999 resultados para CHROMIUM COMPOUNDS


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The charge at which adsorption of orgamc compounds attains a maximum ( \sigma MAX M) at an electrochenucal interface is analysed using several multi-state models in a hierarchical manner The analysis is based on statistical mechamcal results for the following models (A) two-state site parity, (B) two-state muhl-slte, and (C) three-state site parity The coulombic interactions due to permanent and reduced dipole effects (using mean field approximation), electrostatic field effects and specific substrate interactions have been taken into account. The simplest model in the hierarchy (two-state site parity) yields the exphcit dependence of ( \sigma MAX M) on the permanent dipole moment, polarizability of the solvent and the adsorbate, lattice spacing, effective coordination number, etc Other models in the baerarchy bring to hght the influence of the solvent structure and the role of substrate interactions, etc As a result of this approach, the "composition" of oM.x m terms of the fundamental molecular constants becomes clear. With a view to use these molecular results to maxamum advantage, the derived results for ( \sigma MAX M) have been converted into those involving experimentally observable parameters lake Co, C 1, E N, etc Wherever possible, some of the earlier phenomenologlcal relations reported for ( \sigma MAX M), notably by Parsons, Damaskm and Frumkln, and Trasattl, are shown to have a certain molecular basis, vlz a simple two-state sate panty model.As a corollary to the hxerarcbacal modelling, \sigma MAX M and the potential corresponding to at (Emax) are shown to be constants independent of 0max or Corg for all models The lmphcatlon of our analysis f o r OmMa x with respect to that predicted by the generalized surface layer equation (which postulates Om~ and Ema x varlaUon with 0) is discussed in detail Finally we discuss an passing o M. and the electrosorptlon valency an this context.


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The relations for the inner layer potential &fference (E) in the presence of adsorbed orgamc molecules are derived for three hterarchlcal models, m terms of molecular constants like permanent &pole moments, polarlzablhtles, etc It is shown how the experimentally observed patterns of the E vs 0 plots (hnear m all ranges of $\sigma^M$, non-linear in one or both regions of o M, etc ) can be understood in a serm-quantltatlve manner from the simplest model in our hierarchy, viz the two-state site panty version Two-state multi-site and three-state (sxte panty) models are also analysed and the slope (3E/80),,M tabulated for these also The results for the Esm-Markov effect are denved for all the models and compared with the earlier result of Parsons. A comparison with the GSL phenomenologlcal equation is presented and its molecular basis, as well as the hmltatlons, is analysed. In partxcular, two-state multa-slte and three-state (site panty) models yield E-o M relations that are more general than the "umfied" GSL equation The posslblhty of vaewlng the compact layer as a "composite medium" with an "effective dlelectnc constant" and obtaimng novel phenomenological descnptions IS also indicated.


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Binuclear complexes of rhodium(I) of the type [(dien)(X)Rh(μ-N-N)Rh(X)(dien)] (dien = 1,5-cyclooctadiene or norbornadiene; N-N = pyrazine, 4,4′-bipyridine or Phenazine and X = Cl or Br) with bridging heterocycles have been isolated and their reactions with carbon monoxide, 2,2′-bipyridine and 1,10-phenanthroline investigated. The crystal structure of [(COD)(Cl)Rh(μ-pyrazine)Rh(Cl)(COD)] has been determined.


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The estimation of feed efficiency in beef cattle should be undertaken in the environment where the genetic potential of the animal is to be expressed. Consequently if cattle are to be pasture fed, there is a requirement for accurate feed intake measurements on individual animals in the field. This in turn requires the use of accurate faecal marker delivery systems.


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Preferential yield of ring expansion and rearrangement products through α-cleavage of tetramethyl-3-thio-1,3-cyclobutanedione (1) and 3-mercapto-2,2,4-trimethyl-3-pentenoic acid β-(thio lactone) (2) involving diradical and carbene has been observed upon photolysis of 1 and 2.


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Headspace analysis and solvent extraction of the pollenbearing flower spike of Spathiphyllum cannaefolium have been conducted by GC-MS, to determine the basis of the flower spike’s attractancy to certain fruit-fly species. The major components were benzyl acetate, methyleugenol, methylchavicol, p-methoxybenzyl acetate and fatty acids. Benzyl acetate is known to be attractive to D. cueurbitae, D. dorsalis and C. capitata (representing the three different ‘male-lure categories’) and methyleugenol (one of these male-lures) attracts D. cacuminatus, D. dorsalis and D. occipitalis. Thus the odoriferous flowerspike exhibits wide ranging attractancy and hence Spathiphyllum cannaefolium may have some application as a fruit-fly control measure for small orchards where ‘methyleugenol-attracted’ species (e.g. D. cacuminatus, D. dorsalis, D. occipitalis) are the dominant pests.


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An investigation of the phase transitions at high pressures in the alums mentioned in the title has been carried out using EPR of the Cr3+ ion (at the trivalent metal ion site). It is observed that at ambient as well as at high pressures there is a change of slope in the linear variations of the zero field splitting with temperature and that the low temperature phase is characterised by a large number of lines in the EPR spectra. The transition temperature shows a large positive shift with pressure, for both the alums. All these facts are explained in terms of our model of the origin of the trigonal field at the trivalent metal ion site as well as the details of the motion of NH4+ ion.


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Enthalpy changes of the crystal-plastic and plastic-liquid transitions are related to the temperature range of stability of the plastic phase. Thermodynamics of the plastic state of binary mixtures have been examined. Infrared correlation times, τc, and activation energies have been measured for a few molecules in the plastic state. Molecular tumbling times, τt, have also been measured employing ESR spectra of a spin-probe. Plots of log τc(τt) 1/T are continuous through the plastic-liquid transition. Activation energies for molecular motion seem to vary in the same direction as the ΔH of the plastic-crystal transition. Infrared correlation times of solute molecules in binary solutions in the plastic and the liquid states show interesting variations with solute concentration.


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Volatile chemical compounds responsible for the aroma of wine are derived from a number of different biochemical and chemical pathways. These chemical compounds are formed during grape berry metabolism, crushing of the berries, fermentation processes (i.e. yeast and malolactic bacteria) and also from the ageing and storage of wine. Not surprisingly, there are a large number of chemical classes of compounds found in wine which are present at varying concentrations (ng L-1 to mg L-1), exhibit differing potencies, and have a broad range of volatilities and boiling points. The aim of this work was to investigate the potential use of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy combined with chemometrics as a rapid and low-cost technique to measure volatile compounds in Riesling wines. Samples of commercial Riesling wine were analyzed using an NIR instrument and volatile compounds by gas chromatography (GC) coupled with selected ion monitoring mass spectrometry. Correlation between the NIR and GC data were developed using partial least-squares (PLS) regression with full cross validation (leave one out). Coefficients of determination in cross validation (R 2) and the standard error in cross validation (SECV) were 0.74 (SECV: 313.6 μg L−1) for esters, 0.90 (SECV: 20.9 μg L−1) for monoterpenes and 0.80 (SECV: 1658 ?g L-1) for short-chain fatty acids. This study has shown that volatile chemical compounds present in wine can be measured by NIR spectroscopy. Further development with larger data sets will be required to test the predictive ability of the NIR calibration models developed.


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Two new three-dimensional metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) [Mn-2(mu(3)-OH)(H2O)(2)(BTC)]-2 H2O, I, and [NaMn(BTC)], II (BTC=1,2,4-benzenetricarboxylate = trimellitate) were synthesized and their structures determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD). In I, the Mn-4 cluster, [Mn-4(mu(5)-OH)(2)(H2O)(4)O-12], is connected with eight trimellitate anions and each trimellitate anion connects to four different Mn-4 clusters, resulting in a fluorite-like structure. In II, the Mn2O8 dimer is connected with two Na+ ions through carboxylate oxygen to form mixed-metal distorted Kagome-related two-dimensional -M-O-M- layers, which are pillared by the trimellitate anions forming the three-dimensional structure. The extra-framework water molecules in I are reversibly adsorbed and are also corroborated by powder XRD studies. The formation of octameric water clusters involving free and coordinated water molecules appears to be new. Interesting magnetic behavior has been observed for both compounds. Electron spin resonance (ESR) studies indicate a broadening of the signal below the ordering temperature and appear to support the findings of the magnetic studies.


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An attempt has been made at synthesis and in resolving some of the uncertainties related to the assignments of charge-transfer satellites in the X-ray photoelectron spectra of transition-metal and rare-earth compounds. New satellites are reported in the ligand core-hole spectra as well as in the metal core-level spectra of oxides of second- and third-row transition metals including rare earths. Satellites in the ligand levels and the metal levels tend to be mutually exclusive, a behaviour that can be understood on the basis of metal-ligand overlap. Systematics in the intensities and energy separations of satellites in the first-row transition-metal compounds have been examined in order to gain an insight into the nature of these satellites. A simple model involving the sudden approximation has been employed to explain the observed systematics in intensities of satellites appearing next to metal and ligand core levels on the basis of metal-ligand overlap.


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A convenient method for the conversion of electron rich benzylic hydrocarbons to carbonyl compounds is reported.


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Metal Auger intensity ratios of the type Z(CVV)/I(CC'V) and Z(CVV)/Z(CC'C"), where C, C' and C" denote core levels and V stands for a valence level, are shown to increase progressively with the number of valence electrons in the metal in the case of second-row transition metals and their oxides. Metal Auger intensity ratios in chalcogenides of transition metals can be correlated by taking the effective atomic charge on the metal into consideration. The possible use of metal Auger intensity ratios in the study of surface oxidation of second-row transition metals is illustrated in the case of zirconium.


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A series of metabolism experiments investigated the recovery of continuous-, intravenously infused chromium complexed with ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid (CrEDTA) and lithium sulphate in the urine of cattle with a view to using the markers to estimate urine and metabolite output in grazing cattle. The recovery of Cr in urine from these infusions was similar (90%) in metabolism trials when cattle consumed three very contrasting diets: high-grain formulated pellet, lucerne hay (Medicago sativa) or low-quality native grass hay (predominantly Heteropogon contortus). By contrast, Li recovery in urine averaged 46.3 +/- 0.40% and 72.6 +/- 0.43% for native pasture and lucerne hays, respectively, but was not constant across days. There was negligible transfer of Cr from CrEDTA in blood serum to the rumen or faeces, whereas appreciable quantities of infused Li were found in both. The ratio of urine volume estimated by spot samples and marker dilution of Cr, to urine volume measured gravimetrically, was 1.05. In grazing studies using rumen-fistulated (RF) steers grazing seven different tropical and temperate grass and legume pastures, the ratio of concentrations of purine derivatives (PD) to Cr in spot samples of urine was shown to vary diurnally in the range of 49% to 157% of the average 24 h value. This finding indicated the need for regular sampling of urine to achieve an accurate average value for the PD: Cr ratio in urine for use in estimating urinary PD excretion and hence microbial protein production in the rumen. It was concluded that continuous, intravenous infusion of CrEDTA resulted in a constant recovery of Cr in the urine of cattle across diets and, provided an intensive sampling regime was followed to account for diurnal variation, it would be suitable as a marker to estimate urine volume and urinary output of PD in grazing cattle.


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The chemical shifts in the X-ray K-absorption edge of strontium in various compounds and in six minerals are measured using a single crystal X-ray spectrometer. Besides valence, the shifts are found to be governed by ionic charges on the absorbing ions, which are calculated employing Pauling's method. For the minerals the plot of chemical shift against the theoretically calculated ionic charges is used to determine the charges on the strontium ions.