de generalitzacions que poden portar a una millor coneixement del sistema de la llengua en qüestió. En aquesta línia, es mostra la necessitat d'aportar noves formes de treballar la llengua, de manera que les activitats proposades tinguin connexió amb l'experiència real de l'estudiant com a parlant i amb la seva capacitat de conèixer i reflexionar sobre la seva llengua (i altres llengües). Només d'aquesta manera es veu la funció real de la llengua en tots els àmbits i només d'aquesta manera es potencia la motivació per l'estudi
Resumen de las autoras en catalán
Recerca en política comparada a Europa, concretament sobre les polítiques estatals de joventut. L’objectiu és identificar característiques singulars, idees força i pràctiques concretes, d’aquest camp de les polítiques, en alguns països europeus escollits per un seguit de factors i veure si això serveix per formular amb solvència una (o unes) classificació dels països europeus en funció del seu tipus de polítiques de joventut. En última instància també es tracta de veure si el model català de fer polítiques de joventut, és compartit per altres països i per tant homologable o és eminentment singular i únic
The thesis L’ús dels clítics pronominals del català i la seva adquisició per parlants de romanès i de tagal [The use of pronominal clitics in Catalan and their acquisition by Romanian and Tagalog speakers] analyzes the mechanisms of transfer from the L1 in the process of acquisition of Catalan (L2) in two groups of learners, one of which has Romanian and the other Tagalog as their native language. Our study lends support to the idea of transfer from the L1 to a second language in general, and, in particular, within the process of acquisition of pronominal clitics from a Romance language (Catalan). The results show that the differences between the two groups are statistically significant and are attributable to the characteristics of the L1. Moreover, starting from a detailed description of the grammar of pronominal clitics in the three languages involved, we define the specific grammatical aspects of the Tagalog and Romanian languages that can have an influence on certain productions and on certain errors in the use of pronominal clitics in Catalan, within the process of acquisition of this Romance language as L2. In the theoretical domain, we started from studies on functional markedness to determine four reference terms that allowed us to carry out a systematized study of the difficulties in acquisition of the use of Catalan clitic pronouns according to their complexity and their degree of grammaticalization.
Based on North American Functional Linguistic Theory, our proposal is to describe and analyze the use of verb CHEGAR in verbal periphrasis such as [CHEGAR (E) + V2], where CHEGAR does not demonstrate a significance linked to physical movement. In linguistic literature, such periphrasis has been attributed several functions, related to aspectualization, emphasis of negative segments, and construction of mental spaces, among others. This study considers that the function of verb CHEGAR in the periphrasis in question is to indicate a global aspect, emphasizing a range of semantic-pragmatic nuances such as the sudden, instantaneous, or even abrupt character of the events refered to by the principal verb of the construction (V2), and/or the taking of initiative (sudden) by the agent (in the syntactic role of periphrastic subject), and/or subjective evaluations which go from surprise to frustration. Our objectives are the following: i) to describe and analyze the semanticpragmatic, morphosyntactic and social relationships which characterize the use of CHEGAR in verbal periphrases like [CHEGAR (E) + V2] and in coordinated/juxtaposed speech in which CHEGAR is the principal verb of the first utterance and is an elocution verb and the principal verb of the second; ii) identify, based on this description and analysis, synchrony proof in the grammaticalization of CHEGAR as an auxiliary verb in the periphrasis refered to. There was observed to be a strong similarity between coordinate/juxtaposed and periphrastic constructions. Such similarities strengthen the hypothesis that the use of CHEGAR as a lexical verb in coordinate/juxtaposed structures is the origin of the use of CHEGAR in the periphrastic structure, since the many properties encountered with higher frequency in lexical use are also just as frequently used as auxiliaries. Nevertheless, between the two constructions being studied, sufficient difference can be observed to see that CHEGAR, in the periphrasis [CHEGAR (E) V2], is behaving like an auxiliary verb, and shows typical properties of these types of verbs: i) in 100% of occurrences, it does not have a complement;ii) it has a co-referential subject in 100% of cases; iii) it does not appear with intervening material between it and V2. Besides this, CHEGAR, in periphrases, is predominant in nonneutral evaluation contexts, denoted by V2. Inspired by the results obtained, we propose strategies for the discussion of the [CHEGAR (E) V2] periphrases in both elementary and high schools.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as crenças de professores das séries iniciais do nível fundamental da cidade de Caicó-RN sobre o ensino de gramática. A partir da aplicação de um questionário, analisam-se as crenças manifestadas no discurso de 20 docentes da rede municipal de ensino do referido município. As questões formuladas visaram investigar as crenças dos informantes sobre o que é ensinar gramática e que dificuldades encontram para realizar o ensino dos conteúdos gramaticais, considerando aspectos teóricos e práticos, entre eles: a construção da concepção sobre ensino de gramática, a participação em projetos de formação continuada na especificidade de ensino de língua, a influência dessa formação sobre o seu fazer pedagógico, e a realização do planejamento de ensino de conteúdos gramaticais. Para fundamentar a reflexão, buscou-se apoio em autores como Abrahão; Barcelos (2006); Antunes (2009; 2007); Neves (2004a; 2004b; 2007; 2010) Silva (2004; 2007), Travaglia (2001; 2004); entre outros, a partir dos quais são abordados os conceitos de língua, linguagem e gramática, relacionando-os ao desenvolvimento da competência linguística/comunicativa no ensino de língua portuguesa. Os dados analisados revelam que a influência das crenças sobre o ensino de gramática no fazer pedagógico do professor se relaciona com sua formação acadêmica, desde a escolha do referencial teórico adotado pelos professores das disciplinas relacionadas ao tema até a metodologia utilizada para trabalhar os conteúdos, considerando as experiências pessoais concretizadas ao longo de sua vida. Além disso, percebeu-se que existe uma forte convergência entre crenças, conhecimentos e experiências práticas. O trabalho conclui-se com uma reflexão sobre as implicações que uma postura reflexiva pode ter no atual panorama de ensino de língua, em geral, e de gramática, em particular.
L’estudi de la neologia és indestriable de l’estudi del canvi lingüístic i, doncs, de la diacronia. Ens proposem ací descriure el procés de canvi semàntic que va experimentar el verb esmar, forma patrimonial del llatí *adaestimare, paral·lela del cultisme estimar. Aquesta recerca es fonamenta en l’aprofitament dels corpus textuals i altres materials despullats manualment. Sobre aquests materials, s’ha assajat l’anàlisi de la subjectivació i de les inferències que proposa la teoria de la inferència invitada del canvi semàntic (= TIICS).