972 resultados para CLINICAL CONDITIONS


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Ample evidence indicates that inhibitory control (IC), a key executive component referring to the ability to suppress cognitive or motor processes, relies on a right-lateralized fronto-basal brain network. However, whether and how IC can be improved with training and the underlying neuroplastic mechanisms remains largely unresolved. We used functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging to measure the effects of 2 weeks of training with a Go/NoGo task specifically designed to improve frontal top-down IC mechanisms. The training-induced behavioral improvements were accompanied by a decrease in neural activity to inhibition trials within the right pars opercularis and triangularis, and in the left pars orbitalis of the inferior frontal gyri. Analyses of changes in brain anatomy induced by the IC training revealed increases in grey matter volume in the right pars orbitalis and modulations of white matter microstructure in the right pars triangularis. The task-specificity of the effects of training was confirmed by an absence of change in neural activity to a control working memory task. Our combined anatomical and functional findings indicate that differential patterns of functional and structural plasticity between and within inferior frontal gyri enhanced the speed of top-down inhibition processes and in turn IC proficiency. The results suggest that training-based interventions might help overcoming the anatomic and functional deficits of inferior frontal gyri manifesting in inhibition-related clinical conditions. More generally, we demonstrate how multimodal neuroimaging investigations of training-induced neuroplasticity enable revealing novel anatomo-functional dissociations within frontal executive brain networks. Hum Brain Mapp 36:2527-2543, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Background. Mycosis Fungoides (MF) is the most common cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, and large cell trasformation (tMF) is an adverse prognostic event. Extra-cutaneous dissemination can occur in the course of the disease, but dissemination to the central nervous system (CNS) is uncommon. Moreover, CNS lymphomas are overall rare and most often of B-cell phenotype. We report a case of CNS large T-cell lymphoma presenting as multiple cerebral lesions in a patient with a history of MF. Methods. We report a case of a 33-year-old woman, known since the age of 16 for erythematous plaques thought to be atopic dermatitis, who developed, end 2012, multiple nodular skin lesions and peripheral adenopathies. Two skin lesions were biopsied simultaneously, and diagnosed as MF and tMF. A lymph node biopsy showed dermatopathic changes without lymphoma (Stage IIB). She received local treatment (UVB, PUVA and radiation therapy) and interferon therapy, and experienced almost complete remission. In 2015 neurological symptoms lead to evidence multiple cerebral lesions, suspicious for lymphoma, evaluated by stereotaxic biopsies. We compared histopathological and molecular features of these with previous skin specimens. After negative bone marrow staging biopsy, she was recently started on chemotherapy (MATRIX). Short follow-up shows rapidly worsening clinical conditions. Results. One of the initial skin biopsies showed atypical lymphoid cells with epidermotropism, Pautrier abcesses and CD4+ CD30- phenotype; the other revealed diffuse dermal infiltration by predominantly large cerebriform tumor cells with high proliferative fraction, and CD2−CD3 −CD4+/−CD7−CD30+ALK- EMA- non-cytotoxic immunophenotype. Altogether, these results led us to diagnose MF and tMF, respectively. The brain was infiltrated by large atypical lymphoid cells with cerebriform nuclei, somewhat anaplastic features and perivascular distribution. By immunohistochemistry, tumor cells were highly proliferative, with a CD2−CD3+CD5−CD7+CD30+ activated cytotoxic immunophenotype. A diagnosis of CD30+ cytotoxic peripheral T-cell lymphoma was retained. TRG and TRB clonality analyses revealed clonal rearrangements in skin and CNS biopsies, with identical patterns in both skin specimens but only minimally overlapping profiles when compared to the CNS sample. Der Pathologe 6 ? 2015 | 633 Conclusions. The reported case illustrates an uncommon finding of a CNS T-cell lymphoma in a patient with previous MF, questioning the clonal relationship between the two diseases and challenging the adequate classification of this CNS lymphoma as either a progression or a de novo lymphoma. Despite differences in immunophenotype and clonality patterns, this CNS lymphoma could possibly represent an aggressive divergent evolution of a primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Additional sequencing is ongoing to try to solve the question.


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BACKGROUND: Habitual walking speed predicts many clinical conditions later in life, but it declines with age. However, which particular exercise intervention can minimize the age-related gait speed loss is unclear. PURPOSE: Our objective was to determine the effects of strength, power, coordination, and multimodal exercise training on healthy old adults' habitual and fast gait speed. METHODS: We performed a computerized systematic literature search in PubMed and Web of Knowledge from January 1984 up to December 2014. Search terms included 'Resistance training', 'power training', 'coordination training', 'multimodal training', and 'gait speed (outcome term). Inclusion criteria were articles available in full text, publication period over past 30 years, human species, journal articles, clinical trials, randomized controlled trials, English as publication language, and subject age ≥65 years. The methodological quality of all eligible intervention studies was assessed using the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale. We computed weighted average standardized mean differences of the intervention-induced adaptations in gait speed using a random-effects model and tested for overall and individual intervention effects relative to no-exercise controls. RESULTS: A total of 42 studies (mean PEDro score of 5.0 ± 1.2) were included in the analyses (2495 healthy old adults; age 74.2 years [64.4-82.7]; body mass 69.9 ± 4.9 kg, height 1.64 ± 0.05 m, body mass index 26.4 ± 1.9 kg/m(2), and gait speed 1.22 ± 0.18 m/s). The search identified only one power training study, therefore the subsequent analyses focused only on the effects of resistance, coordination, and multimodal training on gait speed. The three types of intervention improved gait speed in the three experimental groups combined (n = 1297) by 0.10 m/s (±0.12) or 8.4 % (±9.7), with a large effect size (ES) of 0.84. Resistance (24 studies; n = 613; 0.11 m/s; 9.3 %; ES: 0.84), coordination (eight studies, n = 198; 0.09 m/s; 7.6 %; ES: 0.76), and multimodal training (19 studies; n = 486; 0.09 m/s; 8.4 %, ES: 0.86) increased gait speed statistically and similarly. CONCLUSIONS: Commonly used exercise interventions can functionally and clinically increase habitual and fast gait speed and help slow the loss of gait speed or delay its onset.


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Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) has been designated as a promising new modality in the treatment of cancer and other diseases since the early 1980s. It has been used with success for the treatment of a variety of tumours, and attempts are being made to extend this treatment modality to other clinical conditions (as example, the inactivation of viruses in blood and blood components). This can be partly attributed to the very attractive basic concept of PDT: the combination of a photosensitizing drug and light, which are relatively harmless by themselves but combined (in the presence of oxygen) ultimately cause more or less selective tumour destruction.


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Cardiac troponins (cTns) are the recommended biochemical markers in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction (MI). They are very sensitive and tissue-specific but are limited by their delayed appearance in the circulation. Biochemical markers with more rapid release kinetics, e.g. myoglobin and especially heart-type fatty acid-binding protein (H-FABP), have been used to enhance the early identification of MI. The implementation of cTns into clinical practice has shown that cardiomyocyte injury occurs in many other clinical conditions than MI. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of modern and highly sensitive cTnI assays on the early diagnosis of MI. In a patient cohort with suspected MI, such a sensitive cTnI assay enhanced the early diagnostic accuracy when compared to a less sensitive cTnI assay and to myoglobin. When compared to H-FABP during the early hours after symptom onset, the sensitive cTnI assay showed at least similar and, after 6 hours, superior diagnostic accuracy. A positive cTnI test result had superior prognostic value when compared to H-FABP, even among early presenters. The prognostic value of cTn in acute heart failure (AHF) was evaluated in 364 patients who participated in the FINN-AKVA study. The patients presented with AHF but no acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Up to half of the patients had elevated cTn levels which were associated with higher 6-month mortality. The magnitude of cTn elevation was directly proportional to mortality. Finally, the clinical spectrum of cTnI elevations was evaluated in 991 cTnI positive emergency department (ED) patients. 83% of the patients had MI and 17% had cTnI elevation due to other clinical conditions. The latter patient group was characterized by lower absolute cTnI levels and – importantly – higher in-hospital mortality when compared to the MI patients. In conclusion, the use of a highly sensitive cTnI assay enhances the early diagnostic accuracy and risk stratification in suspected MI patients. Cardiac troponin elevations are highly prevalent also in other acute clinical conditions and indicate an adverse outcome of these patients.


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Carotid bodies are chemoreceptors sensitive to a fall of partial oxygen pressure in blood (hypoxia). The morphological alterations of these organs in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and in people living at high altitude are well known. However, it is not known whether the histological profile of human carotid bodies is changed in acute clinical conditions such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The objective of the present study was to perform a quantitative analysis of the histology of carotid bodies collected from patients who died of ARDS. A morphometric study of carotid bodies collected during routine autopsies was carried out on three groups: patients that died of non-respiratory diseases (controls, N = 8), patients that presented COPD and died of its complications or associated diseases (N = 7), and patients that died of ARDS (N = 7). Morphometric measurements of the volume fraction of clusters of chief cells were performed in five fields on each slide at 40X magnification. The numerical proportion of the four main histological cell types (light, dark, progenitor and sustentacular cells) was determined analyzing 10 fields on each slide at 400X magnification. The proportion of dark cells was 0.22 in ARDS patients, 0.12 in controls (P<0.001), and 0.08 in the COPD group. The proportion of light cells was 0.33 (ARDS), 0.44 (controls) (P<0.001), and 0.36 (COPD). These findings suggest that chronic and acute hypoxia have different effects on the histology of glomic tissue.


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In view of the importance of anticipating the occurrence of critical situations in medicine, we propose the use of a fuzzy expert system to predict the need for advanced neonatal resuscitation efforts in the delivery room. This system relates the maternal medical, obstetric and neonatal characteristics to the clinical conditions of the newborn, providing a risk measurement of need of advanced neonatal resuscitation measures. It is structured as a fuzzy composition developed on the basis of the subjective perception of danger of nine neonatologists facing 61 antenatal and intrapartum clinical situations which provide a degree of association with the risk of occurrence of perinatal asphyxia. The resulting relational matrix describes the association between clinical factors and risk of perinatal asphyxia. Analyzing the inputs of the presence or absence of all 61 clinical factors, the system returns the rate of risk of perinatal asphyxia as output. A prospectively collected series of 304 cases of perinatal care was analyzed to ascertain system performance. The fuzzy expert system presented a sensitivity of 76.5% and specificity of 94.8% in the identification of the need for advanced neonatal resuscitation measures, considering a cut-off value of 5 on a scale ranging from 0 to 10. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.93. The identification of risk situations plays an important role in the planning of health care. These preliminary results encourage us to develop further studies and to refine this model, which is intended to implement an auxiliary system able to help health care staff to make decisions in perinatal care.


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Disturbed sleep is common in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Conventional hypnotics worsen nocturnal hypoxemia and, in severe cases, can lead to respiratory failure. Exogenous melatonin has somnogenic properties in normal subjects and can improve sleep in several clinical conditions. This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was carried out to determine the effects of melatonin on sleep in COPD. Thirty consecutive patients with moderate to very severe COPD were initially recruited for the study. None of the participants had a history of disease exacerbation 4 weeks prior to the study, obstructive sleep apnea, mental disorders, current use of oral steroids, methylxanthines or hypnotic-sedative medication, nocturnal oxygen therapy, and shift work. Patients received 3 mg melatonin (N = 12) or placebo (N = 13), orally in a single dose, 1 h before bedtime for 21 consecutive days. Sleep quality was assessed by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and daytime sleepiness was measured by the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Pulmonary function and functional exercise level were assessed by spirometry and the 6-min walk test, respectively. Twenty-five patients completed the study protocol and were included in the final analysis. Melatonin treatment significantly improved global PSQI scores (P = 0.012), particularly sleep latency (P = 0.008) and sleep duration (P = 0.046). No differences in daytime sleepiness, lung function and functional exercise level were observed. We conclude that melatonin can improve sleep in COPD. Further long-term studies involving larger number of patients are needed before melatonin can be safely recommended for the management of sleep disturbances in these patients.


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Primary cilia are microtubule-rich hair-like extensions protruding from the surface of most post-mitotic cells. They act as sensory organelles that help interpret various environmental cues. Mutations in genes encoding proteins involved in ciliogenesis or protein transport to the primary cilia lead to a wide variety of diseases commonly referred to as ciliopathies,which include primary ciliary dyskinesia, situs invertus, hydrocephalus, kidney diseases, respiratory diseases, and retinal degenerations. In the retina, the photoreceptor cells have a highly specialized primary cilium called the outer segment (OS), which is essential for photosensation. Development of the photoreceptor OS shares key regulatory mechanisms with ciliogenesis in other cell types. Accumulating evidence indicates that mutations that affect OS development and/or protein transport to the OS generally lead to photoreceptor degeneration, which can be accompanied by a range of other clinical manifestations due to the dysfunction of primary cilia in different cell types. Here, we review the general mechanisms regulating ciliogenesis, and present different examples of mutations affecting OS ciliogenesis and protein transport that lead to photoreceptor degeneration. Overall, we conclude that the genetic and molecular evidence accumulated in recent years suggest a clear link between the development and function of the primary cilium and various clinical conditions. Future studies aimed at uncovering the cellular and molecular mechanisms implicated in ciliogenesis in a wide variety of animal models should greatly increase our understanding of the pathophysiology of many human diseases, including retinal degenerations.


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La transplantation pulmonaire pour les patients avec une maladie pulmonaire en phase terminale est leur seul espoir de survie. Malheureusement, certains greffés du poumon rencontrent des difficultés après la transplantation du poumon, dont l'un est le rejet chronique du greffon pulmonaire également connu histologiquement comme la bronchiolite oblitérante et cliniquement comme syndrome de bronchiolite oblitérante. L'étiologie exacte de la BO reste mal comprise. Certaines hypothèses suggèrent l'implication des cellules épithéliales dans le processus de remodelage des voies respiratoires, conduisant à l'obstruction des voies aériennes. Un des mécanismes proposés est un processus de transition, connue sous le nom de transition épithéliale-mésenchymateuse (TEM). Lors de ce processus, les cellules perdent leurs propriétés épithéliales, acquièrent un phénotype mésenchymateux et deviennent plus mobiles et envahissantes. Cette transformation leur permet de participer activement au processus de remodelage bronchique dans la bronchiolite oblitérante. L’induction de la TEM peut être due à certains facteurs tels que l'inflammation et l'apoptose. Le principal objectif de ce travail de maîtrise est de détecter in vivo la présence de la TEM dans des biopsies transbronchiques obtenues chez des greffés et de l’associer à leurs conditions cliniques. Le deuxième objectif est d'induire la TEM in vitro dans les cellules épithéliales des petites voies aériennes à l'aide de milieux conditionnés apoptotiques et non apoptotiques produits par les cellules endothéliales microvasculaires humaines du poumon. D’autre part, nous avons évalué si des médiateurs connus pour participer au processus de TEM tels que le facteur de croissance du tissu conjonctif (CTGF)et le facteur de croissance transformant bêta (TGF-beta) ainsi que le perlecan sont présents dans les milieux conditionnés utilisés.


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Encephalopathy, brain edema and intracranial hypertension are neurological complications responsible for substantial morbidity/mortality in patients with acute liver failure (ALF), where, aside from liver transplantation, there is currently a paucity of effective therapies. Mirroring its cerebro-protective effects in other clinical conditions, the induction of mild hypothermia may provide a potential therapeutic approach to the management of ALF. A solid mechanistic rationale for the use of mild hypothermia is provided by clinical and experimental studies showing its beneficial effects in relation to many of the key factors that determine the development of brain edema and intracranial hypertension in ALF, namely the delivery of ammonia to the brain, the disturbances of brain organic osmolytes and brain extracellular amino acids, cerebro-vascular haemodynamics, brain glucose metabolism, inflammation, subclinical seizure activity and alterations of gene expression. Initial uncontrolled clinical studies of mild hypothermia in patients with ALF suggest that it is an effective, feasible and safe approach. Randomized controlled clinical trials are now needed to adequately assess its efficacy, safety, clinical impact on global outcomes and to provide the guidelines for its use in ALF.


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Los desórdenes musculo esqueléticos (DME) son entidades comunes y potencialmente discapacitantes, pero aun así prevenibles que comprenden un amplio número de entidades clínicas específicas (1); se pueden presentar durante la jornada laboral y en muchas ocasiones no son detectados en los exámenes ocupacionales. Se calculó la prevalencia de síntomas osteomusculares de miembro superior en una fábrica de calzado.


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Probiotics—live microorganisms that when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host—have been studied for both human and animal applications, and worldwide research on this topic has accelerated in recent years. This paper reviews the literature on probiotics, describes how probiotics work in human ecosystems, and outlines the impact of probiotics on human health and disease. The paper also addresses safety issues of probiotic use, suggests future developments in the field of probiotics, and provides research and policy recommendations. Product considerations and potential future developments regarding probiotics also are discussed. The authors conclude that controlled human studies have revealed a diverse range of health benefits from consumption of probiotics, due largely to their impact on immune function or on microbes colonizing the body. Additional, well-designed and properly controlled human and mechanistic studies with probiotics will advance the essential understanding of active principles, mechanisms of action, and degree of effects that can be realized by specific consumer groups. Recommendations include establishment of a standard of identity for the term “probiotic,” adoption of third-party verification of label claims, use of probiotics selectively in clinical conditions, and use of science-based assessment of the benefits and risks of genetically engineered probiotic microbes.


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The experience of pain occurs when the level of a stimulus is sufficient to elicit a marked affective response, putatively to warn the organism of potential danger and motivate appropriate behavioral responses. Understanding the biological mechanisms of the transition from innocuous to painful levels of sensation is essential to understanding pain perception as well as clinical conditions characterized by abnormal relationships between stimulation and pain response. Thus, the primary objective of this study was to characterize the neural response associated with this transition and the correspondence between that response and subjective reports of pain. Towards this goal, this study examined BOLD response profiles across a range of temperatures spanning the pain threshold. 14 healthy adults underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while a range of thermal stimuli (44-49oC) were applied. BOLD responses showed a sigmoidal profile along the range of temperatures in a network of brain regions including insula and mid- cingulate, as well as a number of regions associated with motor responses including ventral lateral nuclei of the thalamus, globus pallidus and premotor cortex. A sigmoid function fit to the BOLD responses in these regions explained up to 85% of the variance in individual pain ratings, and yielded an estimate of the temperature of steepest transition from non-painful to painful heat that was nearly identical to that generated by subjective ratings. These results demonstrate a precise characterization of the relationship between objective levels of stimulation, resulting neural activation, and subjective experience of pain and provide direct evidence for a neural mechanism supporting the nonlinear transition from innocuous to painful levels along the sensory continuum.


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Oligosaccharides are attracting increasing interest as prebiotic functional food ingredients. They can be extracted or obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis from a variety of biomass sources or synthesized from simple oligosaccharides by enzymatic transfer reactions. The major prebiotic oligosaccharides on the market are inulin, fructo-oligosaccharides, and galacto-oligosaccharides. They have been evaluated using a range of in vitro and in vivo methods, although there is a need for more large-scale human trials using modern microbiological methods. Prebiotics are being studied for their effects on gut health and well being and specific clinical conditions, including colon cancer, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), acute infections, and mineral absorption. Developing understanding of the functional ecology of the human gut is influencing current thinking on what a prebiotic might achieve and is providing new targets for prebiotic intervention.