986 resultados para Capillary Pressure-Saturation Relationships


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In a prospective investigation of 17 children with severe croup, we analyzed the effect of epinephrine inhalations and mild sedation with chloral hydrate on transcutaneous carbon dioxide pressure (tcPCO2), pulse oximetry measurements, and croup scores. There was a highly significant reduction (p less than 0.001) in the tcPCO2 values and croup scores after inhalation of epinephrine. The changes in the tcPCO2 values correlated with the clinical findings. Mild sedation also significantly improved the croup scores but failed to influence the tcPCO2 values. There was not statistically significant difference in pulse oximetry saturation, fraction of administered oxygen, heart rate, or respiratory rate before and after inhalation of epinephrine or chloral hydrate administration. Monitoring tcPCO2 appears to be a reliable and objective tool for managing patients with upper airway obstruction, whereas croup scores may be misleading.


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A simple non-targeted differential HPLC-APCI/MS approach has been developed in order to survey metabolome modifications that occur in the leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana following wound-induced stress. The wound-induced accumulation of metabolites, particularly oxylipins, was evaluated by HPLC-MS analysis of crude leaf extracts. A generic, rapid and reproducible pressure liquid extraction procedure was developed for the analysis of restricted leaf samples without the need for specific sample preparation. The presence of various oxylipins was determined by head-to-head comparison of the HPLC-MS data, filtered with a component detection algorithm, and automatically compared with the aid of software searching for small differences in similar HPLC-MS profiles. Repeatability was verified in several specimens belonging to different series. Wound-inducible jasmonates were efficiently highlighted by this non-targeted approach without the need for complex sample preparation as is the case for the 'oxylipin signature' procedure based on GC-MS. Furthermore this HPLC-MS screening technique allowed the isolation of induced compounds for further characterisation by capillary-scale NMR (CapNMR) after HPLC scale-up. In this paper, the screening method is described and applied to illustrate its potential for monitoring polar and non-polar stress-induced constituents as well as its use in combination with CapNMR for the structural assignment of wound-induced compounds of interest


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Among the traits of breeding interest for the common walnut tree Juglans regia L., characteristics such as timing of budbreak and leaf fall, water-use efficiency and growth performance are regarded as being of utmost relevance in Mediterranean conditions. The authors evaluated intraspecific variation in $\delta$13C (carbon isotope composition, surrogate of intrinsic water-use efficiency, WUE$_{\rm i}$) for 22 J. regia families grown in a progeny test under supplementary irrigation, and investigated whether such variation correlated with climatic indicators of native habitats. The genetic relationships between $\delta$13C, growth and phenology were also assessed during two consecutive years. Overall, the most water-use-efficient families (i.e. with higher $\delta$13C), which originated mainly from drought-prone provenance regions which have a high vapour pressure deficit and low rainfall, exhibited less height growth and smaller DBH. Using a stepwise regression procedure, $\delta$13C was included as the main explanatory variable of genotypic variation in growth traits, together with growing season duration (for DBH in both years) and flushing (for height in 2007). It was concluded that WUE$_{\rm i}$ is largely unconnected to phenology effects in the explanation of growth performance for J. regia, therefore suggesting the opportunity of simultaneously selecting for low WUE$_{\rm i}$ and extended growing period to maximise productivity in non-water-limited environments.


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The present work was undertaken to investigate, in young healthy volunteers, the relationships between the forward propagation times of arterial pressure waves and the timing of reflected waves observable on the aortic pulse, in the course of rapid changes in body position. 20 young healthy subjects, 10 men, and 10 women, were examined on a tilt table at two different tilt angles, -10° (Head-down) and + 45° (Head-up). In each position, carotid-femoral (Tcf) and carotid-tibial forward propagation times (Tct) were measured with the Complior device. In each position also, the central aortic pressure pulse was recorded with radial tonometry, using the SphygmoCor device and a generalized transfer function, so as to evaluate the timing of reflected waves reaching the aorta in systole (onset of systolic reflected wave, sT1r) and diastole (mean transit time of diastolic reflected wave, dMTT). The position shift from Head-up to Head-down caused a massive increase in both Tct (women from 130 ± 10 to 185 ± 18 msec P < 0.001, men from 136 ± 9 to 204 ± 18 msec P < 0.001) and dMTT (women from 364 ± 35 to 499 ± 33 msec P < 0.001, men from 406 ± 22 to 553 ± 21 msec P < 0.001). Mixed model regression showed that the changes in Tct and dMTT observed between Head-up and Head-down were tightly coupled (regression coefficient 2.1, 95% confidence interval 1.9-2.3, P < 0.001). These results strongly suggest that the diastolic waves observed on central aortic pulses reconstructed from radial tonometric correspond at least in part to reflections generated in the lower limbs.


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PURPOSE: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. We aimed at evaluating the effect of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment on coronary endothelium-dependent vasoreactivity in OSA patients by quantifying myocardial blood flow (MBF) response to cold pressure testing (CPT). METHODS: In the morning after polysomnography (PSG), all participants underwent a dynamic (82)Rb cardiac positron emitting tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) scan at rest, during CPT and adenosine stress. PSG and PET/CT were repeated at least 6 weeks after initiating CPAP treatment. OSA patients were compared to controls and according to response to CPAP. Patients' characteristics and PSG parameters were used to determine predictors of CPT-MBF. RESULTS: Thirty-two untreated OSA patients (age 58 ± 13 years, 27 men) and 9 controls (age 62 ± 5 years, 4 men) were enrolled. At baseline, compared to controls (apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) = 5.3 ± 2.6/h), untreated OSA patients (AHI = 48.6 ± 19.7/h) tend to have a lower CPT-MBF (1.1 ± 0.2 mL/min/g vs. 1.3 ± 0.4 mL/min/g, p = 0.09). After initiating CPAP, CPT-MBF was not different between well-treated patients (AHI <10/h) and controls (1.3 ± 0.3 mL/min/g vs. 1.3 ± 0.4 mL/min/g, p = 0.83), but it was lower for insufficiently treated patients (AHI ≥10/h) (0.9 ± 0.2 mL/min/g vs. 1.3 ± 0.4 mL/min/g, p = 0.0045). CPT-MBF was also higher in well-treated than in insufficiently treated patients (1.3 ± 0.3 mL/min/g vs. 0.9 ± 0.2 mL/min/g, p = 0.001). Mean nocturnal oxygen saturation (β = -0.55, p = 0.02) and BMI (β = -0.58, p = 0.02) were independent predictors of CPT-MBF in OSA patients. CONCLUSIONS: Coronary endothelial vasoreactivity is impaired in insufficiently treated OSA patients compared to well-treated patients and controls, confirming the need for CPAP optimization.


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Bioprocess technology is a multidisciplinary industry that combines knowledge of biology and chemistry with process engineering. It is a growing industry because its applications have an important role in the food, pharmaceutical, diagnostics and chemical industries. In addition, the current pressure to decrease our dependence on fossil fuels motivates new, innovative research in the replacement of petrochemical products. Bioprocesses are processes that utilize cells and/or their components in the production of desired products. Bioprocesses are already used to produce fuels and chemicals, especially ethanol and building-block chemicals such as carboxylic acids. In order to enable more efficient, sustainable and economically feasible bioprocesses, the raw materials must be cheap and the bioprocesses must be operated at optimal conditions. It is essential to measure different parameters that provide information about the process conditions and the main critical process parameters including cell density, substrate concentrations and products. In addition to offline analysis methods, online monitoring tools are becoming increasingly important in the optimization of bioprocesses. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a versatile analysis technique with no limitations concerning polar solvents, analytes or samples. Its resolution and efficiency are high in optimized methods creating a great potential for rapid detection and quantification. This work demonstrates the potential and possibilities of CE as a versatile bioprocess monitoring tool. As a part of this study a commercial CE device was modified for use as an online analysis tool for automated monitoring. The work describes three offline CE analysis methods for the determination of carboxylic, phenolic and amino acids that are present in bioprocesses, and an online CE analysis method for the monitoring of carboxylic acid production during bioprocesses. The detection methods were indirect and direct UV, and laser-induced frescence. The results of this work can be used for the optimization of bioprocess conditions, for the development of more robust and tolerant microorganisms, and to study the dynamics of bioprocesses.


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This study focuses on teacher practices in publicly funded music schools in Finland. As views on the aims of music education change and broaden, music schools across Europe share the challenge of developing their activities in response. In public and scholarly debate, there have been calls for increased diversity of contents and concepts of teaching. In Finland, the official national curriculum for state-funded music schools builds on the ideal that teaching and learning should create conditions which promote ‘a good relationship to music’. The meaning of this concept has been deliberately left open in order to leave room for dialogue, flexibility, and teacher autonomy. Since what is meant by ‘good’ is not defined in advance, the notion of ‘improving’ practices is also open to discussion. The purpose of the study is to examine these issues from teachers’ point of view by asking what music school teachers aim to accomplish as they develop their practices. Methodologically, the study introduces a suggestion for building empirical research on Alperson’s ‘robust’ praxial approach to music education, a philosophical theory which is strongly committed to practitioner perspectives and musical diversity. A systematic method for analysing music education practices, interpretive practice analysis, is elaborated with support from interpretive research methods originally used in policy analysis. In addition, the research design shows how reflecting conversations (a collaborative approach well-known in Nordic social work) can be fruitfully applied in interpretive research and combined with teacher inquiry. Data have been generated in a collaborative project involving five experienced music school teachers and the researcher. The empirical material includes transcripts from group conversations, data from teacher inquiry conducted within the project, and transcripts from follow-up interviews. The teachers’ aspirations can be understood as strivings to reinforce the connection between musical practices and various forms of human flourishing such that music and flourishing can sustain each other. Examples from their practices show how the word ‘good’ receives its meaning in context. Central among the teachers’ concerns is their hope that students develop a free and sustainable interest in music, often described as inspiration. I propose that ‘good relationships to music’ and ‘inspiration’ can be understood as philosophical mediators which support the transition from an indeterminate ‘interest in music’ towards specific ways in which music can become a (co-)constitutive part of living well in each person’s particular circumstances. Different musical practices emphasise different aspects of what is considered important in music and in human life. Music school teachers consciously balance between a variety of such values. They also make efforts to resist pressure which might threaten the goods they think are most important. Such goods include joy, participation, perseverance, solid musical skills related to specific practices, and a strong sense of vitality. The insights from this study suggest that when teachers are able to create inspiration, they seem to do so by performing complex work which combines musical and educational aims and makes general positive contributions to their students’ lives. Ensuring that teaching and learning in music schools remain as constructive and meaningful as possible for both students and teachers is a demanding task. The study indicates that collaborative, reflective and interdisciplinary work may be helpful as support for development processes on both individual and collective levels of music school teacher practices.


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Il est généralement accepté que les lits vasculaires oculaires auraient la faculté d’autoréguler leur apport sanguin afin de contrebalancer les variations de pression de perfusion oculaire (PPO). Plusieurs études ont tenté d’évaluer ce mécanisme en mesurant les effets d’une variation de la PPO - induite par un exercice ou par une augmentation de la pression intra-oculaire (PIO) à l’aide d’une suction sclérale - sur le débit sanguin oculaire (DSO). Or, les méthodes de mesure du DSO utilisées jusqu'à maintenant présentent de nombreux désavantages et limites, ce qui rend difficile leur usage clinique. De récents développements dans le domaine des investigations non-invasives des paramètres sanguins oculaires proposent un modèle capable de mesurer en temps réel la concentration en oxygène, un autre paramètre important du métabolisme rétinien. Dans le cadre de la présente étude, ce nouveau modèle est utilisé afin de mesurer les effets d’un effort physique dynamique sur la concentration d’oxygène dans les capillaires de la tête du nerf optique (COTNO) de sujets jeunes et en santé. Six jeunes hommes non fumeurs ont participé à l’étude. L’effort physique dynamique consistait en une séance de bicyclette stationnaire de 15 minutes menant à une augmentation du pouls à 160 battements par minute. La COTNO était mesurée avant et immédiatement après la séance d’exercice. La pression artérielle (PA) et la PIO étaient mesurées ponctuellement alors que le pouls et la saturation sanguine en oxygène (SpO2) au niveau digital étaient mesurés tout au long de l’expérience. L’effort physique a entrainé une réduction de la PIO chez tous les sujets, une réduction de la COTNO chez tous les sujets sauf un tandis que la SpO2 demeura constante chez tous les sujets. Une corrélation quadratique entre les variations de la PIO et de la COTNO a pu être notée. Ces résultats suggèrent une corrélation directe entre les variations de la COTNO et celles de la PPO et de la PA. Les résultats de la présente étude suggèrent que les variations de la COTNO chez un sujet en santé suite à un effort physique dynamique pourraient représenter sa capacité à compenser un tel effort. De plus, les changements métaboliques sanguins induits par l’effort physique dynamique pourraient représenter une cause commune aux variations de la PIO et de la COTNO.


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Diese Dissertation stellt eine Studie da, welche sich mit den Änderungen in der Governance der Hochschulbildung in Vietnam beschäftigt. Das zentrale Ziel dieser Forschungsarbeit ist die Untersuchung der Herkunft und Änderung in der Beziehung der Mächte zwischen dem vietnamesischen Staat und den Hochschulbildungsinstituten (HI), welche hauptsächlich aus der Interaktion dieser beiden Akteure resultiert. Die Macht dieser beiden Akteure wurde im sozialen Bereich konstruiert und ist hauptsächlich durch ihre Nützlichkeit und Beiträge für die Hochschulbildung bestimmt. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich dabei besonders mit dem Aspekt der Lehrqualität. Diese Studie nimmt dabei die Perspektive einer allgemeinen Governance ein, um die Beziehung zwischen Staat und HI zu erforschen. Zudem verwendet sie die „Resource Dependence Theory“ (RDT), um das Verhalten der HI in Bezug auf die sich verändernde Umgebung zu untersuchen, welche durch die Politik und eine abnehmende Finanzierung charakterisiert ist. Durch eine empirische Untersuchung der Regierungspolitik sowie der internen Steuerung und den Praktiken der vier führenden Universitäten kommt die Studie zu dem Schluss, dass unter Berücksichtigung des Drucks der Schaffung von Einkommen die vietnamesischen Universitäten sowohl Strategien als auch Taktiken entwickelt haben, um Ressourcenflüsse und Legitimität zu kontrollieren. Die Entscheidungs- und Zielfindung der Komitees, die aus einer Mehrheit von Akademikern bestehen, sind dabei mächtiger als die der Manager. Daher werden bei initiativen Handlungen der Universitäten größtenteils Akademiker mit einbezogen. Gestützt auf die sich entwickelnden Muster der Ressourcenbeiträge von Akademikern und Studierenden für die Hochschulbildung prognostiziert die Studie eine aufstrebende Governance Konfiguration, bei der die Dimensionen der akademischen Selbstverwaltung und des Wettbewerbsmarktes stärker werden und die Regulation des Staates rational zunimmt. Das derzeitige institutionelle Design und administrative System des Landes, die spezifische Gewichtung und die Koordinationsmechanismen, auch als sogenanntes effektives Aufsichtssystem zwischen den drei Schlüsselakteuren - der Staat, die HI/Akademiker und die Studierenden – bezeichnet, brauchen eine lange Zeit zur Detektion und Etablierung. In der aktuellen Phase der Suche nach einem solchen System sollte die Regierung Management-Tools stärken, wie zum Beispiel die Akkreditierung, belohnende und marktbasierte Instrumente und das Treffen informations-basierter Entscheidungen. Darüber hinaus ist es notwendig die Transparenz der Politik zu erhöhen und mehr Informationen offenzulegen.


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La lesión neurológica es un riesgo latente en pacientes sometidos a cirugía cardiaca, en cirugía para corrección de cardiopatías congénitas puede tener una incidencia tan alta como del 26%, por lo cual es necesario contar con herramientas cada vez más acertadas y que puedan ayudar a disminuir esta incidencia; la saturación regional cerebral medida por NIRS constituye una herramienta válida, que permite una evaluación continua y de forma no invasiva, que puede servir para este fin. El presente estudio pretende determinar una asociación entre los niveles de saturación regional de oxígeno cerebral en los pacientes con cardiopatías congénitas cianosantes y las variables fisiológicas determinantes del aporte de oxígeno, asumiendo una hipoxemia crónica para estos pacientes. Se realizó un estudio de correlación para estas variables, para lo cual se evaluaron de forma sistemática estas en pacientes sometidos a cirugía cardiaca en la Fundación Cardioinfantil Instituto de Cardiología, que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión, hasta completar una muestra de 31 pacientes, en los cuales no se realizó ninguna intervención, catalogándolo como riesgo menor que el mínimo, cumpliendo con los criterios de Helsinki.Se encontró una correlación significativa entre los valores de NIRS cerebral con los contenidos arteriales, capilares y venoso de oxígeno en el análisis bivariado, encontrándose para estos pacientes niveles más bajos de estos contenidos como también para el consumo de oxígeno, no se encontró asociación significativa con la saturación arterial ni venosa de oxígeno, parece existir una relación significativa entre los niveles más bajos de NIRS con el resultado neurológico, estos hallazgos sin embargo no fueron significativos en el análisis multivariado.


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This paper describes the measurements of the acoustic and petrophysical properties of two suites of low-shale sandstone samples from North Sea hydrocarbon reservoirs, under simulated reservoir conditions. The acoustic velocities and quality factors of the samples, saturated with different pore fluids (brine, dead oil and kerosene), were measured at a frequency of about 0.8 MHz and over a range of pressures from 5 MPa to 40 MPa. The compressional-wave velocity is strongly correlated with the shear-wave velocity in this suite of rocks. The ratio V-P/V-S varies significantly with change of both pore-fluid type and differential pressure, confirming the usefulness of this parameter for seismic monitoring of producing reservoirs. The results of quality factor measurements were compared with predictions from Biot-flow and squirt-flow loss mechanisms. The results suggested that the dominating loss in these samples is due to squirt-flow of fluid between the pores of various geometries. The contribution of the Biot-flow loss mechanism to the total loss is negligible. The compressional-wave quality factor was shown to be inversely correlated with rock permeability, suggesting the possibility of using attenuation as a permeability indicator tool in low-shale, high-porosity sandstone reservoirs.


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The burning of tobacco creates various types of free radicals that have been reported to be biologically active. Some radicals are transient but can initiate catalytic cycles that generate other free radicals. Other radicals are environmentally persistent and can exist in total particulate matter (TPM) for extended periods. In spite of their importance, little is known concerning the precursors of these radicals or under what pyrolysis/combustion conditions they are formed. We performed studies of the formation of radicals from the gas-phase pyrolysis and oxidative pyrolysis of hydroquinone (HQ) and catechol (CT) between 750 and 1000 °C and phenol from 500 to 1000 °C. The initial electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra were complex, indicating the presence of multiple radicals. Using matrix annealing and microwave power saturation techniques, phenoxyl, cyclopentadienyl, and peroxyl radicals were identifiable, but only cyclopentadienyl radicals were stable above 750 °C.


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Arterial stiffness is an independent predictor of cardiovascular disease events and mortality, and like blood pressure, may be influenced by dairy food intake. Few studies have investigated the effects of consumption of these foods on prospective measures of arterial stiffness. The present analysis aimed to investigate the prospective relationship between milk, cheese, cream, and butter consumption and aortic pulse wave velocity, augmentation index, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as well as cross-sectional relationships between these foods and systolic and diastolic blood pressure and metabolic markers using data from the Caerphilly Prospective Study. Included in this cohort were 2512 men, aged 45 to 59 years, who were followed up at 5-year intervals for a mean of 22.8 years (number follow-up 787). Augmentation index was 1.8% lower in subjects in the highest quartiles of dairy product intake compared with the lowest (P trend=0.021), whereas in the highest group of milk consumption systolic blood pressure was 10.4 mm Hg lower (P trend=0.033) than in nonmilk consumers after a 22.8-year follow-up. Cross-sectional analyses indicated that across increasing quartiles of butter intake, insulin (P trend=0.011), triacylglycerol (P trend=0.023), total cholesterol (P trend=0.002), and diastolic blood pressure (P trend=0.027) were higher. Across increasing groups of milk intake and quartiles of dairy product intake, glucose (P trend=0.032) and triglyceride concentrations (P trend=0.031) were lower, respectively. The present results confirm that consumption of milk predicts prospective blood pressure, whereas dairy product consumption, excluding butter, is not detrimental to arterial stiffness and metabolic markers. Further research is needed to better understand the mechanisms that underpin these relationships.


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Background and aims: Arterial stiffness is an independent predictor of cardiovascular disease (CVD) events and all-cause mortality and may be differentially affected by dietary fatty acid (FA) intake. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between FA consumption and arterial stiffness and blood pressure in a community-based population. Methods and results: The Caerphilly Prospective Study recruited 2398 men, aged 45-59 years, who were followed up at 5-year intervals for a mean of 17.8-years (n 787). A semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire estimated intakes of total, saturated, mono- and poly-unsaturated fatty acids (SFA, MUFA, PUFA). Multiple regression models investigated associations between intakes of FA at baseline with aortic pulse wave velocity (aPWV), augmentation index (AIx), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP, DBP) and pulse pressure after a 17.8-year follow-up - as well as cross-sectional relationships with metabolic markers. After adjustment, higher SFA consumption at baseline was associated with higher SBP (P = 0.043) and DBP (P = 0.002) and after a 17.8-year follow-up was associated with a 0.51 m/s higher aPWV (P = 0.006). After adjustment, higher PUFA consumption at baseline was associated with lower SBP (P = 0.022) and DBP (P = 0.036) and after a 17.8-year follow-up was associated with a 0.63 m/s lower aPWV (P = 0.007). Conclusion: This study suggests that consumption of SFA and PUFA have opposing effects on arterial stiffness and blood pressure. Importantly, this study suggests that consumption of FA is an important risk factor for arterial stiffness and CVD.