962 resultados para CHEMICAL SENSORS


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O presente trabalho está fundamentado no desenvolvimento de uma metodologia e/ou uma tecnologia de obtenção e caracterização de filtros ópticos de interferência de banda passante variável [C.M. da Silva, 2010] e de banda de corte variáveis, constituídos por refletores dielétricos multicamadas de filmes finos intercalados por cavidades de Fabry-Perot não planares com espessuras linearmente variáveis, que apresentam a propriedade do deslocamento linear da transmitância máxima espectral em função da posição, isto é, um Filtro de Interferência Variável (FIV). Este método apresenta novas e abrangentes possibilidades de confecção de filtros ópticos de interferência variável: lineares ou em outras formas desejadas, de comprimento de onda de corte variável (passa baixa ou alta) e filtros de densidade neutra variável, através da deposição de metais, além de aplicações em uma promissora e nova área de pesquisa na deposição de filmes finos não uniformes. A etapa inicial deste desenvolvimento foi o estudo da teoria dos filtros ópticos dielétricos de interferência para projetar e construir um filtro óptico banda passante convencional de um comprimento de onda central com camadas homogêneas. A etapa seguinte, com base na teoria óptica dos filmes finos já estabelecida, foi desenvolver a extensão destes conhecimentos para determinar que a variação da espessura em um perfil inclinado e linear da cavidade entre os refletores de Bragg é o principal parâmetro para produzir o deslocamento espacial da transmitância espectral, possibilitando o uso de técnicas especiais para se obter uma variação em faixas de bandas de grande amplitude, em um único filtro. Um trabalho de modelagem analítica e análise de tolerância de espessuras dos filmes depositados foram necessários para a seleção da estratégia do \"mascaramento\" seletivo do material evaporado formado na câmara e-Beam (elétron-Beam) com o objetivo da obtenção do filtro espectral linear variável de características desejadas. Para tanto, de acordo com os requisitos de projeto, foram necessárias adaptações em uma evaporadora por e-Beam para receber um obliterador mecânico especialmente projetado para compatibilizar os parâmetros das técnicas convencionais de deposição com o objetivo de se obter um perfil inclinado, perfil este previsto em processos de simulação para ajustar e calibrar a geometria do obliterador e se obter um filme depositado na espessura, conformação e disposição pretendidos. Ao final destas etapas de modelagem analítica, simulação e refinamento recorrente, foram determinados os parâmetros de projeto para obtenção de um determinado FIV (Filtro de Interferência Variável) especificado. Baseadas nos FIVs muitas aplicações são emergentes: dispositivos multi, hiper e ultra espectral para sensoriamento remoto e análise ambiental, sistemas Lab-on-Chip, biossensores, detectores chip-sized, espectrofotometria de fluorescência on-chip, detectores de deslocamento de comprimento de onda, sistemas de interrogação, sistemas de imageamento espectral, microespectrofotômetros e etc. No escopo deste trabalho se pretende abranger um estudo de uma referência básica do emprego do (FIV) filtro de interferência variável como detector de varredura de comprimento de ondas em sensores biológicos e químicos compatível com pós processamento CMOS. Um sistema básico que é constituído por um FIV montado sobre uma matriz de sensores ópticos conectada a um módulo eletrônico dedicado a medir a intensidade da radiação incidente e as bandas de absorção das moléculas presentes em uma câmara de detecção de um sistema próprio de canais de microfluidos, configurando-se em um sistema de aquisição e armazenamento de dados (DAS), é proposto para demonstrar as possibilidades do FIV e para servir de base para estudos exploratórios das suas diversas potencialidades que, entre tantas, algumas são mencionadas ao longo deste trabalho. O protótipo obtido é capaz de analisar fluidos químicos ou biológicos e pode ser confrontado com os resultados obtidos por equipamentos homologados de uso corrente.


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We report here the fabrication, charaterisation and refractive index sensing of two microchanneled chirped fiber Bragg gratings (MCFBGs) with different channel sizes (~550µm and ~1000µm). The chirped grating structures were UV-inscribed in optical fibre and the microchannels were created in the middle of the CFBGs by femtosecond (fs) laser assisted chemical etching method. The creation of microchannels in the CFBG structures gives an access to the external index liquid, thus inducing refractive index (RI) sensitivity to the structure. In comparison with previously reported FBG based RI sensors, for which the cladding layers usually were removed, the MCFBGs represent a more ideal solution for robust devices as the microchannel will not degrade the structure strength. The two MCFBGs were spectrally charaterised for their RI and temperature responses and both gratings exhibited unique thermal and RI sensitivities, which may be utilised for implementation of bio-chemical sensors with capability to eliminate temperature crosssensitivity.


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We report here the fabrication, charaterisation and refractive index sensing of two microchanneled chirped fiber Bragg gratings (MCFBGs) with different channel sizes (~550µm and ~1000µm). The chirped grating structures were UV-inscribed in optical fibre and the microchannels were created in the middle of the CFBGs by femtosecond (fs) laser assisted chemical etching method. The creation of microchannels in the CFBG structures gives an access to the external index liquid, thus inducing refractive index (RI) sensitivity to the structure. In comparison with previously reported FBG based RI sensors, for which the cladding layers usually were removed, the MCFBGs represent a more ideal solution for robust devices as the microchannel will not degrade the structure strength. The two MCFBGs were spectrally charaterised for their RI and temperature responses and both gratings exhibited unique thermal and RI sensitivities, which may be utilised for implementation of bio-chemical sensors with capability to eliminate temperature crosssensitivity.


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Zinc oxide and graphene nanostructures are important technological materials because of their unique properties and potential applications in future generation of electronic and sensing devices. This dissertation investigates a brief account of the strategies to grow zinc oxide nanostructures (thin film and nanowire) and graphene, and their applications as enhanced field effect transistors, chemical sensors and transparent flexible electrodes. Nanostructured zinc oxide (ZnO) and low-gallium doped zinc oxide (GZO) thin films were synthesized by a magnetron sputtering process. Zinc oxide nanowires (ZNWs) were grown by a chemical vapor deposition method. Field effect transistors (FETs) of ZnO and GZO thin films and ZNWs were fabricated by standard photo and electron beam lithography processes. Electrical characteristics of these devices were investigated by nondestructive surface cleaning, ultraviolet irradiation treatment at high temperature and under vacuum. GZO thin film transistors showed a mobility of ∼5.7 cm2/V·s at low operation voltage of <5 V and a low turn-on voltage of ∼0.5 V with a sub threshold swing of ∼85 mV/decade. Bottom gated FET fabricated from ZNWs exhibit a very high on-to-off ratio (∼106) and mobility (∼28 cm2/V·s). A bottom gated FET showed large hysteresis of ∼5.0 to 8.0 V which was significantly reduced to ∼1.0 V by the surface treatment process. The results demonstrate charge transport in ZnO nanostructures strongly depends on its surface environmental conditions and can be explained by formation of depletion layer at the surface by various surface states. A nitric oxide (NO) gas sensor using single ZNW, functionalized with Cr nanoparticles was developed. The sensor exhibited average sensitivity of ∼46% and a minimum detection limit of ∼1.5 ppm for NO gas. The sensor also is selective towards NO gas as demonstrated by a cross sensitivity test with N2, CO and CO2 gases. Graphene film on copper foil was synthesized by chemical vapor deposition method. A hot press lamination process was developed for transferring graphene film to flexible polymer substrate. The graphene/polymer film exhibited a high quality, flexible transparent conductive structure with unique electrical-mechanical properties; ∼88.80% light transmittance and ∼1.1742Ω/sq k sheet resistance. The application of a graphene/polymer film as a flexible and transparent electrode for field emission displays was demonstrated.


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Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have become one of the most interesting allotropes of carbon due to their intriguing mechanical, electrical, thermal and optical properties. The synthesis and electron emission properties of CNT arrays have been investigated in this work. Vertically aligned CNTs of different densities were synthesized on copper substrate with catalyst dots patterned by nanosphere lithography. The CNTs synthesized with catalyst dots patterned by spheres of 500 nm diameter exhibited the best electron emission properties with the lowest turn-on/threshold electric fields and the highest field enhancement factor. Furthermore, CNTs were treated with NH3 plasma for various durations and the optimum enhancement was obtained for a plasma treatment of 1.0 min. CNT point emitters were also synthesized on a flat-tip or a sharp-tip to understand the effect of emitter geometry on the electron emission. The experimental results show that electron emission can be enhanced by decreasing the screening effect of the electric field by neighboring CNTs. In another part of the dissertation, vertically aligned CNTs were synthesized on stainless steel (SS) substrates with and without chemical etching or catalyst deposition. The density and length of CNTs were determined by synthesis time. For a prolonged growth time, the catalyst activity terminated and the plasma started etching CNTs destructively. CNTs with uniform diameter and length were synthesized on SS substrates subjected to chemical etching for a period of 40 minutes before the growth. The direct contact of CNTs with stainless steel allowed for the better field emission performance of CNTs synthesized on pristine SS as compared to the CNTs synthesized on Ni/Cr coated SS. Finally, fabrication of large arrays of free-standing vertically aligned CNT/SnO2 core-shell structures was explored by using a simple wet-chemical route. The structure of the SnO2 nanoparticles was studied by X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy. Transmission electron microscopy reveals that a uniform layer of SnO2 is conformally coated on every tapered CNT. The strong adhesion of CNTs with SS guaranteed the formation of the core-shell structures of CNTs with SnO2 or other metal oxides, which are expected to have applications in chemical sensors and lithium ion batteries.


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Aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) synthesized by the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method have exceptional potential for next-generation nanoelectronics. However, there are considerable challenges in the preparation of semiconducting (s-) SWNTs with controlled properties (e.g., density, selectivity, and diameter) for their application in solving real-world problems. This dissertation describes research that aims to overcome the limitations by novel synthesis strategies and post-growth treatment. The application of as-prepared SWNTs as functional devices is also demonstrated. The dissertation includes the following parts: 1) decoupling the conflict between density and selectivity of s-SWNTs in CVD growth; 2) investigating the importance of diameter control for the selective synthesis of s-SWNTs; 3) synthesizing highly conductive SWNT thin film by thiophene-assisted CVD method; 4) eliminating metallic pathways in SWNT crossbars by gate-free electrical breakdown method; 5) enhancing the density of SWNT arrays by strain-release method; 6) studying the sensing mechanism of SWNT crossbar chemical sensors.


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The Chemically Modified Electrodes (CME) are widely used in electroanalytical chemistry as chemical sensors. The interest in the covalent anchoring of a redox mediator on the electrode surface is increasing, because it allows the sensibility and the selectivity of this kind of systems to improve. My work is situated in this field of research and involves the synthesis of new Iron(0) complexes that contain cyclopentadienone, N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) and carbonyl ancillary ligands. These complexes have shown electrochemical properties similar to those of ferrocene (organometallic compound widely used as electrochemical sensor). These complexes have been properly functionalized with a EDOT group in the NHC ligand side chain that it was after used for the realization of Electrochemically Modified PEDOT thanks to copolymerization reaction between the functionalized complex and the EDOT in different amounts. All the synthetic steps were assisted by suitable characterizations (NMR, IR, ESI-MS, cyclic voltammetry and X-ray for the monomeric compound as imidazolium salt and NHC functionalized complexes; cyclic voltammetry, IR e SEM for the copolymers). The properties of the polymer as a selective sensor was preliminarily investigated for dopamine and 2-propanol.


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O objectivo deste trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de sensores químicos para aniões em solução aquosa. Os sensores basearam-se em cristais piezoelétricos de quartzo revestidos com macrociclos pirrólicos. Sensores com porfirinas, hexafirinas, ftalocianinas e uma rede metalo-orgânica como filmes de reconhecimento foram avaliados no que respeita à reversibilidade, sensibilidade, seletividade e tempo de vida. A sensibilidade aos aniões presentes nas águas minerais destinadas ao consumo humano dos sensores com macrociclos pirrólicos dependia dos grupos substituintes na periferia do macrociclo. A presença de grupos substituintes NH potenciou a sensibilidade, sendo o valor mais elevado obtido com o grupo NH-tosilo. Técnicas espectroscópicas permitiram mostrar que a principal interação entre o anião e o composto se fazia por meio de pontes de hidrogénio entre o anião e o grupo NH. A sensibilidade destes compostos dependia ainda da quantidade do composto depositado sobre o cristal. Nenhum dos sensores era específico, mas apresentavam variações na seletividade com o composto pirrólico sobre o cristal. O sensor com uma membrana polimérica que incorporou uma rede metalo-orgânica construída com moléculas de uma ftalocianina de magnésio com grupos NH-tosilo ligados por iões cobre apresentou coeficientes de seletividade muito diferentes de todos os restantes sensores. Uma língua eletrónica construída com três dos novos sensores foi capaz de determinar simultaneamente as concentrações dos iões HCO3-, Cl- e SO42- em amostras de água mineral engarrafada, não tendo os valores obtidos sido estatisticamente diferentes (α=0,05) daqueles que foram obtidos por cromatografia iónica ou volumetria.


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Nickel-based catalysts supported on alumina have been widely used in various reactions to obtain synthesis gas or hydrogen. Usually, higher conversion levels are obtained by these catalysts, however, the deactivation by coke formation and sintering of metal particles are still problems to be solved. Several approaches have been employed in order to minimize these problems, among which stands out in recent years the use of additives such as oxides of alkali metals and rare earths. Similarly, the use of methodologies for the synthesis faster, easier, applicable on an industrial scale and to allow control of the microstructural characteristics of these catalysts, can together provide the solution to this problem. In this work, oxides with spinel type structure AB2O4, where A represents divalent cation and B represents trivalent cations are an important class of ceramic materials investigated worldwide in different fields of applications. The nickel cobaltite (NiCo2O4) was oxides of spinel type which has attracted considerable interest due to its applicability in several areas, such as chemical sensors, flat panel displays, optical limiters, electrode materials, pigments, electrocatalysis, electronic ceramics, among others. The catalyst precursor NiCo2O4 was prepared by a new chemical synthesis route using gelatine as directing agent. The polymer resin obtained was calcined at 350°C. The samples were calcined at different temperatures (550, 750 and 950°C) and characterized by X ray diffraction, measurements of specific surface area, temperature programmed reduction and scanning electron microscopy. The materials heat treated at 550 and 750°C were tested in the partial oxidation of methane. The set of techniques revealed, for solid preparations, the presence of the phase of spinel-type structure with the NiCo2O4 NixCo1-xO solid solution. This solid solution was identified by Rietveld refinement at all temperatures of heat treatment. The catalyst precursors calcined at 550 and 750°C showed conversion levels around 25 and 75%, respectively. The reason H2/CO was around 2 to the precursor treated at 750°C, proposed reason for the reaction of partial oxidation of methane, one can conclude that this material can be shown to produce synthesis gas suitable for use in the synthesis Fischer-Tropsch process


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Surface coating with an organic self-assembled monolayer (SAM) can enhance surface reactions or the absorption of specific gases and hence improve the response of a metal oxide (MOx) sensor toward particular target gases in the environment. In this study the effect of an adsorbed organic layer on the dynamic response of zinc oxide nanowire gas sensors was investigated. The effect of ZnO surface functionalisation by two different organic molecules, tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (THMA) and dodecanethiol (DT), was studied. The response towards ammonia, nitrous oxide and nitrogen dioxide was investigated for three sensor configurations, namely pure ZnO nanowires, organic-coated ZnO nanowires and ZnO nanowires covered with a sparse layer of organic-coated ZnO nanoparticles. Exposure of the nanowire sensors to the oxidising gas NO2 produced a significant and reproducible response. ZnO and THMA-coated ZnO nanowire sensors both readily detected NO2 down to a concentration in the very low ppm range. Notably, the THMA-coated nanowires consistently displayed a small, enhanced response to NO2 compared to uncoated ZnO nanowire sensors. At the lower concentration levels tested, ZnO nanowire sensors that were coated with THMA-capped ZnO nanoparticles were found to exhibit the greatest enhanced response. ΔR/R was two times greater than that for the as-prepared ZnO nanowire sensors. It is proposed that the ΔR/R enhancement in this case originates from the changes induced in the depletion-layer width of the ZnO nanoparticles that bridge ZnO nanowires resulting from THMA ligand binding to the surface of the particle coating. The heightened response and selectivity to the NO2 target are positive results arising from the coating of these ZnO nanowire sensors with organic-SAM-functionalised ZnO nanoparticles.


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Over the past decade, electrical detection of chemical and biological species using novel nanostructure-based devices has attracted significant attention for chemical, genomics, biomedical diagnostics, and drug discovery applications. The use of nanostructured devices in chemical/biological sensors in place of conventional sensing technologies has advantages of high sensitivity, low decreased energy consumption and potentially highly miniaturized integration. Owing to their particular structure, excellent electrical properties and high chemical stability, carbon nanotube and graphene based electrical devices have been widely developed for high performance label-free chemical/biological sensors. Here, we review the latest developments of carbon nanostructure-based transistor sensors in ultrasensitive detection of chemical/biological entities, such as poisonous gases, nucleic acids, proteins and cells.