414 resultados para CMC


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药物释放体系因其具有提高药物的疗效,降低药物的毒副作用,减少药物的服用次数,拓宽给药途径等特点,而成为近几年来人们研究的热点。生物可降解高分子,由于它们在体内可以降解,降解产物可以被机体吸收或代谢,不存在积累在体内的危险,因此成为药物释放体系的载体的首选材料。特别是脂肪族聚酷类高分子,在与聚乙二醇形成嵌段共聚物后,不仅具有生物可降解性,而月_大大地改善了材料与人体的生物相容性,作为药物载体材料时,延长了药物在体内的循环时间,降低了免疫响应性,引起了人们的极大兴趣。因此本论文主要是以MPEG-PLA两嵌段聚合物为药物的载体材料,详细研究了高分子量的MPEG-PLA两嵌段聚合物对紫杉醇的包裹,研究了MPEG-PLA和PLGA聚合物合金对胰岛素固体粉末的包裹,以及低分子量的MPEG-PLA的紫杉醇前药的合成、表征和由它制备而成的胶束的一些性质,取得了一些有意义的结果:1、采用改进的O/W乳液法,用高分子量的MPEG-PLA嵌段共聚物实现了对紫杉醇的纳米化包裹,并证实了聚合物的分子量对所制备的纳米微球的粒径的影响:分子量越大,粒径越大。同时发现了微球粒径越小,药物的包裹量越低。2、用扫描电镜(SEM)、光电子能谱(XPS)、差热分析(DSC)对纳米微球进行了分析和测定,结果表明,微球的尺寸在30Om-800nm范围,紫杉醇在纳米微球的表面几乎不存在,而是以无定形的状态分布在纳米微球中。3、对纳米微球中紫杉醇体外释放行为进行了侧定。它们显现出了明显的双相行为,即在初期释放速度很快,随后的释放速度变慢。同时,研究了MPEG-PLA的分子量对释放行为的影响:聚合物分子量越大,紫杉醇释放的速度就越慢。4、用固体粉末法和双乳液法对胰岛素进行了包裹,其中固体粉末法采用的是PLGA和MPEG-PLA两聚合物的混合溶液对纳米胰岛素颗粒进行了包裹,包裹率分析表明:固体粉末法对药物的包裹率高于双乳液法。所得的微球都是很好的球形,其尺寸在1-3um左右,它的剖面是核壳结构,胰岛素以晶粒的形式被包裹在微球中间。5、对固体粉末法和双乳液法制备的微球的体外释放行为进行了对比,发现由两种聚合物合金制备的微球的暴释现象得到了缓解,同时发现两种聚合物的配比不一样,其暴释缓解的程度不一样。6、以辛酸亚锡为催化剂成功地合成了低分子量的MPEG-PLA两嵌段聚合物。二经基乙酸配与过量的叔丁醇在DMAP存在下反应,成功制得了二轻基乙酸单叔丁酷。MPEG-PLA的端经基与二经基乙酸单叔丁酷在DCC参与下脱水酷化再将叔丁基去保护,便得到端梭基的MPEG-PLA。7、端基为梭基的MPEG-PLA与紫杉醇的2’-羟基或7-轻基进行了酷化反应,制备出MPEG-PLA-紫杉醇前药。8、制备了四种低分子量的MPEG-PLA-紫杉醇前药,用1H NMR和GPC进行了表征分析。紫杉醇前药中紫杉醇的含量最高可达到20%,依赖于MPEG-PLA中PLA段的长度。9、用荧光探针法考察了MPEG-PLA两嵌段聚合物和MPEG-PLA-紫杉醇前药的胶束化行为,发现前药总比相对应的两嵌段聚合物有更低的临界胶束浓度(CMC)。用透射电镜观察了胶束的形貌和尺寸大小,以及接药前后胶束尺寸的变化。发现都是很好的球状胶束,MPEG-PLA两嵌段聚合物和MPEG-PLA-紫杉醇前药胶束的平均粒径分别为25±3nm和33士Znm,说明聚合物在接药后,随着疏水部分分子量的增加,所形成的胶束粒径也增大。


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我在研究生期间所做的论文为铝及其形态的分析方法。为什么要做这项工作呢?许多研究表明:①铝是天然水和土壤中十分重要的pH缓冲剂,②铝能影响土壤中象磷和有机碳这些重要元素的环比,③铝对动物、植物及人体都有害,这些过程都与铝的形成有关,因此弄清铝的形态及测定各种形态的浓度十分有意义。由于铝在水中含量较低,且水中含有其它共存离子,因此围绕铝形态的分析,首先建立了一种抗干扰,高灵敏的方法来测定总铝量及各种形态铝的浓度。利用铬天青s试剂测定铝的方法很多,铝与铬天青s能形成红色的二元配合物,但其灵敏度低,稳定性差。近年来人们大多采用铝-铬天青S-表面活性剂三元体系,提高了灵敏度和选择性。本文研究了铝-铬天青S-溴代+元烷基吡啶三元显色体系,试验确定了三元显色体系的最佳显色条件。其条件如下:实验结果及选定的条件 影响因素 实验结果 选定条件 显色酸度 pH 5.5~7.5 6.0 1 * 10~(-4)M CAS溶剂用量 0.3~0.5ml 0.4ml 5 * ~(-3)M CPB的用量 0.5~1.5ml 0.9ml此三元体系十分稳定,在常温下,显色液放置40分钟才能基本发色完全,其吸光度在24小时内无变化。实验方法为于50ml容量瓶中,加入铝标准液,然后加0.4ml 1 * 10~(-4)M CAS溶液,0.9ml CPB 5 * 10~(-3)M溶液,加入用盐酸调好的pH≈6的六次甲基四胺缓冲液5ml,用水定容,放置40分钟,于644nm处,1cm比色池,以试剂空白作参电测定吸光度。当铝量为0~5ug/50ml时,有色配合物遵从电尔定律,其线性相关系数为0.9999,表观摩尔吸光系数ε_(644nm) = 1.43 * 10~5 l·mol~(-1)·cm~(-1)。本法做了三十六种共存离子的影响实验,多数常见离子不干扰铝的测定,此法主要用于水中铝的测定,家Gr~(3+), Ln~(3+), Ti~(4+), Sn~(4+), Be~(2+)这些离子对铝离子测定的干扰尽管很大,但它们在水中的含量很低,因此可以不考察其干扰作用,F~-和PO_4~(3-)都易与铝离子形成配合物,但水中F~-,PO_4~(≡)含量很小,一般情况下不干扰铝的测定。本法主要考虑了Cu~(2+), Fe~(3+)对铝测定的干扰,用硫脲掩蔽Cu~(2+), 用抗坏血酸掩蔽Fe~(3+), 得到了满意的结果。应用本法测定实际水样,五次测定结果的相对标准偏差为5%,用标准加入法测得其回收率在92~104%之间。由以上工作可以看出,由于CPB的加入,使得Al-CAS-CPB三元体系的摩尔吸光系数较Al-CAS二元配合物的大3.5 倍,最大吸收波长也产生了较大的红移,因此,有必要进一步探讨一下此三元体系的反应机理。目前,阳离子表面活性剂对显色反应作用机理的研究较多,但尚没取得一致的见解,这些研究结果可以归纳为四个方面,1.拟均相萃取模型,2.电荷胶米模型,3.双区作用模型,4.配位体-配位体相互作用的理论和协同微扰机理。本文以Al-CAS-CPB体系作为代表,通过Al-CAS-CPB三元配合物的结构、吸收光谱的变化和表面能力测定的结果探讨了CPB作用机理。利用电泳和离子交换实验说明了Al-CAS-CPB的配阴离子,利用平衡移动法和直线法测得Al:CAS的配位电为1:2,用等摩尔连续变换法测定Al:CPB的配位电为1:4,因而配合物的组成比Al:CAS:CPB=1:2:4。最后推出此配合物的可能结构。从CAS、Al-CAS、Al-CAS-CPB的结构出发,研究了配位体之间相互作用对CAS中大共轭π键中π-电子流动难易的影响,成功地解释了Al-CAS-CPB最大吸收波长产生红移的原因。通过对CAS溶液浓度与三元配合物最大吸收波长、吸光度影响的研究,说明CPB有三个作用,一是与Al、CAS反应形成三元配合物,同时提高了Al与CAS的配位电;二能与CASi试剂产生缔合作用;三是能够形成胶米;增大了三元配合物在水中的溶解充,这三种作用相互制约,并与Al、CAS及CPB之间的摩尔比有关。通过对配合物吸光度,表面张力和表面活性剂浓度关系的研究及CMC值前后此三元体系吸光度、表面张力变化的比较,结果表明,单分子和形成胶米的表面活性剂同样具有增敏作用,这与郑用熙提出的双区作用机理相一致。在CMC值前,单分子表面活性剂与Al、CAS形成三元配合物而起增敏作用,在CMC值以后,CPB与Al、CAS形成胶米配合物而产生增敏作用。最后,讨论了三元体系的最大吸收波长与表面活性剂浓度的关系,结果表明,随CPB浓度的增大,三元体系的最大吸收波长发生蓝移。产生蓝移的原因可以从结构化学的角度得到解释,导致最大吸收波长不同的原因是在CMC前后,Al-CAS-CPB三元配合物所处的微环境不同。对稀酸性水体中铝形态的分离分析及低浓度铝的测定已有人进行研究,普遍认为无机单核铝是致毒因子,因此无机单核铝的浓度较其实际浓度对生命物质的意义更为重要。本文基本上采用Dirscoll形态分离法进行测定土壤酸性浸出液中铝的形态,用Al-CAS-CPB三元显色反应测定各部分铝形态和浓度。其各部分铝形态的分离如下:总活性铝(Al_r):将样品用0.2um微孔滤膜过滤,用1N HCl将样品酸化为pH等于1,持续24小时,用Al-CAS-CPB测得其中铝含量。总单核态铝(Ala):将样品用0.2um微孔膜过滤,直接用Al-CAS-CPB法测定铝量。稳定单核铝(Alo):稳定的单核铝和不稳定的单核铝通过阳离子交换树脂分离。稳定单核铝通过阳离子树脂后,不能被树脂交换,用Al-CAS-CPB法可以直接流出液中铝量为Alo。不稳定单核铝(Alb)为Ala-Alo。在铝形态的分离过程中,我们使用了过滤和树脂交换二种分离方法。对此做了较详细的条件实验。研究了pH值对滤液中铝的影响,随pH值升高,滤液中铝量减小,这就说明,pH值升高,可能形成某些不能通过滤膜的形态,另外也可能是由膜吸附引起的。本文还比较了用静态平衡法和动态法阳离子交换分离稳定单核铝和不稳定单核铝,指出静态平衡法受到溶液pH值的制约,平衡所需时间过长,容易引起溶液中铝形态的变化和沾污,而动态法则能克服这些缺点,因此在实验中采用动态法。把形态分离的方法应用到土壤酸性浸提液中,结果表明,不稳定的单核铝形态(Alb)远远大于稳定的单核铝形态,而不稳定的单核铝形态中含有对植物的致毒因子,因而酸雨能导致森林死亡,农作物发育不良。


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本文对聚苯乙烯-氢化聚异式二烯(Poly (styrene-CO-ethylene ),简称SEP)在有机烃熔剂中胶束化过程的热力学性质作了较为深入的研究。研究结果表明,非线性的SEP共聚物在有机烃溶剂中的胶束化过程均为熵减过程,即在该体系中,聚合物分子从单个分子聚焦为胶束粒子是从无序到较为有序的过程,分子的构象数减少,这与离子型和非离子型表面活性剂在水中的胶束化过程相反;其次,SEP的ΔH°均为负值,说明胶表化过程是放热的,并且ΔH°的绝对值较大,说明胶束化过程明显地依赖于温度;溶剂的选择性越强,胶束化过程放热越少,熵减也减少,说明溶剂的选择性强有昨于胶束的形成。实验结果还反映了共聚物的分子量对胶束化过程的热力学函数值ΔS°和ΔH°也有影响。而自由能的变化ΔF°与离子和非离子型表面活性剂类似,这是共聚物和表面活性剂胶束化过程中的共同之处。结果还表明,溶剂的选择性越强,胶束的分子聚焦数均值(N)越大,而溶剂的选择性越强,N和第二维里系数(A_2)的温度依赖性越小;相同溶剂中温度越高,N越小,A_2越大。本文还研究了SEP共聚物溶液的[7]随溶剂配比的变化,以及SEP溶液粘度对浓度和温度的依赖性。通过溶液粘度的测定可知,胶束中分子聚集紧密,胶束粒子接近于球体模型;溶剂的选择性越强,分子聚集得越紧密。实验还发现,比浓粘度在临界胶束浓度处出现转折点,并与光散射测得的值一致。本工作用小角激光光散射仪(LALLS)测定共聚物在选择性溶剂中的临界胶束浓度(CMC),这在文献中还未见报导。


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本论文通过室内土柱淋溶模拟实验和室外冻融土柱淋溶模拟实验,研究阴离子表面活性剂LAS和非离子表面活性剂Tween-80及三种多环芳烃(PAHs)菲、芘、苯并(a)芘在土壤中迁移的状况,研究表面活性剂类型、浓度对PAHs在土壤中迁移的影响及冻融交替产生的优先水流对二者在土壤中产生优先迁移的作用。结果表明,表面活性剂在土壤中虽有较强的迁移能力,但是它们在土壤中可以形成土壤-表面活性剂复合体从而导致其在土壤中吸附量也较大。实验所用三种多环芳烃在土壤中的迁移难度BaP > 芘 > 菲。表面活性剂的施加并不能改变它们的相对迁移能力。实验结果表明:两种表面活性剂LAS和Tween-80的投加均可以促进PAHs在土柱中的迁移,它们可以使土柱中PAHs的淋出锋值提前,而且PAHs的累积淋出量也较对照高。两种表面活性剂对PAHs累积淋出量的贡献LAS > Tween-80。表面活性剂各浓度处理对PAHs在土壤中的迁移影响差异并不显著,即使使用2CMC(纯水浓度)表面活性剂淋洗土柱,其对PAHs在土壤中迁移的也没有显著促进作用,可能是由于土壤中表面活性剂的有效CMC浓度要远大于纯水中CMC 浓度之故。实验验证了冻融交替过程可以产生土壤大孔隙和优先水流,从而可以造成土壤污染物的俦迁移。


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木质纤维素原料种类多、分布广、数量巨大,通过燃料乙醇生产技术、厌氧沼气发酵技术将其转化成乙醇、沼气等二次能源,一定程度上可以缓解化石能源的不断消耗所带来的能源危机,也解决了农林废弃物引起的环境污染问题。其中以木质纤维素原料生产燃料乙醇,还可以避免以淀粉类和糖类原料生产燃料乙醇时带来的“与人争粮”等一系列问题。因此具有重要的经济效益、环境效益和社会效益。 然而,木质纤维素原料结构致密,木质素包裹在纤维素、半纤维素外围,导致其很难被降解利用,必须进行适当的预处理,去除木质素,打破原有的致密结构,利于原料的后续利用。因此,预处理成为木质纤维素原料能源化利用的关键。而目前预处理环节的费用过于昂贵,于是寻找一种高效、低成本的预处理方法是当今研究的热点。 本论文采用组合白腐真菌对木质纤维素原料进行生物预处理研究,与其他物理化学法相比,该法有着专一性较强、反应温和、不造成环境污染、成本低等优势。白腐真菌主要通过分泌木质素降解酶对木质素进行降解,从而破坏原料的致密结构,提高后续利用效率。所以木质素降解酶酶活的高低是影响原料预处理效果的一个关键因素。于是本论文首先通过将白腐真菌进行组合的方式提高木质素降解酶(漆酶,Lac)酶活;接着对组合菌的菌株相互作用机理进行研究,阐明组合菌Lac 酶活提高的原因,为菌株组合提高Lac 酶活这种方法的应用提供理论依据,同时也为后续组合白腐真菌预处理木质纤维素原料提供指导;进一步采用固态发酵和木质素降解酶两种方式对木质纤维素原料进行预处理研究,最大化去除木质素成分,破坏原料的致密结构;最终对预处理后原料的酶解糖化进行初步研究,为原料后续的能源化应用奠定基础。具体研究结果如下: (1) 以实验室保存的三株主要分泌Lac 的白腐真菌为出发菌株,筛选得到一组Lac 酶活明显提高的组合菌55+m-6,其中菌株55 为Trametes trogii sp.,m-6 为Trametes versicolor sp.,组合后Lac 酶活较单菌株分别提高24.13倍和4.07 倍。组合菌的最适产酶条件为pH 6.5、C/N 16:1、Tween 80 添加量为0.01%,在该条件下组合菌的Lac 酶活峰值比未优化时提高4.11倍。 (2) 对组合菌55+m-6 菌株间相互作用机理进行研究,发现菌株之间不存在抑制作用;平板培养时,菌丝交界处Lac 酶活最高并分泌棕色色素;液体培养时,菌株m-6 对组合后Lac 酶活的提高起着更为重要的作用:菌株m-6的菌块、过滤灭菌胞外物以及高温灭菌胞外物均能明显刺激菌株55 的Lac产生;菌株55、m-6 进行组合后,同工酶种类未发生增减,但有三种Lac同工酶浓度有所提高;对菌株胞外物进行薄层层析和质谱分析,结果表明组合前后菌株胞外物中各物质在浓度上存在较大的变化。推测组合菌Lac酶活的明显提高,主要是由于菌株m-6 胞外物中的一些物质能刺激菌株55 分泌大量Lac 进行代谢,且这些刺激物质并非菌株m-6 特有,菌株55自身也可以代谢生成,但是适当的浓度才能刺激Lac 的大量分泌。 (3) 将组合菌55+m-6 用于固态发酵预处理木质纤维素原料,发现其对玉米秆的降解程度最大,在粉碎度40 目、含水率65%的最优处理条件下,处理至第15d,秸秆失重率为41.24%,其中木质素、纤维素、半纤维素均有降解,且Lac 和纤维素酶(CMC)酶活以及还原糖量均达到峰值。 (4) 对玉米秆进行木质素降解酶预处理,发现Lac/1-羟基苯并三唑(HBT)系统对玉米秆木质素的降解效果最好,在最优处理条件时,即HBT 用量0.2%、处理时间1d、Lac 用量50U/g,木质素降解率可达12.60%。预处理后玉米秆的致密结构被破坏,比表面积增大,利于后续酶与纤维素、半纤维素成分的结合。 (5) 对预处理后的玉米秆进行酶解糖化,其中组合菌固态发酵预处理后玉米秆的糖化率比对照高4.33 倍;Lac/HBT 系统预处理后玉米秆的糖化率比对照高2.99%,糖化液中主要含有木糖、葡萄糖两种单糖。 There are many kinds and large quantities of lignocellulosic biomass widely distributed on the earth. They can be converted into secondary energy such as fuel ethanol, biogas, et al., which can relieve the energy crisis caused by consumption of fossil energy resources and solve the problem of environmental pollution caused by agriculture and forestry waste. Meanwhile, the production of fuel ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass can ensure food supply to human kind instead of starch- and sugar-containing raw materials. So the energy conversion of lignocellulosic biomass contributes considerable economic, environment and social benefits. However, lignocellulosic biomass has the compact structure, in which lignin surrounds cellulose and hemicellulose, so it must be pretreated before energy usage and pretreatment is one of the most critical steps in the energy conversion of lignocellulosic biomass. At present, the cost of pretreatment is too expensive, so looking for an efficient and low-cost pre-treatment method is one of recent research hot spots. In this research, combined white rot fungi pretreatment method was used, which had some advantages in low cost, high specificity, mild reacting conditions and friendly environmental effects compared with the other physical and chemical methods. White rot fungi secrete lignin degrading enzymes to degrade the content of lignin and damage the contact structure of lignocellulosic biomass, so the activity of the lignin degrading enzymes is the key factor to the degradation effect of raw materials. Firstly, the combined fungi with high laccase activity were screened; secondly, the interaction mechanism between strains was studied, and the cause of higher laccase activity after strains combination was also preliminary clarified; under the guidance of the mechanism, lignocellulosic biomass was pretreated by the combined fungi; lastly, the enzymatic hydrolysis of pretreated lignocellulosic biomass was also preliminary studied; all of the researches could lay the foundation for the energy application of lignocellulosic biomass. The specific research results were as follows: (1) The combined fungi 55+m-6 with significant higher laccase activity were screened from the three white rot fungi stored in our lab which mainly secreted laccase. Strain 55 and strain m-6 were Trametes trogii sp. and Trametes versicolor sp., respectively. The laccase activity of combined fungi was 24.13 and 4.07-fold than strain 55 and strain m-6, respectively. The optimized condition for laccase production of the combined fungi in liquid medium was pH 6.5, C/N 16:1 and Tween 80 0.01%. In this optimized condition, the laccase activity of combined fungi was 4.11-fold higher comparing with which in non-optimized medium. (2) The interaction mechanism between strain 55 and strain m-6 was further studied, and no inhibition effect was observed. Brown pigment was secreted on the junction of the two strains on the plate, where the highest laccase activity was detected. Strain m-6 was much important to boost laccase activity of combined fungi in liquid medium, and strain 55 was stimulated by fungal plug, filter sterilized extracellular substances and high temperature sterilized extracellular substances of strain m-6 to produce laccase. The types of laccase isozymes did not change after combining strain 55 and strain m-6, but the concentrations of three types increased. Mass Spectrometry and TLC analysis of extracellular substances of each strain showed that concentration of some substances considerably changed after strains were combined. It was supposed that the cause of higher laccase activity of combined fungi was mainly due to some extracellular substances of strain m-6 with the appropriate concentration which stimulated laccase secretion of strain 55 and generated not only by strain m-6 but also by strain 55. (3) Combined fungi 55+m-6 were used to lignocellulosic biomass pretreatment with the type of solid-state fermentation. The highest degree of degradation of corn straw was obtained, including the rate of weight loss was 41.24% and the lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose were degraded partially under the optimized condition of 40 mesh, 65% water content on 15th day. Laccase, CMCase activities and content of reducing sugar reached the maximum value on that day. (4) Lignin degrading enzymes from combined fungi 55+m-6 were used for corn straw pretreatment. The most remarkable degradation of lignin in corn straw with Lac/1-hydroxybenzotriazole (HBT) system was observed, and the 12.60% lignin degradation was obtained under the optimized condition of 0.2% HBT, 50 U/g laccase for 1 d. After pretreated by Lac/HBT, the tight structure of corn straw was demolished and specific surface area increased, which had advantages for accessible of enzyme to cellulose and hemicellulose. (5) The corn straws pretreated by combined fungi 55+m-6 with the type of solid-state fermentation and Lac/HBT were used for enzymatic hydrolysis, and the saccharification rates of each pretreatment type were 4.33 times and 2.99% higher than CK, respectively. The enzymatic hydrolysis liquid of corn straw pretreated by Lac/HBT mainly contained xylose and glucose.


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Quaternized carboxymethyl chitosan (QCMC) were synthesized and their antifungal activities against Alternaria Solani (A. Solani) and Physalospora piricola Nose (P. piricola Nose) were investigated. The results indicated that the quaternized carboxymethyl chitosan derivatives had better inhibitory effects than CMC, and the antifungal activities should be affected by the cation in these compounds.


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A biodegradable amphiphilic block copolymer, PEG-b-P(LA-co-MAC), was used to prepare spherical micelles consisting of a hydrophobic P(LA-co-MAC) core and a hydrophilic PEG shell. To improve their stability, the micelles were crosslinked by radical polymerization of the double bonds in the hydrophobic blocks. The crosslinked micelles had similar sizes and a narrow size distribution compared to their uncrosslinked precursor. The improved stability of the crosslinked micelles was confirmed by measurements of the CMC and a thermodynamic investigation. These micelles can internalize into Hela cells in vitro as demonstrated by inverted fluorescence microscopy and CLSM. These stabilized nanoscale micelles have potential use in biomedical applications such as drug delivery and disease diagnosis.


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Paclitaxel-loaded poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(L-lactide (LA)) (PEG-PLA) micelles were prepared by two methods. One is physical encapsulation of paclitaxel in micelles composed of a PEG-PLA block copolymer and the other is based on a PEG-PLA-paclitaxel conjugate, abbreviated as "conjugate micelles" Their physicochemical characteristics, e.g. critical micelle concentration (CMC), morphology, and micelle size distribution were then evaluated by means of fluorescence spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and dynamic light scattering (DLS). The results show that the CMC of PEG-PLA-paclitaxel and PEG-PLA are 6.31 x 10(4) and 1.78 x 10(-3) g L-1, respectively. Both micelles assume a spherical shape with comparable diameters and have unimodal size distribution. Moreover, in vitro drug delivery behavior was studied by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The antitumor activity of the paclitaxel-loaded micelles against human liver cancer H7402 cells was evaluated by 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) method.


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A novelty approach to self-assembling stereocomplex micelles by enantiomeric PLA-PEG block copolymers as a drug delivery carrier was described. The particles were encapsulated by enantiomeric PLA-PEG stereocomplex to form nanoscale micelles different from the microspheres or the single micelles by PLLA or PDLA in the reported literatures. First, the block copolymers of enantiomeric poly(L-lactide)-poly(ethylene-glycol) (PLLA-PEG) and poly(D-lactide)-poly(ethylene-glycol) (PDLA-PEG) were synthesized by the ring-opening polymerization of L-lactide and D-lactide in the presence of monomethoxy PEG, respectively. Second, the stereocomplex block copolymer micelles were obtained by the self-assembly of the equimolar mixtures of enantiomeric PLA-PEG copolymers in water. These micelles possessed partially the crystallized hydrophobic cores with the critical micelle concentrations (cmc) in the range of 0.8-4.8 mg/l and the mean hydrodynamic diameters ranging from 40 to 120 nm. The micelle sizes and cmc values obviously depended on the hydrophobic block PLA content in the copolymer.Compared with the single PLLA-PEG or PDLA PEG micelles, the cmc values of the stereocomplex micelles became lower and the sizes of the stereocomplex micelles formed smaller. And lastly, the stereocomplex micelles encapsulated with rifampin were tested for the controlled release application.


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A polymer pair composed of poly( N-isopropylacrylamide-co-2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate terminated oligo( L-lactide)) ( poly( NIPAAm-co-HEMAOLLA)) graft random copolymer and poly( D-lactide) ( PDLA) homopolymer was self-assembled into micelles with a diameter around 100 nm through the stereocomplexation between the OLLA branches of the graft copolymer and the PDLA homopolymer. The specific intermolecular stereocomplexation was considered as the powerful ordered aggregation force in the micelle cores. The shell's component of poly( NIPAAm-co-HEMA) and its thermosensitivity were proved by H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance ( NMR) and dynamic light scattering ( DLS), respectively. The incorporation of PDLA homopolymer into the graft copolymer affected the micelle size and the critical micelle concentration ( CMC). The incorporation of even a small quantity ( 11 wt%) of PDLA into the graft copolymer micelles resulted in a great decrease of the micelle size. For the graft copolymer with low per cent grafting of 18%, the size of the corresponding micelles decreased slightly even if the PDLA content increased up to 33 wt%. For the graft copolymer with high per cent grafting of 58%, with the further increase of PDLA content, the size of the corresponding micelles at first decreased further and then began to increase. The molecular weight of the PDLA did not significantly affect the micelle size.


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Self-assembling of novel biodegradable ABC-type triblock copolymer poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(L-lactide)-poly(L-glutamic acid) (PEG-PLLA-PLGA) is studied. In aqueous media, it self-assembles into a spherical micelle with the hydrophobic PLLA segment in the core and the two hydrophilic segments PEG and PLGA in the shell. With the lengths of PEG and PLLA blocks fixed, the diameter of the micelles depends on the length of the PLGA block and on the volume ratio of H2O/dimethylformamide (DMF) in the media. When the PLGA block is long enough, morphology of the self-assembly is pH-dependent. It assembles into the spherical micelle in aqueous media at pH 4.5 and into the connected rod at or below pH 3.2. The critical micelle concentration (cmc) of the copolymer changes accordingly with decreasing solution pH. Both aggregation states can convert to each other at the proper pH value. This reversibility is ascribed to the dissociation and neutralization of the COOH groups in the LGA residues. When the PLGA block is short compared to the PEG or PLLA block, it assembles only into the spherical micelle at various pH values.


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The micelle formation of a series of amphiphilic block copolymers in aqueous and NaCl solutions was studied by a fluorescent probe technique using pyrene as a 'model drug'. These copolymers were synthesized from poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG) and L-lactide by a new calcium ammoniate catalyst. They had fixed PEG block lengths (44, 104 or 113 ethylene oxide units) and various poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) block lengths (15-280 lactide units). The critical micelle concentration (cmc) was found to decrease with increasing PLLA content. The distinct dissimilarity of the cmc values of diblock and triblock copolymers based on the same block length of PEG provided evidence for the different configurations of their micelles. It was also observed that the introduction of NaCl salt significantly contributed to a decrease in the cmcs of the copolymers with short PEG and PLLA blocks, while it had less influence on the cmcs of copolymers with long PEG or PLLA blocks. The dependence of partition coefficients ranging from 0.2x10(5) to 1.9x10(5) on the PLLA content in the copolymer and on the micelle configuration was also discussed.


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A novel, hyperbranched, amphiphilic multiarm biodegradable polyethylenimine-poly(gamma-benZyl-L-gluta- mate) (PEI-PBLG) copolymer was prepared by the ring-opening polymerization of gamma-benzyl-L-glutamate-N-car-boxyanhydride (BLG-NCA) with hyperbranched PEI as a macroinitiator. The copolymer could self-assemble into core-shell micelles in aqueous solution with highly hydrophobic micelle cores. As the PBLG content was increased, the size of the micelles increased and the critical micelle concentration (CMC) decreased. The surface of the micelles had a positive potential. The cationic micelles were capable of complexing with plasmid DNA (pDNA), which could be released subsequently by treatment with polyanions. The PEI-PBLG copolymer formed unimolecular micelles in chloroform solution. ne pH-sensitive phase-transfer behavior exhibited two critical pH points for triggering the encapsulation and release of guest molecules. Both the encapsulation and release processes were rapid and reversible. Under strong acidic or alkaline conditions, the release process became partially or completely irreversible.