922 resultados para COX-inhibitor
Developing novel drugs against the unicellular parasite Plasmodium is complicated by the paucity of simple screening systems. Heat-shock proteins are an essential class of proteins for the parasite's cyclical life style between different cellular milieus and temperatures. The molecular chaperone Hsp90 assists a large variety of proteins, but its supporting functions for many proteins that are important for cancer have made it into a well-studied drug target. With a better understanding of the differences between Hsp90 of the malarial parasite and Hsp90 of its human host, new therapeutic options might become available. We have generated a set of isogenic strains of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae where the essential yeast Hsp90 proteins have been replaced with either of the two human cytosolic isoforms Hsp90 alpha or Hsp90 beta, or with Hsp90 from Plasmodium falciparum (Pf). All strains express large amounts of the Flag-tagged Hsp90 proteins and are viable. Even though the strain with Pf Hsp90 grows more poorly, it provides a tool to reconstitute additional aspects of the parasite Hsp90 complex and its interactions with substrates in yeast as a living test tube. Upon exposure of the set of Hsp90 test strains to the two Hsp90 inhibitors radicicol (Rd) and geldanamycin (GA), we found that the strain with Pf Hsp90 is relatively more sensitive to GA than to Rd compared to the strains with human Hsp90's. This indicates that this set of yeast strains could be used to screen for new Pf Hsp90 inhibitors with a wider therapeutic window.
In a multifaceted immunity to mycobacterial infection, induced expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) by Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) may act as an important influencing factor for the effective host immunity. We here demonstrate that M. bovis BCG-triggered TLR2-dependent signaling leads to COX-2 and PGE2 expression in vitro in macrophages and in vivo in mice. Further, the presence of PGE2 could be demonstrated in sera or cerebrospinal fluid of tuberculosis patients. The induced COX-2 expression in macrophages is dependent on NF-kappa B activation, which is mediated by inducible NO synthase (iNOS)/NO-dependent participation of the members of Notch1-PI-3K signaling cascades as well as iNOS-independent activation of ERK1/2 and p38 MAPKs. Inhibition of iNOS activity abrogated the M. bovis BCG ability to trigger the generation of Notch1 intracellular domain (NICD), a marker for Notch1 signaling activation, as well as activation of the PI-3K signaling cascade. On the contrary, treatment of macrophages with 3-morpholinosydnonimine, a NO donor, resulted in a rapid increase in generation of NICD, activation of PI-3K pathway, as well as the expression of COX-2. Stable expression of NICD in RAW 264.7 macrophages resulted in augmented expression of COX-2. Further, signaling perturbations suggested the involvement of the cross-talk of Notch1 with members with the PI-3K signaling cascade. These results implicate the dichotomous nature of TLR2 signaling during M. bovis BCG-triggered expression of COX-2. In this perspective, we propose the involvement of iNOS/NO as one of the obligatory, early, proximal signaling events during M. bovis BCG-induced COX-2 expression in macrophages.
Kasvainten, ajatellaan syntyvän yksittäisen solun perimän mutaatioista, jonka seurauksena tuon solun kasvu häiriintyy. Ruoansulatuskanavan polyyppien syntyä käytetään usein mallina siitä, miten nämä epiteelisoluun kerääntyvät mutaatiot aiheuttavat asteittain pahenevan kasvuhäiriön. Peutz–Jeghersin oireyhtymä (PJS) on perinnöllinen polypoosisyndrooma, jossa oireita aiheuttavat erityisesti maha-suolikanavan hamartomatoottiset polyypit. Noin puolella PJS potilaista havaitaan mutaatioita LKB1 kasvunrajoite geenissä. Hiirille joilta toinen Lkb1 alleeli on poistettu (Lkb1+/-) kehittyy PJS-tyypin maha-suolikanavan polyyppeja, joissa on epiteelin liikakasvun lisäksi merkittävä sileälihaskomponentti, aivan kuten PJS polyypeissa. Kuten myös muissa ruoansulatuskanavan polypooseissa, sekä PJS että hiirten polyypeissa Cyclo-oxygenaasi-2:n (COX-2) määrä on usein kohonnut. PJS-polyyppien kehittymisen molekulaarinen mekanismi on kuitenkin selvittämättä. Koska vain osa PJS potilaista kantaa LKB1 mutaatioita, mutaatiot jossakin toisessa lokuksessa saattaisivat selittää osan PJS tapauksista. Jotta PJS:n geneettinen tausta selviäisi, seulottiin kolmen LKB1:n kanssa interaktoivan proteiinin (BRG1, STRADα ja MO25α) geenit PJS potilaista joilla ei ole havaittu LKB1 mutaatioita. Yhdessäkään tutkituista geeneistä ei havaittu tautia aiheuttavia mutaatioita. Näiden kolmen geenin pois sulkeminen, ja uusien menetelmien ansiosta kasvanut havaittujen Lkb1 mutaatioden määrä viittaavat LKB1:n olevan useimpien PJS tapausten taustalla. COX-2:n estäjien käyttö on tehokkaasti vähentänyt polyyppien määrää familiaarisessa adenomatoottisessa polypoosissa. Tästä johtuen COX-2:n eston tehokkuutta tutkittiin PJS polypoosissa. PJS-tyypin polypoosin havaittin pienenevän merkittävästi Lkb1+/- hiirissä, joilta oli lisäksi poistettu toinen tai molemmat COX-2:n alleeleista. Lisäksi farmakologinen COX-2:n esto Celecoxib:lla vähensi polypoosia tehokkaasti. Näin ollen COX-2:n eston tehokkuutta tutkittiin seuraavaksi PJS potilaissa. Kuuden kuukauden Celecoxib hoidon jälkeen polypoosin havaittiin vähentyneen merkittävästi osalla potilaista (2/6). Nämä tulokset osoittavat COX-2:n roolin PJS-polyyppien kehityksessä, ja viittaavat COX-2:n eston vähentävän polypoosia. Kasvunrajoitegeenin klassisen määritelmän mukaan kasvaimen kehitys vaatii perinnöllisen mutaation lisäksi geenin toisenkin alleelin mutaation, mutta PJS-polyyppien häiriintyneestä epiteelistä ei kuitenkaan systemaattisesti löydy toista LKB1:n mutaatiota. Havainto johti tutkimukseen, jossa selvitettiin voisiko LKB1:n kasvun rajoitus välittyäkin epäsuorasti tukikudokseksi ajatelluista sileälihassoluista. Tätä tutkittiin kehittämällä poistogeeninen hiirimalli jossa Lkb1 on mutatoitunut vain sileälihassoluissa. Näille hiirille kehittyi polyyppeja, jotka ovat kaikin tavoin PJS-polyyppien kaltaisia. Lkb1:n menettäneiden solujen havaittiin tuottavan vähemmän transformoivaa kasvutekijä beetaa (TGFß), joka aiheutti solujen välisen viestinnän heikentymisen ja mahdollisesti viereisten epiteelisolujen liikakasvun. Vastaava häiriö havaittiin myös PJS-potilaiden polyypeissa, mikä viittaa siihen, että potilaillakin sileälihassolujen häiriö on polyyppien taustalla. Havainto suuntaa täten hoitokohteiden etsintää ja osoittaa että LKB1 toimii kasvunrajoittajana epätyypillisellä tavalla pitäen naapurisolujen kasvun kurissa.
N-[2-Naphthyl]-glycine hydrazide has been shown for the first time as a potent inhibitor of the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase (EC of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. At a concentration of 10 to the power -9 M, the compound shows maximum inhibition of the enzyme, the inhibition being less at higher concentrations. It is suggested that the novel type of inhibition pattern may be due to hydrophobic interactions occurring between the molecules of the compound at higher concentrations. The finding that there is a shift in the max of the compound could also account for this phenomenon. The effect of this compound was also tested on DNA-dependent RNA polymerases from an eukaryotic fungus, Microsporum canis. At a concentration of 10 to the power-9 M it inhibits RNA polymerase II (32 percent) but not RNA polymerases I and III.
The effects of the herbicide, 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole, an inhibitor of heme synthesis in rat liver, have been examined in the mold Neurospora crassa. The drug is a potent inhibitor of the growth of the mold and produces biochemical changes identical to those produced by chloramphenicol. 3-Amino-1,2,4-triazole, like chloramphenicol, is a direct and specific inhibitor of protein synthesis on mitoribosomes. A decrease in the levels of mitochondrial proteins which are completely or partly made on mitoribosomes and an accumulation in the levels of mitochondrial proteins of cytosolic origin have been observed. Both drugs depress porphyrin and heme levels, but there is actually an elevation in the levels of δ-aminolevulinate dehydratase, the rate-limiting enzyme of the heme-biosynthetic pathway in Neurospora crassa. In liver the enzyme is present in non-limiting amounts and the levels are depressed under conditions of 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole treatment. In Neurospora crassa the ‘derepression’ of δ-aminolevulinate dehydratase under conditions of 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole or chloramphenicol treatment is only partial because the drugs inhibit protein synthesis on mitoribosomes. It is concluded that an optimal rate of protein synthesis on mitoribosomes is necessary to maintain an adequate rate of heme synthesis.
Polyamines are organic polycations that participate in various physiological functions, including cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Cellular polyamines originate from endogenous biosynthesis and exogenous sources. Their subcellular pool is under strict control, achieved by regulating their uptake and metabolism. Polyamine-induced proteins called antizymes (AZ) act as key regulators of intracellular polyamine concentration. They regulate both the transport of polyamines and the activity and degradation of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), the rate-limiting enzyme in polyamine biosynthesis. AZs themselves are negatively regulated by antizyme inhibitor (AZIN). AZIN functions as a positive regulator of cellular polyamine homeostasis, which by binding to AZs reactivates ODC and induces the uptake of polyamines. In various pathological conditions, including cancer, polyamine levels are misregulated. Polyamine homeostasis has therefore become an attractive target for therapeutic interventions and it is thus crucial to characterize the molecular basis underlying the homeostatic regulation. A novel human AZIN-resembling protein was previously identified in our group. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the function and distribution of this protein, termed as an antizyme inhibitor 2 (AZIN2). According to my results, AZIN2 functions as a novel regulator of polyamine homeostasis. It shows no enzymatic activity, but instead it binds AZs and negates their activity, which subsequently leads to reactivation of ODC and inhibition of its degradation. Expression of AZIN2 is restricted to terminally differentiated cells, such as mast cells (MC) and neurosecretory cells. In these actively secreting cell types, AZIN2 localizes to subcellular vesicles or granules where its function is important for the vesicle-mediated secretion. In MCs, AZIN2 localizes to the serotonin-containing subset of MC granules, and its expression is coupled to MC activation. The functional role of polyamines as potential mediators of MC activity was also investigated, and it was observed that the secretion of serotonin is selectively dependent on activation of ODC. In neurosecretory cells, AZIN2-positive vesicles localize mainly to the trans-Golgi network (TGN). Depletion of AZIN2 or cellular polyamines causes selective fragmentation of the TGN and retards secretion of proteins. Since addition of exogenous polyamines reverses these effects, the data indicate that AZIN2 and its downstream effectors, polyamines, are functionally implicated in the regulation of secretory vesicle transport. My studies therefore reveal a novel function for polyamines as modulators of both constitutive and regulated secretion. Based on the results, I propose that the role of AZIN2 is to act as a local in situ activator of polyamine biosynthesis.
A short, diversity-oriented synthesis that follows a biomimetic route to the marine natural product liphagal, from a commercially available building block, is delineated.
Background: The most common treatments for scabies in human and veterinary settings are topical 5% permethrin or systemic treatment with ivermectin. However, these treatments have very little activity against arthropod eggs, and therefore repeated treatment is frequently required. In-vitro, biochemical and molecular studies have demonstrated that human mites are becoming increasingly resistant to both acaricides. To identify alternate acaricides, we undertook a pilot study of the in vivo activity of the benzoylphenyl urea inhibitor of chitin synthesis, fluazuron, in pigs with sarcoptic mange. Findings: Pigs (n = 5) were infested with S. scabei var suis, and randomised to treatment at the start of peak infestation with fluazuron at a dose of 10 mg/kg/day per os for 7 days (n = 3) or no treatment (n = 2). Clinical scores, skin scrapings for mite counts and blood sampling for pharmacokinetic analysis were undertaken. Fluazuron was well absorbed in treated pigs with measureable blood levels up to 4 weeks post treatment. No adverse effects were observed. Modest acaricidal activity of the compound was observed, with a reduction in severity of skin lesions in treated pigs, as well as a reduction in number of scabies mite's early life stages. Conclusions: The moderate efficacy of fluazuron against scabies mites indicates a lead to the development of alternate treatments for scabies, such as combination therapies that maybe applicable for human use in the future.
Rhipicephalus micro plus is an important bovine ectoparasite, widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the world causing large economic losses to the cattle industry. Its success as an ectoparasite is associated with its capacity to disarm the antihemostatic and anti-inflammatory reactions of the host. Serpins are protease inhibitors with an important role in the modulation of host-parasite interactions. The cDNA that encodes for a R. microplus serpin was isolated by RACE and subsequently cloned into the pPICZ alpha A vector. Sequence analysis of the cDNA and predicted amino acid showed that this cDNA has a conserved serpin domain. B- and T-cell epitopes were predicted using bioinformatics tools. The recombinant R. microplus serpin (rRMS-3) was secreted into the culture media of Pichia pastoris after methanol induction at 0.2 mg l(-1) qRT-PCR expression analysis of tissues and life cycle stages demonstrated that RMS-3 was mainly expressed in the salivary glands of female adult ticks. Immunological recognition of the rRMS-3 and predicted B-cell epitopes was tested using tick-resistant and susceptible cattle sera. Only sera from tick-resistant bovines recognized the B-cell epitope AHYNPPPPIEFT (Seq7). The recombinant RMS-3 was expressed in P. pastoris, and ELISA screening also showed higher recognition by tick-resistant bovine sera. The results obtained suggest that RMS-3 is highly and specifically secreted into the bite site of R. microplus feeding on tick-resistant bovines. Capillary feeding of semi-engorged ticks with anti-AHYNPPPPIEFT sheep sera led to an 81.16% reduction in the reproduction capacity of R. microplus. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that R. microplus serpin (RMS-3) has an important role in the host-parasite interaction to overcome the immune responses in resistant cattle. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Global cereal production will need to increase by 50% to 70% to feed a world population of about 9 billion by 2050. This intensification is forecast to occur mostly in subtropical regions, where warm and humid conditions can promote high N2O losses from cropped soils. To secure high crop production without exacerbating N2O emissions, new nitrogen (N) fertiliser management strategies are necessary. This one-year study evaluated the efficacy of a nitrification inhibitor (3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate—DMPP) and different N fertiliser rates to reduce N2O emissions in a wheat–maize rotation in subtropical Australia. Annual N2O emissions were monitored using a fully automated greenhouse gas measuring system. Four treatments were fertilized with different rates of urea, including a control (40 kg-N ha−1 year−1), a conventional N fertiliser rate adjusted on estimated residual soil N (120 kg-N ha−1 year−1), a conventional N fertiliser rate (240 kg-N ha−1 year−1) and a conventional N fertiliser rate (240 kg-N ha−1 year−1) with nitrification inhibitor (DMPP) applied at top dressing. The maize season was by far the main contributor to annual N2O emissions due to the high soil moisture and temperature conditions, as well as the elevated N rates applied. Annual N2O emissions in the four treatments amounted to 0.49, 0.84, 2.02 and 0.74 kg N2O–N ha−1 year−1, respectively, and corresponded to emission factors of 0.29%, 0.39%, 0.69% and 0.16% of total N applied. Halving the annual conventional N fertiliser rate in the adjusted N treatment led to N2O emissions comparable to the DMPP treatment but extensively penalised maize yield. The application of DMPP produced a significant reduction in N2O emissions only in the maize season. The use of DMPP with urea at the conventional N rate reduced annual N2O emissions by more than 60% but did not affect crop yields. The results of this study indicate that: (i) future strategies aimed at securing subtropical cereal production without increasing N2O emissions should focus on the fertilisation of the summer crop; (ii) adjusting conventional N fertiliser rates on estimated residual soil N is an effective practice to reduce N2O emissions but can lead to substantial yield losses if the residual soil N is not assessed correctly; (iii) the application of DMPP is a feasible strategy to reduce annual N2O emissions from sub-tropical wheat–maize rotations. However, at the N rates tested in this study DMPP urea did not increase crop yields, making it impossible to recoup extra costs associated with this fertiliser. The findings of this study will support farmers and policy makers to define effective fertilisation strategies to reduce N2O emissions from subtropical cereal cropping systems while maintaining high crop productivity. More research is needed to assess the use of DMPP urea in terms of reducing conventional N fertiliser rates and subsequently enable a decrease of fertilisation costs and a further abatement of fertiliser-induced N2O emissions.
Vegetable cropping systems are often characterised by high inputs of nitrogen fertiliser. Elevated emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) can be expected as a consequence. In order to mitigate N2O emissions from fertilised agricultural fields, the use of nitrification inhibitors, in combination with ammonium based fertilisers, has been promoted. However, no data is currently available on the use of nitrification inhibitors in sub-tropical vegetable systems. A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of the nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) on N2O emissions and yield from broccoli production in sub-tropical Australia. Soil N2O fluxes were monitored continuously (3 h sampling frequency) with fully automated, pneumatically operated measuring chambers linked to a sampling control system and a gas chromatograph. Cumulative N2O emissions over the 5 month observation period amounted to 298 g-N/ha, 324 g-N/ha, 411 g-N/ha and 463 g-N/ha in the conventional fertiliser (CONV), the DMPP treatment (DMPP), the DMMP treatment with a 10% reduced fertiliser rate (DMPP-red) and the zero fertiliser (0N), respectively. The temporal variation of N2O fluxes showed only low emissions over the broccoli cropping phase, but significantly elevated emissions were observed in all treatments following broccoli residues being incorporated into the soil. Overall 70–90% of the total emissions occurred in this 5 weeks fallow phase. There was a significant inhibition effect of DMPP on N2O emissions and soil mineral N content over the broccoli cropping phase where the application of DMPP reduced N2O emissions by 75% compared to the standard practice. However, there was no statistical difference between the treatments during the fallow phase or when the whole season was considered. This study shows that DMPP has the potential to reduce N2O emissions from intensive vegetable systems, but also highlights the importance of post-harvest emissions from incorporated vegetable residues. N2O mitigation strategies in vegetable systems need to target these post-harvest emissions and a better evaluation of the effect of nitrification inhibitors over the fallow phase is needed.
Background: Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus evades the host's haemostatic system through a complex protein array secreted into tick saliva. Serine protease inhibitors (serpins) conform an important component of saliva which are represented by a large protease inhibitor family in Ixodidae. These secreted and non-secreted inhibitors modulate diverse and essential proteases involved in different physiological processes. Methods: The identification of R. microplus serpin sequences was performed through a web-based bioinformatics environment called Yabi. The database search was conducted on BmiGi V1, BmiGi V2.1, five SSH libraries, Australian tick transcriptome libraries and RmiTR V1 using bioinformatics methods. Semi quantitative PCR was carried out using different adult tissues and tick development stages. The cDNA of four identified R. microplus serpins were cloned and expressed in Pichia pastoris in order to determine biological targets of these serpins utilising protease inhibition assays. Results: A total of four out of twenty-two serpins identified in our analysis are new R. microplus serpins which were named as RmS-19 to RmS-22. The analyses of DNA and predicted amino acid sequences showed high conservation of the R. microplus serpin sequences. The expression data suggested ubiquitous expression of RmS except for RmS-6 and RmS-14 that were expressed only in nymphs and adult female ovaries, respectively. RmS-19, and -20 were expressed in all tissues samples analysed showing their important role in both parasitic and non-parasitic stages of R. microplus development. RmS-21 was not detected in ovaries and RmS-22 was not identified in ovary and nymph samples but were expressed in the rest of the samples analysed. A total of four expressed recombinant serpins showed protease specific inhibition for Chymotrypsin (RmS-1 and RmS-6), Chymotrypsin / Elastase (RmS-3) and Thrombin (RmS-15). Conclusion: This study constitutes an important contribution and improvement to the knowledge about the physiologic role of R. microplus serpins during the host-tick interaction.
Direct nitrogen (N) losses from pastures contribute to the poor nitrogen use efficiency of the dairy industry, though the exact fate of applied N and the processes involved are largely unknown. Nitrification inhibitors such as DMPP can potentially increase fertilizer N use efficiency (NUE), though few studies globally have examined the effectiveness of DMPP coated urea in pastures. This study quantified the NUE of DMPP combined with reduced application rates, and the effect on N dynamics and plant–soil interactions over an annual ryegrass/kikuyu rotation in Queensland, Australia. Labeled 15N urea and DMPP was applied over 7 winter applications at standard farmer (45 kg N ha−1) and half (23 kg N ha−1) rates. Fertilizer recoveries and NUE were calculated over 13 harvests, and the contribution of fertilizer and soil N estimated. Up to 85% of the annual N harvested was from soil organic matter. DMPP at the lower rate increased annual yields by 31% compared to the equivalent urea treatment with no difference to the high N rates. Almost 40% of the N added at the conventional fertilizer application rate as urea was lost to the environment; 80 kg N ha−1 higher than the low DMPP. Combining the nitrification inhibitor DMPP with reduced fertilizer application rates shows substantial potential to reduce N losses to the environment while sustaining productivity in subtropical dairy pastures.
Antitubercular treatment is directed against actively replicating organisms. There is an urgent need to develop drugs targeting persistent subpopulations of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The DevR response regulator is believed to play a key role in bacterial dormancy adaptation during hypoxia. We developed a homology-based model of DevR and used it for the rational design of inhibitors. A phenylcoumarin derivative (compound 10) identified by in silico pharmacophore-based screening of 2.5 million compounds employing protocols with some novel features including a water-based pharmacophore query, was characterized further. Compound 10 inhibited DevR binding to target DNA, down-regulated dormancy genes transcription, and drastically reduced survival of hypoxic but not nutrient-starved dormant bacteria or actively growing organ ` isms. Our findings suggest that compound 10 ``locks'' DevR in an inactive conformation that is unable to bind cognate DNA and induce the dormancy regulon. These results provide proof-of-concept for DevR as a novel target to develop molecules with sterilizing activity against tubercle bacilli.